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pack(boolean[][]) - Static method in class squidpony.squidmath.CoordPacker
Compresses a boolean[][], returning a short[] as described in the CoordPacker class documentation.
pack(byte[][]) - Static method in class squidpony.squidmath.CoordPacker
Compresses a byte[][] (typically one generated by an FOV-like method) that only stores two relevant states (one of which should be 0 or less, the other greater than 0), returning a short[] as described in the CoordPacker class documentation.
pack(char[][], char) - Static method in class squidpony.squidmath.CoordPacker
Compresses a char[][] (typically one generated by a map generating method) so only the cells that equal the yes parameter will be encoded as "on", returning a short[] as described in the CoordPacker class documentation.
pack(char[][], char...) - Static method in class squidpony.squidmath.CoordPacker
Compresses a char[][] (typically one generated by a map generating method) so only the cells that are contained in the yes parameter will be encoded as "on", returning a short[] as described in the CoordPacker class documentation.
pack(double[][]) - Static method in class squidpony.squidmath.CoordPacker
Compresses a double[][] (typically one generated by FOV) that only stores two relevant states (one of which should be 0 or less, the other greater than 0), returning a short[] as described in the CoordPacker class documentation.
pack(double[][], double) - Static method in class squidpony.squidmath.CoordPacker
Compresses a double[][] (typically one generated by DijkstraMap) that only stores two relevant states (one of which should be equal to or less than threshold, the other greater than threshold), returning a short[] as described in the CoordPacker class documentation.
pack(double[][], double, double) - Static method in class squidpony.squidmath.CoordPacker
Compresses a double[][] (typically one generated by DijkstraMap) that only stores two relevant states (a state for values between lowerBound (inclusive) and upperBound (exclusive), and another state for anything else), returning a short[] as described in the CoordPacker class documentation.
pack(int[][], int) - Static method in class squidpony.squidmath.CoordPacker
Compresses a int[][] (typically one generated by MixedGenerator.getEnvironment()) so only the cells that equal the yes parameter will be encoded as "on", returning a short[] as described in the CoordPacker class documentation.
pack(int[][], int...) - Static method in class squidpony.squidmath.CoordPacker
Compresses a int[][] (typically one generated by MixedGenerator.getEnvironment()) so only the cells that are contained in the yes parameter will be encoded as "on", returning a short[] as described in the CoordPacker class documentation.
packedFloors(char[][]) - Static method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.DungeonUtility
A convenience wrapper for getting a packed-data representation of all floors ('.') in map, for randomCell().
packMulti(byte[][], int) - Static method in class squidpony.squidmath.CoordPacker
Compresses a byte[][] that stores any number of states, and an int no more than 63, returning a short[][] as described in the CoordPacker class documentation.
packMulti(double[][], double[]) - Static method in class squidpony.squidmath.CoordPacker
Compresses a double[][] (typically one generated by FOV) that stores any number of states and a double[] storing up to 63 states, ordered from lowest to highest, returning a short[][] as described in the CoordPacker class documentation.
packOne(int) - Static method in class squidpony.squidmath.CoordPacker
Returns a new packed short[] containing the Hilbert distance hilbert as "on", and all other cells "off".
packOne(int, int) - Static method in class squidpony.squidmath.CoordPacker
Returns a new packed short[] containing the given x,y cell as "on", and all other cells "off".
packOne(Coord) - Static method in class squidpony.squidmath.CoordPacker
Returns a new packed short[] containing the Coord point as "on", and all other cells "off".
packSeveral(int...) - Static method in class squidpony.squidmath.CoordPacker
Returns a new packed short[] containing the Hilbert distances in hilbert as "on" cells, and all other cells "off"
packSeveral(Collection<Coord>) - Static method in class squidpony.squidmath.CoordPacker
Returns a new packed short[] containing the Coords in points as "on" cells, and all other cells "off"
packSeveral(Coord...) - Static method in class squidpony.squidmath.CoordPacker
Returns a new packed short[] containing the Coords in points as "on" cells, and all other cells "off"
PacMazeGenerator - Class in squidpony.squidgrid.mapping
Meant to produce the sort of narrow, looping, not-quite-maze-like passages found in a certain famous early arcade game.
PacMazeGenerator() - Constructor for class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.PacMazeGenerator
PacMazeGenerator(int, int) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.PacMazeGenerator
PacMazeGenerator(int, int, IRNG) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.PacMazeGenerator
padLeft(String, char, int) - Static method in class squidpony.StringKit
If text is shorter than the given minimumLength, returns a String with text padded on the left with padChar until it reaches that length; otherwise it simply returns text.
padLeft(String, int) - Static method in class squidpony.StringKit
If text is shorter than the given minimumLength, returns a String with text padded on the left with spaces until it reaches that length; otherwise it simply returns text.
padLeftStrict(String, char, int) - Static method in class squidpony.StringKit
Constructs a String with exactly the given totalLength by taking text (or a substring of it) and padding it on its left side with padChar until totalLength is reached.
padLeftStrict(String, int) - Static method in class squidpony.StringKit
Constructs a String with exactly the given totalLength by taking text (or a substring of it) and padding it on its left side with spaces until totalLength is reached.
padRight(String, char, int) - Static method in class squidpony.StringKit
If text is shorter than the given minimumLength, returns a String with text padded on the right with padChar until it reaches that length; otherwise it simply returns text.
padRight(String, int) - Static method in class squidpony.StringKit
If text is shorter than the given minimumLength, returns a String with text padded on the right with spaces until it reaches that length; otherwise it simply returns text.
padRightStrict(String, char, int) - Static method in class squidpony.StringKit
Constructs a String with exactly the given totalLength by taking text (or a substring of it) and padding it on its right side with padChar until totalLength is reached.
padRightStrict(String, int) - Static method in class squidpony.StringKit
Constructs a String with exactly the given totalLength by taking text (or a substring of it) and padding it on its right side with spaces until totalLength is reached.
paimon - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.CrossHash.Curlup
paimon - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.CrossHash.Yolk
paimon_ - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.CrossHash.Curlup
paimon_ - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.CrossHash.Yolk
pairs - Variable in class squidpony.MarkovChar
Map of all pairs of chars encountered to the position in the order they were encountered.
pairs - Variable in class squidpony.MarkovText
Map of all pairs of words encountered to the position in the order they were encountered.
parse(CharSequence) - Method in class squidpony.ObText
Parses the given text (a String or other CharSequence) and appends it into this ObText.
partialScan(int) - Method in class squidpony.squidai.DijkstraMap
Recalculate the Dijkstra map up to a limit and return it.
partialScan(int, int, int[]) - Method in class squidpony.squidai.CustomDijkstraMap
Recalculate the CustomDijkstra map up to a limit and return it.
partialScan(int, Collection<Coord>) - Method in class squidpony.squidai.DijkstraMap
Recalculate the Dijkstra map up to a limit and return it.
partialScan(int, Collection<Coord>, int) - Method in class squidpony.squidai.DijkstraMap
Recalculate the Dijkstra map for a creature that is potentially larger than 1x1 cell and return it.
partialScan(int, Coord, Collection<Coord>, int) - Method in class squidpony.squidai.DijkstraMap
Recalculate the Dijkstra map for a creature that is potentially larger than 1x1 cell and return it.
partialScan(int, IntVLA) - Method in class squidpony.squidai.CustomDijkstraMap
Recalculate the CustomDijkstra map up to a limit and return it.
partialScan(Coord, int, Collection<Coord>) - Method in class squidpony.squidai.DijkstraMap
Recalculate the Dijkstra map up to a limit and return it.
partialScan(Coord, int, Collection<Coord>, boolean) - Method in class squidpony.squidai.DijkstraMap
Recalculate the Dijkstra map up to a limit and return it.
partialScanInternal(int, int, int[], int) - Method in class squidpony.squidai.CustomDijkstraMap
partialScanLarge(int, int, int, int[]) - Method in class squidpony.squidai.CustomDijkstraMap
Recalculate the CustomDijkstra map for a creature that is potentially larger than 1x1 cell and return it.
partialScanLarge(int, int, IntVLA) - Method in class squidpony.squidai.CustomDijkstraMap
Recalculate the CustomDijkstra map, up to a limit, for a creature that is potentially larger than 1x1 cell and return it.
partialScanLargeInternal(int, int, int, int[], int) - Method in class squidpony.squidai.CustomDijkstraMap
partialScanToStart(int, int, int, int[]) - Method in class squidpony.squidai.CustomDijkstraMap
Recalculate the CustomDijkstra map up to a limit, stopping early if it has a path from a goal to start, and return it.
partialScanToStart(int, int, IntVLA) - Method in class squidpony.squidai.CustomDijkstraMap
Recalculate the CustomDijkstra map up to a limit, stopping early if it has a path from a goal to start, and return that map.
partialScanToStartLarge(int, int, int, int, int[]) - Method in class squidpony.squidai.CustomDijkstraMap
Recalculate the CustomDijkstra map, up to a limit, for a creature that is potentially larger than 1x1 cell, stopping early if a path is found between a goal and start, and return that map.
partialScanToStartLarge(int, int, int, IntVLA) - Method in class squidpony.squidai.CustomDijkstraMap
Recalculate the CustomDijkstra map, up to a limit, for a creature that is potentially larger than 1x1 cell, stopping early if a path is found between a goal and start, and return that map.
parts - Variable in class squidpony.MonsterGen.Chimera
path - Variable in class squidpony.squidai.CustomDijkstraMap
The latest path that was obtained by calling findPath().
path - Variable in class squidpony.squidai.DijkstraMap
The latest path that was obtained by calling findPath().
path - Variable in class squidpony.squidmath.AStarSearch
path(int, int, int, int) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.AStarSearch
Finds an A* path to the target from the start.
path(Coord, Coord) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.AStarSearch
Finds an A* path to the target from the start.
pathsByBiome(int) - Static method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.WildMap
Gets a list of Strings that are really just the names of types of path tile for wilderness areas.
pattern - Static variable in class squidpony.ObText
patternRelaxed - Static variable in class squidpony.ObText
peek() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.BinaryHeap
Returns the first item in the heap.
peek() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntVLA
Returns the last item.
peek() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.ShortVLA
Returns the last item.
perceptualHashQuick(long[], int[]) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.GreasedRegion
Calculates a perceptual hash for this GreasedRegion using a method that is only precise for some sizes of GreasedRegion; it writes a result to into, and uses working as a temporary buffer.
perimeter(Coord, int, boolean, int, int) - Method in enum squidpony.squidgrid.Radius
PERLIN - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.FastNoise
PERLIN_FRACTAL - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.FastNoise
PerlinNoise - Class in squidpony.squidmath
Delegates to ClassicNoise methods and always uses the same seed (123456789); that means this produces "Classic Perlin Noise" and not Simplex Noise (both were created by Ken Perlin).
PerlinNoise() - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.PerlinNoise
perm_u - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.WhirlingNoise
perm_v - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.WhirlingNoise
perm_w - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.WhirlingNoise
perm_x - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.WhirlingNoise
perm_y - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.WhirlingNoise
perm_z - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.WhirlingNoise
PERMISSIBLE_CHARS - Static variable in class squidpony.StringKit
A constant containing only chars that are reasonably likely to be supported by broad fonts and thus display-able.
PermutationGenerator<T> - Class in squidpony.squidmath
Permutation generator for generating all permutations for all sets up to 20 elements in size.
PermutationGenerator(Collection<T>, T[]) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.PermutationGenerator
Permutation generator that generates all possible orderings of the elements in the specified set.
PermutationGenerator(T[]) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.PermutationGenerator
Permutation generator that generates all possible orderings of the elements in the specified set.
PermutedRNG - Class in squidpony.squidmath
This is a RandomnessSource in the PCG-Random family.
PermutedRNG() - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.PermutedRNG
Creates a new generator seeded using Math.random.
PermutedRNG(long) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.PermutedRNG
Constructs a new PermutedRNG with the given seed as its state, exactly.
PhantomNoise - Class in squidpony.squidmath
Arbitrary-dimensional continuous noise that maintains most of the same style even as the dimensionality gets fairly high.
PhantomNoise() - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.PhantomNoise
PhantomNoise(long, int) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.PhantomNoise
phenex - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.CrossHash.Curlup
phenex - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.CrossHash.Yolk
phenex_ - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.CrossHash.Curlup
phenex_ - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.CrossHash.Yolk
phi - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.CrossHash.Curlup
phi - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.CrossHash.Mist
phi - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.CrossHash.Yolk
phi_ - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.CrossHash.Curlup
phi_ - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.CrossHash.Mist
phi_ - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.CrossHash.Yolk
phiGrad2 - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.SeededNoise
256 2-element gradient vectors formed from the cos and sin of increasing multiples of the inverse of phi, the golden ratio, while also adding increasing multiples of 2/3 of the reciprocal of Math.E.
phiGrad2f - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.FastNoise
phoneticHash64(char[], int, int) - Static method in class squidpony.NaturalLanguageCipher
Gets a phonetic hash of a section of data between start inclusive and end exclusive; this 64-bit hash should be similar for similar words, instead of very different if they are different at all.
physicalMap - Variable in class squidpony.squidai.CustomDijkstraMap
Stores which parts of the map are accessible and which are not.
physicalMap - Variable in class squidpony.squidai.DijkstraMap
Stores which parts of the map are accessible and which are not.
physicalMap - Variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.MultiSpill
Stores which parts of the map are accessible (with a value of true) and which are not (with a value of false, including both walls and unreachable sections of the map).
physicalMap - Variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.SoundMap
Stores which parts of the map are accessible and which are not.
physicalMap - Variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.Spill
Stores which parts of the map are accessible (with a value of true) and which are not (with a value of false, including both walls and unreachable sections of the map).
pi - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.CrossHash.Curlup
pi - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.CrossHash.Mist
pi - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.CrossHash.Yolk
pi_ - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.CrossHash.Curlup
pi_ - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.CrossHash.Mist
pi_ - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.CrossHash.Yolk
pieceMap - Variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.WildMap.MixedWildMap
pieces - Variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.WildMap.MixedWildMap
PintRNG - Class in squidpony.squidmath
A RandomnessSource based on PCG-Random that has a single int of state.
PintRNG() - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.PintRNG
Creates a new generator seeded using Math.random.
PintRNG(int) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.PintRNG
PintRNG(long) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.PintRNG
place(int) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntSet
Returns an index between 0 (inclusive) and IntSet.mask (inclusive) for the specified item.
placement - Variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.SectionDungeonGenerator
Configured by this class after you call generate(), this Placement can be used to locate areas of the dungeon that fit certain properties, like "out of sight from a door" or "a large flat section of wall that could be used to place a straight-line object." You can use this as-needed; it does only a small amount of work at the start, and does the calculations for what areas have certain properties on request.
Placement - Class in squidpony.squidgrid.mapping
Utility class for finding areas where game-specific terrain features might be suitable to place.
Placement(RoomFinder) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.Placement
Constructs a Placement using the given RoomFinder, which will have collections of rooms, corridors, and caves.
PLAINS_LEVEL - Static variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.MetsaMapFactory
planarDetermine(long, int) - Static method in class squidpony.squidmath.VanDerCorputQRNG
A quasi-random number generator of doubles between 0.0 inclusive and 1.0 exclusive, but that has issues when it would be used like a Halton sequence.
plantTermShuffler - Variable in class squidpony.Thesaurus
PointAOE - Class in squidpony.squidai
An AOE type that has a center Coord only and only affects that single Coord.
PointAOE(Coord) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidai.PointAOE
PointAOE(Coord, int, int) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidai.PointAOE
PointHash - Class in squidpony.squidmath
A group of similar methods for getting hashes of points based on long coordinates in 2, 3, 4, or 6 dimensions and a long for state.
PointHash() - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.PointHash
pointPath(int, int, IRNG) - Static method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.DungeonUtility
points - Variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.MixedGenerator
pointsInside(int, int, int, boolean, int, int) - Method in enum squidpony.squidgrid.Radius
pointsInside(int, int, int, boolean, int, int, List<Coord>) - Method in enum squidpony.squidgrid.Radius
pointsInside(Coord, int, boolean, int, int) - Method in enum squidpony.squidgrid.Radius
PoissonDisk - Class in squidpony.squidmath
This provides a Uniform Poisson Disk Sampling technique that can be used to generate random points that have a uniform minimum distance between each other.
politicalMap - Variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.FantasyPoliticalMapper
politicalMap - Variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.PoliticalMapper
politicalMap - Variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.SpillWorldMap
PoliticalMapper - Class in squidpony.squidgrid.mapping
When you have a world map as produced by WorldMapGenerator or some other source, you may want to fill it with claims by various nations/factions, possibly procedural or possibly hand-made.
PoliticalMapper() - Constructor for class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.PoliticalMapper
PoliticalMapper(String) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.PoliticalMapper
Constructs a SpillWorldMap using the given world name, and uses the world name as the basis for all future random generation in this object.
PoliticalMapper(IRNG) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.PoliticalMapper
Constructs a SpillWorldMap using the given world name, and uses the world name as the basis for all future random generation in this object.
Polygon(CoordDouble...) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.Voronoi.Polygon
polygonize() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.Voronoi
pop() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.BinaryHeap
Removes the first item in the heap and returns it.
pop() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntVLA
Removes and returns the last item.
pop() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.ShortVLA
Removes and returns the last item.
populate(int) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.NeuralParticle
Populates the field with given number of points.
portal(int[][][], int, int, boolean) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.Adjacency.BasicAdjacency
portal(int[][][], int, int, boolean) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.Adjacency
portal(int[][][], int, int, boolean) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.Adjacency.RotationAdjacency
position - Variable in class squidpony.squidai.Threat
position - Variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.SpatialMap.SpatialTriple
positionalModify(Coord, E) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.SpatialMap
Changes the element's value associated with pos.
positionIterator() - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.SpatialMap
Iterates through positions in insertion order; has less predictable iteration order than the other iterators.
positionMapping - Variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.SpatialMap
positionOf(int) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntDoubleOrderedMap
positionOf(int) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntIntOrderedMap
positionOf(Object) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.Arrangement
positionOf(Object) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.OrderedMap
positionOf(Object) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.OrderedSet
positionOf(Object) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.UnorderedMap
positionOf(Object) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.UnorderedSet
positions() - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.SpatialMap
Get a Set of all positions used for values in this data structure, returning a OrderedSet (defensively copying the key set used internally) for its stable iteration order.
positionToConnections(int, int) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.SectionMap
Gets the list of connected sections (by their identifying numbers) given a position inside that section.
positionToConnections(Coord) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.SectionMap
Gets the list of connected sections (by their identifying numbers) given a position inside that section.
positionToContaining(int, int) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.SectionMap
Gets the GreasedRegion (a group of points as made by the constructor) that contains the given x, y point.
positionToContaining(Coord) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.SectionMap
Gets the GreasedRegion (a group of points as made by the constructor) that contains the given x, y point.
positionToName(int, int) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.SectionMap
Gets the name of the area that contains the given x, y position.
positionToName(Coord) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.SectionMap
Gets the name of the area that contains the given position.
positionToNumber(int, int) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.SectionMap
Gets the identifying number of the area that contains the given x, y position.
positionToNumber(Coord) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.SectionMap
Gets the identifying number of the area that contains the given position.
possibleTargets(Coord) - Method in class squidpony.squidai.Technique
Gets all possible target-able Coords when using this technique from the given Coord user, returning them in a GreasedRegion.
possibleTargets(Coord, double[][]) - Method in class squidpony.squidai.Technique
Gets all possible target-able Coords when using this technique from the given Coord user, returning them in a GreasedRegion.
posToHilbert(int, int) - Static method in class squidpony.squidmath.CoordPacker
Takes an x, y position and returns the length to travel along the 256x256 Hilbert curve to reach that position.
posToHilbert3D(int, int, int) - Static method in class squidpony.squidmath.CoordPacker
Takes an x, y, z position and returns the length to travel along the 8x8x8 Hilbert curve to reach that position.
posToMoore(int, int) - Static method in class squidpony.squidmath.CoordPacker
Takes an x, y position and returns the length to travel along the 16x16 Moore curve to reach that position.
potentialBody - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.MaskedShapeGenerator
potentialSolid - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.MaskedShapeGenerator
potionTermShuffler - Variable in class squidpony.Thesaurus
pow4 - Variable in class squidpony.squidmath.LowStorageShuffler
powerAdjectives - Variable in class squidpony.MonsterGen.Chimera
powerAdjectives - Variable in class squidpony.MonsterGen
powerPhrases - Variable in class squidpony.MonsterGen.Chimera
powerPhrases - Variable in class squidpony.MonsterGen
preCalcNoise2D(int, int, long) - Static method in class squidpony.squidmath.MerlinNoise
Generates higher-quality continuous-style noise than the other methods, but requires pre-calculating a grid.
predefined - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.CrossHash.Curlup
Has a length of 192, which may be relevant if automatically choosing a predefined hash functor.
predefined - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.CrossHash.Mist
Has a length of 48, which may be relevant if automatically choosing a predefined hash functor.
predefined - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.CrossHash.Yolk
Has a length of 192, which may be relevant if automatically choosing a predefined hash functor.
preferredBiomes - Variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.FantasyPoliticalMapper.Faction
A HashSet of String keys, where each key is the name of a biome this Faction wants to occupy.
preferredHeat - Variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.FantasyPoliticalMapper.Faction
An int array of heat codes that this Faction prefers; typically a 6-code scale is used where 0, 1, and 2 are cold and getting progressively warmer, while 3, 4, and 5 are warm to warmest.
preferredHeight - Variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.FantasyPoliticalMapper.Faction
An int array of height codes that this Faction prefers; 0, 1, 2, and 3 are all oceans, while 4 is shoreline or low-lying land and higher numbers (up to 8, inclusive) are used for increasing elevations.
preferredMoisture - Variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.FantasyPoliticalMapper.Faction
An int array of moisture codes that this Faction prefers; typically a 6-code scale is used where 0, 1, and 2 are dry and getting progressively more precipitation, while 3, 4, and 5 are wet to wettest.
preparePieceMap() - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.WildMap.MixedWildMap
present() - Method in class squidpony.panel.IColoredString.Impl
present() - Method in interface squidpony.panel.IColoredString
present(boolean) - Method in class squidpony.MonsterGen.Chimera
Get a string description of this monster's appearance and powers.
presentVisible(boolean) - Method in class squidpony.MonsterGen.Chimera
Get a string description of this monster's appearance.
presentWithMarkup(IMarkup<T>) - Method in class squidpony.panel.IColoredString.Impl
Given some way of converting from a T value to an in-line markup tag, returns a string representation of this IColoredString with in-line markup representing colors.
presentWithMarkup(IMarkup<T>) - Method in interface squidpony.panel.IColoredString
Given some way of converting from a T value to an in-line markup tag, returns a string representation of this IColoredString with in-line markup representing colors.
prev - Variable in class squidpony.squidai.graph.Node
Internal; a reference to the previous Node in a BinaryHeap.
prev - Variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.iterator.SquidIterators.AroundCounterClockWise
prev - Variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.iterator.SquidIterators.VerticalUp
previous - Variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.iterator.SquidIterators.BottomLeftToTopRight
The point whose character was returned by the previous call to, or null if none.
previous - Variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.iterator.SquidIterators.CenteredSquare
previous - Variable in class squidpony.squidgrid.iterator.SquidIterators.RectangleFromBottomLeftToTopRight
The last cell returned
previous() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.Arrangement.FastEntryIterator
previous() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.Arrangement.KeyIterator
previous() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.Arrangement.ValueIterator
previous() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntDoubleOrderedMap.FastEntryIterator
previous() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntDoubleOrderedMap.KeyIterator
previous() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntDoubleOrderedMap.ValueIterator
previous() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntIntOrderedMap.FastEntryIterator
previous() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntIntOrderedMap.KeyIterator
previous() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntIntOrderedMap.ValueIterator
previous() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.LowStorageShuffler
Gets the previous returned int from the sequence (as yielded by, or -1 if next() has never been called (or the LowStorageShuffler has reached the beginning from repeated calls to this method).
previous() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.OrderedMap.KeyIterator
previous() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.OrderedMap.ValueIterator
previous() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.ShuffledIntSequence
Gets the previous returned int from the sequence (as yielded by, restarting the sequence in a correctly-ordered way if it would go to before the "start" of the sequence (it is actually close to infinite both going forwards and backwards).
previousInt() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.Arrangement.ValueIterator
previousInt() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntDoubleOrderedMap.KeyIterator
previousInt() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntIntOrderedMap.KeyIterator
previousInt() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.MoonwalkRNG
Get a random integer between Integer.MIN_VALUE to Integer.MAX_VALUE (both inclusive), but advances the state "backwards," such that calling MoonwalkRNG.nextInt() alternating with this method will return the same pair of numbers for as long as you keep alternating those two calls.
previousLong() - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.MoonwalkRNG
Get a random long between Long.MIN_VALUE to Long.MAX_VALUE (both inclusive), but advances the state "backwards," such that calling MoonwalkRNG.nextLong() alternating with this method will return the same pair of numbers for as long as you keep alternating those two calls.
primary - Variable in class squidpony.ObText.ObTextEntry
printCompressedData(short[]) - Static method in class squidpony.squidmath.CoordPacker
printPacked(short[], int, int) - Static method in class squidpony.squidmath.CoordPacker
Quick utility method for printing packed data as a grid of 1 (on) and/or 0 (off).
ProbabilityTable<T> - Class in squidpony.squidmath
A generic method of holding a probability table to determine weighted random outcomes.
ProbabilityTable() - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.ProbabilityTable
Creates a new probability table with a random seed.
ProbabilityTable(long) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.ProbabilityTable
Creates a new probability table with the provided long seed used.
ProbabilityTable(String) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.ProbabilityTable
Creates a new probability table with the provided String seed used.
ProbabilityTable(RandomnessSource) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.ProbabilityTable
Creates a new probability table with the provided source of randomness used.
ProceduralMessaging - Class in squidpony
Combines Messaging with Thesaurus and optionally NaturalLanguageCipher to make variations on a sentence structure.
ProceduralMessaging() - Constructor for class squidpony.ProceduralMessaging
ProceduralMessaging(long) - Constructor for class squidpony.ProceduralMessaging
ProceduralMessaging(long, FakeLanguageGen) - Constructor for class squidpony.ProceduralMessaging
ProceduralMessaging(Thesaurus, NaturalLanguageCipher) - Constructor for class squidpony.ProceduralMessaging
ProceduralMessaging.AssociatedName - Class in squidpony
Data class that stores a name String and one or more Strings that may be used as part of a title with that name, typically using categories from Thesaurus to add variety.
process(int[], int, int, int, int, int, int, double, boolean) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.DetailedMimic
DISCOURAGED; use DetailedMimic.neoProcess(int[], int, int, int, int, int, int, boolean) instead, which doesn't need a separate analysis step.
process(CharSequence) - Method in class squidpony.Thesaurus
Given a String, StringBuilder, or other CharSequence that should contain words this knows synonyms for, this replaces each occurrence of such a known word with one of its synonyms, leaving unknown words untouched.
processed - Variable in class squidpony.MarkovChar
Complicated data that mixes probabilities of chars using their indices in MarkovChar.chars and the indices of char pairs in MarkovChar.pairs, generated during the latest call to MarkovChar.analyze(CharSequence).
processed - Variable in class squidpony.MarkovObject
Complicated data that mixes probabilities and the indices of items in MarkovObject.body, generated during the latest call to MarkovObject.analyze(Iterable).
processed - Variable in class squidpony.MarkovText
Complicated data that mixes probabilities of words using their indices in MarkovText.words and the indices of word pairs in MarkovText.pairs, generated during the latest call to MarkovText.analyze(CharSequence).
processed - Variable in class squidpony.MarkovTextLimited
Complicated data that mixes probabilities and the indices of words in MarkovTextLimited.words, generated during the latest call to MarkovTextLimited.analyze(CharSequence).
project(double, double) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.WorldMapGenerator.HyperellipticalMap
Given a latitude and longitude in radians (the conventional way of describing points on a globe), this gets the (x,y) Coord on the map projection this generator uses that corresponds to the given lat-lon coordinates.
project(double, double) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.WorldMapGenerator
Given a latitude and longitude in radians (the conventional way of describing points on a globe), this gets the (x,y) Coord on the map projection this generator uses that corresponds to the given lat-lon coordinates.
project(double, double) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.WorldMapGenerator.SphereMap
Given a latitude and longitude in radians (the conventional way of describing points on a globe), this gets the (x,y) Coord on the map projection this generator uses that corresponds to the given lat-lon coordinates.
ProjectionTools - Class in squidpony.squidgrid.mapping
Added to SquidLib by Tommy Ettinger on 7/4/2018, using MIT-licensed work by Justin Kunimune from his Map-Projections repo.
ProjectionTools() - Constructor for class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.ProjectionTools
pronoun - Variable in class squidpony.ProceduralMessaging.AssociatedName
pruneLines(char[][], GreasedRegion, char[][]) - Static method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.LineKit
Adjusts an existing map that uses box-drawing characters so non-visible line segments aren't rendered.
pruneLines(char[][], GreasedRegion, char[], char[][]) - Static method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.LineKit
Adjusts an existing map that uses box-drawing characters so non-visible line segments aren't rendered.
psi - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.CrossHash.Curlup
psi - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.CrossHash.Mist
psi - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.CrossHash.Yolk
psi_ - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.CrossHash.Curlup
psi_ - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.CrossHash.Mist
psi_ - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.CrossHash.Yolk
PulleyRNG - Class in squidpony.squidmath
A very-high-quality StatefulRandomness that is meant to be reasonably fast, but also to be robust against frequent state changes, and is built around a strong determine() method.
PulleyRNG() - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.PulleyRNG
Creates a new generator seeded using Math.random.
PulleyRNG(long) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.PulleyRNG
PulleyRNG(String) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.PulleyRNG
PUNCTUATION - Static variable in class squidpony.StringKit
pureEncode(int, int) - Static method in class squidpony.squidmath.Coord
An alternative to getting a Coord with Coord.get() only to encode() it as the next step.
purson - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.CrossHash.Curlup
purson - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.CrossHash.Yolk
purson_ - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.CrossHash.Curlup
purson_ - Static variable in class squidpony.squidmath.CrossHash.Yolk
put(char, int, int) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.styled.DungeonBoneGen
Sets the char at the given x,y position, storing it in this object.
put(int, double) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntDoubleOrderedMap
put(int, int) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntIntOrderedMap
put(A, B) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.K2
Adds an A key and a B key at the same point in the ordering (the end) to this K2.
put(A, B, Q) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.K2V1
Adds an A key, a B key, and a Q value at the same point in the ordering (the end) to this K2V1.
put(K, int) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.Arrangement
put(K, Integer) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.Arrangement
put(K, V) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.OrderedMap
put(K, V) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.UnorderedMap
put(SpatialMap.SpatialTriple<I, E>) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.SpatialMap
Inserts a SpatialTriple into this SpatialMap without changing it, potentially overwriting an existing element.
put(Coord, I, E) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.SpatialMap
Inserts a new element with the given identity and Coord position, potentially overwriting an existing element.
putAll(int[], double[]) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntDoubleOrderedMap
Puts the first key in keyArray with the first value in valueArray, then the second in each and so on.
putAll(int[], int[]) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntIntOrderedMap
Puts the first key in keyArray with the first value in valueArray, then the second in each and so on.
putAll(Iterable<? extends A>, Iterable<? extends B>) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.K2
Puts all unique A and B keys in aKeys and bKeys into this K2 at the end.
putAll(Iterable<A>, Iterable<B>, Iterable<Q>) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.K2V1
putAll(Collection<? extends K>) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.Arrangement
putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends Integer>) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.Arrangement
putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.OrderedMap
Puts all key-value pairs in the Map m into this OrderedMap.
putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.UnorderedMap
Puts all key-value pairs in the Map m into this OrderedMap.
putAll(K[]) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.Arrangement
putAll(K[], V[]) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.OrderedMap
Puts the first key in keyArray with the first value in valueArray, then the second in each and so on.
putAll(K[], V[]) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.UnorderedMap
Puts the first key in keyArray with the first value in valueArray, then the second in each and so on.
putAll(IntDoubleOrderedMap) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntDoubleOrderedMap
Puts all key-value pairs in the Map m into this OrderedMap.
putAll(IntIntOrderedMap) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntIntOrderedMap
Puts all key-value pairs in the Map m into this OrderedMap.
putAll(K2<? extends A, ? extends B>) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.K2
Puts all unique A and B keys in other into this K2, respecting other's ordering.
putAll(K2V1<A, B, Q>) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.K2V1
Puts all unique A and B keys in other into this K2V1, respecting other's ordering.
putAllVariants(IntDoubleOrderedMap, int, double) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.Adjacency
putAllVariants(IntDoubleOrderedMap, int, double, int) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.Adjacency.BasicAdjacency
putAllVariants(IntDoubleOrderedMap, int, double, int) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.Adjacency
putAllVariants(IntDoubleOrderedMap, int, double, int) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.Adjacency.RotationAdjacency
putAllVariants(IntVLA, double[], int, double) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.Adjacency
putAllVariants(IntVLA, double[], int, double, int) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.Adjacency.BasicAdjacency
putAllVariants(IntVLA, double[], int, double, int) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.Adjacency
putAllVariants(IntVLA, double[], int, double, int) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.Adjacency.RotationAdjacency
putAndMoveToFirst(K, int) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.Arrangement
Adds a pair to the map; if the key is already present, it is moved to the first position of the iteration order.
putAndMoveToFirst(K, V) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.OrderedMap
Adds a pair to the map; if the key is already present, it is moved to the first position of the iteration order.
putAndMoveToLast(K, int) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.Arrangement
Adds a pair to the map; if the key is already present, it is moved to the last position of the iteration order.
putAndMoveToLast(K, V) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.OrderedMap
Adds a pair to the map; if the key is already present, it is moved to the last position of the iteration order.
putAt(int, double, int) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntDoubleOrderedMap
putAt(int, int, int) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntIntOrderedMap
putAt(int, A, B) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.K2
Adds an A key and a B key at the given index in the ordering to this K2.
putAt(int, A, B, Q) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.K2V1
Adds an A key, a B key, and a Q value at the given index in the ordering to this K2V1.
putAt(K, V, int) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.OrderedMap
putBias(String, double) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.RandomBias
Adds a kind of bias that can be used to change the average of random numbers generated when specified with that kind.
putBiases(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.RandomBias
Adds a number of kinds of bias that can be used to change the average of random numbers generated when specified with one of those kinds.
putBoxRoomCarvers(int) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.LanesMapGenerator
Changes the number of "carvers" that will create right-angle corridors from one room to the next, create rooms with a random size in a box shape at the start and end, and a small room at the corner if there is one.
putBoxRoomCarvers(int) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.MixedGenerator
Changes the number of "carvers" that will create right-angle corridors from one room to the next, create rooms with a random size in a box shape at the start and end, and a small room at the corner if there is one.
putBoxRoomCarvers(int) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.SerpentDeepMapGenerator
Changes the number of "carvers" that will create right-angle corridors from one room to the next, create rooms with a random size in a box shape at the start and end, and a small room at the corner if there is one.
putBoxRoomCarvers(int) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.SerpentMapGenerator
Changes the number of "carvers" that will create right-angle corridors from one room to the next, create rooms with a random size in a box shape at the start and end, and a small room at the corner if there is one.
putCaveCarvers(int) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.LanesMapGenerator
Changes the number of "carvers" that will create caves from one room to the next.
putCaveCarvers(int) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.MixedGenerator
Changes the number of "carvers" that will create caves from one room to the next.
putCaveCarvers(int) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.SerpentDeepMapGenerator
Changes the number of "carvers" that will create caves from one room to the next.
putCaveCarvers(int) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.SerpentMapGenerator
Changes the number of "carvers" that will create caves from one room to the next.
putIfAbsent(int, double) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntDoubleOrderedMap
If the specified key is not already associated with a value, associates it with the given value and returns that value, else returns the current value without changing anything.
putIfAbsent(int, int) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntIntOrderedMap
If the specified key is not already associated with a value, associates it with the given value and returns that value, else returns the current value without changing anything.
putIfAbsent(K, V) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.OrderedMap
If the specified key is not already associated with a value (or is mapped to null) associates it with the given value and returns null, else returns the current value.
putIfAbsent(K, V) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.UnorderedMap
If the specified key is not already associated with a value (or is mapped to null) associates it with the given value and returns null, else returns the current value.
putPairs(int, int, int...) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.IntIntOrderedMap
Given alternating key and value arguments in pairs, puts each key-value pair into this OrderedMap as if by calling IntIntOrderedMap.put(int, int) repeatedly for each pair.
putPairs(K, V, Object...) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.OrderedMap
Given alternating key and value arguments in pairs, puts each key-value pair into this OrderedMap as if by calling OrderedMap.put(Object, Object) repeatedly for each pair.
putPairs(K, V, Object...) - Method in class squidpony.squidmath.UnorderedMap
Given alternating key and value arguments in pairs, puts each key-value pair into this OrderedMap as if by calling UnorderedMap.put(Object, Object) repeatedly for each pair.
putRoundRoomCarvers(int) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.LanesMapGenerator
Changes the number of "carvers" that will create right-angle corridors from one room to the next, create rooms with a random size in a circle shape at the start and end, and a small circular room at the corner if there is one.
putRoundRoomCarvers(int) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.MixedGenerator
Changes the number of "carvers" that will create right-angle corridors from one room to the next, create rooms with a random size in a circle shape at the start and end, and a small circular room at the corner if there is one.
putRoundRoomCarvers(int) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.SerpentDeepMapGenerator
Changes the number of "carvers" that will create right-angle corridors from one room to the next, create rooms with a random size in a circle shape at the start and end, and a small circular room at the corner if there is one.
putRoundRoomCarvers(int) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.SerpentMapGenerator
Changes the number of "carvers" that will create right-angle corridors from one room to the next, create rooms with a random size in a circle shape at the start and end, and a small circular room at the corner if there is one.
putWalledBoxRoomCarvers(int) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.LanesMapGenerator
Changes the number of "carvers" that will create right-angle corridors from one room to the next, create rooms with a random size in a box shape at the start and end, and a small room at the corner if there is one.
putWalledBoxRoomCarvers(int) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.MixedGenerator
Changes the number of "carvers" that will create right-angle corridors from one room to the next, create rooms with a random size in a box shape at the start and end, and a small room at the corner if there is one, enforcing the presence of walls around the rooms even if another room is already there or would be placed there.
putWalledBoxRoomCarvers(int) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.SerpentDeepMapGenerator
Changes the number of "carvers" that will create right-angle corridors from one room to the next, create rooms with a random size in a box shape at the start and end, and a small room at the corner if there is one.
putWalledBoxRoomCarvers(int) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.SerpentMapGenerator
Changes the number of "carvers" that will create right-angle corridors from one room to the next, create rooms with a random size in a box shape at the start and end, and a small room at the corner if there is one.
putWalledRoundRoomCarvers(int) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.LanesMapGenerator
Changes the number of "carvers" that will create right-angle corridors from one room to the next, create rooms with a random size in a circle shape at the start and end, and a small circular room at the corner if there is one.
putWalledRoundRoomCarvers(int) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.MixedGenerator
Changes the number of "carvers" that will create right-angle corridors from one room to the next, create rooms with a random size in a circle shape at the start and end, and a small circular room at the corner if there is one, enforcing the presence of walls around the rooms even if another room is already there or would be placed there.
putWalledRoundRoomCarvers(int) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.SerpentDeepMapGenerator
Changes the number of "carvers" that will create right-angle corridors from one room to the next, create rooms with a random size in a circle shape at the start and end, and a small circular room at the corner if there is one.
putWalledRoundRoomCarvers(int) - Method in class squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.SerpentMapGenerator
Changes the number of "carvers" that will create right-angle corridors from one room to the next, create rooms with a random size in a circle shape at the start and end, and a small circular room at the corner if there is one.
$ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
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