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c - Variable in class squidpony.squidmath.DelaunayTriangulator.Triangle
c - Variable in class squidpony.squidmath.SquidID
c - Variable in class squidpony.squidmath.Voronoi.Triangle
c_constraint - Variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.styled.Tile
ca - Variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.FlowingCaveGenerator
cacheA - Variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.WorldMapGenerator
cacheB - Variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.WorldMapGenerator
cacheLevel - Variable in class squidpony.NaturalLanguageCipher
The degree of vocabulary to cache to speed up future searches at the expense of memory usage.
cacheSize() - Method in class squidpony.IColorCenter.Skeleton
The actual cache is not public, but there are cases where you may want to know how many different colors are actually used in a frame or a section of the game.
caim - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.CrossHash.Curlup
caim - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.CrossHash.Yolk
caim_ - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.CrossHash.Curlup
caim_ - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.CrossHash.Yolk
calculate() - Method in class squidpony.squidai.GreasedZOI
Finds the zones of influence for each of the influences (inner arrays of Coord) this was constructed with, and returns all zones as a GreasedRegion array.
calculate() - Method in class squidpony.squidai.ZOI
Finds the zones of influence for each of the influences (inner arrays of Coord) this was constructed with, and returns them as packed data (using CoordPacker, which can also be used to unpack the data, merge zones, get shared borders, and all sorts of other tricks).
calculateFOV(double[][], double[][], int, int) - Static method in class squidpony.squidgrid.FOV
Calculates the Field Of View for the provided map from the given x, y coordinates.
calculateFOV(double[][], int, int) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.FOV
Calculates the Field Of View for the provided map from the given x, y coordinates.
calculateFOV(double[][], int, int, double) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.FOV
Calculates the Field Of View for the provided map from the given x, y coordinates.
calculateFOV(double[][], int, int, double, Radius) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.FOV
Calculates the Field Of View for the provided map from the given x, y coordinates.
calculateFOV(double[][], int, int, double, Radius, double, double) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.FOV
Calculates the Field Of View for the provided map from the given x, y coordinates.
calculateLOSMap(double[][], int, int) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.FOV
Calculates what cells are visible from (startX,startY) using the given resistanceMap; this can be given to mixVisibleFOVs() to limit extra light sources to those visible from the starting point.
canTarget(Coord, Coord) - Method in class squidpony.squidai.Technique
A quick yes-or-no check for whether a user at a given Coord can use this Technique to target the given Coord of a possibleTarget.
cantorHashCode(int, int) - Static method in class squidpony.squidmath.Coord
A static version of an earlier Coord.hashCode() method of this class, taking x and y as parameters instead of requiring a Coord object.
capitalize(CharSequence) - Static method in class squidpony.StringKit
Capitalizes Each Word In The Parameter original, Returning A New String.
CARDINALS - Static variable in enum squidpony.squidgrid.Direction
An array which holds only the four cardinal directions.
CARDINALS_CLOCKWISE - Static variable in enum squidpony.squidgrid.Direction
An array which holds only the four cardinal directions in clockwise order.
CARDINALS_COUNTERCLOCKWISE - Static variable in enum squidpony.squidgrid.Direction
An array which holds only the four cardinal directions in counter-clockwise order.
carvers - Variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.MixedGenerator
carverTable - Variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.MixedGenerator
caseInsensitiveStringHasher - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.Hashers
Hashes and equality-checks CharSequences, such as Strings and StringBuilders, using case-insensitive comparison in a cross-platform way.
categories - Static variable in class squidpony.Thesaurus
category - Variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.MapModule
cave - Static variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.MimicFill
Predefined sample; a large, enclosed, organic space that usually makes large cave-like rooms,
CAVE - Static variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.MixedGenerator
CAVE - Static variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.SectionDungeonGenerator
Constant for features being added to all environment types.
CAVE_FLOOR - Static variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.DungeonUtility
Constant for environment tiles that are floors for a cave.
CAVE_FLOOR - Static variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.MixedGenerator
Constant for environment tiles that are floors for a cave.
CAVE_WALL - Static variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.DungeonUtility
Constant for environment tiles that are walls near a cave.
CAVE_WALL - Static variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.MixedGenerator
Constant for environment tiles that are walls near a cave.
CAVE_WALL_CHAOTIC - Static variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.ThinDungeonGenerator
CAVE_WALL_EXPAND - Static variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.ThinDungeonGenerator
CAVE_WALL_NORMAL - Static variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.ThinDungeonGenerator
CAVE_WALL_RETRACT - Static variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.ThinDungeonGenerator
caveFX - Variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.SectionDungeonGenerator
The effects that will be applied when generate is called.
caves - Variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.RoomFinder
Not likely to be used directly, but there may be things you can do with these that are cumbersome using only RoomFinder's simpler API.
caves - Static variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.MimicFill
Predefined sample; several medium-sized organic spaces that usually make tight, chaotic tunnels.
CAVES_LIMIT_CONNECTIVITY - squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.styled.TilesetType
A good general kind of cave, with long distances between merging paths.
CAVES_TINY_CORRIDORS - squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.styled.TilesetType
Only usable if using Chebyshev distances; many connections are diagonal-only.
CavesLimitConnectivity - Class in squidpony.tileset
CavesLimitConnectivity() - Constructor for class squidpony.tileset.CavesLimitConnectivity
CavesTinyCorridors - Class in squidpony.tileset
CavesTinyCorridors() - Constructor for class squidpony.tileset.CavesTinyCorridors
ccw - Static variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.FOV
ccw_full - Static variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.FOV
CELESTIAL - Static variable in class squidpony.FakeLanguageGen
Fantasy language that is meant to sound like it could be spoken by divine or (magical) otherworldly beings.
CELL_VALUE - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.FastNoise
cells(Rectangle) - Static method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.Rectangle.Utils
Use Rectangle.Utils.cellsList(Rectangle) if you want them all.
cellsList(Rectangle) - Static method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.Rectangle.Utils
Use Rectangle.Utils.cells(Rectangle) if you may stop before the end of the list, you'll save some memory.
CELLULAR - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.FastNoise
CellularAutomaton - Class in squidpony.squidmath
Created by Tommy Ettinger on 7/3/2017.
CellularAutomaton() - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.CellularAutomaton
Constructs a CellularAutomaton with an unfilled 64x64 GreasedRegion, that can be altered later via CellularAutomaton.current.
CellularAutomaton(int, int) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.CellularAutomaton
Constructs a CellularAutomaton with an unfilled GreasedRegion of the specified width and height, that can be altered later via CellularAutomaton.current.
CellularAutomaton(GreasedRegion) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.CellularAutomaton
Stores a direct reference to current as this object's CellularAutomaton.current field, and initializes the other necessary fields.
center(Rectangle) - Static method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.Rectangle.Utils
CenteredSquare(int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidgrid.iterator.SquidIterators.CenteredSquare
An iterator to iterate in the square of size size around (x, y).
CenteredSquare(int, int, Coord, int) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidgrid.iterator.SquidIterators.CenteredSquare
An iterator to iterate in the square of size size around start.
centerLongitude - Variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.WorldMapGenerator
centroid - Variable in class squidpony.squidmath.Voronoi.Polygon
centroid - Variable in class squidpony.squidmath.Voronoi.Triangle
cerp(double, double, double) - Static method in class squidpony.squidmath.Noise
Cubic-interpolates between start and end (valid doubles), with a between 0 (yields start) and 1 (yields end).
cerp(float, float, float) - Static method in class squidpony.squidmath.Noise
Cubic-interpolates between start and end (valid floats), with a between 0 (yields start) and 1 (yields end).
chain(long) - Method in class squidpony.MarkovChar
Generate a roughly-sentence-sized piece of text based on the previously analyzed corpus text (using MarkovChar.analyze(CharSequence)) that terminates when stop punctuation is used (".", "!", "?", or "..."), or once the length would be greater than 200 characters without encountering stop punctuation(it terminates such a sentence with "." or "...").
chain(long) - Method in class squidpony.MarkovObject
Generates a 32-element List of T based on the given seed and previously analyzed corpus data (using MarkovObject.analyze(Iterable)).
chain(long) - Method in class squidpony.MarkovText
Generate a roughly-sentence-sized piece of text based on the previously analyzed corpus text (using MarkovText.analyze(CharSequence)) that terminates when stop punctuation is used (".", "!", "?", or "..."), or once the length would be greater than 200 characters without encountering stop punctuation(it terminates such a sentence with "." or "...").
chain(long) - Method in class squidpony.MarkovTextLimited
Generate a roughly-sentence-sized piece of text based on the previously analyzed corpus text (using MarkovTextLimited.analyze(CharSequence)) that terminates when stop punctuation is used (".", "!", "?", or "..."), or once the length would be greater than 200 characters without encountering stop punctuation(it terminates such a sentence with "." or "...").
chain(long, int) - Method in class squidpony.MarkovChar
Generate a roughly-sentence-sized piece of text based on the previously analyzed corpus text (using MarkovChar.analyze(CharSequence)) that terminates when stop punctuation is used (".", "!", "?", or "...") or once the maxLength would be exceeded by any other words (it terminates such a sentence with "." or "...").
chain(long, int) - Method in class squidpony.MarkovText
Generate a roughly-sentence-sized piece of text based on the previously analyzed corpus text (using MarkovText.analyze(CharSequence)) that terminates when stop punctuation is used (".", "!", "?", or "...") or once the maxLength would be exceeded by any other words (it terminates such a sentence with "." or "...").
chain(long, int) - Method in class squidpony.MarkovTextLimited
Generate a roughly-sentence-sized piece of text based on the previously analyzed corpus text (using MarkovTextLimited.analyze(CharSequence)) that terminates when stop punctuation is used (".", "!", "?", or "...") or once the maxLength would be exceeded by any other words (it terminates such a sentence with "." or "...").
chain(long, int, boolean, List<T>) - Method in class squidpony.MarkovObject
Adds T items to buffer to fill it up to maxLength, based on the given seed and previously analyzed corpus data (using MarkovObject.analyze(Iterable)).
chance - Variable in class squidpony.FakeLanguageGen.Alteration
changeNames(NaturalLanguageCipher) - Method in class squidpony.MarkovText
After calling MarkovText.analyze(CharSequence), you can optionally call this to alter any words in this MarkovText that were used as a proper noun (determined by whether they were capitalized in the middle of a sentence), changing them to a ciphered version using the given NaturalLanguageCipher.
changeNames(NaturalLanguageCipher) - Method in class squidpony.MarkovTextLimited
After calling MarkovTextLimited.analyze(CharSequence), you can optionally call this to alter any words in this MarkovTextLimited that were used as a proper noun (determined by whether they were capitalized in the middle of a sentence), changing them to a ciphered version using the given NaturalLanguageCipher.
ChaosRNG - Class in squidpony.squidmath
An RNG that cannot be seeded and should be fairly hard to predict what it will return next.
ChaosRNG() - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.ChaosRNG
Builds a ChaosRNG with a fairly-random seed derived from somewhat-OK sources of non-seed randomness, such as time before and after garbage collection.
char2DHasher - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.CrossHash
charAt(int) - Method in interface squidpony.panel.IColoredString
charAt(int) - Method in class squidpony.panel.IColoredString.Impl
charHasher - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.CrossHash
charReplacementTable(String, String) - Static method in class squidpony.FakeLanguageGen.Modifier
Creates a Modifier that will replace the nth char in initial with the nth char in change.
chars - Variable in class squidpony.MarkovChar
All chars (case-sensitive and only counting chars that are letters in Unicode) that this encountered during the latest call to MarkovChar.analyze(CharSequence).
charSpan(char, char) - Static method in class squidpony.ArrayTools
Stupidly simple convenience method that produces a char range from start to end, including end, as a char array.
CHEBYSHEV - squidpony.squidgrid.Measurement
The distance it takes when diagonal movement costs the same as cardinal movement.
CHEBYSHEV - squidpony.squidmath.AStarSearch.SearchType
The distance it takes when diagonal movement costs the same as cardinal movement.
CHEBYSHEV - Static variable in interface squidpony.squidai.graph.Heuristic
A predefined Heuristic for Coord nodes in a 2D plane where diagonal movement is estimated as costing the same as orthogonal movement.
checkAll(CharSequence, Pattern[]) - Static method in class squidpony.FakeLanguageGen
checkVulgarity(CharSequence) - Static method in class squidpony.FakeLanguageGen
Checks a CharSequence, such as a String, against an overzealous vulgarity filter, returning true if the text could contain vulgar elements or words that could seem vulgar or juvenile.
CHEROKEE_ROMANIZED - Static variable in class squidpony.FakeLanguageGen
A rough imitation of the Cherokee language, using an attempt at romanizing the syllabary the language is often written with, using only the parts of the language that are usually written down.
chess - Static variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.MimicFill
Predefined sample; a checkerboard pattern that typically loses recognition as such after generation.
chi - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.CrossHash.Curlup
chi - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.CrossHash.Mist
chi - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.CrossHash.Yolk
chi_ - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.CrossHash.Curlup
chi_ - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.CrossHash.Mist
chi_ - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.CrossHash.Yolk
Chimera(String, String, String...) - Constructor for class squidpony.MonsterGen.Chimera
Constructs a Chimera given a name (typically all lower-case), null if the creature is familiar or a String if the creature's basic shape is likely to be unknown to players, and an array or vararg of String terms containing, usually, several groups of String elements separated by the literal string ";" .
Chimera(String, String, Collection<String>, Collection<String>, Collection<String>, Collection<String>, Collection<String>) - Constructor for class squidpony.MonsterGen.Chimera
Constructs a Chimera given a name (typically all lower-case), null if the creature is familiar or a String if the creature's basic shape is likely to be unknown to players, and several String Collection args for the different aspects of the Chimera.
Chimera(String, MonsterGen.Chimera) - Constructor for class squidpony.MonsterGen.Chimera
Copies an existing Chimera other into a new Chimera with potentially a different name.
CHINESE_ROMANIZED - Static variable in class squidpony.FakeLanguageGen
An approximation of Hanyu Pinyin, a Romanization technique used for Mandarin Chinese that has been in common use since the 1980s.
choice - Variable in class squidpony.squidmath.LongPeriodRNG
chooseIndex(int) - Method in interface squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.GrowingTreeMazeGenerator.ChoosingMethod
Given the size to choose from, will return a single value smaller than the passed in value and greater than or equal to 0.
cipher(String) - Method in class squidpony.NaturalLanguageCipher
Given a String that should contain words in the source language, this translates each word to the fake language, using existing translations if previous calls to cipher() or lookup() had translated that word.
cipherMarkup(CharSequence) - Method in class squidpony.NaturalLanguageCipher
Given a String, StringBuilder, or other CharSequence that should contain words in the source language (almost always English, since this only knows English prefixes and suffixes), this finds sections of the text that start and end with [?] and [?], translates each word between those start/end markers to the fake language, using existing translations if previous calls to cipher() or lookup() had translated that word, and removes the [?] markup afterwards.
circle(int, int, int, List<Coord>) - Static method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.DungeonUtility
Gets a List of Coord that are within radius distance of (x,y), and appends them to buf if it is non-null or makes a fresh List to append to otherwise.
circle(Coord, int, int, int) - Static method in class squidpony.squidmath.CoordPacker
Given a center and radius for a circle, plus the width and height for the map boundaries, returns the packed data that encodes the circle.
CIRCLE - squidpony.squidgrid.Radius
In an unobstructed area the FOV would be a circle.
circlePositionIterator(int, int, int) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.SpatialMap
Iterates through positions in a circular region (starting at a minimum of x - distance, y - distance and extending to x + distance, y + distance but skipping any positions where the Euclidean distance from x,y to the position is more than distance) in left-to-right, then top-to-bottom order (the same as reading a page of text).
circleSection(int, int, int) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.SpatialMap
Given the center position and maximum distance from the center, creates a new SpatialMap from this one that refers only to the subsection of this SpatialMap shared with the area within the given distance from the center, measured with Euclidean distance to produce a circle shape.
clamp(double, double, double) - Static method in class squidpony.squidmath.MathExtras
If the specified value is not greater than or equal to the specified minimum and less than or equal to the specified maximum, adjust it so that it is.
clamp(float, float, float) - Static method in class squidpony.squidmath.MathExtras
If the specified value is not greater than or equal to the specified minimum and less than or equal to the specified maximum, adjust it so that it is.
clamp(int, int, int) - Static method in class squidpony.squidmath.MathExtras
If the specified value is not greater than or equal to the specified minimum and less than or equal to the specified maximum, adjust it so that it is.
clamp(long, long, long) - Static method in class squidpony.squidmath.MathExtras
If the specified value is not greater than or equal to the specified minimum and less than or equal to the specified maximum, adjust it so that it is.
clampedDistribution(IDistribution) - Static method in class squidpony.squidmath.IDistribution.SimpleDistribution
Makes a new SimpleDistribution implementation given any IDistribution (typically one with large or infinite bounds) by simply clamping results that are below 0 to 0 and at least 1 to 0.9999999999999999 (the largest double less than 1.0 than can be represented).
ClassicNoise - Class in squidpony.squidmath
"Classic Perlin" noise, as opposed to the Simplex Noise also created by Ken Perlin (which is produced by SeededNoise; both can be produced by FastNoise).
ClassicNoise() - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.ClassicNoise
ClassicNoise(long) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.ClassicNoise
ClassicRogueMapGenerator - Class in squidpony.squidgrid.mapping
Creates a dungeon in the style of the original Rogue game.
ClassicRogueMapGenerator(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.ClassicRogueMapGenerator
Initializes the generator to turn out random dungeons within the specific parameters.
ClassicRogueMapGenerator(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, IRNG) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.ClassicRogueMapGenerator
Initializes the generator to turn out random dungeons within the specific parameters.
clean - Variable in class squidpony.FakeLanguageGen
cleanPoints(int, int, IRNG) - Static method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.MixedGenerator
Mainly for internal use; this was used by MixedGenerator(int, int, IRNG) to get its room positions, and you can choose to use it with new MixedGenerator(width, height, rng, cleanPoints(width, height, rng)).
clear() - Method in interface squidpony.panel.IColoredString
Empties this.
clear() - Method in class squidpony.panel.IColoredString.Impl
clear() - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.SpatialMap
clear() - Method in class
Does nothing (this Zone is immutable).
clear() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.Arrangement
clear() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.Arrangement.KeySet
clear() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.Arrangement.ValueCollection
clear() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.BinaryHeap
clear() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.GreasedRegion
clear() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntDoubleOrderedMap
clear() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntDoubleOrderedMap.KeySet
clear() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntDoubleOrderedMap.MapEntrySet
clear() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntDoubleOrderedMap.ValueCollection
clear() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntIntOrderedMap
clear() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntIntOrderedMap.KeySet
clear() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntIntOrderedMap.MapEntrySet
clear() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntIntOrderedMap.ValueCollection
clear() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntSet
clear() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntVLA
clear() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.OrderedMap
clear() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.OrderedMap.KeySet
clear() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.OrderedMap.MapEntrySet
clear() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.OrderedMap.ValueCollection
clear() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.OrderedSet
clear() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.ShortVLA
clear() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.UnorderedMap
clear() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.UnorderedMap.ValueCollection
clear() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.UnorderedSet
clear(int) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntSet
Clears the set and reduces the size of the backing arrays to be the specified capacity / loadFactor, if they are larger.
clearCache() - Method in class squidpony.IColorCenter.Skeleton
It clears the cache.
clearEffects() - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.DungeonGenerator
Removes any door, water, or trap insertion effects that this DungeonGenerator would put in future dungeons.
clearEffects() - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.SectionDungeonGenerator
Removes any door, water, or trap insertion effects that this DungeonGenerator would put in future dungeons.
clearGoals() - Method in class squidpony.squidai.CustomDijkstraMap
Used to remove all goals and undo any changes to gradientMap made by having a goal present.
clearGoals() - Method in class squidpony.squidai.DijkstraMap
Used to remove all goals and undo any changes to gradientMap made by having a goal present.
clearSounds() - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.SoundMap
Used to remove all sounds.
clockwise() - Method in enum squidpony.squidgrid.Direction
Returns the Direction one step clockwise including diagonals.
CLOCKWISE - Static variable in enum squidpony.squidgrid.Direction
An array which holds all eight OUTWARDS directions in clockwise order.
clone() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.Arrangement
Returns a deep copy of this map.
clone() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntDoubleOrderedMap
Returns a deep copy of this map.
clone() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntIntOrderedMap
Returns a deep copy of this map.
clone() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntVLA
clone() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.OrderedMap
Returns a deep copy of this map.
clone() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.OrderedSet
Returns a deep copy of this map.
clone() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.UnorderedMap
Returns a deep copy of this map.
clone() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.UnorderedSet
Returns a deep copy of this map.
clone(IColoredString<T>) - Static method in class squidpony.panel.IColoredString.Impl
closeDoors(char[][]) - Static method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.DungeonUtility
When a map is generated by DungeonGenerator with addDoors enabled, different chars are used for vertical and horizontal doors ('+' for vertical and '/' for horizontal).
closeId - Static variable in class squidpony.ObText
closeMarkup() - Method in interface squidpony.panel.IMarkup
Implementations should use this method to get a String that ends any section of markup currently ongoing.
closeMarkup() - Method in class squidpony.panel.IMarkup.StringMarkup
closestCity(Coord) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.MetsaMapFactory
Finds and returns the closest point containing a city to the given point.
closingConsonants - Variable in class squidpony.FakeLanguageGen
closingSyllables - Variable in class squidpony.FakeLanguageGen
CloudAOE - Class in squidpony.squidai
An AOE type that has a center and a volume, and will randomly expand in all directions until it reaches volume or cannot expand further.
CloudAOE(Coord, int, Radius) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidai.CloudAOE
CloudAOE(Coord, int, Radius, int, int) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidai.CloudAOE
CloudAOE(Coord, int, Radius, long) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidai.CloudAOE
CloudAOE(Coord, int, Radius, long, int, int) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidai.CloudAOE
coast - Variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.WorldMapGenerator.LocalMimicMap
coast - Variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.WorldMapGenerator.MimicMap
coastalWaterLower - Static variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.WorldMapGenerator
coastalWaterUpper - Static variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.WorldMapGenerator
codeHeight(double) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.WorldMapGenerator
coef - Variable in class squidpony.squidmath.MitchellNoise
colderValueLower - Static variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.WorldMapGenerator.DetailedBiomeMapper
colderValueLower - Static variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.WorldMapGenerator.SimpleBiomeMapper
colderValueUpper - Static variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.WorldMapGenerator.DetailedBiomeMapper
colderValueUpper - Static variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.WorldMapGenerator.SimpleBiomeMapper
coldestValueLower - Static variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.WorldMapGenerator.DetailedBiomeMapper
coldestValueLower - Static variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.WorldMapGenerator.SimpleBiomeMapper
coldestValueUpper - Static variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.WorldMapGenerator.DetailedBiomeMapper
coldestValueUpper - Static variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.WorldMapGenerator.SimpleBiomeMapper
coldValueLower - Static variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.WorldMapGenerator.DetailedBiomeMapper
coldValueLower - Static variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.WorldMapGenerator.SimpleBiomeMapper
coldValueUpper - Static variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.WorldMapGenerator.DetailedBiomeMapper
coldValueUpper - Static variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.WorldMapGenerator.SimpleBiomeMapper
color - Variable in class squidpony.panel.IColoredString.Bucket
colorAt(int) - Method in interface squidpony.panel.IColoredString
colorAt(int) - Method in class squidpony.panel.IColoredString.Impl
ColoredStringList<T> - Class in squidpony
An helper class for code that deals with lists of IColoredStrings.
ColoredStringList() - Constructor for class squidpony.ColoredStringList
ColoredStringList(int) - Constructor for class squidpony.ColoredStringList
columns - Variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.LanesMapGenerator
CombinationGenerator<T> - Class in squidpony.squidmath
Combination generator for generating all combinations of a given size from the specified set of elements.
CombinationGenerator(Collection<T>, int, T[]) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.CombinationGenerator
Create a combination generator that generates all combinations of a specified length from the given set.
CombinationGenerator(T[], int) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.CombinationGenerator
Create a combination generator that generates all combinations of a specified length from the given set.
COMMON_PUNCTUATION - Static variable in class squidpony.StringKit
COMMON_USA_FEMALE_NAMES - Static variable in class squidpony.WeightedLetterNamegen
COMMON_USA_LAST_NAMES - Static variable in class squidpony.WeightedLetterNamegen
COMMON_USA_MALE_NAMES - Static variable in class squidpony.WeightedLetterNamegen
comparator() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.Arrangement
comparator() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.Arrangement.KeySet
comparator() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntDoubleOrderedMap.KeySet
comparator() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntDoubleOrderedMap.MapEntrySet
comparator() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntIntOrderedMap.KeySet
comparator() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntIntOrderedMap.MapEntrySet
comparator() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.OrderedMap
comparator() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.OrderedMap.KeySet
comparator() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.OrderedMap.MapEntrySet
comparator() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.OrderedSet
compareTo(MapModule) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.MapModule
compareTo(SquidID) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.SquidID
compatibleNext(int) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.LightRNG
Gets a pseudo-random int with at most the specified count of bits; for example, if bits is 3 this can return any int between 0 and 2 to the 3 (that is, 8), exclusive on the upper end.
compatibleNextInt(int) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.LightRNG
Like LightRNG.compatibleNext(int), but for compatibility with LightRNG.nextInt(int).
compatibleNextInt(int, int) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.LightRNG
Inclusive lower, exclusive upper.
compatibleNextLong(long) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.LightRNG
Exclusive on the upper bound.
compatibleNextLong(long, long) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.LightRNG
Inclusive lower, exclusive upper.
components - Variable in class squidpony.MonsterGen
composite(int, int, int, int) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.Adjacency.BasicAdjacency
composite(int, int, int, int) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.Adjacency
Encodes up to four components used by this Adjacency, putting them into one int.
composite(int, int, int, int) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.Adjacency.RotationAdjacency
compress(byte[]) - Static method in class squidpony.ByteStringEncoding
compress(byte[][]) - Static method in class squidpony.GridCompression
compress(double[][]) - Static method in class squidpony.GridCompression
compress(String) - Static method in class squidpony.LZSEncoding
Compresses a String as tightly as possible by using 16 bits of each 16-bit character, which can infrequently result in invalid UTF-16 codepoints, but that may not matter for all applications.
compress(String) - Static method in class squidpony.LZSPlus
Compresses the given text using LZ-String compression; does not encrypt the result.
compress(String, long[]) - Static method in class squidpony.LZSPlus
Compresses the given text using LZ-String compression and encrypts (somewhat) the compressed result so it can't be read back without the same keys as a long array.
compressToBase64(String) - Static method in class squidpony.LZSEncoding
Compress a String using LZ-String encoding but only using Base64 characters ('A'-'Z', 'a'-'z', '0'-'9', '+', '/', and '=' for Base64 validity).
compressToEncodedURIComponent(String) - Static method in class squidpony.LZSEncoding
Compress a String using LZ-String encoding but only using valid URI component characters ('A'-'Z', 'a'-'z', '0'-'9', '+', '-', and possibly '$').
compressToUTF16(String) - Static method in class squidpony.LZSEncoding
Compresses a String using the properties of UTF-16 encoding to store approximately 15 bits of LZW-compressed text in each 2-byte Unicode character, which does particularly well with ASCII text and can be smaller than UTF-8 in some cases, especially where each char must be stored as UTF-16, e.g.
computeTriangles(double[], boolean) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IndexedDelaunayTriangulator
computeTriangles(double[], int, int, boolean) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IndexedDelaunayTriangulator
Triangulates the given point cloud to a list of triangle indices that make up the Delaunay triangulation.
ConeAOE - Class in squidpony.squidai
An AOE type that has an origin, a radius, an angle, and a span; it will blast from the origin to a length equal to radius along the angle (in degrees), moving somewhat around corners/obstacles, and also spread a total of span degrees around the angle (a span of 90 will affect a full quadrant, centered on angle).
ConeAOE(Coord, int, double, double, Radius) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidai.ConeAOE
ConeAOE(Coord, Coord, double, Radius) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidai.ConeAOE
config - Variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.styled.Tileset
Config - Class in squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.styled
Part of the JSON that defines a tileset.
Config() - Constructor for class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.styled.Config
Probably not something you will construct manually.
connect() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.GreasedRegion
Takes the pairs of "on" cells in this GreasedRegion that are separated by exactly one cell in an orthogonal line, and changes the gap cells to "on" as well.
connect8way() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.GreasedRegion
Takes the pairs of "on" cells in this GreasedRegion that are separated by exactly one cell in an orthogonal or diagonal line, and changes the gap cells to "on" as well.
ConnectingMapGenerator - Class in squidpony.squidgrid.mapping
A room placing algorithm developed by Rayvolution for his game Fail To Hero, this was simple to implement but delivers complex connectivity.
ConnectingMapGenerator() - Constructor for class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.ConnectingMapGenerator
Calls ConnectingMapGenerator(int, int, int, int, IRNG, int) with width 80, height 80, roomWidth 8, roomHeight 8, a new GWTRNG for random, and wallThickness 2.
ConnectingMapGenerator(int, int, int, int, IRNG) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.ConnectingMapGenerator
ConnectingMapGenerator(int, int, int, int, IRNG, int) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.ConnectingMapGenerator
ConnectingMapGenerator(int, int, IRNG) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.ConnectingMapGenerator
Determines room width and room height by dividing width or height by 10; wallThickness is 2.
Connection<V> - Class in squidpony.squidai.graph
The most-commonly-used class that represents an edge between nodes on a Graph.
Connection() - Constructor for class squidpony.squidai.graph.Connection
Connection(Node<V>, Node<V>) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidai.graph.Connection
Connection(Node<V>, Node<V>, float) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidai.graph.Connection
Connection.DirectedConnection<V> - Class in squidpony.squidai.graph
A Connection that treats A-to-B as a different edge from B-to-A.
Connection.UndirectedConnection<V> - Class in squidpony.squidai.graph
A Connection that treats A-to-B and B-to-A as the same edge.
connectionExists(Node<V>, Node<V>) - Method in class squidpony.squidai.graph.Graph
connections - Variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.RoomFinder
When a RoomFinder is constructed, it stores all points of rooms that are adjacent to another region here.
connections - Variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.SectionMap
connections - Variable in class squidpony.squidmath.CosmicNumbering
connectLines() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.GreasedRegion
Takes the pairs of "on" cells in this GreasedRegion that are separated by exactly one cell in an orthogonal or diagonal line, and changes the gap cells to "on" as well.
consonantClusters - Static variable in class squidpony.FakeLanguageGen
contains(int) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.SectionMap
Checks if this contains the given identifying number.
contains(int) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntSet
contains(int) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntVLA
contains(int, int) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.Rectangle.Impl
contains(int, int) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.SectionMap
Checks if this contains the given position (that is, x and y are within map bounds).
contains(int, int) - Method in class
contains(int, int) - Method in class
contains(int, int) - Method in interface
contains(int, int) - Method in class
contains(int, int) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.GreasedRegion
contains(short) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.ShortVLA
contains(CharSequence, char[]) - Static method in class squidpony.StringKit
Searches text for the exact contents of the char array search; returns true if text contains search.
contains(Iterable<? extends Rectangle>, Coord) - Static method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.Rectangle.Utils
contains(Object) - Method in class
Returns true if this collection contains the specified element.
contains(Object) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.Arrangement.KeySet
Delegates to the corresponding type-specific method.
contains(Object) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.Arrangement.ValueCollection
contains(Object) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.GreasedRegion
contains(Object) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntDoubleOrderedMap.KeySet
Delegates to the corresponding type-specific method.
contains(Object) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntDoubleOrderedMap.MapEntrySet
contains(Object) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntDoubleOrderedMap.ValueCollection
contains(Object) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntIntOrderedMap.KeySet
Delegates to the corresponding type-specific method.
contains(Object) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntIntOrderedMap.MapEntrySet
contains(Object) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntIntOrderedMap.ValueCollection
contains(Object) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.OrderedMap.KeySet
Delegates to the corresponding type-specific method.
contains(Object) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.OrderedMap.MapEntrySet
contains(Object) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.OrderedMap.ValueCollection
contains(Object) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.OrderedSet
contains(Object) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.UnorderedMap.ValueCollection
contains(Object) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.UnorderedSet
contains(String) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.SectionMap
Checks if this contains the given name.
contains(Rectangle, int, int) - Static method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.Rectangle.Utils
contains(Rectangle, Coord) - Static method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.Rectangle.Utils
contains(Zone) - Method in class
contains(Zone) - Method in interface
contains(Zone) - Method in class
contains(Zone) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.GreasedRegion
Checks whether all Coords in other are also present in this.
contains(Coord) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.Rectangle.Impl
contains(Coord) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.SectionMap
Checks if this contains the given position (that is, it is within map bounds).
contains(Coord) - Method in class
contains(Coord) - Method in class
contains(Coord) - Method in interface
contains(Coord) - Method in class
contains(Coord) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.GreasedRegion
Checks if c is present in this GreasedRegion.
contains(CoordDouble) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.DelaunayTriangulator.Triangle
Tests if a 2D point lies inside this 2D triangle.
contains(CoordDouble) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.Voronoi.Triangle
Tests if a 2D point lies inside this 2D triangle.
contains(T, boolean) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.BinaryHeap
Returns true if the heap contains the specified node.
contains(V) - Method in class squidpony.squidai.graph.Graph
Check if the graph contains a vertex.
containsA(A) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.K2
Returns true if this contains the A, key, in its collection of A items.
containsA(A) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.K2V1
Returns true if this contains the A, key, in its collection of A items, or false otherwise.
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class
Returns true if this collection contains all of the elements in the specified collection.
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.Arrangement.KeySet
Checks whether this collection contains all elements from the given type-specific collection.
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.GreasedRegion
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntDoubleOrderedMap.KeySet
Checks whether this collection contains all elements from the given type-specific collection.
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntDoubleOrderedMap.MapEntrySet
Checks whether this collection contains all elements from the given collection.
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntIntOrderedMap.KeySet
Checks whether this collection contains all elements from the given type-specific collection.
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntIntOrderedMap.MapEntrySet
Checks whether this collection contains all elements from the given collection.
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.OrderedMap.KeySet
Checks whether this collection contains all elements from the given type-specific collection.
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.OrderedMap.MapEntrySet
Checks whether this collection contains all elements from the given collection.
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.OrderedSet
Checks whether this collection contains all elements from the given collection.
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.UnorderedSet
Checks whether this collection contains all elements from the given collection.
containsAny(Rectangle, Collection<Coord>) - Static method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.Rectangle.Utils
containsB(B) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.K2
Returns true if this contains the B, key, in its collection of B items.
containsB(B) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.K2V1
Returns true if this contains the B, key, in its collection of B items, or false otherwise.
containsIndex(int) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.K2
Returns true if index is between 0 (inclusive) and K2.size() (exclusive), or false otherwise.
containsIndex(int) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.K2V1
Returns true if index is between 0 (inclusive) and K2V1.size() (exclusive), or false otherwise.
containsKey(int) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntDoubleOrderedMap
containsKey(int) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntIntOrderedMap
containsKey(Object) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.SpatialMap
Checks whether this contains the given identity key.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.Arrangement
containsKey(Object) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.OrderedMap
containsKey(Object) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.UnorderedMap
containsNull - Variable in class squidpony.squidmath.OrderedSet
Whether this set contains the key zero.
containsNull - Variable in class squidpony.squidmath.UnorderedSet
Whether this set contains the key zero.
containsNullKey - Variable in class squidpony.squidmath.Arrangement
Whether this set contains the key zero.
containsNullKey - Variable in class squidpony.squidmath.IntDoubleOrderedMap
Whether this set contains the key zero.
containsNullKey - Variable in class squidpony.squidmath.IntIntOrderedMap
Whether this set contains the key zero.
containsNullKey - Variable in class squidpony.squidmath.OrderedMap
Whether this set contains the key zero.
containsNullKey - Variable in class squidpony.squidmath.UnorderedMap
Whether this set contains the key zero.
containsPart(CharSequence, char[]) - Static method in class squidpony.StringKit
Tries to find as much of the char array search in the CharSequence text, always starting from the beginning of search (if the beginning isn't found, then it finds nothing), and returns the length of the found part of search (0 if not found).
containsPart(CharSequence, char[], CharSequence, CharSequence) - Static method in class squidpony.StringKit
Tries to find as much of the sequence prefix search suffix as it can in text, where prefix and suffix are CharSequences for some reason and search is a char array.
containsPosition(Object) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.SpatialMap
Checks whether this contains anything at the given position.
containsQ(Q) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.K2V1
Returns true if this contains at least one Q value, or false otherwise
containsRegion(short[]) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.RegionMap
Checks if a region, stored as packed data (possibly from CoordPacker or this class) overlaps with regions stored in this object as keys.
containsValue(double) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntDoubleOrderedMap
containsValue(int) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.Arrangement
containsValue(int) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntIntOrderedMap
containsValue(Object) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.SpatialMap
Checks whether this contains the given element.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.Arrangement
containsValue(Object) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.OrderedMap
containsValue(Object) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.UnorderedMap
content - Variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.WildMap
contentByBiome(int, IRNG) - Static method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.WildMap
Gets a list of Strings that are really just the names of types of terrain feature for wilderness areas.
contentEquals(ProbabilityTable<T>) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.ProbabilityTable
Can avoid some checks that ProbabilityTable.equals(Object) needs because this always takes a ProbabilityTable.
ContentMatcher() - Constructor for class squidpony.ObText.ContentMatcher
Constructs a ContentMatcher that will need to have its target set with ObText.ContentMatcher.setTarget(CharSequence) or one of its overloads.
ContentMatcher(CharSequence) - Constructor for class squidpony.ObText.ContentMatcher
Constructs a ContentMatcher that already has its target set to text.
contentTypes - Variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.WildMap
convertArrangement(CharSequence) - Static method in class squidpony.Converters
convertArrangement(Class<K>) - Static method in class squidpony.Converters
convertArrangement(StringConvert<K>) - Static method in class squidpony.Converters
convertArrayBoolean - Static variable in class squidpony.Converters
convertArrayBoolean2D - Static variable in class squidpony.Converters
convertArrayByte - Static variable in class squidpony.Converters
convertArrayByte2D - Static variable in class squidpony.Converters
convertArrayChar - Static variable in class squidpony.Converters
convertArrayChar2D - Static variable in class squidpony.Converters
convertArrayCoord - Static variable in class squidpony.Converters
convertArrayDouble - Static variable in class squidpony.Converters
convertArrayDouble2D - Static variable in class squidpony.Converters
convertArrayFloat - Static variable in class squidpony.Converters
convertArrayFloat2D - Static variable in class squidpony.Converters
convertArrayInt - Static variable in class squidpony.Converters
convertArrayInt2D - Static variable in class squidpony.Converters
convertArrayList(CharSequence) - Static method in class squidpony.Converters
convertArrayList(Class<K>) - Static method in class squidpony.Converters
convertArrayList(StringConvert<K>) - Static method in class squidpony.Converters
convertArrayLong - Static variable in class squidpony.Converters
convertArrayLong2D - Static variable in class squidpony.Converters
convertArrayShort - Static variable in class squidpony.Converters
convertArrayShort2D - Static variable in class squidpony.Converters
convertBoolean - Static variable in class squidpony.Converters
convertByte - Static variable in class squidpony.Converters
convertChar - Static variable in class squidpony.Converters
convertCharToInt(char[][]) - Static method in class squidpony.squidgrid.DetailedMimic
Utility method to produce 1D int arrays this can process when discrete is true or difference is null.
convertCoord - Static variable in class squidpony.Converters
convertDouble - Static variable in class squidpony.Converters
Converters - Class in squidpony
Ways to produce concrete implementations of StringConvert for various data structures.
Converters() - Constructor for class squidpony.Converters
convertFakeLanguageGen - Static variable in class squidpony.Converters
convertFloat - Static variable in class squidpony.Converters
convertGreasedRegion - Static variable in class squidpony.Converters
convertHashMap(CharSequence, CharSequence) - Static method in class squidpony.Converters
convertHashMap(Class<K>, Class<V>) - Static method in class squidpony.Converters
convertHashMap(StringConvert<K>, StringConvert<V>) - Static method in class squidpony.Converters
convertHashSet(CharSequence) - Static method in class squidpony.Converters
convertHashSet(Class<K>) - Static method in class squidpony.Converters
convertHashSet(StringConvert<K>) - Static method in class squidpony.Converters
convertInt - Static variable in class squidpony.Converters
convertIntToChar(int[], int, int) - Static method in class squidpony.squidgrid.DetailedMimic
Utility method that takes a 1D int array that represents chars (such as a sample produced by DetailedMimic.convertCharToInt(char[][]) or, more likely, the result of processing such a sample with this class) and returns a 2D char array with the requested width and height (which should match the targetWidth and targetHeight given during processing).
convertIntVLA - Static variable in class squidpony.Converters
convertList(CharSequence) - Static method in class squidpony.Converters
convertList(Class<K>) - Static method in class squidpony.Converters
convertList(StringConvert<K>) - Static method in class squidpony.Converters
convertLong - Static variable in class squidpony.Converters
convertMarkovText - Static variable in class squidpony.Converters
convertObText - Static variable in class squidpony.Converters
convertOrderedMap(CharSequence, CharSequence) - Static method in class squidpony.Converters
convertOrderedMap(Class<K>, Class<V>) - Static method in class squidpony.Converters
convertOrderedMap(StringConvert<K>, StringConvert<V>) - Static method in class squidpony.Converters
convertOrderedSet(CharSequence) - Static method in class squidpony.Converters
convertOrderedSet(Class<K>) - Static method in class squidpony.Converters
convertOrderedSet(StringConvert<K>) - Static method in class squidpony.Converters
convertSentenceForm - Static variable in class squidpony.Converters
convertShort - Static variable in class squidpony.Converters
convertString - Static variable in class squidpony.Converters
Simple implementation to help when passing StringConverts around with data that is already a String.
convertUnorderedMap(CharSequence, CharSequence) - Static method in class squidpony.Converters
convertUnorderedMap(Class<K>, Class<V>) - Static method in class squidpony.Converters
convertUnorderedMap(StringConvert<K>, StringConvert<V>) - Static method in class squidpony.Converters
convertUnorderedSet(CharSequence) - Static method in class squidpony.Converters
convertUnorderedSet(Class<K>) - Static method in class squidpony.Converters
convertUnorderedSet(StringConvert<K>) - Static method in class squidpony.Converters
convertWeightedTable - Static variable in class squidpony.Converters
Coord - Class in squidpony.squidmath
A 2D coordinate with (constant) x and y fields.
Coord() - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.Coord
Coord(int, int) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.Coord
Coord3D - Class in squidpony.squidmath
Generic three dimensional coordinate class.
Coord3D(int, int, int) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.Coord3D
Creates a three dimensional coordinate with the given location.
CoordDouble - Class in squidpony.squidmath
Coord using double values for x and y instead of int.
CoordDouble() - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.CoordDouble
CoordDouble(double, double) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.CoordDouble
CoordDouble(Coord) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.CoordDouble
CoordDouble(CoordDouble) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.CoordDouble
CoordPacker - Class in squidpony.squidmath
Provides static methods to encode Coords as single primitive ints in various ways, hence the namesake, but also provides advanced methods to encode 2D arrays of various sorts produced by SquidLib in extremely memory-efficient representations, and decode those representations to various types of 2D array on-demand.
CoordPackerZone - Class in
A zone constructed by CoordPacker.
CoordPackerZone(short[]) - Constructor for class
coords - Variable in class
coords - Variable in class squidpony.squidmath.Region
coordToHilbert(Coord) - Static method in class squidpony.squidmath.CoordPacker
Takes a position as a Coord called pt and returns the length to travel along the 256x256 Hilbert curve to reach that position.
coordToMoore(Coord) - Static method in class squidpony.squidmath.CoordPacker
Takes a position as a Coord called pt and returns the length to travel along the 16x16 Moore curve to reach that position.
copy() - Method in class squidpony.FakeLanguageGen
copy() - Method in class squidpony.MarkovChar
Copies the String array MarkovChar.chars and the 2D jagged int array MarkovChar.processed into a new MarkovText.
copy() - Method in class squidpony.MarkovObject
Copies the T items in MarkovObject.body and the int-based data structure MarkovObject.processed into a new MarkovObject.
copy() - Method in class squidpony.MarkovText
Copies the String array MarkovText.words and the 2D jagged int array MarkovText.processed into a new MarkovText.
copy() - Method in class squidpony.MarkovTextLimited
Copies the String array MarkovTextLimited.words and the 2D jagged int array MarkovTextLimited.processed into a new MarkovTextLimited.
copy() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.AbstractRNG
Creates a copy of this IRNG; it will generate the same random numbers, given the same calls in order, as this IRNG at the point copy() is called.
copy() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.BasicRandom32
copy() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.BasicRandom64
copy() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.ChaosRNG
Produces another ChaosRNG with no relation to this one; this breaks the normal rules that RandomnessSource.copy abides by because this class should never have its generated number sequence be predictable.
copy() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.CoordDouble
Constructs an identical copy to this CoordDouble, making a new object that may be mutated independently.
copy() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.DeckRNG
Creates a copy of this DeckRNG; it will generate the same random numbers, given the same calls in order, as this DeckRNG at the point copy() is called.
copy() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.DharmaRNG
Creates a copy of this DharmaRNG; it will generate the same random numbers, given the same calls in order, as this DharmaRNG at the point copy() is called.
copy() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.DistributedRNG
Creates a copy of this IRNG; it will generate the same random numbers, given the same calls in order, as this IRNG at the point copy() is called.
copy() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.DiverRNG
Produces a copy of this RandomnessSource that, if next() and/or nextLong() are called on this object and the copy, both will generate the same sequence of random numbers from the point copy() was called.
copy() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.EditRNG
Creates a copy of this StatefulRNG; it will generate the same random numbers, given the same calls in order, as this StatefulRNG at the point copy() is called.
copy() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.FlawedRandomness.AddRotate
copy() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.FlawedRandomness.BigCounter
copy() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.GearRNG
Produces a copy of this RandomnessSource that, if next() and/or nextLong() are called on this object and the copy, both will generate the same sequence of random numbers from the point copy() was called.
copy() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.GoatRNG
Produces a copy of this RandomnessSource that, if next() and/or nextLong() are called on this object and the copy, both will generate the same sequence of random numbers from the point copy() was called.
copy() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.GreasedRegion
Simple method that returns a newly-allocated copy of this GreasedRegion; modifications to one won't change the other, and this method returns the copy while leaving the original unchanged.
copy() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.GWTRNG
Creates a copy of this GWTRNG; it will generate the same random numbers, given the same calls in order, as this GWTRNG at the point copy() is called.
copy() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntVLA
copy() - Method in interface squidpony.squidmath.IRNG
Creates a copy of this IRNG; it will generate the same random numbers, given the same calls in order, as this IRNG at the point copy() is called.
copy() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IsaacRNG
Produces another RandomnessSource, but the new one will not produce the same data as this one.
copy() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.Lathe32RNG
Produces a copy of this RandomnessSource that, if next() and/or nextLong() are called on this object and the copy, both will generate the same sequence of random numbers from the point copy() was called.
copy() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.LFSR
Produces a copy of this RandomnessSource that, if next() and/or nextLong() are called on this object and the copy, both will generate the same sequence of random numbers from the point copy() was called.
copy() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.LightRNG
Produces a copy of this RandomnessSource that, if next() and/or nextLong() are called on this object and the copy, both will generate the same sequence of random numbers from the point copy() was called.
copy() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.LinnormRNG
Produces a copy of this LinnormRNG that, if next() and/or nextLong() are called on this object and the copy, both will generate the same sequence of random numbers from the point copy() was called.
copy() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.LongPeriodRNG
Produces a copy of this RandomnessSource that, if next() and/or nextLong() are called on this object and the copy, both will generate the same sequence of random numbers from the point copy() was called.
copy() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.MersenneTwister
copy() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.MiniMover64RNG
Produces a copy of this MiniMover64RNG that, if next() and/or nextLong() are called on this object and the copy, both will generate the same sequence of random numbers from the point copy() was called.
copy() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.MizuchiRNG
Produces a copy of this RandomnessSource that, if next() and/or nextLong() are called on this object and the copy, both will generate the same sequence of random numbers from the point copy() was called.
copy() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.MoonwalkRNG
Creates a copy of this MoonwalkRNG; it will generate the same random numbers, given the same calls in order, as this MoonwalkRNG at the point copy() is called.
copy() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.Mover32RNG
Produces a copy of this Mover32RNG that, if next() and/or nextLong() are called on this object and the copy, both will generate the same sequence of random numbers from the point copy() was called.
copy() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.Mover64RNG
Produces a copy of this Mover64RNG that, if next() and/or nextLong() are called on this object and the copy, both will generate the same sequence of random numbers from the point copy() was called.
copy() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.NLFSR
Produces a copy of this RandomnessSource that, if next() and/or nextLong() are called on this object and the copy, both will generate the same sequence of random numbers from the point copy() was called.
copy() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.OrbitRNG
Produces a copy of this RandomnessSource that, if next() and/or nextLong() are called on this object and the copy, both will generate the same sequence of random numbers from the point copy() was called.
copy() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.Oriole32RNG
Produces a copy of this RandomnessSource that, if next() and/or nextLong() are called on this object and the copy, both will generate the same sequence of random numbers from the point copy() was called.
copy() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.PermutedRNG
Produces a copy of this RandomnessSource that, if next() and/or nextLong() are called on this object and the copy, both will generate the same sequence of random numbers from the point copy() was called.
copy() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.PintRNG
Produces a copy of this RandomnessSource that, if next() and/or nextLong() are called on this object and the copy, both will generate the same sequence of random numbers from the point copy() was called.
copy() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.ProbabilityTable
Copies this ProbabilityTable so nothing in the copy is shared with the original, except for the T items (which might not be possible to copy).
copy() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.PulleyRNG
Produces a copy of this RandomnessSource that, if next() and/or nextLong() are called on this object and the copy, both will generate the same sequence of random numbers from the point copy() was called.
copy() - Method in interface squidpony.squidmath.RandomnessSource
Produces a copy of this RandomnessSource that, if next() and/or nextLong() are called on this object and the copy, both will generate the same sequence of random numbers from the point copy() was called.
copy() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.RNG
Creates a copy of this RNG; it will generate the same random numbers, given the same calls in order, as this RNG at the point copy() is called.
copy() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.SilkRNG
Creates a copy of this SilkRNG; it will generate the same random numbers, given the same calls in order, as this SilkRNG at the point copy() is called.
copy() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.SobolQRNG
Produces a copy of this RandomnessSource that, if next() and/or nextLong() are called on this object and the copy, both will generate the same sequence of random numbers from the point copy() was called.
copy() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.Starfish32RNG
Produces a copy of this RandomnessSource that, if next() and/or nextLong() are called on this object and the copy, both will generate the same sequence of random numbers from the point copy() was called.
copy() - Method in interface squidpony.squidmath.StatefulRandomness
Produces a copy of this StatefulRandomness that, if next() and/or nextLong() are called on this object and the copy, both will generate the same sequence of random numbers from the point copy() was called.
copy() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.StatefulRNG
Creates a copy of this StatefulRNG; it will generate the same random numbers, given the same calls in order, as this StatefulRNG at the point copy() is called.
copy() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.TangleRNG
Produces a copy of this RandomnessSource that, if next() and/or nextLong() are called on this object and the copy, both will generate the same sequence of random numbers from the point copy() was called.
copy() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.ThrustAltRNG
Produces a copy of this RandomnessSource that, if next() and/or nextLong() are called on this object and the copy, both will generate the same sequence of random numbers from the point copy() was called.
copy() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.TweakRNG
copy() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.VanDerCorputQRNG
copy() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.XoRoRNG
Produces a copy of this RandomnessSource that, if next() and/or nextLong() are called on this object and the copy, both will generate the same sequence of random numbers from the point copy() was called.
copy() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.XoshiroStarPhi32RNG
Produces a copy of this RandomnessSource that, if next() and/or nextLong() are called on this object and the copy, both will generate the same sequence of random numbers from the point copy() was called.
copy(boolean[][]) - Static method in class squidpony.ArrayTools
Gets a copy of the 2D boolean array, source, that has the same data but shares no references with source.
copy(char[][]) - Static method in class squidpony.ArrayTools
Gets a copy of the 2D char array, source, that has the same data but shares no references with source.
copy(double[][]) - Static method in class squidpony.ArrayTools
Gets a copy of the 2D double array, source, that has the same data but shares no references with source.
copy(float[][]) - Static method in class squidpony.ArrayTools
Gets a copy of the 2D float array, source, that has the same data but shares no references with source.
copy(int[][]) - Static method in class squidpony.ArrayTools
Gets a copy of the 2D int array, source, that has the same data but shares no references with source.
copyCache(IColorCenter.Skeleton<T>) - Method in class squidpony.IColorCenter.Skeleton
You may want to copy colors between IColorCenter instances that have different create() methods -- and as such, will have different values for the same keys in the cache.
copyRotated(int) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.GreasedRegion
Makes a copy of this GreasedRegion that has been rotated 90 degrees turns times.
CORNER_CAVES - squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.styled.TilesetType
Most parts of the cave are large and open, but tiny corridors link them, providing hiding places.
CornerCaves - Class in squidpony.tileset
CornerCaves() - Constructor for class squidpony.tileset.CornerCaves
correct - Variable in class squidpony.squidmath.Noise.Ridged2D
correct - Variable in class squidpony.squidmath.Noise.Ridged3D
correct - Variable in class squidpony.squidmath.Noise.Ridged4D
correct - Variable in class squidpony.squidmath.Noise.Ridged6D
correct - Variable in class squidpony.squidmath.Noise.Turbulent2D
correct - Variable in class squidpony.squidmath.Noise.Turbulent3D
correct - Variable in class squidpony.squidmath.Noise.Turbulent4D
correct - Variable in class squidpony.squidmath.Noise.Turbulent6D
correctABeforeVowel(CharSequence) - Static method in class squidpony.StringKit
A simple method that looks for any occurrences of the word 'a' followed by some non-zero amount of whitespace and then any vowel starting the following word (such as 'a item'), then replaces each such improper 'a' with 'an' (such as 'an item').
CORRIDOR - Static variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.SectionDungeonGenerator
Constant for features being added to all environment types.
CORRIDOR_FLOOR - Static variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.DungeonUtility
Constant for environment tiles that are floors for a corridor.
CORRIDOR_FLOOR - Static variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.MixedGenerator
Constant for environment tiles that are floors for a corridor.
CORRIDOR_WALL - Static variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.DungeonUtility
Constant for environment tiles that are walls near a corridor.
CORRIDOR_WALL - Static variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.MixedGenerator
Constant for environment tiles that are walls near a corridor.
CORRIDOR_WALL_CHAOTIC - Static variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.ThinDungeonGenerator
CORRIDOR_WALL_EXPAND - Static variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.ThinDungeonGenerator
CORRIDOR_WALL_NORMAL - Static variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.ThinDungeonGenerator
CORRIDOR_WALL_RETRACT - Static variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.ThinDungeonGenerator
corridorFX - Variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.SectionDungeonGenerator
The effects that will be applied when generate is called.
corridors - Variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.RoomFinder
Not likely to be used directly, but there may be things you can do with these that are cumbersome using only RoomFinder's simpler API.
cos(double) - Static method in class squidpony.squidmath.NumberTools
A fairly-close approximation of Math.cos(double) that can be significantly faster (between 8x and 80x faster cos() calls in benchmarking; if you have access to libGDX you should consider its sometimes-more-precise and sometimes-faster MathUtils.cos() method.
cos(float) - Static method in class squidpony.squidmath.NumberTools
A fairly-close approximation of Math.cos(double) that can be significantly faster (between 8x and 80x faster cos() calls in benchmarking, and both takes and returns floats; if you have access to libGDX you should consider its more-precise and sometimes-faster MathUtils.cos() method.
cos_(double) - Static method in class squidpony.squidmath.NumberTools
A variation on Math.cos(double) that takes its input as a fraction of a turn instead of in radians; one turn is equal to 360 degrees or two*PI radians.
cos_(float) - Static method in class squidpony.squidmath.NumberTools
A variation on Math.cos(double) that takes its input as a fraction of a turn instead of in radians (it also takes and returns a float); one turn is equal to 360 degrees or two*PI radians.
cosDegrees(float) - Static method in class squidpony.squidmath.NumberTools
A fairly-close approximation of Math.cos(double) that can be significantly faster (between 8x and 80x faster cos() calls in benchmarking, and both takes and returns floats; if you have access to libGDX, you should consider its more-precise and sometimes-faster MathUtils.cosDeg() method.
CosmicNumbering - Class in squidpony.squidmath
Like a kind of RNG, but fully deterministic in a way that depends on a "connected" double array.
CosmicNumbering() - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.CosmicNumbering
CosmicNumbering(double[]) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.CosmicNumbering
CosmicNumbering(long, double[]) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.CosmicNumbering
CostlyGraph - Class in squidpony.squidai.graph
A default setting for a DirectedGraph of Coord vertices where each passable cell has a cost to enter it from any passable neighbor.
CostlyGraph() - Constructor for class squidpony.squidai.graph.CostlyGraph
No-op no-arg constructor, present for Serializable; if you use this you must call CostlyGraph.init(double[][]) or CostlyGraph.init(double[][], boolean) before using the CostlyGraph.
CostlyGraph(char[][]) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidai.graph.CostlyGraph
Builds a DefaultGraph from a 2D char array that treats '#', '+', and all box drawing characters as impassable, but considers all other cells passable for a cost of 1.0.
CostlyGraph(char[][], boolean) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidai.graph.CostlyGraph
Builds a DefaultGraph from a 2D char array that treats '#', '+', and all box drawing characters as impassable, but considers all other cells passable for a cost of 1.0.
CostlyGraph(double[][]) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidai.graph.CostlyGraph
Builds a DefaultGraph from a 2D double array that uses negative numbers to represent any kind of inaccessible cell, with all other numbers treated as possible to enter for a cost equal to that double.
CostlyGraph(double[][], boolean) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidai.graph.CostlyGraph
Builds a DefaultGraph from a 2D double array that uses negative numbers to represent any kind of inaccessible cell, with all other numbers treated as possible to enter for a cost equal to that double.
costMap - Variable in class squidpony.squidai.CustomDijkstraMap
This stores the type of each cell for the purposes of determining its cost to enter; in most cases this type is the char used to represent the cell, but any int can be used if you need more information.
costMap - Variable in class squidpony.squidai.DijkstraMap
This stores the entry cost multipliers for each cell; that is, a value of 1.0 is a normal, unmodified cell, but a value of 0.5 can be entered easily (two cells of its cost can be entered for the cost of one 1.0 cell), and a value of 2.0 can only be entered with difficulty (one cell of its cost can be entered for the cost of two 1.0 cells).
costRules - Variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.Adjacency
Used in place of a double[][] of costs in CustomDijkstraMap; allows you to set the costs to enter tiles (via Adjacency.addCostRule(char, double) or Adjacency.addCostRule(char, double, boolean) if the map has rotations).
count(short[]) - Static method in class squidpony.squidmath.CoordPacker
Counts the number of "on" cells encoded in a packed array without unpacking it.
count(short[], boolean) - Static method in class squidpony.squidmath.CoordPacker
Counts the number of cells encoding a boolean equal to wanted in a packed array without unpacking it.
count(String, int) - Static method in class squidpony.StringKit
Scans repeatedly in source for the codepoint search (which is usually a char literal), not scanning the same section twice, and returns the number of instances of search that were found, or 0 if source is null.
count(String, int, int, int) - Static method in class squidpony.StringKit
Scans repeatedly in source (only using the area from startIndex, inclusive, to endIndex, exclusive) for the codepoint search (which is usually a char literal), not scanning the same section twice, and returns the number of instances of search that were found, or 0 if source is null or if the searched area is empty.
count(String, String) - Static method in class squidpony.StringKit
Scans repeatedly in source for the String search, not scanning the same char twice except as part of a larger String, and returns the number of instances of search that were found, or 0 if source is null or if search is null or empty.
count(String, String, int, int) - Static method in class squidpony.StringKit
Scans repeatedly in source (only using the area from startIndex, inclusive, to endIndex, exclusive) for the String search, not scanning the same char twice except as part of a larger String, and returns the number of instances of search that were found, or 0 if source or search is null or if the searched area is empty.
countCells(char[][], char) - Static method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.DungeonUtility
Quickly counts the number of char elements in level that are equal to match.
counterClockwise() - Method in enum squidpony.squidgrid.Direction
Returns the Direction one step counterclockwise including diagonals.
COUNTERCLOCKWISE - Static variable in enum squidpony.squidgrid.Direction
An array which holds all eight OUTWARDS directions in counter-clockwise order.
covered(short[]) - Static method in class squidpony.squidmath.CoordPacker
Finds how many cells are encoded in a packed array (both on and off) without unpacking it.
create() - Static method in class squidpony.ColoredStringList
create() - Static method in class squidpony.panel.IColoredString.Impl
A static constructor, to avoid having to write <T> in the caller.
create() - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.PacMazeGenerator
create(int) - Static method in class squidpony.ColoredStringList
create(int, int, int, int) - Method in class squidpony.IColorCenter.Skeleton
Create a concrete instance of the color type given as a type parameter.
create(String) - Static method in class squidpony.panel.IColoredString.Impl
A convenience method, equivalent to create(s, null).
create(String, T) - Static method in class squidpony.panel.IColoredString.Impl
A static constructor, to avoid having to write <T> in the caller.
createMany(int) - Static method in class squidpony.squidmath.LongPeriodRNG
Creates many LongPeriodRNG objects in an array, where each will generate a sequence of pow(2, 512) numbers that will not overlap with other sequences in the array.
createMany(int, long) - Static method in class squidpony.squidmath.LongPeriodRNG
Creates many LongPeriodRNG objects in an array, where each will generate a sequence of pow(2, 512) numbers that will not overlap with other sequences in the array.
createMany(int, long[]) - Static method in class squidpony.squidmath.LongPeriodRNG
Creates many LongPeriodRNG objects in an array, where each will generate a sequence of pow(2, 512) numbers that will not overlap with other sequences in the array.
createMany(int, String) - Static method in class squidpony.squidmath.LongPeriodRNG
Creates many LongPeriodRNG objects in an array, where each will generate a sequence of pow(2, 512) numbers that will not overlap with other sequences in the array.
createNew() - Method in class squidpony.squidai.graph.DirectedGraph
createNew() - Method in class squidpony.squidai.graph.Graph
createNew() - Method in class squidpony.squidai.graph.UndirectedGraph
createPoint() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.NeuralParticle
Creates a pip that falls within the required distance from the current distribution.
CriticalRNG - Class in squidpony.squidmath
A type of RNG that can generate values larger or smaller than the normal maximum or minimum, based on a modifier.
CriticalRNG() - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.CriticalRNG
Makes a CriticalRNG with a luck factor of 0 and a randomly-seeded DiverRNG for its RandomnessSource.
CriticalRNG(float) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.CriticalRNG
Makes a CriticalRNG with the given luck factor and a randomly-seeded DiverRNG for its RandomnessSource.
CriticalRNG(long) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.CriticalRNG
Makes a CriticalRNG with a luck factor of 0 and a DiverRNG with the given seed for its RandomnessSource.
CriticalRNG(long, float) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.CriticalRNG
Makes a CriticalRNG with the given luck factor and a DiverRNG with the given seed for its RandomnessSource.
CriticalRNG(CharSequence) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.CriticalRNG
Makes a CriticalRNG with a luck factor of 0 and a DiverRNG with the given seed for its RandomnessSource (this will hash seedString using CrossHash.hash64(CharSequence) and use the result to seed the DiverRNG).
CriticalRNG(CharSequence, float) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.CriticalRNG
Makes a CriticalRNG with a luck factor of 0 and a DiverRNG with the given seed for its RandomnessSource (this will hash seedString using CrossHash.hash64(CharSequence) and use the result to seed the DiverRNG).
CriticalRNG(RandomnessSource) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.CriticalRNG
Makes a CriticalRNG with a luck factor of 0 and the given RandomnessSource.
CriticalRNG(RandomnessSource, float) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.CriticalRNG
Makes a CriticalRNG with a luck factor of 0 and the given RandomnessSource.
crocell - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.CrossHash.Curlup
crocell - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.CrossHash.Yolk
crocell_ - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.CrossHash.Curlup
crocell_ - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.CrossHash.Yolk
cross(CoordDouble) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.CoordDouble
Gets the cross product of this CoordDouble and other.
crossConnect(int, int, Map<Coord, List<Coord>>) - Static method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.SymmetryDungeonGenerator
CrossHash - Class in squidpony.squidmath
64-bit and 32-bit hashing functions that we can rely on staying the same cross-platform.
CrossHash() - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.CrossHash
CrossHash.Curlup - Class in squidpony.squidmath
Like Yolk, this is a class for hash functors, each an object with a 64-bit long seed.
CrossHash.Hive - Class in squidpony.squidmath
A reasonably-fast hashing function that passes some of SMHasher's quality tests, but neither critically fails nor overwhelmingly succeeds the full SMHasher test battery.
CrossHash.IHasher - Interface in squidpony.squidmath
An interface that can be used to move the logic for the hashCode() and equals() methods from a class' methods to an implementation of IHasher that certain collections in SquidLib can use.
CrossHash.Lightning - Class in squidpony.squidmath
A quick, simple hashing function that seems to have good results.
CrossHash.Mist - Class in squidpony.squidmath
A whole cluster of Wisp-like hash functions that sacrifice a small degree of speed, but can be built with up to 128 bits of salt values that help to obscure what hashing function is actually being used.
CrossHash.Water - Class in squidpony.squidmath
A fairly fast hashing algorithm in general, Water performs especially well on large arrays, and passes SMHasher's newest and most stringent version of tests.
CrossHash.Wisp - Class in squidpony.squidmath
The fastest hash in CrossHash, with middling quality.
CrossHash.Yolk - Class in squidpony.squidmath
Like Mist, this is a class for hash functors, each an object with a 64-bit long seed, but it uses about the same algorithm as CrossHash.Water instead of the older, less-robust style Mist uses.
CROW - Static variable in class squidpony.FakeLanguageGen
A rough imitation of the Crow language of the American Midwest, using some tone marks.
CUBE - squidpony.squidgrid.Radius
In an unobstructed area the FOV would be a cube.
CubeHash() - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.FlawedPointHash.CubeHash
CubeHash(long) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.FlawedPointHash.CubeHash
CubeHash(long, int) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.FlawedPointHash.CubeHash
CUBIC - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.FastNoise
CUBIC_FRACTAL - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.FastNoise
cubicSway(double) - Static method in class squidpony.squidmath.Noise.Basic1D
Curlup() - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.CrossHash.Curlup
Curlup(long) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.CrossHash.Curlup
Curlup(CharSequence) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.CrossHash.Curlup
CURRENCY - Static variable in class squidpony.StringKit
current - Variable in class squidpony.squidmath.CellularAutomaton
Returned directly by some methods, but you may want to change this at some other point.
CurvedBoundedDistribution - Class in squidpony.squidmath
An IDistribution that allows a parameter to determine how many calls to IRNG.nextDouble() to make and average whenever a double is requested.
CurvedBoundedDistribution() - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.CurvedBoundedDistribution
CurvedBoundedDistribution(int) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.CurvedBoundedDistribution
CustomDijkstraMap - Class in squidpony.squidai
An alternative to AStarSearch when you want to fully explore a search space, or when you want a gradient floodfill, with customizable rules for what is considered adjacent.
CustomDijkstraMap() - Constructor for class squidpony.squidai.CustomDijkstraMap
Construct a CustomDijkstraMap without a level to actually scan.
CustomDijkstraMap(char[][]) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidai.CustomDijkstraMap
Constructor meant to take a char[][] returned by DungeonBoneGen.generate(), or any other char[][] where '#' means a wall and anything else is a walkable tile.
CustomDijkstraMap(char[][], char) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidai.CustomDijkstraMap
Constructor meant to take a char[][] returned by DungeonBoneGen.generate(), or any other char[][] where one char means a wall and anything else is a walkable tile.
CustomDijkstraMap(char[][], Adjacency) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidai.CustomDijkstraMap
Constructor meant to take a char[][] returned by DungeonBoneGen.generate(), or any other char[][] where '#' means a wall and anything else is a walkable tile.
CustomDijkstraMap(char[][], Adjacency, IRNG) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidai.CustomDijkstraMap
Constructor meant to take a char[][] returned by DungeonBoneGen.generate(), or any other char[][] where '#' means a wall and anything else is a walkable tile.
CustomDijkstraMap(char[][], IRNG) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidai.CustomDijkstraMap
Constructor meant to take a char[][] returned by DungeonBoneGen.generate(), or any other char[][] where '#' means a wall and anything else is a walkable tile.
CustomDijkstraMap(double[], int, int) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidai.CustomDijkstraMap
Used to construct a CustomDijkstraMap from the output of another.
CustomDijkstraMap(double[], Adjacency) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidai.CustomDijkstraMap
Used to construct a CustomDijkstraMap from the output of another, specifying a distance calculation.
CustomDijkstraMap(IRNG) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidai.CustomDijkstraMap
Construct a CustomDijkstraMap without a level to actually scan.
CustomRandom() - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.RNG.CustomRandom
Creates a new random number generator.
CustomRandom(RandomnessSource) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.RNG.CustomRandom
Creates a new random number generator.
cutShort - Variable in class squidpony.squidai.DijkstraMap
CYRILLIC_LETTERS - Static variable in class squidpony.StringKit
CYRILLIC_LETTERS_LOWER - Static variable in class squidpony.StringKit
CYRILLIC_LETTERS_UPPER - Static variable in class squidpony.StringKit
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