Class NumberTools


public final class NumberTools
extends Object
Various numeric functions that are important to performance but need alternate implementations on GWT to obtain it. Super-sourced on GWT, but most things here are direct calls to JDK methods when on desktop or Android. Some of this code makes use of "creative" bit manipulation of floats and doubles, which can sometimes allow uncommon input-to-output patterns (as in bounce(float)), or even can yield a performance boost (compare zigzag(float) to using modulus to accomplish the same results). The bit manipulation has good performance on GWT thanks to JS typed arrays, which are well-supported now across all recent browsers and have fallbacks in GWT in the unlikely event of a browser not supporting them.
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    static double acos​(double n)
    Arc cosine approximation with very low error, based on a simplified version of atan2(double, double).
    static float acos​(float n)
    Arc cosine approximation with very low error, based on a simplified version of atan2(float, float).
    static double acos_​(double n)
    Inverse cosine function (arccos) but with output measured in turns instead of radians.
    static float acos_​(float n)
    Inverse cosine function (arccos) but with output measured in turns instead of radians.
    static double asin​(double n)
    Arc sine approximation with very low error, based on a simplified version of atan2(float, float).
    static float asin​(float n)
    Arc sine approximation with very low error, based on a simplified version of atan2(double, double).
    static double asin_​(double n)
    Inverse sine function (arcsine) but with output measured in turns instead of radians.
    static float asin_​(float n)
    Inverse sine function (arcsine) but with output measured in turns instead of radians.
    static double atan2​(double y, double x)
    Close approximation of the frequently-used trigonometric method atan2, with higher precision than LibGDX's atan2 approximation.
    static float atan2​(float y, float x)
    Close approximation of the frequently-used trigonometric method atan2, with higher precision than LibGDX's atan2 approximation.
    static double atan2_​(double y, double x)
    Altered-range approximation of the frequently-used trigonometric method atan2, taking y and x positions as doubles and returning an angle measured in turns from 0.0 to 1.0 (inclusive), with one cycle over the range equivalent to 360 degrees or 2PI radians.
    static float atan2_​(float y, float x)
    Altered-range approximation of the frequently-used trigonometric method atan2, taking y and x positions as floats and returning an angle measured in turns from 0.0f to 1.0f, with one cycle over the range equivalent to 360 degrees or 2PI radians.
    static double atan2Degrees​(double y, double x)
    Close approximation of the frequently-used trigonometric method atan2, with higher precision than LibGDX's atan2 approximation, and giving a result in degrees from -180 to 180.
    static float atan2Degrees​(float y, float x)
    Close approximation of the frequently-used trigonometric method atan2, with higher precision than LibGDX's atan2 approximation, and giving a result in degrees from -180 to 180.
    static double atan2Degrees360​(double y, double x)
    Close approximation of the frequently-used trigonometric method atan2, with higher precision than LibGDX's atan2 approximation, and giving a result in degrees from 0 to 360.
    static float atan2Degrees360​(float y, float x)
    Close approximation of the frequently-used trigonometric method atan2, with higher precision than LibGDX's atan2 approximation, and giving a result in degrees from 0 to 360.
    static double bounce​(double value)
    Very limited-use; takes any double and produces a double in the -1.0 to 1.0 range, with similar inputs producing close to a consistent rate of up and down through the range.
    static float bounce​(float value)
    Very limited-use; takes any double and produces a double in the -1.0 to 1.0 range, with similar inputs producing close to a consistent rate of up and down through the range.
    static double bounce​(int valueLow, int valueHigh)
    Very limited-use; takes the significand bits of a double, represented as a pair of ints valueLow and valueHigh, using all bits in valueLow and the least-significant 20 bits of valueHigh, and produces a double in the -1.0 to 1.0 range, with similar inputs producing close to a consistent rate of up and down through the range.
    static double bounce​(long value)
    Very limited-use; takes the significand bits of a double, represented as a long of which this uses 52 bits, and produces a double in the -1.0 to 1.0 range, with similar inputs producing close to a consistent rate of up and down through the range.
    static double cos​(double radians)
    A fairly-close approximation of Math.cos(double) that can be significantly faster (between 8x and 80x faster cos() calls in benchmarking; if you have access to libGDX you should consider its sometimes-more-precise and sometimes-faster MathUtils.cos() method.
    static float cos​(float radians)
    A fairly-close approximation of Math.cos(double) that can be significantly faster (between 8x and 80x faster cos() calls in benchmarking, and both takes and returns floats; if you have access to libGDX you should consider its more-precise and sometimes-faster MathUtils.cos() method.
    static double cos_​(double turns)
    A variation on Math.cos(double) that takes its input as a fraction of a turn instead of in radians; one turn is equal to 360 degrees or two*PI radians.
    static float cos_​(float turns)
    A variation on Math.cos(double) that takes its input as a fraction of a turn instead of in radians (it also takes and returns a float); one turn is equal to 360 degrees or two*PI radians.
    static float cosDegrees​(float degrees)
    A fairly-close approximation of Math.cos(double) that can be significantly faster (between 8x and 80x faster cos() calls in benchmarking, and both takes and returns floats; if you have access to libGDX, you should consider its more-precise and sometimes-faster MathUtils.cosDeg() method.
    static int doubleToHighIntBits​(double value)
    Converts value to a long and gets the upper 32 bits of that long, as an int.
    static long doubleToLongBits​(double value)
    Identical to Double.doubleToLongBits(double) on desktop; optimized on GWT.
    static int doubleToLowIntBits​(double value)
    Converts value to a long and gets the lower 32 bits of that long, as an int.
    static int doubleToMixedIntBits​(double value)
    Converts value to a long and gets the XOR of its upper and lower 32-bit sections.
    static long doubleToRawLongBits​(double value)
    Identical to Double.doubleToLongBits(double) on desktop (note, not Double.doubleToRawLongBits(double)); optimized on GWT.
    static int floatToIntBits​(float value)
    Identical to Float.floatToIntBits(float) on desktop; optimized on GWT.
    static int floatToRawIntBits​(float value)
    Identical to Float.floatToIntBits(float) on desktop (note, not Float.floatToRawIntBits(float)); optimized on GWT.
    static int floatToReversedIntBits​(float value)
    Gets the bit representation of the given float value, but with reversed byte order.
    static double formCurvedDouble​(long start)
    A different kind of determine-like method that expects to be given a random long and produces a random double with a curved distribution that centers on 0 (where it has a bias) and can (rarely) approach -1f and 1f.
    static double formCurvedDoubleTight​(long start)
    A different kind of determine-like method that expects to be given a random long and produces a random double with a curved distribution that centers on 0 (where it has a bias) and can (rarely) approach 0.0 and 1.0.
    static float formCurvedFloat​(int start)
    A different kind of determine-like method that expects to be given a random int and produces a random float with a curved distribution that centers on 0 (where it has a bias) and can (rarely) approach -1f and 1f.
    static float formCurvedFloat​(int start1, int start2)
    A different kind of determine-like method that expects to be given random ints and produces a random float with a curved distribution that centers on 0 (where it has a bias) and can (rarely) approach -1f and 1f.
    static float formCurvedFloat​(long start)
    A different kind of determine-like method that expects to be given a random long and produces a random float with a curved distribution that centers on 0 (where it has a bias) and can (rarely) approach -1f and 1f.
    static double formDouble​(long seed)
    Given a long as a seed, this uses its least-significant 52 bits to produce a double between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive).
    static float formFloat​(int seed)
    Given an int as a seed, this uses its least-significant 23 bits to produce a float between 0f (inclusive) and 1f (exclusive).
    static double formSignedDouble​(long seed)
    Given a long as a seed, this uses its least-significant 52 bits to produce a double between -1 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive).
    static float formSignedFloat​(int seed)
    Given an int as a seed, this uses its least-significant 23 bits to produce a float between -1f (inclusive) and 1f (exclusive).
    static byte getSelectedByte​(double value, int whichByte)
    Gets an 8-bit section of the given double value, using whichByte to select whether this should return byte 0 (least significant), 1, 2, and so on up to 7 (most significant).
    static byte getSelectedByte​(float value, int whichByte)
    Gets an 8-bit section of the given float value, using whichByte to select whether this should return byte 0 (least significant), 1, 2, or 3 (most significant).
    static float intBitsToFloat​(int bits)
    Identical to Float.intBitsToFloat(int) on desktop; optimized on GWT.
    static double longBitsToDouble​(long bits)
    Identical to Double.longBitsToDouble(long) on desktop; optimized on GWT.
    static int lowestOneBit​(int num)
    Returns an int value with at most a single one-bit, in the position of the lowest-order ("rightmost") one-bit in the specified int value.
    static long lowestOneBit​(long num)
    Returns an long value with at most a single one-bit, in the position of the lowest-order ("rightmost") one-bit in the specified long value.
    static double randomDouble​(long seed)
    Generates a pseudo-random double between 0.0 (inclusive) and 1.0 (exclusive) using the given long seed, passing it once through the (decent-quality and very fast) ThrustAltRNG algorithm.
    static float randomFloat​(long seed)
    Generates a pseudo-random float between 0f (inclusive) and 1f (exclusive) using the given long seed, passing it once through the (decent-quality and very fast) ThrustAltRNG algorithm.
    static float randomFloatCurved​(long seed)
    Generates a pseudo-random double between -1.0 (exclusive) and 1.0 (exclusive) with a distribution that has a strong central bias (around 0.0).
    static double randomSignedDouble​(long seed)
    Generates a pseudo-random double between -1.0 (inclusive) and 1.0 (exclusive) using the given long seed, passing it once through the (decent-quality and very fast) ThrustAltRNG algorithm.
    static float randomSignedFloat​(long seed)
    Generates a pseudo-random float between -1f (inclusive) and 1f (exclusive) using the given long seed, passing it once through the (decent-quality and very fast) ThrustAltRNG algorithm.
    static float reversedIntBitsToFloat​(int bits)
    Reverses the byte order of bits and converts that to a float.
    static double setExponent​(double value, int exponentBits)
    Makes a modified version of value that uses the specified bits (up to 12) for its exponent and sign.
    static double setSelectedByte​(double value, int whichByte, byte newValue)
    Like getSelectedByte(double, int), this sets the byte at a selected position in the int representation of a double, then returns the double produced by the bit change.
    static float setSelectedByte​(float value, int whichByte, byte newValue)
    Like getSelectedByte(float, int), this sets the byte at a selected position in the int representation of a float, then returns the float produced by the bit change.
    static double sin​(double radians)
    A fairly-close approximation of Math.sin(double) that can be significantly faster (between 8x and 80x faster sin() calls in benchmarking; if you have access to libGDX you should consider its sometimes-more-precise and sometimes-faster MathUtils.sin() method.
    static float sin​(float radians)
    A fairly-close approximation of Math.sin(double) that can be significantly faster (between 8x and 80x faster sin() calls in benchmarking, and both takes and returns floats; if you have access to libGDX you should consider its more-precise and sometimes-faster MathUtils.sin() method.
    static double sin_​(double turns)
    A variation on Math.sin(double) that takes its input as a fraction of a turn instead of in radians; one turn is equal to 360 degrees or two*PI radians.
    static float sin_​(float turns)
    A variation on Math.sin(double) that takes its input as a fraction of a turn instead of in radians (it also takes and returns a float); one turn is equal to 360 degrees or two*PI radians.
    static float sinDegrees​(float degrees)
    A fairly-close approximation of Math.sin(double) that can be significantly faster (between 8x and 80x faster sin() calls in benchmarking, and both takes and returns floats; if you have access to libGDX, you should consider its more-precise and sometimes-faster MathUtils.sinDeg() method.
    static double sway​(double value)
    Limited-use; takes any double and produces a double in the -1 to 1 range, with a graph of input to output that looks much like a sine wave, curving to have a flat slope when given an integer input and a steep slope when the input is halfway between two integers, smoothly curving at any points between those extremes.
    static float sway​(float value)
    Limited-use; takes any float and produces a float in the -1f to 1f range, with a graph of input to output that looks much like a sine wave, curving to have a flat slope when given an integer input and a steep slope when the input is halfway between two integers, smoothly curving at any points between those extremes.
    static float swayAngleRandomized​(long seed, float value)
    A 1D "noise" method that produces smooth transitions like sway(float), but also wrapping around at pi * 2 so this can be used to get smoothly-changing random angles.
    static double swayRandomized​(int seed, double value)
    A variant on swayRandomized(long, double) that takes an int seed instead of a long, and is optimized for usage on GWT.
    static float swayRandomized​(int seed, float value)
    A variant on swayRandomized(long, float) that takes an int seed instead of a long, and is optimized for usage on GWT.
    static double swayRandomized​(long seed, double value)
    A mix of the smooth transitions of sway(double) with (seeded) random peaks and valleys between -1.0 and 1.0 (both exclusive).
    static float swayRandomized​(long seed, float value)
    A mix of the smooth transitions of sway(float) with (seeded) random peaks and valleys between -1f and 1f (both exclusive).
    static double swayTight​(double value)
    Limited-use; takes any double and produces a double in the 0.0 to 1.0 range, with a graph of input to output that looks much like a sine wave, curving to have a flat slope when given an integer input and a steep slope when the input is halfway between two integers, smoothly curving at any points between those extremes.
    static float swayTight​(float value)
    Limited-use; takes any float and produces a float in the 0f to 1f range, with a graph of input to output that looks much like a sine wave, curving to have a flat slope when given an integer input and a steep slope when the input is halfway between two integers, smoothly curving at any points between those extremes.
    static double zigzag​(double value)
    Limited-use; takes any double and produces a double in the -1.0 to 1.0 range, with similar inputs producing close to a consistent rate of up and down through the range.
    static float zigzag​(float value)
    Limited-use; takes any float and produces a float in the -1f to 1f range, with similar inputs producing close to a consistent rate of up and down through the range.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • doubleToLongBits

      public static long doubleToLongBits​(double value)
      Identical to Double.doubleToLongBits(double) on desktop; optimized on GWT. When compiling to JS via GWT, there is no way to distinguish NaN values with different bits but that are still NaN, so this doesn't try to somehow permit that. Uses JS typed arrays on GWT, which are well-supported now across all recent browsers and have fallbacks in GWT in the unlikely event of a browser not supporting them. JS typed arrays support double, but not long, so this needs to compose a long from two ints, which means the double-to/from-long conversions aren't as fast as float-to/from-int conversions.
      value - a double floating-point number.
      the bits that represent the floating-point number.
    • doubleToRawLongBits

      public static long doubleToRawLongBits​(double value)
      Identical to Double.doubleToLongBits(double) on desktop (note, not Double.doubleToRawLongBits(double)); optimized on GWT. When compiling to JS via GWT, there is no way to distinguish NaN values with different bits but that are still NaN, so this doesn't try to somehow permit that. Uses JS typed arrays on GWT, which are well-supported now across all recent browsers and have fallbacks in GWT in the unlikely event of a browser not supporting them. JS typed arrays support double, but not long, so this needs to compose a long from two ints, which means the double-to/from-long conversions aren't as fast as float-to/from-int conversions.
      value - a double floating-point number.
      the bits that represent the floating-point number.
    • longBitsToDouble

      public static double longBitsToDouble​(long bits)
      Identical to Double.longBitsToDouble(long) on desktop; optimized on GWT. Uses JS typed arrays on GWT, which are well-supported now across all recent browsers and have fallbacks in GWT in the unlikely event of a browser not supporting them. JS typed arrays support double, but not long, so this needs to compose a long from two ints, which means the double-to/from-long conversions aren't as fast as float-to/from-int conversions.
      bits - a long.
      the double floating-point value with the same bit pattern.
    • doubleToLowIntBits

      public static int doubleToLowIntBits​(double value)
      Converts value to a long and gets the lower 32 bits of that long, as an int.
      value - a double precision floating-point number.
      the lower half of the bits that represent the floating-point number, as an int.
    • doubleToHighIntBits

      public static int doubleToHighIntBits​(double value)
      Converts value to a long and gets the upper 32 bits of that long, as an int.
      value - a double precision floating-point number.
      the upper half of the bits that represent the floating-point number, as an int.
    • doubleToMixedIntBits

      public static int doubleToMixedIntBits​(double value)
      Converts value to a long and gets the XOR of its upper and lower 32-bit sections. Useful for numerical code where a 64-bit double needs to be reduced to a 32-bit value with some hope of keeping different doubles giving different ints.
      value - a double precision floating-point number.
      the XOR of the lower and upper halves of the bits that represent the floating-point number.
    • setExponent

      public static double setExponent​(double value, int exponentBits)
      Makes a modified version of value that uses the specified bits (up to 12) for its exponent and sign. Meant for some specific cases, like adjusting the exponent on an unknown double to the 1.0 to 2.0 range (which would pass 0x3ff for exponentBits). If you have a double from 1.0 to 2.0, you can subtract 1.0 from it to get the often-desirable 0.0-1.0 range. Other common cases are 0x400, which adjusts to between 2.0 and 4.0 (subtracting 3.0 from this gives the -1.0 to 1.0 range, useful for noise), and 0xBFF, which adjusts to between -2.0 and -1.0. For the last case, you might think that -0x3ff would work, but sadly it doesn't. You can use exponentBits |= 0x800 to set the sign bit to negative, or exponentBits &= 0x7ff for positive.
      value - a double that will have its sign and exponent set to the specified bits
      exponentBits - the bits to use for the sign and exponent section of the returned modification of value
      the double produced by keeping the significand of value but changing its exponent and sign as given
    • getSelectedByte

      public static byte getSelectedByte​(double value, int whichByte)
      Gets an 8-bit section of the given double value, using whichByte to select whether this should return byte 0 (least significant), 1, 2, and so on up to 7 (most significant).
      value - a float
      whichByte - an int that will be used to select the byte to take from value (any int is allowed, only the bottom 3 bits are used to select)
      the selected byte from the given float
    • setSelectedByte

      public static double setSelectedByte​(double value, int whichByte, byte newValue)
      Like getSelectedByte(double, int), this sets the byte at a selected position in the int representation of a double, then returns the double produced by the bit change. Uses whichByte to select whether this should set byte 0 (least significant), 1, 2, and so on up to 7 (most significant). newValue is a byte.
      value - a double
      whichByte - an int that will be used to select the byte to take from value (any int is allowed, only the bottom 3 bits are used to select)
      newValue - a byte that will be placed into the returned double's bits at the selected position
      a double that results from changing the bits at the selected position to match newValue
    • bounce

      public static double bounce​(double value)
      Very limited-use; takes any double and produces a double in the -1.0 to 1.0 range, with similar inputs producing close to a consistent rate of up and down through the range. This is meant for noise, where it may be useful to limit the amount of change between nearby points' noise values and prevent sudden "jumps" in noise value.
      value - any double
      a double from -1.0 (inclusive) to 1.0 (exclusive)
    • bounce

      public static float bounce​(float value)
      Very limited-use; takes any double and produces a double in the -1.0 to 1.0 range, with similar inputs producing close to a consistent rate of up and down through the range. This is meant for noise, where it may be useful to limit the amount of change between nearby points' noise values and prevent sudden "jumps" in noise value.
      value - any double
      a double from -1.0 (inclusive) to 1.0 (exclusive)
    • bounce

      public static double bounce​(long value)
      Very limited-use; takes the significand bits of a double, represented as a long of which this uses 52 bits, and produces a double in the -1.0 to 1.0 range, with similar inputs producing close to a consistent rate of up and down through the range. This is meant for noise, where it may be useful to limit the amount of change between nearby points' noise values and prevent sudden "jumps" in noise value.
      value - any long; only the lower 52 bits will be used
      a double from -1.0 (inclusive) to 1.0 (exclusive)
    • bounce

      public static double bounce​(int valueLow, int valueHigh)
      Very limited-use; takes the significand bits of a double, represented as a pair of ints valueLow and valueHigh, using all bits in valueLow and the least-significant 20 bits of valueHigh, and produces a double in the -1.0 to 1.0 range, with similar inputs producing close to a consistent rate of up and down through the range. This is meant for noise, where it may be useful to limit the amount of change between nearby points' noise values and prevent sudden "jumps" in noise value.
      valueLow - any int; all bits will be used as the less-significant bits of the significand
      valueHigh - any int; only the bottom 20 bits will be used as the more-significant bits of the significand
      a double from -1.0 (inclusive) to 1.0 (exclusive)
    • zigzag

      public static double zigzag​(double value)
      Limited-use; takes any double and produces a double in the -1.0 to 1.0 range, with similar inputs producing close to a consistent rate of up and down through the range. This is meant for noise, where it may be useful to limit the amount of change between nearby points' noise values and prevent sudden "jumps" in noise value. It is very similar to bounce(double), but unlike bounce() this will maintain a continuous rate regardless of the magnitude of its input. An input of any even number should produce something very close to -1.0, any odd number should produce something very close to 1.0, and any number halfway between two incremental integers (like 8.5 or -10.5) should produce 0.0 or a very small fraction. This method is closely related to sway(double), which will smoothly curve its output to produce more values that are close to -1 or 1.
      value - any double
      a double from -1.0 (inclusive) to 1.0 (inclusive)
    • zigzag

      public static float zigzag​(float value)
      Limited-use; takes any float and produces a float in the -1f to 1f range, with similar inputs producing close to a consistent rate of up and down through the range. This is meant for noise, where it may be useful to limit the amount of change between nearby points' noise values and prevent sudden "jumps" in noise value. It is very similar to bounce(float), but unlike bounce() this will maintain a continuous rate regardless of the magnitude of its input. An input of any even number should produce something very close to -1f, any odd number should produce something very close to 1f, and any number halfway between two incremental integers (like 8.5f or -10.5f) should produce 0f or a very small fraction. This method is closely related to sway(float), which will smoothly curve its output to produce more values that are close to -1 or 1.
      value - any float
      a float from -1f (inclusive) to 1f (inclusive)
    • sway

      public static double sway​(double value)
      Limited-use; takes any double and produces a double in the -1 to 1 range, with a graph of input to output that looks much like a sine wave, curving to have a flat slope when given an integer input and a steep slope when the input is halfway between two integers, smoothly curving at any points between those extremes. This is meant for noise, where it may be useful to limit the amount of change between nearby points' noise values and prevent both sudden "jumps" in noise value and "cracks" where a line takes a sudden jagged movement at an angle. It is very similar to bounce(double) and zigzag(double), but unlike bounce() this will maintain its frequency of returning max or min values, regardless of the magnitude of its input (as long as there is enough floating-point precision to represent changes smaller than 1.0), and unlike zigzag() this will smooth its path. An input of any even number should produce something very close to -1.0, any odd number should produce something very close to 1.0, and any number halfway between two incremental integers (like 8.5 or -10.5) should produce 0.0 or a very small fraction. In the (unlikely) event that this is given a double that is too large to represent many or any non-integer values, this will simply return -1.0 or 1.0.
      value - any double other than NaN or infinite values; extremely large values can't work properly
      a double from -1.0 (inclusive) to 1.0 (inclusive)
    • sway

      public static float sway​(float value)
      Limited-use; takes any float and produces a float in the -1f to 1f range, with a graph of input to output that looks much like a sine wave, curving to have a flat slope when given an integer input and a steep slope when the input is halfway between two integers, smoothly curving at any points between those extremes. This is meant for noise, where it may be useful to limit the amount of change between nearby points' noise values and prevent both sudden "jumps" in noise value and "cracks" where a line takes a sudden jagged movement at an angle. It is very similar to bounce(float) and zigzag(float), but unlike bounce() this will maintain its frequency of returning max or min values, regardless of the magnitude of its input (as long as there is enough floating-point precision to represent changes smaller than 1f), and unlike zigzag() this will smooth its path. An input of any even number should produce something very close to -1f, any odd number should produce something very close to 1f, and any number halfway between two incremental integers (like 8.5f or -10.5f) should produce 0f or a very small fraction. In the (unlikely) event that this is given a float that is too large to represent many or any non-integer values, this will simply return -1f or 1f.
      value - any float other than NaN or infinite values; extremely large values can't work properly
      a float from -1f (inclusive) to 1f (inclusive)
    • swayTight

      public static float swayTight​(float value)
      Limited-use; takes any float and produces a float in the 0f to 1f range, with a graph of input to output that looks much like a sine wave, curving to have a flat slope when given an integer input and a steep slope when the input is halfway between two integers, smoothly curving at any points between those extremes. This is meant for noise, where it may be useful to limit the amount of change between nearby points' noise values and prevent both sudden "jumps" in noise value and "cracks" where a line takes a sudden jagged movement at an angle. It is very similar to bounce(float) and zigzag(float), but unlike bounce() this will not change its frequency of returning max or min values, regardless of the magnitude of its input (as long as there is enough floating-point precision to represent changes smaller than 1f), and unlike zigzag() this will smooth its path. An input of any even number should produce something very close to 0f, any odd number should produce something very close to 1f, and any number halfway between two incremental integers (like 8.5f or -10.5f) should produce 0.5f. In the (unlikely) event that this is given a float that is too large to represent many or any non-integer values, this will simply return 0f or 1f. This version is called "Tight" because its range is tighter than sway(float).
      value - any float other than NaN or infinite values; extremely large values can't work properly
      a float from 0f (inclusive) to 1f (inclusive)
    • swayTight

      public static double swayTight​(double value)
      Limited-use; takes any double and produces a double in the 0.0 to 1.0 range, with a graph of input to output that looks much like a sine wave, curving to have a flat slope when given an integer input and a steep slope when the input is halfway between two integers, smoothly curving at any points between those extremes. This is meant for noise, where it may be useful to limit the amount of change between nearby points' noise values and prevent both sudden "jumps" in noise value and "cracks" where a line takes a sudden jagged movement at an angle. It is very similar to bounce(double) and zigzag(double), but unlike bounce() this will not change its frequency of returning max or min values, regardless of the magnitude of its input (as long as there is enough floating-point precision to represent changes smaller than 1.0), and unlike zigzag() this will smooth its path. An input of any even number should produce something very close to 0.0, any odd number should produce something very close to 1.0, and any number halfway between two incremental integers (like 8.5 or -10.5) should produce 0.5f. In the (unlikely) event that this is given a double that is too large to represent many or any non-integer values, this will simply return 0.0 or 1.0. This version is called "Tight" because its range is tighter than sway(double).
      value - any double other than NaN or infinite values; extremely large values can't work properly
      a double from 0.0 (inclusive) to 1.0 (inclusive)
    • swayRandomized

      public static double swayRandomized​(long seed, double value)
      A mix of the smooth transitions of sway(double) with (seeded) random peaks and valleys between -1.0 and 1.0 (both exclusive). The pattern this will produces will be completely different if the seed changes, and it is suitable for 1D noise. Uses a simple method of cubic interpolation between random values, where a random value is used without modification when given an integer for value. Note that this uses a different type of interpolation than sway(double), which uses quintic (this causes swayRandomized() to produce more outputs in the mid-range and less at extremes; it is also slightly faster and simpler).
      Performance note: HotSpot seems to be much more able to optimize swayRandomized(long, float) than swayRandomized(long, double), with the float version almost twice as fast after JIT warms up. On GWT, the reverse should be expected because floats must be emulated there.
      seed - a long seed that will determine the pattern of peaks and valleys this will generate as value changes; this should not change between calls
      value - a double that typically changes slowly, by less than 1.0, with direction changes at integer inputs
      a pseudo-random double between -1.0 and 1.0 (both exclusive), smoothly changing with value
    • swayRandomized

      public static float swayRandomized​(long seed, float value)
      A mix of the smooth transitions of sway(float) with (seeded) random peaks and valleys between -1f and 1f (both exclusive). The pattern this will produces will be completely different if the seed changes, and it is suitable for 1D noise. Uses a simple method of cubic interpolation between random values, where a random value is used without modification when given an integer for value. Note that this uses a different type of interpolation than sway(float), which uses quintic (this causes swayRandomized() to produce more outputs in the mid-range and less at extremes; it is also slightly faster and simpler).
      Performance note: HotSpot seems to be much more able to optimize swayRandomized(long, float) than swayRandomized(long, double), with the float version almost twice as fast after JIT warms up. On GWT, the reverse should be expected because floats must be emulated there.
      seed - a long seed that will determine the pattern of peaks and valleys this will generate as value changes; this should not change between calls
      value - a float that typically changes slowly, by less than 2.0, with direction changes at integer inputs
      a pseudo-random float between -1f and 1f (both exclusive), smoothly changing with value
    • swayRandomized

      public static double swayRandomized​(int seed, double value)
      A variant on swayRandomized(long, double) that takes an int seed instead of a long, and is optimized for usage on GWT. Like the version with a long seed, this uses cubic interpolation between random peak or valley points; only the method of generating those random peaks and valleys has changed.
      seed - an int seed that will determine the pattern of peaks and valleys this will generate as value changes; this should not change between calls
      value - a double that typically changes slowly, by less than 2.0, with direction changes at integer inputs
      a pseudo-random double between -1.0 and 1.0 (both exclusive), smoothly changing with value
    • swayRandomized

      public static float swayRandomized​(int seed, float value)
      A variant on swayRandomized(long, float) that takes an int seed instead of a long, and is optimized for usage on GWT. Like the version with a long seed, this uses cubic interpolation between random peak or valley points; only the method of generating those random peaks and valleys has changed.
      seed - an int seed that will determine the pattern of peaks and valleys this will generate as value changes; this should not change between calls
      value - a float that typically changes slowly, by less than 2.0, with direction changes at integer inputs
      a pseudo-random float between -1f and 1f (both exclusive), smoothly changing with value
    • swayAngleRandomized

      public static float swayAngleRandomized​(long seed, float value)
      A 1D "noise" method that produces smooth transitions like sway(float), but also wrapping around at pi * 2 so this can be used to get smoothly-changing random angles. Has (seeded) random peaks and valleys where it slows its range of change, but can return any value from 0 to 6.283185307179586f, or pi * 2. The pattern this will produces will be completely different if the seed changes, and the value is expected to be something other than an angle, like time. Uses a simple method of cubic interpolation between random values, where a random value is used without modification when given an integer for value. Note that this uses a different type of interpolation than sway(float), which uses quintic (this causes swayAngleRandomized() to be slightly faster and simpler).
      seed - a long seed that will determine the pattern of peaks and valleys this will generate as value changes; this should not change between calls
      value - a float that typically changes slowly, by less than 1.0, with possible direction changes at integer inputs
      a pseudo-random float between 0f and 283185307179586f (both inclusive), smoothly changing with value and wrapping
    • floatToIntBits

      public static int floatToIntBits​(float value)
      Identical to Float.floatToIntBits(float) on desktop; optimized on GWT. Uses JS typed arrays on GWT, which are well-supported now across all recent browsers and have fallbacks in GWT in the unlikely event of a browser not supporting them.
      value - a floating-point number.
      the bits that represent the floating-point number.
    • floatToRawIntBits

      public static int floatToRawIntBits​(float value)
      Identical to Float.floatToIntBits(float) on desktop (note, not Float.floatToRawIntBits(float)); optimized on GWT. When compiling to JS via GWT, there is no way to distinguish NaN values with different bits but that are still NaN, so this doesn't try to somehow permit that. Uses JS typed arrays on GWT, which are well-supported now across all recent browsers and have fallbacks in GWT in the unlikely event of a browser not supporting them.
      value - a floating-point number.
      the bits that represent the floating-point number.
    • floatToReversedIntBits

      public static int floatToReversedIntBits​(float value)
      Gets the bit representation of the given float value, but with reversed byte order. On desktop, this is equivalent to calling Integer.reverseBytes(Float.floatToIntBits(value)), but it is implemented using typed arrays on GWT.
      value - a floating-point number
      the bits that represent the floating-point number, with their byte order reversed from normal.
    • reversedIntBitsToFloat

      public static float reversedIntBitsToFloat​(int bits)
      Reverses the byte order of bits and converts that to a float. On desktop, this is equivalent to calling Float.intBitsToFloat(Integer.reverseBytes(bits)), but it is implemented using typed arrays on GWT.
      bits - an integer
      the float floating-point value with the given bits using their byte order reversed from normal.
    • intBitsToFloat

      public static float intBitsToFloat​(int bits)
      Identical to Float.intBitsToFloat(int) on desktop; optimized on GWT. Uses JS typed arrays on GWT, which are well-supported now across all recent browsers and have fallbacks in GWT in the unlikely event of a browser not supporting them.
      bits - an integer.
      the float floating-point value with the same bit pattern.
    • getSelectedByte

      public static byte getSelectedByte​(float value, int whichByte)
      Gets an 8-bit section of the given float value, using whichByte to select whether this should return byte 0 (least significant), 1, 2, or 3 (most significant).
      value - a float
      whichByte - an int that will be used to select the byte to take from value (any int is allowed, only the bottom 2 bits are used to select)
      the selected byte from the given float
    • setSelectedByte

      public static float setSelectedByte​(float value, int whichByte, byte newValue)
      Like getSelectedByte(float, int), this sets the byte at a selected position in the int representation of a float, then returns the float produced by the bit change. Uses whichByte to select whether this should set byte 0 (least significant), 1, 2, or 3 (most significant). newValue is a byte.
      value - a float
      whichByte - an int that will be used to select the byte to take from value (any int is allowed, only the bottom 2 bits are used to select)
      newValue - a byte that will be placed into the returned float's bits at the selected position
      a float that results from changing the bits at the selected position to match newValue
    • randomDouble

      public static double randomDouble​(long seed)
      Generates a pseudo-random double between 0.0 (inclusive) and 1.0 (exclusive) using the given long seed, passing it once through the (decent-quality and very fast) ThrustAltRNG algorithm.
      Consider calling this with NumberTools.randomDouble(++seed) for an optimal period of 2 to the 64 when repeatedly called, but NumberTools.randomDouble(seed += ODD_LONG) will also work just fine if ODD_LONG is any odd-number long, positive or negative.
      seed - any long to be used as a seed
      a pseudo-random double from 0.0 (inclusive) to 1.0 (exclusive)
    • randomSignedDouble

      public static double randomSignedDouble​(long seed)
      Generates a pseudo-random double between -1.0 (inclusive) and 1.0 (exclusive) using the given long seed, passing it once through the (decent-quality and very fast) ThrustAltRNG algorithm.
      Consider calling this with NumberTools.randomSignedDouble(++seed) for an optimal period of 2 to the 64 when repeatedly called, but NumberTools.randomSignedDouble(seed += ODD_LONG) will also work just fine if ODD_LONG is any odd-number long, positive or negative.
      seed - any long to be used as a seed
      a pseudo-random double from 0.0 (inclusive) to 1.0 (exclusive)
    • randomFloat

      public static float randomFloat​(long seed)
      Generates a pseudo-random float between 0f (inclusive) and 1f (exclusive) using the given long seed, passing it once through the (decent-quality and very fast) ThrustAltRNG algorithm.
      Consider calling this with NumberTools.randomFloat(++seed) for an optimal period of 2 to the 64 when repeatedly called, but NumberTools.randomFloat(seed += ODD_LONG) will also work just fine if ODD_LONG is any odd-number long, positive or negative.
      seed - any long to be used as a seed
      a pseudo-random float from -1.0f (exclusive) to 1.0f (exclusive)
    • randomSignedFloat

      public static float randomSignedFloat​(long seed)
      Generates a pseudo-random float between -1f (inclusive) and 1f (exclusive) using the given long seed, passing it once through the (decent-quality and very fast) ThrustAltRNG algorithm. This can be useful as a multiplier that has approximately equal likelihood of changing or leaving the sign of its multiplicand, and won't make the result larger (more significant) but will usually make it closer to 0.
      Consider calling this with NumberTools.randomDouble(++seed) for an optimal period of 2 to the 64 when repeatedly called, but NumberTools.randomDouble(seed += ODD_LONG) will also work just fine if ODD_LONG is any odd-number long, positive or negative.
      seed - any long to be used as a seed
      a pseudo-random float from -1.0f (exclusive) to 1.0f (exclusive)
    • randomFloatCurved

      public static float randomFloatCurved​(long seed)
      Generates a pseudo-random double between -1.0 (exclusive) and 1.0 (exclusive) with a distribution that has a strong central bias (around 0.0). Uses the given long seed, passing it once through the (decent-quality and very fast) ThrustAltRNG algorithm. This produces a pseudo-random long, which this simply passes to formCurvedFloat(long), since it is already well-suited to generating a curved distribution.
      Consider calling this with NumberTools.randomFloatCurved(++seed) for an optimal period of 2 to the 64 when repeatedly called, but NumberTools.randomFloatCurved(seed += ODD_LONG) will also work just fine if ODD_LONG is any odd-number long, positive or negative.
      seed - any int to be used as a seed
      a pseudo-random double from -1.0 (exclusive) to 1.0 (exclusive), distributed on a curve centered on 0.0
    • formFloat

      public static float formFloat​(int seed)
      Given an int as a seed, this uses its least-significant 23 bits to produce a float between 0f (inclusive) and 1f (exclusive). This does not randomize the seed at all, and the upper 9 bits of the seed are ignored.
      seed - an int; only the bottom 23 bits will be used
      a float between 0f (inclusive) and 1f (exclusive)
    • formSignedFloat

      public static float formSignedFloat​(int seed)
      Given an int as a seed, this uses its least-significant 23 bits to produce a float between -1f (inclusive) and 1f (exclusive). This does not randomize the seed at all, and the upper 9 bits of the seed are ignored.
      seed - an int; only the bottom 23 bits will be used
      a float between -1f (inclusive) and 1f (exclusive)
    • formDouble

      public static double formDouble​(long seed)
      Given a long as a seed, this uses its least-significant 52 bits to produce a double between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive). This does not randomize the seed at all, and the upper 12 bits of the seed are ignored.
      seed - a long; only the bottom 52 bits will be used
      a double between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive)
    • formSignedDouble

      public static double formSignedDouble​(long seed)
      Given a long as a seed, this uses its least-significant 52 bits to produce a double between -1 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive). This does not randomize the seed at all, and the upper 12 bits of the seed are ignored.
      seed - a long; only the bottom 52 bits will be used
      a double between -1 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive)
    • formCurvedDouble

      public static double formCurvedDouble​(long start)
      A different kind of determine-like method that expects to be given a random long and produces a random double with a curved distribution that centers on 0 (where it has a bias) and can (rarely) approach -1f and 1f. The distribution for the values is similar to Irwin-Hall, and is frequently near 0 but not too-rarely near -1.0 or 1.0. It cannot produce 1.0, -1.0, or any values further from 0 than those bounds.
      start - a long, usually random, such as one produced by any RandomnessSource; all bits will be used
      a deterministic double between -1.0 (exclusive) and 1.0 (exclusive); very likely to be close to 0.0
    • formCurvedDoubleTight

      public static double formCurvedDoubleTight​(long start)
      A different kind of determine-like method that expects to be given a random long and produces a random double with a curved distribution that centers on 0 (where it has a bias) and can (rarely) approach 0.0 and 1.0. The distribution for the values is similar to Irwin-Hall, and is frequently near 0 but not too-rarely near 0.0 or 1.0. It cannot produce 0.0, 1.0, or any values further from 0.5 than those bounds.
      start - a long, usually random, such as one produced by any RandomnessSource; all bits will be used
      a deterministic double between 0.0 (exclusive) and 1.0 (exclusive); very likely to be close to 0.5
    • formCurvedFloat

      public static float formCurvedFloat​(long start)
      A different kind of determine-like method that expects to be given a random long and produces a random float with a curved distribution that centers on 0 (where it has a bias) and can (rarely) approach -1f and 1f. The distribution for the values is similar to Irwin-Hall, and is frequently near 0 but not too-rarely near -1f or 1f. It cannot produce 1f, -1f, or any values further from 0 than those bounds.
      start - a long, usually random, such as one produced by any RandomnessSource
      a deterministic float between -1f (exclusive) and 1f (exclusive), that is very likely to be close to 0f
    • formCurvedFloat

      public static float formCurvedFloat​(int start1, int start2)
      A different kind of determine-like method that expects to be given random ints and produces a random float with a curved distribution that centers on 0 (where it has a bias) and can (rarely) approach -1f and 1f. The distribution for the values is similar to Irwin-Hall, and is frequently near 0 but not too-rarely near -1f or 1f. It cannot produce 1f, -1f, or any values further from 0 than those bounds.
      start1 - an int usually random, such as one produced by any RandomnessSource
      start2 - an int usually random, such as one produced by any RandomnessSource
      a deterministic float between -1f (exclusive) and 1f (exclusive), that is very likely to be close to 0f
    • formCurvedFloat

      public static float formCurvedFloat​(int start)
      A different kind of determine-like method that expects to be given a random int and produces a random float with a curved distribution that centers on 0 (where it has a bias) and can (rarely) approach -1f and 1f. The distribution for the values is similar to Irwin-Hall, and is frequently near 0 but not too-rarely near -1f or 1f. It cannot produce 1f, -1f, or any values further from 0 than those bounds.
      start - an int, usually random, such as one produced by any RandomnessSource
      a deterministic float between -1f (exclusive) and 1f (exclusive), that is very likely to be close to 0f
    • lowestOneBit

      public static int lowestOneBit​(int num)
      Returns an int value with at most a single one-bit, in the position of the lowest-order ("rightmost") one-bit in the specified int value. Returns zero if the specified value has no one-bits in its two's complement binary representation, that is, if it is equal to zero.
      Identical to Integer.lowestOneBit(int), but super-sourced to act correctly on GWT. If you have GWT as a target and do bit manipulation work, double-check everything! An int can be higher than Integer.MAX_VALUE or lower than Integer.MIN_VALUE on GWT, without actually being a long (internally it's a double). This is especially relevant for the overload of this method that takes and returns a long; Long.lowestOneBit(long) does not provide correct results for certain inputs on GWT, such as -17592186044416L, which it mysteriously returns 0L on, so you should use lowestOneBit(long).
      num - the value whose lowest one bit is to be computed
      an int value with a single one-bit, in the position of the lowest-order one-bit in the specified value, or zero if the specified value is itself equal to zero.
    • lowestOneBit

      public static long lowestOneBit​(long num)
      Returns an long value with at most a single one-bit, in the position of the lowest-order ("rightmost") one-bit in the specified long value. Returns zero if the specified value has no one-bits in its two's complement binary representation, that is, if it is equal to zero.
      Identical to Long.lowestOneBit(long), but super-sourced to act correctly on GWT. If you have GWT as a target and do bit manipulation work, double-check everything! An int can be higher than Integer.MAX_VALUE or lower than Integer.MIN_VALUE on GWT, without actually being a long (internally it's a double). This is especially relevant for this overload (for longs more so than for ints); Long.lowestOneBit(long) does not provide correct results for certain inputs on GWT, such as -17592186044416L, which it mysteriously returns 0L on, so you should use this method.
      num - the value whose lowest one bit is to be computed
      a long value with a single one-bit, in the position of the lowest-order one-bit in the specified value, or zero if the specified value is itself equal to zero.
    • sin

      public static double sin​(double radians)
      A fairly-close approximation of Math.sin(double) that can be significantly faster (between 8x and 80x faster sin() calls in benchmarking; if you have access to libGDX you should consider its sometimes-more-precise and sometimes-faster MathUtils.sin() method. Because this method doesn't rely on a lookup table, where libGDX's MathUtils does, applications that have a bottleneck on memory may perform better with this method than with MathUtils. Takes the same arguments Math.sin() does, so one angle in radians, which may technically be any double (but this will lose precision on fairly large doubles, such as those that are larger than Long.MAX_VALUE, because those doubles themselves will lose precision at that scale). This is closely related to sway(double), but the shape of the output when graphed is almost identical to sin(). The difference between the result of this method and Math.sin(double) should be under 0.0011 at all points between -pi and pi, with an average difference of about 0.0005; not all points have been checked for potentially higher errors, though.
      The error for this double version is extremely close to the float version, sin(float), so you should choose based on what type you have as input and/or want to return rather than on quality concerns. Coercion between float and double takes about as long as this method normally takes to run (or longer), so if you have floats you should usually use methods that take floats (or return floats, if assigning the result to a float), and likewise for doubles.
      Unlike in previous versions of this method, the sign of the input doesn't affect performance here, at least not by a measurable amount.
      The technique for sine approximation is mostly from this archived DevMaster thread, with credit to "Nick". Changes have been made to accelerate wrapping from any double to the valid input range.
      radians - an angle in radians as a double, often from 0 to pi * 2, though not required to be.
      the sine of the given angle, as a double between -1.0 and 1.0 (both inclusive)
    • cos

      public static double cos​(double radians)
      A fairly-close approximation of Math.cos(double) that can be significantly faster (between 8x and 80x faster cos() calls in benchmarking; if you have access to libGDX you should consider its sometimes-more-precise and sometimes-faster MathUtils.cos() method. Because this method doesn't rely on a lookup table, where libGDX's MathUtils does, applications that have a bottleneck on memory may perform better with this method than with MathUtils. Takes the same arguments Math.cos() does, so one angle in radians, which may technically be any double (but this will lose precision on fairly large doubles, such as those that are larger than Long.MAX_VALUE, because those doubles themselves will lose precision at that scale). This is closely related to sway(double), but the shape of the output when graphed is almost identical to cos(). The difference between the result of this method and Math.cos(double) should be under 0.0011 at all points between -pi and pi, with an average difference of about 0.0005; not all points have been checked for potentially higher errors, though.
      The error for this double version is extremely close to the float version, cos(float), so you should choose based on what type you have as input and/or want to return rather than on quality concerns. Coercion between float and double takes about as long as this method normally takes to run (or longer), so if you have floats you should usually use methods that take floats (or return floats, if assigning the result to a float), and likewise for doubles.
      Unlike in previous versions of this method, the sign of the input doesn't affect performance here, at least not by a measurable amount. The technique for cosine approximation is mostly from this archived DevMaster thread, with credit to "Nick". Changes have been made to accelerate wrapping from any double to the valid input range.
      radians - an angle in radians as a double, often from 0 to pi * 2, though not required to be.
      the cosine of the given angle, as a double between -1.0 and 1.0 (both inclusive)
    • sin

      public static float sin​(float radians)
      A fairly-close approximation of Math.sin(double) that can be significantly faster (between 8x and 80x faster sin() calls in benchmarking, and both takes and returns floats; if you have access to libGDX you should consider its more-precise and sometimes-faster MathUtils.sin() method. Because this method doesn't rely on a lookup table, where libGDX's MathUtils does, applications that have a bottleneck on memory may perform better with this method than with MathUtils. Takes the same arguments Math.sin() does, so one angle in radians, which may technically be any float (but this will lose precision on fairly large floats, such as those that are larger than Integer.MAX_VALUE, because those floats themselves will lose precision at that scale). This is closely related to sway(float), but the shape of the output when graphed is almost identical to sin(). The difference between the result of this method and Math.sin(double) should be under 0.0011 at all points between -pi and pi, with an average difference of about 0.0005; not all points have been checked for potentially higher errors, though.
      The error for this float version is extremely close to the double version, sin(double), so you should choose based on what type you have as input and/or want to return rather than on quality concerns. Coercion between float and double takes about as long as this method normally takes to run (or longer), so if you have floats you should usually use methods that take floats (or return floats, if assigning the result to a float), and likewise for doubles.
      Unlike in previous versions of this method, the sign of the input doesn't affect performance here, at least not by a measurable amount.
      The technique for sine approximation is mostly from this archived DevMaster thread, with credit to "Nick". Changes have been made to accelerate wrapping from any float to the valid input range.
      radians - an angle in radians as a float, often from 0 to pi * 2, though not required to be.
      the sine of the given angle, as a float between -1f and 1f (both inclusive)
    • cos

      public static float cos​(float radians)
      A fairly-close approximation of Math.cos(double) that can be significantly faster (between 8x and 80x faster cos() calls in benchmarking, and both takes and returns floats; if you have access to libGDX you should consider its more-precise and sometimes-faster MathUtils.cos() method. Because this method doesn't rely on a lookup table, where libGDX's MathUtils does, applications that have a bottleneck on memory may perform better with this method than with MathUtils. Takes the same arguments Math.cos() does, so one angle in radians, which may technically be any float (but this will lose precision on fairly large floats, such as those that are larger than Integer.MAX_VALUE, because those floats themselves will lose precision at that scale). This is closely related to sway(float), but the shape of the output when graphed is almost identical to cos(). The difference between the result of this method and Math.cos(double) should be under 0.0011 at all points between -pi and pi, with an average difference of about 0.0005; not all points have been checked for potentially higher errors, though.
      The error for this float version is extremely close to the double version, cos(double), so you should choose based on what type you have as input and/or want to return rather than on quality concerns. Coercion between float and double takes about as long as this method normally takes to run (or longer), so if you have floats you should usually use methods that take floats (or return floats, if assigning the result to a float), and likewise for doubles.
      Unlike in previous versions of this method, the sign of the input doesn't affect performance here, at least not by a measurable amount.
      The technique for cosine approximation is mostly from this archived DevMaster thread, with credit to "Nick". Changes have been made to accelerate wrapping from any float to the valid input range.
      radians - an angle in radians as a float, often from 0 to pi * 2, though not required to be.
      the cosine of the given angle, as a float between -1f and 1f (both inclusive)
    • sinDegrees

      public static float sinDegrees​(float degrees)
      A fairly-close approximation of Math.sin(double) that can be significantly faster (between 8x and 80x faster sin() calls in benchmarking, and both takes and returns floats; if you have access to libGDX, you should consider its more-precise and sometimes-faster MathUtils.sinDeg() method. Because this method doesn't rely on a lookup table, where libGDX's MathUtils does, applications that have a bottleneck on memory may perform better with this method than with MathUtils. Takes one angle in degrees, which may technically be any float (but this will lose precision on fairly large floats, such as those that are larger than Integer.MAX_VALUE, because those floats themselves will lose precision at that scale). This is closely related to sway(float), but the shape of the output when graphed is almost identical to sin(). The difference between the result of this method and Math.sin(double) should be under 0.0011 at all points between -360 and 360, with an average difference of about 0.0005; not all points have been checked for potentially higher errors, though.
      The error for this float version is extremely close to the double version, sin(double), so you should choose based on what type you have as input and/or want to return rather than on quality concerns. Coercion between float and double takes about as long as this method normally takes to run (or longer), so if you have floats you should usually use methods that take floats (or return floats, if assigning the result to a float), and likewise for doubles.
      Unlike in previous versions of this method, the sign of the input doesn't affect performance here, at least not by a measurable amount.
      The technique for sine approximation is mostly from this archived DevMaster thread, with credit to "Nick". Changes have been made to accelerate wrapping from any float to the valid input range.
      degrees - an angle in degrees as a float, often from 0 to 360, though not required to be.
      the sine of the given angle, as a float between -1f and 1f (both inclusive)
    • cosDegrees

      public static float cosDegrees​(float degrees)
      A fairly-close approximation of Math.cos(double) that can be significantly faster (between 8x and 80x faster cos() calls in benchmarking, and both takes and returns floats; if you have access to libGDX, you should consider its more-precise and sometimes-faster MathUtils.cosDeg() method. Because this method doesn't rely on a lookup table, where libGDX's MathUtils does, applications that have a bottleneck on memory may perform better with this method than with MathUtils. Takes one angle in degrees, which may technically be any float (but this will lose precision on fairly large floats, such as those that are larger than Integer.MAX_VALUE, because those floats themselves will lose precision at that scale). This is closely related to sway(float), but the shape of the output when graphed is almost identical to cos(). The difference between the result of this method and Math.cos(double) should be under 0.0011 at all points between -360 and 360, with an average difference of about 0.0005; not all points have been checked for potentially higher errors, though.
      The error for this float version is extremely close to the double version, cos(double), so you should choose based on what type you have as input and/or want to return rather than on quality concerns. Coercion between float and double takes about as long as this method normally takes to run (or longer), so if you have floats you should usually use methods that take floats (or return floats, if assigning the result to a float), and likewise for doubles.
      Unlike in previous versions of this method, the sign of the input doesn't affect performance here, at least not by a measurable amount.
      The technique for cosine approximation is mostly from this archived DevMaster thread, with credit to "Nick". Changes have been made to accelerate wrapping from any float to the valid input range.
      degrees - an angle in degrees as a float, often from 0 to pi * 2, though not required to be.
      the cosine of the given angle, as a float between -1f and 1f (both inclusive)
    • sin_

      public static double sin_​(double turns)
      A variation on Math.sin(double) that takes its input as a fraction of a turn instead of in radians; one turn is equal to 360 degrees or two*PI radians. This can be useful as a building block for other measurements; to make a sine method that takes its input in grad (with 400 grad equal to 360 degrees), you would just divide the grad value by 400.0 (or multiply it by 0.0025) and pass it to this method. Similarly for binary degrees, also called brad (with 256 brad equal to 360 degrees), you would divide by 256.0 or multiply by 0.00390625 before passing that value here. The brad case is especially useful because you can use a byte for any brad values, and adding up those brad values will wrap correctly (256 brad goes back to 0) while keeping perfect precision for the results (you still divide by 256.0 when you pass the brad value to this method).
      The error for this double version is extremely close to the float version, sin_(float), so you should choose based on what type you have as input and/or want to return rather than on quality concerns. Coercion between float and double takes about as long as this method normally takes to run (or longer), so if you have floats you should usually use methods that take floats (or return floats, if assigning the result to a float), and likewise for doubles.
      The technique for sine approximation is mostly from this archived DevMaster thread, with credit to "Nick". Changes have been made to accelerate wrapping from any double to the valid input range.
      turns - an angle as a fraction of a turn as a double, with 0.5 here equivalent to PI radians in cos(double)
      the sine of the given angle, as a double between -1.0 and 1.0 (both inclusive)
    • cos_

      public static double cos_​(double turns)
      A variation on Math.cos(double) that takes its input as a fraction of a turn instead of in radians; one turn is equal to 360 degrees or two*PI radians. This can be useful as a building block for other measurements; to make a cosine method that takes its input in grad (with 400 grad equal to 360 degrees), you would just divide the grad value by 400.0 (or multiply it by 0.0025) and pass it to this method. Similarly for binary degrees, also called brad (with 256 brad equal to 360 degrees), you would divide by 256.0 or multiply by 0.00390625 before passing that value here. The brad case is especially useful because you can use a byte for any brad values, and adding up those brad values will wrap correctly (256 brad goes back to 0) while keeping perfect precision for the results (you still divide by 256.0 when you pass the brad value to this method).
      The error for this double version is extremely close to the float version, cos_(float), so you should choose based on what type you have as input and/or want to return rather than on quality concerns. Coercion between float and double takes about as long as this method normally takes to run (or longer), so if you have floats you should usually use methods that take floats (or return floats, if assigning the result to a float), and likewise for doubles.
      The technique for cosine approximation is mostly from this archived DevMaster thread, with credit to "Nick". Changes have been made to accelerate wrapping from any double to the valid input range.
      turns - an angle as a fraction of a turn as a double, with 0.5 here equivalent to PI radians in cos(double)
      the cosine of the given angle, as a double between -1.0 and 1.0 (both inclusive)
    • sin_

      public static float sin_​(float turns)
      A variation on Math.sin(double) that takes its input as a fraction of a turn instead of in radians (it also takes and returns a float); one turn is equal to 360 degrees or two*PI radians. This can be useful as a building block for other measurements; to make a sine method that takes its input in grad (with 400 grad equal to 360 degrees), you would just divide the grad value by 400.0 (or multiply it by 0.0025) and pass it to this method. Similarly for binary degrees, also called brad (with 256 brad equal to 360 degrees), you would divide by 256.0 or multiply by 0.00390625 before passing that value here. The brad case is especially useful because you can use a byte for any brad values, and adding up those brad values will wrap correctly (256 brad goes back to 0) while keeping perfect precision for the results (you still divide by 256.0 when you pass the brad value to this method).
      The error for this float version is extremely close to the double version, sin_(double), so you should choose based on what type you have as input and/or want to return rather than on quality concerns. Coercion between float and double takes about as long as this method normally takes to run (or longer), so if you have floats you should usually use methods that take floats (or return floats, if assigning the result to a float), and likewise for doubles.
      The technique for sine approximation is mostly from this archived DevMaster thread, with credit to "Nick". Changes have been made to accelerate wrapping from any double to the valid input range.
      turns - an angle as a fraction of a turn as a float, with 0.5 here equivalent to PI radians in cos(double)
      the sine of the given angle, as a float between -1.0 and 1.0 (both inclusive)
    • cos_

      public static float cos_​(float turns)
      A variation on Math.cos(double) that takes its input as a fraction of a turn instead of in radians (it also takes and returns a float); one turn is equal to 360 degrees or two*PI radians. This can be useful as a building block for other measurements; to make a cosine method that takes its input in grad (with 400 grad equal to 360 degrees), you would just divide the grad value by 400.0 (or multiply it by 0.0025) and pass it to this method. Similarly for binary degrees, also called brad (with 256 brad equal to 360 degrees), you would divide by 256.0 or multiply by 0.00390625 before passing that value here. The brad case is especially useful because you can use a byte for any brad values, and adding up those brad values will wrap correctly (256 brad goes back to 0) while keeping perfect precision for the results (you still divide by 256.0 when you pass the brad value to this method).
      The error for this float version is extremely close to the float version, cos_(double), so you should choose based on what type you have as input and/or want to return rather than on quality concerns. Coercion between float and double takes about as long as this method normally takes to run (or longer), so if you have floats you should usually use methods that take floats (or return floats, if assigning the result to a float), and likewise for doubles.
      The technique for cosine approximation is mostly from this archived DevMaster thread, with credit to "Nick". Changes have been made to accelerate wrapping from any double to the valid input range.
      turns - an angle as a fraction of a turn as a float, with 0.5 here equivalent to PI radians in cos(double)
      the cosine of the given angle, as a float between -1.0 and 1.0 (both inclusive)
    • atan2

      public static double atan2​(double y, double x)
      Close approximation of the frequently-used trigonometric method atan2, with higher precision than LibGDX's atan2 approximation. Maximum error is below 0.001 radians. Takes y and x (in that unusual order) as doubles, and returns the angle from the origin to that point in radians. It is about 5 times faster than Math.atan2(double, double) (roughly 17 ns instead of roughly 88 ns for Math, though the computer was under some load during testing). It is almost identical in speed to LibGDX' MathUtils approximation of the same method; MathUtils seems to have worse average error, though. Credit to StackExchange user njuffa, who gave this useful answer. This method changed from an earlier technique that was twice as fast but had very poor quality, enough to be visually noticeable. See also atan2_(double, double) if you don't want a mess converting to degrees or some other measurement, since that method returns an angle from 0.0 (equal to 0 degrees) to 1.0 (equal to 360 degrees).
      y - y-component of the point to find the angle towards; note the parameter order is unusual by convention
      x - x-component of the point to find the angle towards; note the parameter order is unusual by convention
      the angle to the given point, in radians as a double
    • atan2

      public static float atan2​(float y, float x)
      Close approximation of the frequently-used trigonometric method atan2, with higher precision than LibGDX's atan2 approximation. Maximum error is below 0.001 radians. Takes y and x (in that unusual order) as floats, and returns the angle from the origin to that point in radians. It is about 5 times faster than Math.atan2(double, double) (roughly 17 ns instead of roughly 88 ns for Math, though the computer was under some load during testing). It is almost identical in speed to LibGDX' MathUtils approximation of the same method; MathUtils seems to have worse average error, though. Credit to StackExchange user njuffa, who gave this useful answer. This method changed from an earlier technique that was twice as fast but had very poor quality, enough to be visually noticeable. See also atan2_(float, float) if you don't want a mess converting to degrees or some other measurement, since that method returns an angle from 0f (equal to 0 degrees) to 1f (equal to 360 degrees).
      y - y-component of the point to find the angle towards; note the parameter order is unusual by convention
      x - x-component of the point to find the angle towards; note the parameter order is unusual by convention
      the angle to the given point, in radians as a float
    • atan2_

      public static double atan2_​(double y, double x)
      Altered-range approximation of the frequently-used trigonometric method atan2, taking y and x positions as doubles and returning an angle measured in turns from 0.0 to 1.0 (inclusive), with one cycle over the range equivalent to 360 degrees or 2PI radians. You can multiply the angle by 6.2831855f to change to radians, or by 360f to change to degrees. Takes y and x (in that unusual order) as doubles. Will never return a negative number, which may help avoid costly floating-point modulus when you actually want a positive number. Credit to StackExchange user njuffa, who gave this useful answer. Note that atan2(double, double) returns an angle in radians and can return negative results, which may be fine for many tasks; these two methods are extremely close in implementation and speed.
      y - y-component of the point to find the angle towards; note the parameter order is unusual by convention
      x - x-component of the point to find the angle towards; note the parameter order is unusual by convention
      the angle to the given point, as a double from 0.0 to 1.0, inclusive
    • atan2_

      public static float atan2_​(float y, float x)
      Altered-range approximation of the frequently-used trigonometric method atan2, taking y and x positions as floats and returning an angle measured in turns from 0.0f to 1.0f, with one cycle over the range equivalent to 360 degrees or 2PI radians. You can multiply the angle by 6.2831855f to change to radians, or by 360f to change to degrees. Takes y and x (in that unusual order) as floats. Will never return a negative number, which may help avoid costly floating-point modulus when you actually want a positive number. Credit to StackExchange user njuffa, who gave this useful answer. Note that atan2(float, float) returns an angle in radians and can return negative results, which may be fine for many tasks; these two methods are extremely close in implementation and speed.
      y - y-component of the point to find the angle towards; note the parameter order is unusual by convention
      x - x-component of the point to find the angle towards; note the parameter order is unusual by convention
      the angle to the given point, as a float from 0.0f to 1.0f, inclusive
    • atan2Degrees

      public static double atan2Degrees​(double y, double x)
      Close approximation of the frequently-used trigonometric method atan2, with higher precision than LibGDX's atan2 approximation, and giving a result in degrees from -180 to 180. Maximum error is below 0.1 degrees. Takes y and x (in that unusual order) as doubles, and returns the angle from the origin to that point in degrees. It is about 5 times faster than Math.atan2(double, double) (roughly 17 ns instead of roughly 88 ns for Math, though the computer was under some load during testing). It is almost identical in speed to LibGDX' MathUtils approximation after converting to degrees; MathUtils seems to have worse average error, though. Credit to StackExchange user njuffa, who gave this useful answer.
      See also atan2Degrees360(double, double), which is just like this but returns an angle from 0 to 360, instead of -180 to 180, in case negative angles are undesirable.
      y - y-component of the point to find the angle towards; note the parameter order is unusual by convention
      x - x-component of the point to find the angle towards; note the parameter order is unusual by convention
      the angle to the given point, in degrees as a double
    • atan2Degrees

      public static float atan2Degrees​(float y, float x)
      Close approximation of the frequently-used trigonometric method atan2, with higher precision than LibGDX's atan2 approximation, and giving a result in degrees from -180 to 180. Maximum error is below 0.1 degrees. Takes y and x (in that unusual order) as floats, and returns the angle from the origin to that point in degrees. It is about 5 times faster than Math.atan2(double, double) (roughly 17 ns instead of roughly 88 ns for Math, though the computer was under some load during testing). It is almost identical in speed to LibGDX' MathUtils approximation after converting to degrees; MathUtils seems to have worse average error, though. Credit to StackExchange user njuffa, who gave this useful answer.
      See also atan2Degrees360(float, float), which is just like this but returns an angle from 0 to 360, instead of -180 to 180, in case negative angles are undesirable.
      y - y-component of the point to find the angle towards; note the parameter order is unusual by convention
      x - x-component of the point to find the angle towards; note the parameter order is unusual by convention
      the angle to the given point, in degrees as a float
    • atan2Degrees360

      public static double atan2Degrees360​(double y, double x)
      Close approximation of the frequently-used trigonometric method atan2, with higher precision than LibGDX's atan2 approximation, and giving a result in degrees from 0 to 360. Maximum error is below 0.1 degrees. Takes y and x (in that unusual order) as doubles, and returns the angle from the origin to that point in degrees. It is about 5 times faster than Math.atan2(double, double) (roughly 17 ns instead of roughly 88 ns for Math, though the computer was under some load during testing). It is almost identical in speed to LibGDX' MathUtils approximation after converting to degrees; MathUtils seems to have worse average error, though. Credit to StackExchange user njuffa, who gave this useful answer.
      See also atan2Degrees(double, double), which is just like this but returns an angle from -180 to 180, matching Math.atan2(double, double)'s convention.
      y - y-component of the point to find the angle towards; note the parameter order is unusual by convention
      x - x-component of the point to find the angle towards; note the parameter order is unusual by convention
      the angle to the given point, in degrees as a double
    • atan2Degrees360

      public static float atan2Degrees360​(float y, float x)
      Close approximation of the frequently-used trigonometric method atan2, with higher precision than LibGDX's atan2 approximation, and giving a result in degrees from 0 to 360. Maximum error is below 0.1 degrees. Takes y and x (in that unusual order) as floats, and returns the angle from the origin to that point in degrees. It is about 5 times faster than Math.atan2(double, double) (roughly 17 ns instead of roughly 88 ns for Math, though the computer was under some load during testing). It is almost identical in speed to LibGDX' MathUtils approximation after converting to degrees; MathUtils seems to have worse average error, though. Credit to StackExchange user njuffa, who gave this useful answer.
      See also atan2Degrees(float, float), which is just like this but returns an angle from -180 to 180, matching Math.atan2(double, double)'s convention.
      y - y-component of the point to find the angle towards; note the parameter order is unusual by convention
      x - x-component of the point to find the angle towards; note the parameter order is unusual by convention
      the angle to the given point, in degrees as a float
    • asin

      public static float asin​(float n)
      Arc sine approximation with very low error, based on a simplified version of atan2(double, double). This method is usually much faster than Math.asin(double), but is somewhat less precise than Math's implementation). It is currently more precise than libGDX's approximation in their MathUtils, but this isn't quite as fast; the difference in precision is hard to spot but can be noticeable in some usage.
      n - an input to the inverse sine function, from -1 to 1 inclusive
      an output from the inverse sine function, from PI/-2.0 to PI/2.0 inclusive.
    • asin

      public static double asin​(double n)
      Arc sine approximation with very low error, based on a simplified version of atan2(float, float). This method is usually much faster than Math.asin(double), but is somewhat less precise than Math's implementation). It is currently more precise than libGDX's approximation in their MathUtils, but this isn't quite as fast; the difference in precision is hard to spot but can be noticeable in some usage.
      n - an input to the inverse sine function, from -1 to 1 inclusive
      an output from the inverse sine function, from PI/-2.0 to PI/2.0 inclusive.
    • acos

      public static double acos​(double n)
      Arc cosine approximation with very low error, based on a simplified version of atan2(double, double). This method is usually much faster than Math.acos(double), but is somewhat less precise than Math's implementation). It is currently more precise than libGDX's approximation in their MathUtils, but this isn't quite as fast; the difference in precision is hard to spot but can be noticeable in some usage.
      n - an input to the inverse cosine function, from -1 to 1 inclusive
      an output from the inverse cosine function, from 0 to PI inclusive.
    • acos

      public static float acos​(float n)
      Arc cosine approximation with very low error, based on a simplified version of atan2(float, float). This method is usually much faster than Math.acos(double), but is somewhat less precise than Math's implementation). It is currently more precise than libGDX's approximation in their MathUtils, but this isn't quite as fast; the difference in precision is hard to spot but can be noticeable in some usage.
      n - an input to the inverse cosine function, from -1 to 1 inclusive
      an output from the inverse cosine function, from 0 to PI inclusive.
    • asin_

      public static double asin_​(double n)
      Inverse sine function (arcsine) but with output measured in turns instead of radians. Possible results for this range from 0.75 (inclusive) to 1.0 (exclusive), and continuing past that to 0.0 (inclusive) to 0.25 (inclusive).
      This method is extremely similar to the non-turn approximation.
      n - a double from -1.0 to 1.0 (both inclusive), usually the output of sin_() or cos_()
      one of the values that would produce n if it were passed to sin_(double)
    • acos_

      public static double acos_​(double n)
      Inverse cosine function (arccos) but with output measured in turns instead of radians. Possible results for this range from 0.0 (inclusive) to 0.5 (inclusive).
      This method is extremely similar to the non-turn approximation.
      n - a double from -1.0 to 1.0 (both inclusive), usually the output of sin_() or cos_()
      one of the values that would produce n if it were passed to cos_(double)
    • asin_

      public static float asin_​(float n)
      Inverse sine function (arcsine) but with output measured in turns instead of radians. Possible results for this range from 0.75f (inclusive) to 1.0f (exclusive), and continuing past that to 0.0f (inclusive) to 0.25f (inclusive).
      This method is extremely similar to the non-turn approximation.
      n - a float from -1.0f to 1.0f (both inclusive), usually the output of sin_() or cos_()
      one of the values that would produce n if it were passed to sin_(float)
    • acos_

      public static float acos_​(float n)
      Inverse cosine function (arccos) but with output measured in turns instead of radians. Possible results for this range from 0.0f (inclusive) to 0.5f (inclusive).
      This method is extremely similar to the non-turn approximation.
      n - a float from -1.0f to 1.0f (both inclusive), usually the output of sin_() or cos_()
      one of the values that would produce n if it were passed to cos_(float)