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JAPANESE_ROMANIZED - Static variable in class squidpony.FakeLanguageGen
Imitation Japanese, romanized to use the Latin alphabet.
JitterNoise - Class in squidpony.squidmath
"Classic Perlin" noise with jitter applied to the grid it operates on.
JitterNoise() - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.JitterNoise
JitterNoise(long) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.JitterNoise
join(CharSequence, boolean...) - Static method in class squidpony.StringKit
join(CharSequence, byte...) - Static method in class squidpony.StringKit
join(CharSequence, char...) - Static method in class squidpony.StringKit
join(CharSequence, double...) - Static method in class squidpony.StringKit
join(CharSequence, float...) - Static method in class squidpony.StringKit
join(CharSequence, int...) - Static method in class squidpony.StringKit
join(CharSequence, long...) - Static method in class squidpony.StringKit
join(CharSequence, short...) - Static method in class squidpony.StringKit
join(CharSequence, CharSequence...) - Static method in class squidpony.StringKit
join(CharSequence, Iterable<?>) - Static method in class squidpony.StringKit
Joins the items in elements by calling their toString method on them (or just using the String "null" for null items), and separating each item with delimiter.
join(CharSequence, Object[]) - Static method in class squidpony.StringKit
Joins the items in elements by calling their toString method on them (or just using the String "null" for null items), and separating each item with delimiter.
join(CharSequence, Collection<? extends CharSequence>) - Static method in class squidpony.StringKit
joinAlt(boolean...) - Static method in class squidpony.StringKit
Joins the boolean array elements without delimiters into a String, using "1" for true and "0" for false.
joinAlt(CharSequence, long...) - Static method in class squidpony.StringKit
Like StringKit.join(CharSequence, long...), but this appends an 'L' to each number so they can be read in by Java.
joinArrays(CharSequence, char[]...) - Static method in class squidpony.StringKit
jump() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.LongPeriodRNG
This is the jump function for the generator.
justify(int) - Method in class squidpony.panel.IColoredString.Impl
justify(int) - Method in interface squidpony.panel.IColoredString
This method does NOT guarantee that the result's length is width.
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