Class WorldMapGenerator.SphereMap

All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing class:

public static class WorldMapGenerator.SphereMap
extends WorldMapGenerator
A concrete implementation of WorldMapGenerator that distorts the map as it nears the poles, expanding the smaller-diameter latitude lines in extreme north and south regions so they take up the same space as the equator; this counteracts certain artifacts that are common in Simplex noise world maps by using a 4D noise call to generate terrain, using a normal 3D noise call's result as the extra 4th dimension. This generator allows choosing a Noise.Noise3D, which is used for most of the generation. This is ideal for projecting onto a 3D sphere, which could squash the poles to counteract the stretch this does. You might also want to produce an oval map that more-accurately represents the changes in the diameter of a latitude line on a spherical world; you should use WorldMapGenerator.EllipticalMap or WorldMapGenerator.EllipticalHammerMap for this. WorldMapGenerator.HyperellipticalMap is also a nice option because it can project onto a shape between a rectangle (like this class) and an ellipse (like EllipticalMap), with all-round sides. Example map.
See Also:
Serialized Form
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • SphereMap

      public SphereMap()
      Constructs a concrete WorldMapGenerator for a map that can be used to wrap a sphere (as with a texture on a 3D model), with seamless east-west wrapping, no north-south wrapping, and distortion that causes the poles to have significantly-exaggerated-in-size features while the equator is not distorted. Always makes a 256x128 map. Uses FastNoise as its noise generator, with 1.0 as the octave multiplier affecting detail. If you were using SphereMap(long, int, int, Noise3D, double), then this would be the same as passing the parameters 0x1337BABE1337D00DL, 256, 128, DEFAULT_NOISE, 1.0.
    • SphereMap

      public SphereMap​(int mapWidth, int mapHeight)
      Constructs a concrete WorldMapGenerator for a map that can be used to wrap a sphere (as with a texture on a 3D model), with seamless east-west wrapping, no north-south wrapping, and distortion that causes the poles to have significantly-exaggerated-in-size features while the equator is not distorted. Takes only the width/height of the map. The initial seed is set to the same large long every time, and it's likely that you would set the seed when you call WorldMapGenerator.generate(long). The width and height of the map cannot be changed after the fact, but you can zoom in. Uses FastNoise as its noise generator, with 1.0 as the octave multiplier affecting detail.
      mapWidth - the width of the map(s) to generate; cannot be changed later
      mapHeight - the height of the map(s) to generate; cannot be changed later
    • SphereMap

      public SphereMap​(long initialSeed, int mapWidth, int mapHeight)
      Constructs a concrete WorldMapGenerator for a map that can be used to wrap a sphere (as with a texture on a 3D model), with seamless east-west wrapping, no north-south wrapping, and distortion that causes the poles to have significantly-exaggerated-in-size features while the equator is not distorted. Takes an initial seed and the width/height of the map. The initialSeed parameter may or may not be used, since you can specify the seed to use when you call WorldMapGenerator.generate(long). The width and height of the map cannot be changed after the fact, but you can zoom in. Uses FastNoise as its noise generator, with 1.0 as the octave multiplier affecting detail.
      initialSeed - the seed for the GWTRNG this uses; this may also be set per-call to generate
      mapWidth - the width of the map(s) to generate; cannot be changed later
      mapHeight - the height of the map(s) to generate; cannot be changed later
    • SphereMap

      public SphereMap​(long initialSeed, int mapWidth, int mapHeight, double octaveMultiplier)
      Constructs a concrete WorldMapGenerator for a map that can be used to wrap a sphere (as with a texture on a 3D model), with seamless east-west wrapping, no north-south wrapping, and distortion that causes the poles to have significantly-exaggerated-in-size features while the equator is not distorted. Takes an initial seed and the width/height of the map. The initialSeed parameter may or may not be used, since you can specify the seed to use when you call WorldMapGenerator.generate(long). The width and height of the map cannot be changed after the fact, but you can zoom in. Uses FastNoise as its noise generator, with the given octave multiplier affecting detail.
      initialSeed - the seed for the GWTRNG this uses; this may also be set per-call to generate
      mapWidth - the width of the map(s) to generate; cannot be changed later
      mapHeight - the height of the map(s) to generate; cannot be changed later
      octaveMultiplier - used to adjust the level of detail, with 0.5 at the bare-minimum detail and 1.0 normal
    • SphereMap

      public SphereMap​(long initialSeed, int mapWidth, int mapHeight, Noise.Noise3D noiseGenerator)
      Constructs a concrete WorldMapGenerator for a map that can be used to wrap a sphere (as with a texture on a 3D model), with seamless east-west wrapping, no north-south wrapping, and distortion that causes the poles to have significantly-exaggerated-in-size features while the equator is not distorted. Takes an initial seed and the width/height of the map. The initialSeed parameter may or may not be used, since you can specify the seed to use when you call WorldMapGenerator.generate(long). The width and height of the map cannot be changed after the fact, but you can zoom in. Uses the given noise generator, with 1.0 as the octave multiplier affecting detail.
      initialSeed - the seed for the GWTRNG this uses; this may also be set per-call to generate
      mapWidth - the width of the map(s) to generate; cannot be changed later
      mapHeight - the height of the map(s) to generate; cannot be changed later
      noiseGenerator - an instance of a noise generator capable of 3D noise, usually FastNoise
    • SphereMap

      public SphereMap​(long initialSeed, int mapWidth, int mapHeight, Noise.Noise3D noiseGenerator, double octaveMultiplier)
      Constructs a concrete WorldMapGenerator for a map that can be used to wrap a sphere (as with a texture on a 3D model), with seamless east-west wrapping, no north-south wrapping, and distortion that causes the poles to have significantly-exaggerated-in-size features while the equator is not distorted. Takes an initial seed, the width/height of the map, and parameters for noise generation (a Noise.Noise3D implementation, which is usually FastNoise.instance, and a multiplier on how many octaves of noise to use, with 1.0 being normal (high) detail and higher multipliers producing even more detailed noise when zoomed-in). The initialSeed parameter may or may not be used, since you can specify the seed to use when you call WorldMapGenerator.generate(long). The width and height of the map cannot be changed after the fact, but you can zoom in. FastNoise will be the fastest 3D generator to use for noiseGenerator, and the seed it's constructed with doesn't matter because this will change the seed several times at different scales of noise (it's fine to use the static FastNoise.instance because it has no changing state between runs of the program). The octaveMultiplier parameter should probably be no lower than 0.5, but can be arbitrarily high if you're willing to spend much more time on generating detail only noticeable at very high zoom; normally 1.0 is fine and may even be too high for maps that don't require zooming.
      initialSeed - the seed for the GWTRNG this uses; this may also be set per-call to generate
      mapWidth - the width of the map(s) to generate; cannot be changed later
      mapHeight - the height of the map(s) to generate; cannot be changed later
      noiseGenerator - an instance of a noise generator capable of 3D noise, usually FastNoise.instance
      octaveMultiplier - used to adjust the level of detail, with 0.5 at the bare-minimum detail and 1.0 normal
    • SphereMap

      Copies the SphereMap other to construct a new one that is exactly the same. References will only be shared to Noise classes.
      other - a SphereMap to copy
  • Method Details

    • wrapY

      public int wrapY​(int x, int y)
      wrapY in class WorldMapGenerator
    • project

      public Coord project​(double latitude, double longitude)
      Given a latitude and longitude in radians (the conventional way of describing points on a globe), this gets the (x,y) Coord on the map projection this generator uses that corresponds to the given lat-lon coordinates. If this generator does not represent a globe (if it is toroidal, for instance) or if there is no "good way" to calculate the projection for a given lat-lon coordinate, this returns null. This implementation never returns null. If this is a supported operation and the parameters are valid, this returns a Coord with x between 0 and WorldMapGenerator.width, and y between 0 and WorldMapGenerator.height, both exclusive. Automatically wraps the Coord's values using WorldMapGenerator.wrapX(int, int) and wrapY(int, int).
      project in class WorldMapGenerator
      latitude - the latitude, from Math.PI * -0.5 to Math.PI * 0.5
      longitude - the longitude, from 0.0 to Math.PI * 2.0
      the point at the given latitude and longitude, as a Coord with x between 0 and WorldMapGenerator.width and y between 0 and WorldMapGenerator.height, or null if unsupported
    • regenerate

      protected void regenerate​(int startX, int startY, int usedWidth, int usedHeight, double landMod, double heatMod, int stateA, int stateB)
      Specified by:
      regenerate in class WorldMapGenerator