Package squidpony

Class MarkovChar

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class MarkovChar
extends Object
implements Serializable
A simple Markov chain text generator; call analyze(CharSequence) once on a large sample text, then you can call chain(long) many times to get odd-sounding "remixes" of the sample text. This is meant to allow easy serialization of the necessary data to call chain(); if you can store the chars and processed arrays in some serialized form, then you can reassign them to the same fields to avoid calling analyze(). One way to do this conveniently is to use serializeToString() after calling analyze() once and to save the resulting String; then, rather than calling analyze() again on future runs, you would call deserializeFromString(String) to create the MarkovText without needing any repeated analysis.
Created by Tommy Ettinger on 1/30/2018.
See Also:
Serialized Form
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type Field Description
    char[] chars
    All chars (case-sensitive and only counting chars that are letters in Unicode) that this encountered during the latest call to analyze(CharSequence).
    IntIntOrderedMap pairs
    Map of all pairs of chars encountered to the position in the order they were encountered.
    int[][] processed
    Complicated data that mixes probabilities of chars using their indices in chars and the indices of char pairs in pairs, generated during the latest call to analyze(CharSequence).
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void analyze​(CharSequence corpus)
    This is the main necessary step before using a MarkovText; you must call this method at some point before you can call any other methods.
    String chain​(long seed)
    Generate a roughly-sentence-sized piece of text based on the previously analyzed corpus text (using analyze(CharSequence)) that terminates when stop punctuation is used (".", "!", "?", or "..."), or once the length would be greater than 200 characters without encountering stop punctuation(it terminates such a sentence with "." or "...").
    String chain​(long seed, int maxLength)
    Generate a roughly-sentence-sized piece of text based on the previously analyzed corpus text (using analyze(CharSequence)) that terminates when stop punctuation is used (".", "!", "?", or "...") or once the maxLength would be exceeded by any other words (it terminates such a sentence with "." or "...").
    MarkovChar copy()
    Copies the String array chars and the 2D jagged int array processed into a new MarkovText.
    static MarkovChar deserializeFromString​(String data)
    Recreates an already-analyzed MarkovText given a String produced by serializeToString().
    String serializeToString()
    Returns a representation of this MarkovText as a String; use deserializeFromString(String) to get a MarkovText back from this String.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • chars

      public char[] chars
      All chars (case-sensitive and only counting chars that are letters in Unicode) that this encountered during the latest call to analyze(CharSequence). Will be null if analyze(CharSequence) was never called.
    • pairs

      Map of all pairs of chars encountered to the position in the order they were encountered. Pairs are stored using their 16-bit chars indices placed into the most-significant bits for the first word and the least-significant bits for the second word. The size of this IntIntOrderedMap is likely to be larger than the char array chars, but should be equal to processed.length. Will be null if analyze(CharSequence) was never called.
    • processed

      public int[][] processed
      Complicated data that mixes probabilities of chars using their indices in chars and the indices of char pairs in pairs, generated during the latest call to analyze(CharSequence). This is a jagged 2D array. Will be null if analyze(CharSequence) was never called.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • analyze

      public void analyze​(CharSequence corpus)
      This is the main necessary step before using a MarkovText; you must call this method at some point before you can call any other methods. You can serialize this MarkovText after calling to avoid needing to call this again on later runs, or even include serialized MarkovText objects with a game to only need to call this during pre-processing. This method analyzes the pairings of words in a (typically large) corpus text, including some punctuation as part of words and some kinds as their own "words." It only uses one preceding word to determine the subsequent word. When it finishes processing, it stores the results in chars and processed, which allows other methods to be called (they will throw a NullPointerException if analyze() hasn't been called).
      corpus - a typically-large sample text in the style that should be mimicked
    • chain

      public String chain​(long seed)
      Generate a roughly-sentence-sized piece of text based on the previously analyzed corpus text (using analyze(CharSequence)) that terminates when stop punctuation is used (".", "!", "?", or "..."), or once the length would be greater than 200 characters without encountering stop punctuation(it terminates such a sentence with "." or "...").
      seed - the seed for the random decisions this makes, as a long; any long can be used
      a String generated from the analyzed corpus text's word placement, usually a small sentence
    • chain

      public String chain​(long seed, int maxLength)
      Generate a roughly-sentence-sized piece of text based on the previously analyzed corpus text (using analyze(CharSequence)) that terminates when stop punctuation is used (".", "!", "?", or "...") or once the maxLength would be exceeded by any other words (it terminates such a sentence with "." or "...").
      seed - the seed for the random decisions this makes, as a long; any long can be used
      maxLength - the maximum length for the generated String, in number of characters
      a String generated from the analyzed corpus text's word placement, usually a small sentence
    • serializeToString

      Returns a representation of this MarkovText as a String; use deserializeFromString(String) to get a MarkovText back from this String. The chars and processed fields must have been given values by either direct assignment, calling analyze(CharSequence), or building this MarkovTest with the aforementioned deserializeToString method. Uses spaces to separate words and a tab to separate the two fields.
      a String that can be used to store the analyzed words and frequencies in this MarkovText
    • deserializeFromString

      public static MarkovChar deserializeFromString​(String data)
      Recreates an already-analyzed MarkovText given a String produced by serializeToString().
      data - a String returned by serializeToString()
      a MarkovText that is ready to generate text with chain(long)
    • copy

      public MarkovChar copy()
      Copies the String array chars and the 2D jagged int array processed into a new MarkovText. None of the arrays will be equivalent references, but the Strings (being immutable) will be the same objects in both MarkovText instances.
      a copy of this MarkovText