Package squidpony.squidgrid.mapping

Tools specifically for generating maps and placing content in them, usually working with 2D char arrays.
  • Interface Summary 
    Interface Description
    A way to configure how GrowingTreeMazeGenerator.generate(ChoosingMethod) places paths through the maze.
    Created by Tommy Ettinger on 6/1/2017.
    Rectangles in 2D grids.
  • Class Summary 
    Class Description
    Creates a dungeon in the style of the original Rogue game.
    A room placing algorithm developed by Rayvolution for his game Fail To Hero, this was simple to implement but delivers complex connectivity.
    Map generator that constructs a large number of overlapping rectangular rooms.
    Recursively divided maze.
    The primary way to create a more-complete dungeon, layering different effects and modifications on top of a DungeonBoneGen's dungeon or another dungeon without such effects.
    A static class that can be used to modify the char[][] dungeons that other generators produce.
    When you have a world map as produced by WorldMapGenerator, you may want to fill it with claims by various factions, where each faction may be hand-made and may consist of humans or some fantasy species, such as goblins, elves, or demons.
    Represents a group that claims territory on a world-map, such as a nation.
    An IDungeonGenerator that distorts and smooths an ordinary dungeon map to make it appear like a cave complex.
    A maze generator that can be configured using a GrowingTreeMazeGenerator.ChoosingMethod, which can be customized for the app.
    Tools to create maps.
    Generate dungeons with between 1 and 3 primary "lanes" going from the upper left "base" to the bottom right "base" (and vice versa, since this is symmetrical).
    Tools for constructing patterns using box-drawing characters.
    A subsection of a (typically modern-day or sci-fi) area map that can be placed by ModularMapGenerator.
    A map generation factory using Perlin noise to make island chain style maps.
    A dungeon generator that can use a mix of techniques to have part-cave, part-room dungeons.
    Generator for maps of high-tech areas like space stations or starships, with repeated modules laid out in random ways.
    Map generator using Simplex noise for the formation of "rooms" and then WobblyLine to connect with corridors.
    Meant to produce the sort of narrow, looping, not-quite-maze-like passages found in a certain famous early arcade game.
    Utility class for finding areas where game-specific terrain features might be suitable to place.
    When you have a world map as produced by WorldMapGenerator or some other source, you may want to fill it with claims by various nations/factions, possibly procedural or possibly hand-made.
    Added to SquidLib by Tommy Ettinger on 7/4/2018, using MIT-licensed work by Justin Kunimune from his Map-Projections repo.
    Utilities pertaining to Rectangle
    An algorithm to find rectangle areas in dungeons.
    A small class that can analyze a dungeon or other map and identify areas as being "room" or "corridor" based on how thick the walkable areas are (corridors are at most 2 cells wide at their widest, rooms are anything else).
    A good way to create a more-complete dungeon, layering different effects and modifications on top of a dungeon produced by DungeonBoneGen or another dungeon without such effects.
    A Map-like collection that allows storing subdivisions of a 2D array with names (always Strings) and identifying numbers, then looking up Coords to find the associated name and/or number, or or looking up a subdivision with a name or number to get a GreasedRegion back.
    Generate dungeons based on a random, winding, looping path through 3D space, requiring a character to move up and down as well as north/south/east/west to get through the dungeon.
    Generate dungeons based on a random, winding, looping path through 2D space.
    Generates a procedural world map and fills it with the requested number of factions, keeping some land unclaimed.
    A variant on MixedGenerator that creates bi-radially symmetric maps (basically a yin-yang shape).
    Created by Tommy Ettinger on 8/7/2016.
    A finite 2D area map for some kind of wilderness, adapting to different ecosystems by changing its output.
    A subclass of WildMap that serves as a ragged edge between 2, 3, or 4 WildMaps in a square intersection.
    Can be used to generate world maps with a wide variety of data, starting with height, temperature and moisture.
    A way to get biome information for the cells on a map when you want an area's biome to be a combination of two main biome types, such as "Grassland" or "TropicalRainforest", with the biomes varying in weight between areas.
    A concrete implementation of WorldMapGenerator that projects the world map onto an ellipse that should be twice as wide as it is tall (although you can stretch it by width and height that don't have that ratio).
    A concrete implementation of WorldMapGenerator that projects the world map onto an ellipse that should be twice as wide as it is tall (although you can stretch it by width and height that don't have that ratio).
    A concrete implementation of WorldMapGenerator that projects the world map onto a shape that resembles a mix part-way between an ellipse and a rectangle.
    A concrete implementation of WorldMapGenerator that does no projection of the map, as if the area were completely flat or small enough that curvature is impossible to see.
    An unusual map generator that imitates an existing local map (such as a map of Australia, which it can do by default), without applying any projection or changing heat levels in the polar regions or equator.
    An unusual map generator that imitates an existing map (such as a map of Earth, which it can do by default).
    A concrete implementation of WorldMapGenerator that imitates an infinite-distance perspective view of a world, showing only one hemisphere, that should be as wide as it is tall (its outline is a circle).
    A concrete implementation of WorldMapGenerator that projects the world map onto a shape with a flat top and bottom but near-circular sides.
    A way to get biome information for the cells on a map when you only need a single value to describe a biome, such as "Grassland" or "TropicalRainforest".
    A concrete implementation of WorldMapGenerator that imitates an infinite-distance perspective view of a world, showing only one hemisphere, that should be as wide as it is tall (its outline is a circle).
    A concrete implementation of WorldMapGenerator that distorts the map as it nears the poles, expanding the smaller-diameter latitude lines in extreme north and south regions so they take up the same space as the equator; this counteracts certain artifacts that are common in Simplex noise world maps by using a 4D noise call to generate terrain, using a normal 3D noise call's result as the extra 4th dimension.
    A concrete implementation of WorldMapGenerator that tiles both east-to-west and north-to-south.
  • Enum Summary 
    Enum Description
    The effects that can be applied to this dungeon.
    The effects that can be applied to this dungeon.