Class CrossHash.Yolk

Enclosing class:

public static final class CrossHash.Yolk
extends Object
Like Mist, this is a class for hash functors, each an object with a 64-bit long seed, but it uses about the same algorithm as CrossHash.Water instead of the older, less-robust style Mist uses. This can be faster than CrossHash.Curlup, but only for small arrays as input (20 length or less); it tends to be slower on larger arrays, though not by much, and should be the same for long[] since they share an implementation for that type. Normally you should prefer Curlup if you know some or all of your arrays will be of moderate size or larger. Has a lot of predefined functors (192, named after 24 Greek letters and 72 Goetic demons, see Wikipedia for the demons, in both lower case and lower case with a trailing underscore). You probably want to use predefined instead of wrangling demon names; you can always choose an element from predefined with a 7-bit number, and there are 64 numbers outside that range so you can choose any of those when a functor must be different.