001package squidpony.squidmath;
004 * Various numeric functions that are important to performance but need alternate implementations on GWT to obtain it.
005 * Super-sourced on GWT, but most things here are direct calls to JDK methods when on desktop or Android.
006 * Some of this code makes use of "creative" bit manipulation of floats and doubles, which can sometimes allow uncommon
007 * input-to-output patterns (as in {@link #bounce(float)}), or even can yield a performance boost (compare
008 * {@link #zigzag(float)} to using modulus to accomplish the same results). The bit manipulation has good performance on
009 * GWT thanks to JS typed arrays, which are well-supported now across all recent browsers and have fallbacks in GWT in
010 * the unlikely event of a browser not supporting them.
011 */
012public final class NumberTools {
013    /**
014     * Identical to {@link Double#doubleToLongBits(double)} on desktop; optimized on GWT. When compiling to JS via GWT,
015     * there is no way to distinguish NaN values with different bits but that are still NaN, so this doesn't try to
016     * somehow permit that. Uses JS typed arrays on GWT, which are well-supported now across all recent browsers and
017     * have fallbacks in GWT in the unlikely event of a browser not supporting them. JS typed arrays support double, but
018     * not long, so this needs to compose a long from two ints, which means the double-to/from-long conversions aren't
019     * as fast as float-to/from-int conversions.
020     * @param value a {@code double} floating-point number.
021     * @return the bits that represent the floating-point number.
022     */
023    public static long doubleToLongBits(final double value)
024    {
025        return Double.doubleToLongBits(value);
026    }
027    /**
028     * Identical to {@link Double#doubleToLongBits(double)} on desktop (note, not
029     * {@link Double#doubleToRawLongBits(double)}); optimized on GWT. When compiling to JS via GWT, there is no way to
030     * distinguish NaN values with different bits but that are still NaN, so this doesn't try to somehow permit that.
031     * Uses JS typed arrays on GWT, which are well-supported now across all recent browsers and have fallbacks in GWT in
032     * the unlikely event of a browser not supporting them. JS typed arrays support double, but not long, so this needs
033     * to compose a long from two ints, which means the double-to/from-long conversions aren't as fast as
034     * float-to/from-int conversions.
035     * @param value a {@code double} floating-point number.
036     * @return the bits that represent the floating-point number.
037     */
038    public static long doubleToRawLongBits(final double value)
039    {
040        return Double.doubleToLongBits(value);
041    }
043    /**
044     * Identical to {@link Double#longBitsToDouble(long)} on desktop; optimized on GWT. Uses JS typed arrays on GWT,
045     * which are well-supported now across all recent browsers and have fallbacks in GWT in the unlikely event of a
046     * browser not supporting them. JS typed arrays support double, but not long, so this needs to compose a long from
047     * two ints, which means the double-to/from-long conversions aren't as fast as float-to/from-int conversions.
048     * @param bits a long.
049     * @return the {@code double} floating-point value with the same bit pattern.
050     */
051    public static double longBitsToDouble(final long bits)
052    {
053        return Double.longBitsToDouble(bits);
054    }
055    /**
056     * Converts {@code value} to a long and gets the lower 32 bits of that long, as an int.
057     * @param value a {@code double} precision floating-point number.
058     * @return the lower half of the bits that represent the floating-point number, as an int.
059     */
060    public static int doubleToLowIntBits(final double value)
061    {
062        return (int)(Double.doubleToLongBits(value) & 0xffffffffL);
063    }
065    /**
066     * Converts {@code value} to a long and gets the upper 32 bits of that long, as an int.
067     * @param value a {@code double} precision floating-point number.
068     * @return the upper half of the bits that represent the floating-point number, as an int.
069     */
070    public static int doubleToHighIntBits(final double value)
071    {
072        return (int)(Double.doubleToLongBits(value) >>> 32);
073    }
075    /**
076     * Converts {@code value} to a long and gets the XOR of its upper and lower 32-bit sections. Useful for numerical
077     * code where a 64-bit double needs to be reduced to a 32-bit value with some hope of keeping different doubles
078     * giving different ints.
079     * @param value a {@code double} precision floating-point number.
080     * @return the XOR of the lower and upper halves of the bits that represent the floating-point number.
081     */
082    public static int doubleToMixedIntBits(final double value)
083    {
084        final long l = Double.doubleToLongBits(value);
085        return (int)(l & 0xFFFFFFFFL) ^ (int)(l >>> 32);
086    }
088    /**
089     * Makes a modified version of value that uses the specified bits (up to 12) for its exponent and sign.
090     * Meant for some specific cases, like adjusting the exponent on an unknown double to the 1.0 to 2.0 range (which
091     * would pass 0x3ff for exponentBits). If you have a double from 1.0 to 2.0, you can subtract 1.0 from it to get the
092     * often-desirable 0.0-1.0 range. Other common cases are 0x400, which adjusts to between 2.0 and 4.0 (subtracting
093     * 3.0 from this gives the -1.0 to 1.0 range, useful for noise), and 0xBFF, which adjusts to between -2.0 and -1.0.
094     * For the last case, you might think that -0x3ff would work, but sadly it doesn't. You can use
095     * {@code exponentBits |= 0x800} to set the sign bit to negative, or {@code exponentBits &= 0x7ff} for positive.
096     * @param value a double that will have its sign and exponent set to the specified bits
097     * @param exponentBits the bits to use for the sign and exponent section of the returned modification of value
098     * @return the double produced by keeping the significand of value but changing its exponent and sign as given
099     */
100    public static double setExponent(final double value, final int exponentBits)
101    {
102        return Double.longBitsToDouble((Double.doubleToLongBits(value) & 0xfffffffffffffL) | ((long) exponentBits << 52));
103    }
105    /**
106     * Gets an 8-bit section of the given double {@code value}, using {@code whichByte} to select whether this should
107     * return byte 0 (least significant), 1, 2, and so on up to 7 (most significant).
108     * @param value a float
109     * @param whichByte an int that will be used to select the byte to take from value (any int is allowed, only the bottom 3 bits are used to select)
110     * @return the selected byte from the given float
111     */
112    public static byte getSelectedByte(final double value, final int whichByte)
113    {
114        return (byte)(Double.doubleToLongBits(value) >>> ((whichByte & 7) << 3));
115    }
117    /**
118     * Like {@link #getSelectedByte(double, int)}, this sets the byte at a selected position in the int representation of
119     * a double, then returns the double produced by the bit change. Uses {@code whichByte} to select whether this should
120     * set byte 0 (least significant), 1, 2, and so on up to 7 (most significant). {@code newValue} is a byte.
121     * @param value a double
122     * @param whichByte an int that will be used to select the byte to take from value (any int is allowed, only the bottom 3 bits are used to select)
123     * @param newValue a byte that will be placed into the returned double's bits at the selected position
124     * @return a double that results from changing the bits at the selected position to match newValue
125     */
126    public static double setSelectedByte(final double value, final int whichByte, final byte newValue)
127    {
128        return Double.longBitsToDouble((Double.doubleToLongBits(value) & ~(255 << ((whichByte & 7) << 3)))
129                | ((newValue & 255) << ((whichByte & 7) << 3)));
130    }
132    /**
133     * Very limited-use; takes any double and produces a double in the -1.0 to 1.0 range, with similar inputs producing
134     * close to a consistent rate of up and down through the range. This is meant for noise, where it may be useful to
135     * limit the amount of change between nearby points' noise values and prevent sudden "jumps" in noise value.
136     * @param value any double
137     * @return a double from -1.0 (inclusive) to 1.0 (exclusive)
138     */
139    public static double bounce(final double value)
140    {
141        final long s = Double.doubleToLongBits(value);
142        return Double.longBitsToDouble(((s ^ -((s & 0x8000000000000L)>>51)) & 0xfffffffffffffL)
143                | 0x4010000000000000L) - 5.0;
144    }
146    /**
147     * Very limited-use; takes any double and produces a double in the -1.0 to 1.0 range, with similar inputs producing
148     * close to a consistent rate of up and down through the range. This is meant for noise, where it may be useful to
149     * limit the amount of change between nearby points' noise values and prevent sudden "jumps" in noise value.
150     * @param value any double
151     * @return a double from -1.0 (inclusive) to 1.0 (exclusive)
152     */
153    public static float bounce(final float value)
154    {
155        final int s = Float.floatToIntBits(value);
156        return Float.intBitsToFloat(((s ^ -((s & 0x00400000)>>22)) & 0x007fffff)
157                | 0x40800000) - 5f;
158    }
159    /**
160     * Very limited-use; takes the significand bits of a double, represented as a long of which this uses 52 bits, and
161     * produces a double in the -1.0 to 1.0 range, with similar inputs producing close to a consistent rate of up and
162     * down through the range. This is meant for noise, where it may be useful to limit the amount of change between
163     * nearby points' noise values and prevent sudden "jumps" in noise value.
164     * @param value any long; only the lower 52 bits will be used
165     * @return a double from -1.0 (inclusive) to 1.0 (exclusive)
166     */
167    public static double bounce(final long value)
168    {
169        return Double.longBitsToDouble(((value ^ -((value & 0x8000000000000L)>>51)) & 0xfffffffffffffL)
170                | 0x4010000000000000L) - 5.0;
171    }
172    /**
173     * Very limited-use; takes the significand bits of a double, represented as a pair of ints {@code valueLow} and
174     * {@code valueHigh}, using all bits in valueLow and the least-significant 20 bits of valueHigh, and
175     * produces a double in the -1.0 to 1.0 range, with similar inputs producing close to a consistent rate of up and
176     * down through the range. This is meant for noise, where it may be useful to limit the amount of change between
177     * nearby points' noise values and prevent sudden "jumps" in noise value.
178     * @param valueLow any int; all bits will be used as the less-significant bits of the significand
179     * @param valueHigh any int; only the bottom 20 bits will be used as the more-significant bits of the significand
180     * @return a double from -1.0 (inclusive) to 1.0 (exclusive)
181     */
183    public static double bounce(final int valueLow, final int valueHigh)
184    {
185        final long s = (((long) valueHigh) << 32 | valueLow);
186        return Double.longBitsToDouble(((s ^ -((s & 0x8000000000000L)>>51)) & 0xfffffffffffffL)
187                | 0x4010000000000000L) - 5.0;
188    }
190    /**
191     * Limited-use; takes any double and produces a double in the -1.0 to 1.0 range, with similar inputs producing
192     * close to a consistent rate of up and down through the range. This is meant for noise, where it may be useful to
193     * limit the amount of change between nearby points' noise values and prevent sudden "jumps" in noise value. It is
194     * very similar to {@link #bounce(double)}, but unlike bounce() this will maintain a continuous rate regardless of
195     * the magnitude of its input. An input of any even number should produce something very close to -1.0, any odd
196     * number should produce something very close to 1.0, and any number halfway between two incremental integers (like
197     * 8.5 or -10.5) should produce 0.0 or a very small fraction. This method is closely related to
198     * {@link #sway(double)}, which will smoothly curve its output to produce more values that are close to -1 or 1.
199     * @param value any double
200     * @return a double from -1.0 (inclusive) to 1.0 (inclusive)
201     */
202    public static double zigzag(double value)
203    {
204        long floor = (value >= 0.0 ? (long) value : (long) value - 1L);
205        value -= floor;
206        floor = (-(floor & 1L) | 1L);
207        return value * (floor << 1) - floor;
208    }
210    /**
211     * Limited-use; takes any float and produces a float in the -1f to 1f range, with similar inputs producing
212     * close to a consistent rate of up and down through the range. This is meant for noise, where it may be useful to
213     * limit the amount of change between nearby points' noise values and prevent sudden "jumps" in noise value. It is
214     * very similar to {@link #bounce(float)}, but unlike bounce() this will maintain a continuous rate regardless of
215     * the magnitude of its input. An input of any even number should produce something very close to -1f, any odd
216     * number should produce something very close to 1f, and any number halfway between two incremental integers (like
217     * 8.5f or -10.5f) should produce 0f or a very small fraction. This method is closely related to
218     * {@link #sway(float)}, which will smoothly curve its output to produce more values that are close to -1 or 1.
219     * @param value any float
220     * @return a float from -1f (inclusive) to 1f (inclusive)
221     */
222    public static float zigzag(float value)
223    {
224        int floor = (value >= 0f ? (int) value : (int) value - 1);
225        value -= floor;
226        floor = (-(floor & 1) | 1);
227        return value * (floor << 1) - floor;
228    }
230    /**
231     * Limited-use; takes any double and produces a double in the -1 to 1 range, with a graph of input to output that
232     * looks much like a sine wave, curving to have a flat slope when given an integer input and a steep slope when the
233     * input is halfway between two integers, smoothly curving at any points between those extremes. This is meant for
234     * noise, where it may be useful to limit the amount of change between nearby points' noise values and prevent both
235     * sudden "jumps" in noise value and "cracks" where a line takes a sudden jagged movement at an angle. It is very
236     * similar to {@link #bounce(double)} and {@link #zigzag(double)}, but unlike bounce() this will maintain its
237     * frequency of returning max or min values, regardless of the magnitude of its input (as long as there is enough
238     * floating-point precision to represent changes smaller than 1.0), and unlike zigzag() this will smooth its path.
239     * An input of any even number should produce something very close to -1.0, any odd number should produce something
240     * very close to 1.0, and any number halfway between two incremental integers (like 8.5 or -10.5) should produce 0.0
241     * or a very small fraction. In the (unlikely) event that this is given a double that is too large to represent
242     * many or any non-integer values, this will simply return -1.0 or 1.0.
243     * @param value any double other than NaN or infinite values; extremely large values can't work properly
244     * @return a double from -1.0 (inclusive) to 1.0 (inclusive)
245     */
246    public static double sway(double value)
247    {
248        long floor = (value >= 0.0 ? (long) value : (long) value - 1L);
249        value -= floor;
250        floor = (-(floor & 1L) | 1L);
251        return value * value * value * (value * (value * 6.0 - 15.0) + 10.0) * (floor << 1) - floor;
252    }
254    /**
255     * Limited-use; takes any float and produces a float in the -1f to 1f range, with a graph of input to output that
256     * looks much like a sine wave, curving to have a flat slope when given an integer input and a steep slope when the
257     * input is halfway between two integers, smoothly curving at any points between those extremes. This is meant for
258     * noise, where it may be useful to limit the amount of change between nearby points' noise values and prevent both
259     * sudden "jumps" in noise value and "cracks" where a line takes a sudden jagged movement at an angle. It is very
260     * similar to {@link #bounce(float)} and {@link #zigzag(float)}, but unlike bounce() this will maintain its
261     * frequency of returning max or min values, regardless of the magnitude of its input (as long as there is enough
262     * floating-point precision to represent changes smaller than 1f), and unlike zigzag() this will smooth its path.
263     * An input of any even number should produce something very close to -1f, any odd number should produce something
264     * very close to 1f, and any number halfway between two incremental integers (like 8.5f or -10.5f) should produce 0f
265     * or a very small fraction. In the (unlikely) event that this is given a float that is too large to represent
266     * many or any non-integer values, this will simply return -1f or 1f.
267     * @param value any float other than NaN or infinite values; extremely large values can't work properly
268     * @return a float from -1f (inclusive) to 1f (inclusive)
269     */
270    public static float sway(float value)
271    {
272        int floor = (value >= 0f ? (int) value : (int) value - 1);
273        value -= floor;
274        floor = (-(floor & 1) | 1);
275        return value * value * value * (value * (value * 6f - 15f) + 10f) * (floor << 1) - floor;
276    }
278    /**
279     * Limited-use; takes any float and produces a float in the 0f to 1f range, with a graph of input to output that
280     * looks much like a sine wave, curving to have a flat slope when given an integer input and a steep slope when the
281     * input is halfway between two integers, smoothly curving at any points between those extremes. This is meant for
282     * noise, where it may be useful to limit the amount of change between nearby points' noise values and prevent both
283     * sudden "jumps" in noise value and "cracks" where a line takes a sudden jagged movement at an angle. It is very
284     * similar to {@link #bounce(float)} and {@link #zigzag(float)}, but unlike bounce() this will not change its
285     * frequency of returning max or min values, regardless of the magnitude of its input (as long as there is enough
286     * floating-point precision to represent changes smaller than 1f), and unlike zigzag() this will smooth its path.
287     * An input of any even number should produce something very close to 0f, any odd number should produce something
288     * very close to 1f, and any number halfway between two incremental integers (like 8.5f or -10.5f) should produce
289     * 0.5f. In the (unlikely) event that this is given a float that is too large to represent many or any non-integer
290     * values, this will simply return 0f or 1f. This version is called "Tight" because its range is tighter than
291     * {@link #sway(float)}.
292     * @param value any float other than NaN or infinite values; extremely large values can't work properly
293     * @return a float from 0f (inclusive) to 1f (inclusive)
294     */
295    public static float swayTight(float value)
296    {
297        int floor = (value >= 0f ? (int) value : (int) value - 1);
298        value -= floor;
299        floor &= 1;
300        return value * value * value * (value * (value * 6f - 15f) + 10f) * (-floor | 1) + floor;
301    }
303    /**
304     * Limited-use; takes any double and produces a double in the 0.0 to 1.0 range, with a graph of input to output that
305     * looks much like a sine wave, curving to have a flat slope when given an integer input and a steep slope when the
306     * input is halfway between two integers, smoothly curving at any points between those extremes. This is meant for
307     * noise, where it may be useful to limit the amount of change between nearby points' noise values and prevent both
308     * sudden "jumps" in noise value and "cracks" where a line takes a sudden jagged movement at an angle. It is very
309     * similar to {@link #bounce(double)} and {@link #zigzag(double)}, but unlike bounce() this will not change its
310     * frequency of returning max or min values, regardless of the magnitude of its input (as long as there is enough
311     * floating-point precision to represent changes smaller than 1.0), and unlike zigzag() this will smooth its path.
312     * An input of any even number should produce something very close to 0.0, any odd number should produce something
313     * very close to 1.0, and any number halfway between two incremental integers (like 8.5 or -10.5) should produce
314     * 0.5f. In the (unlikely) event that this is given a double that is too large to represent many or any non-integer
315     * values, this will simply return 0.0 or 1.0. This version is called "Tight" because its range is tighter than
316     * {@link #sway(double)}.
317     * @param value any double other than NaN or infinite values; extremely large values can't work properly
318     * @return a double from 0.0 (inclusive) to 1.0 (inclusive)
319     */
320    public static double swayTight(double value)
321    {
322        long floor = (value >= 0.0 ? (long) value : (long) value - 1L);
323        value -= floor;
324        floor &= 1L;
325        return value * value * value * (value * (value * 6.0 - 15.0) + 10.0) * (-floor | 1L) + floor;
326    }
328    /**
329     * A mix of the smooth transitions of {@link #sway(double)} with (seeded) random peaks and valleys between -1.0 and
330     * 1.0 (both exclusive). The pattern this will produces will be completely different if the seed changes, and it is
331     * suitable for 1D noise. Uses a simple method of cubic interpolation between random values, where a random value is
332     * used without modification when given an integer for {@code value}. Note that this uses a different type of
333     * interpolation than {@link #sway(double)}, which uses quintic (this causes swayRandomized() to produce more
334     * outputs in the mid-range and less at extremes; it is also slightly faster and simpler).
335     * <br>
336     * Performance note: HotSpot seems to be much more able to optimize swayRandomized(long, float) than
337     * swayRandomized(long, double), with the float version almost twice as fast after JIT warms up. On GWT, the
338     * reverse should be expected because floats must be emulated there.
339     * @param seed a long seed that will determine the pattern of peaks and valleys this will generate as value changes; this should not change between calls
340     * @param value a double that typically changes slowly, by less than 1.0, with direction changes at integer inputs
341     * @return a pseudo-random double between -1.0 and 1.0 (both exclusive), smoothly changing with value
342     */
343    public static double swayRandomized(long seed, double value)
344    {
345        final long floor = value >= 0.0 ? (long) value : (long) value - 1L; // the closest long that is less than value
346        // gets a random start and endpoint. there's a sequence of start and end values for each seed, and changing the
347        // seed changes the start and end values unpredictably (so use the same seed for one curving line).
348        final double start = (((seed += floor * 0x6C8E9CF570932BD5L) ^ (seed >>> 25)) * (seed | 0xA529L)) * 0x0.fffffffffffffbp-63,
349                end = (((seed += 0x6C8E9CF570932BD5L) ^ (seed >>> 25)) * (seed | 0xA529L)) * 0x0.fffffffffffffbp-63;
350        // gets the fractional part of value
351        value -= floor;
352        // cubic interpolation to smooth the curve
353        value *= value * (3.0 - 2.0 * value);
354        // interpolate between start and end based on how far we are between the start and end points of this section
355        return (1.0 - value) * start + value * end;
356    }
358    /**
359     * A mix of the smooth transitions of {@link #sway(float)} with (seeded) random peaks and valleys between -1f and
360     * 1f (both exclusive). The pattern this will produces will be completely different if the seed changes, and it is
361     * suitable for 1D noise. Uses a simple method of cubic interpolation between random values, where a random value is
362     * used without modification when given an integer for {@code value}. Note that this uses a different type of
363     * interpolation than {@link #sway(float)}, which uses quintic (this causes swayRandomized() to produce more
364     * outputs in the mid-range and less at extremes; it is also slightly faster and simpler).
365     * <br>
366     * Performance note: HotSpot seems to be much more able to optimize swayRandomized(long, float) than
367     * swayRandomized(long, double), with the float version almost twice as fast after JIT warms up. On GWT, the
368     * reverse should be expected because floats must be emulated there.
369     * @param seed a long seed that will determine the pattern of peaks and valleys this will generate as value changes; this should not change between calls
370     * @param value a float that typically changes slowly, by less than 2.0, with direction changes at integer inputs
371     * @return a pseudo-random float between -1f and 1f (both exclusive), smoothly changing with value
372     */
373    public static float swayRandomized(long seed, float value)
374    {
375        final long floor = value >= 0f ? (long) value : (long) value - 1L;
376        final float start = (((seed += floor * 0x6C8E9CF570932BD5L) ^ (seed >>> 25)) * (seed | 0xA529L)) * 0x0.ffffffp-63f,
377                end = (((seed += 0x6C8E9CF570932BD5L) ^ (seed >>> 25)) * (seed | 0xA529L)) * 0x0.ffffffp-63f;
378        value -= floor;
379        value *= value * (3f - 2f * value);
380        return (1f - value) * start + value * end;
381    }
383    /**
384     * A variant on {@link #swayRandomized(long, double)} that takes an int seed instead of a long, and is optimized for
385     * usage on GWT. Like the version with a long seed, this uses cubic interpolation between random peak or valley
386     * points; only the method of generating those random peaks and valleys has changed.
387     * @param seed an int seed that will determine the pattern of peaks and valleys this will generate as value changes; this should not change between calls
388     * @param value a double that typically changes slowly, by less than 2.0, with direction changes at integer inputs
389     * @return a pseudo-random double between -1.0 and 1.0 (both exclusive), smoothly changing with value
390     */
391    public static double swayRandomized(final int seed, double value)
392    {
393        final int floor = value >= 0.0 ? (int) value : (int) value - 1;
394        int z = seed + floor;
395        final double start = (((z = (z ^ 0xD1B54A35) * 0x1D2BC3)) * ((z ^ z >>> 15) | 0xFFE00001) ^ z ^ z << 11) * 0x0.ffffffp-31,
396                end = (((z = (seed + floor + 1 ^ 0xD1B54A35) * 0x1D2BC3)) * ((z ^ z >>> 15) | 0xFFE00001) ^ z ^ z << 11) * 0x0.ffffffp-31;
397        value -= floor;
398        value *= value * (3.0 - 2.0 * value);
399        return (1.0 - value) * start + value * end;
400    }
402    /**
403     * A variant on {@link #swayRandomized(long, float)} that takes an int seed instead of a long, and is optimized for
404     * usage on GWT. Like the version with a long seed, this uses cubic interpolation between random peak or valley
405     * points; only the method of generating those random peaks and valleys has changed.
406     * @param seed an int seed that will determine the pattern of peaks and valleys this will generate as value changes; this should not change between calls
407     * @param value a float that typically changes slowly, by less than 2.0, with direction changes at integer inputs
408     * @return a pseudo-random float between -1f and 1f (both exclusive), smoothly changing with value
409     */
410    public static float swayRandomized(final int seed, float value)
411    {
412        final int floor = value >= 0f ? (int) value : (int) value - 1;
413        int z = seed + floor;
414        final float start = (((z = (z ^ 0xD1B54A35) * 0x102473) ^ (z << 11 | z >>> 21) ^ (z << 19 | z >>> 13)) * ((z ^ z >>> 15) | 0xFFE00001) ^ z) * 0x0.ffffffp-31f,
415                end = (((z = (seed + floor + 1 ^ 0xD1B54A35) * 0x102473) ^ (z << 11 | z >>> 21) ^ (z << 19 | z >>> 13)) * ((z ^ z >>> 15) | 0xFFE00001) ^ z) * 0x0.ffffffp-31f;
416        value -= floor;
417        value *= value * (3 - 2 * value);
418        return (1 - value) * start + value * end;
419    }
420    /**
421     * A 1D "noise" method that produces smooth transitions like {@link #sway(float)}, but also wrapping around at pi *
422     * 2 so this can be used to get smoothly-changing random angles. Has (seeded) random peaks and valleys where it
423     * slows its range of change, but can return any value from 0 to 6.283185307179586f, or pi * 2. The pattern this
424     * will produces will be completely different if the seed changes, and the value is expected to be something other
425     * than an angle, like time. Uses a simple method of cubic interpolation between random values, where a random value
426     * is used without modification when given an integer for {@code value}. Note that this uses a different type of
427     * interpolation than {@link #sway(float)}, which uses quintic (this causes swayAngleRandomized() to be slightly
428     * faster and simpler).
429     * @param seed a long seed that will determine the pattern of peaks and valleys this will generate as value changes; this should not change between calls
430     * @param value a float that typically changes slowly, by less than 1.0, with possible direction changes at integer inputs
431     * @return a pseudo-random float between 0f and 283185307179586f (both inclusive), smoothly changing with value and wrapping
432     */
433    public static float swayAngleRandomized(long seed, float value)
434    {
435        final long floor = value >= 0f ? (long) value : (long) value - 1L;
436        float start = (((seed += floor * 0x6C8E9CF570932BD5L) ^ (seed >>> 25)) * (seed | 0xA529L) >>> 1) * 0x0.ffffffp-62f,
437                end = (((seed += 0x6C8E9CF570932BD5L) ^ (seed >>> 25)) * (seed | 0xA529L) >>> 1) * 0x0.ffffffp-62f;
438        value -= floor;
439        value *= value * (3f - 2f * value);
440        end = end - start + 1.5f;
441        end -= (long)end + 0.5f;
442        start += end * value + 1;
443        return (start - (long)start) * 6.283185307179586f;
444    }
446    /**
447     * Identical to {@link Float#floatToIntBits(float)} on desktop; optimized on GWT. Uses JS typed arrays on GWT, which
448     * are well-supported now across all recent browsers and have fallbacks in GWT in the unlikely event of a browser
449     * not supporting them.
450     * @param value a floating-point number.
451     * @return the bits that represent the floating-point number.
452     */
453    public static int floatToIntBits(final float value)
454    {
455        return Float.floatToIntBits(value);
456    }
457    /**
458     * Identical to {@link Float#floatToIntBits(float)} on desktop (note, not {@link Float#floatToRawIntBits(float)});
459     * optimized on GWT. When compiling to JS via GWT, there is no way to distinguish NaN values with different bits but
460     * that are still NaN, so this doesn't try to somehow permit that. Uses JS typed arrays on GWT, which are
461     * well-supported now across all recent browsers and have fallbacks in GWT in the unlikely event of a browser not
462     * supporting them.
463     * @param value a floating-point number.
464     * @return the bits that represent the floating-point number.
465     */
466    public static int floatToRawIntBits(final float value)
467    {
468        return Float.floatToIntBits(value);
469    }
472    /**
473     * Gets the bit representation of the given float {@code value}, but with reversed byte order. On desktop, this is
474     * equivalent to calling {@code Integer.reverseBytes(Float.floatToIntBits(value))}, but it is implemented using
475     * typed arrays on GWT.
476     * @param value a floating-point number
477     * @return the bits that represent the floating-point number, with their byte order reversed from normal.
478     */
479    public static int floatToReversedIntBits(final float value) {
480        return Integer.reverseBytes(Float.floatToIntBits(value));
481    }
483    /**
484     * Reverses the byte order of {@code bits} and converts that to a float. On desktop, this is
485     * equivalent to calling {@code Float.intBitsToFloat(Integer.reverseBytes(bits))}, but it is implemented using
486     * typed arrays on GWT.
487     * @param bits an integer
488     * @return the {@code float} floating-point value with the given bits using their byte order reversed from normal.
489     */
490    public static float reversedIntBitsToFloat(final int bits) {
491        return Float.intBitsToFloat(Integer.reverseBytes(bits));
492    }
494    /**
495     * Identical to {@link Float#intBitsToFloat(int)} on desktop; optimized on GWT. Uses JS typed arrays on GWT, which
496     * are well-supported now across all recent browsers and have fallbacks in GWT in the unlikely event of a browser
497     * not supporting them.
498     * @param bits an integer.
499     * @return the {@code float} floating-point value with the same bit pattern.
500     */
501    public static float intBitsToFloat(final int bits)
502    {
503        return Float.intBitsToFloat(bits);
504    }
506    /**
507     * Gets an 8-bit section of the given float {@code value}, using {@code whichByte} to select whether this should
508     * return byte 0 (least significant), 1, 2, or 3 (most significant).
509     * @param value a float
510     * @param whichByte an int that will be used to select the byte to take from value (any int is allowed, only the bottom 2 bits are used to select)
511     * @return the selected byte from the given float
512     */
513    public static byte getSelectedByte(final float value, final int whichByte)
514    {
515        return (byte)(Float.floatToIntBits(value) >>> ((whichByte & 3) << 3));
516    }
518    /**
519     * Like {@link #getSelectedByte(float, int)}, this sets the byte at a selected position in the int representation of
520     * a float, then returns the float produced by the bit change. Uses {@code whichByte} to select whether this should
521     * set byte 0 (least significant), 1, 2, or 3 (most significant). {@code newValue} is a byte.
522     * @param value a float
523     * @param whichByte an int that will be used to select the byte to take from value (any int is allowed, only the bottom 2 bits are used to select)
524     * @param newValue a byte that will be placed into the returned float's bits at the selected position
525     * @return a float that results from changing the bits at the selected position to match newValue
526     */
527    public static float setSelectedByte(final float value, final int whichByte, final byte newValue)
528    {
529        return Float.intBitsToFloat((Float.floatToIntBits(value) & ~(255 << ((whichByte & 3) << 3)))
530                | ((newValue & 255) << ((whichByte & 3) << 3)));
531    }
533    /**
534     * Generates a pseudo-random double between 0.0 (inclusive) and 1.0 (exclusive) using the given long seed, passing
535     * it once through the (decent-quality and very fast) {@link ThrustAltRNG} algorithm.
536     * <br>
537     * Consider calling this with {@code NumberTools.randomDouble(++seed)} for an optimal period of 2 to the 64 when
538     * repeatedly called, but {@code NumberTools.randomDouble(seed += ODD_LONG)} will also work just fine if ODD_LONG is
539     * any odd-number long, positive or negative.
540     * @param seed any long to be used as a seed
541     * @return a pseudo-random double from 0.0 (inclusive) to 1.0 (exclusive)
542     */
543    public static double randomDouble(long seed)
544    {
545        return (((seed = ((seed *= 0x6C8E9CF570932BD5L) ^ (seed >>> 25)) * (seed | 0xA529L)) ^ (seed >>> 23)) & 0x1FFFFFFFFFFFFFL) * 0x1p-53;
546    }
548    /**
549     * Generates a pseudo-random double between -1.0 (inclusive) and 1.0 (exclusive) using the given long seed, passing
550     * it once through the (decent-quality and very fast) {@link ThrustAltRNG} algorithm.
551     * <br>
552     * Consider calling this with {@code NumberTools.randomSignedDouble(++seed)} for an optimal period of 2 to the 64
553     * when repeatedly called, but {@code NumberTools.randomSignedDouble(seed += ODD_LONG)} will also work just fine if
554     * ODD_LONG is any odd-number long, positive or negative.
555     * @param seed any long to be used as a seed
556     * @return a pseudo-random double from 0.0 (inclusive) to 1.0 (exclusive)
557     */
558    public static double randomSignedDouble(long seed)
559    {
560        return (((seed = ((seed *= 0x6C8E9CF570932BD5L) ^ (seed >>> 25)) * (seed | 0xA529L)) ^ (seed >>> 23)) >> 10) * 0x1p-53;
561    }
562    /**
563     * Generates a pseudo-random float between 0f (inclusive) and 1f (exclusive) using the given long seed, passing it
564     * once through the (decent-quality and very fast) {@link ThrustAltRNG} algorithm.
565     * <br>
566     * Consider calling this with {@code NumberTools.randomFloat(++seed)} for an optimal period of 2 to the 64 when
567     * repeatedly called, but {@code NumberTools.randomFloat(seed += ODD_LONG)} will also work just fine if ODD_LONG is
568     * any odd-number long, positive or negative.
569     * @param seed any long to be used as a seed
570     * @return a pseudo-random float from -1.0f (exclusive) to 1.0f (exclusive)
571     */
572    public static float randomFloat(long seed)
573    {
574        return (((seed = ((seed *= 0x6C8E9CF570932BD5L) ^ (seed >>> 25)) * (seed | 0xA529L)) ^ (seed >>> 23)) & 0xFFFFFF) * 0x1p-24f;
575    }
576    /**
577     * Generates a pseudo-random float between -1f (inclusive) and 1f (exclusive) using the given long seed, passing
578     * it once through the (decent-quality and very fast) {@link ThrustAltRNG} algorithm. This can be useful as a
579     * multiplier that has approximately equal likelihood of changing or leaving the sign of its multiplicand, and won't
580     * make the result larger (more significant) but will usually make it closer to 0.
581     * <br>
582     * Consider calling this with {@code NumberTools.randomDouble(++seed)} for an optimal period of 2 to the 64 when
583     * repeatedly called, but {@code NumberTools.randomDouble(seed += ODD_LONG)} will also work just fine if ODD_LONG is
584     * any odd-number long, positive or negative.
585     * @param seed any long to be used as a seed
586     * @return a pseudo-random float from -1.0f (exclusive) to 1.0f (exclusive)
587     */
588    public static float randomSignedFloat(long seed)
589    {
590        return (((seed = ((seed *= 0x6C8E9CF570932BD5L) ^ (seed >>> 25)) * (seed | 0xA529L)) ^ (seed >>> 23)) >> 39) * 0x1p-24f;
591    }
593    /**
594     * Generates a pseudo-random double between -1.0 (exclusive) and 1.0 (exclusive) with a distribution that has a
595     * strong central bias (around 0.0). Uses the given long seed, passing it once through the (decent-quality and very
596     * fast) {@link ThrustAltRNG} algorithm. This produces a pseudo-random long, which this simply passes to
597     * {@link #formCurvedFloat(long)}, since it is already well-suited to generating a curved distribution.
598     * <br>
599     * Consider calling this with {@code NumberTools.randomFloatCurved(++seed)} for an optimal period of 2 to the 64
600     * when repeatedly called, but {@code NumberTools.randomFloatCurved(seed += ODD_LONG)} will also work just fine if
601     * ODD_LONG is any odd-number long, positive or negative.
602     * @param seed any int to be used as a seed
603     * @return a pseudo-random double from -1.0 (exclusive) to 1.0 (exclusive), distributed on a curve centered on 0.0
604     */
605    public static float randomFloatCurved(long seed)
606    {
607        return formCurvedFloat(((seed = ((seed *= 0x6C8E9CF570932BD5L) ^ (seed >>> 25)) * (seed | 0xA529L)) ^ (seed >>> 23)));
608    }
610    /**
611     * Given an int as a seed, this uses its least-significant 23 bits to produce a float between 0f (inclusive) and 1f
612     * (exclusive). This does not randomize the seed at all, and the upper 9 bits of the seed are ignored.
613     * @param seed an int; only the bottom 23 bits will be used
614     * @return a float between 0f (inclusive) and 1f (exclusive)
615     */
616    public static float formFloat(final int seed)
617    {
618        return Float.intBitsToFloat((seed & 0x7FFFFF) | 0x3f800000) - 1f;
619    }
620    /**
621     * Given an int as a seed, this uses its least-significant 23 bits to produce a float between -1f (inclusive) and 1f
622     * (exclusive). This does not randomize the seed at all, and the upper 9 bits of the seed are ignored.
623     * @param seed an int; only the bottom 23 bits will be used
624     * @return a float between -1f (inclusive) and 1f (exclusive)
625     */
626    public static float formSignedFloat(final int seed)
627    {
628        return Float.intBitsToFloat((seed & 0x7FFFFF) | 0x40000000) - 3f;
629    }
631    /**
632     * Given a long as a seed, this uses its least-significant 52 bits to produce a double between 0 (inclusive) and 1
633     * (exclusive). This does not randomize the seed at all, and the upper 12 bits of the seed are ignored.
634     * @param seed a long; only the bottom 52 bits will be used
635     * @return a double between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive)
636     */
637    public static double formDouble(final long seed)
638    {
639        return Double.longBitsToDouble((seed & 0xfffffffffffffL) | 0x3ff0000000000000L) - 1f;
640    }
641    /**
642     * Given a long as a seed, this uses its least-significant 52 bits to produce a double between -1 (inclusive) and 1
643     * (exclusive). This does not randomize the seed at all, and the upper 12 bits of the seed are ignored.
644     * @param seed a long; only the bottom 52 bits will be used
645     * @return a double between -1 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive)
646     */
647    public static double formSignedDouble(final long seed)
648    {
649        return Double.longBitsToDouble((seed & 0xfffffffffffffL) | 0x4000000000000000L) - 3f;
650    }
652    /**
653     * A different kind of determine-like method that expects to be given a random long and produces a random double
654     * with a curved distribution that centers on 0 (where it has a bias) and can (rarely) approach -1f and 1f.
655     * The distribution for the values is similar to Irwin-Hall, and is frequently near 0 but not too-rarely near -1.0
656     * or 1.0. It cannot produce 1.0, -1.0, or any values further from 0 than those bounds.
657     * @param start a long, usually random, such as one produced by any RandomnessSource; all bits will be used
658     * @return a deterministic double between -1.0 (exclusive) and 1.0 (exclusive); very likely to be close to 0.0
659     */
660    public static double formCurvedDouble(long start) {
661        return    longBitsToDouble((start >>> 12) | 0x3fe0000000000000L)
662                + longBitsToDouble(((start *= 0x2545F4914F6CDD1DL) >>> 12) | 0x3fe0000000000000L)
663                - longBitsToDouble(((start *= 0x2545F4914F6CDD1DL) >>> 12) | 0x3fe0000000000000L)
664                - longBitsToDouble(((start *  0x2545F4914F6CDD1DL) >>> 12) | 0x3fe0000000000000L)
665                ;
666    }
667    /**
668     * A different kind of determine-like method that expects to be given a random long and produces a random double
669     * with a curved distribution that centers on 0 (where it has a bias) and can (rarely) approach 0.0 and 1.0.
670     * The distribution for the values is similar to Irwin-Hall, and is frequently near 0 but not too-rarely near 0.0 or
671     * 1.0. It cannot produce 0.0, 1.0, or any values further from 0.5 than those bounds.
672     * @param start a long, usually random, such as one produced by any RandomnessSource; all bits will be used
673     * @return a deterministic double between 0.0 (exclusive) and 1.0 (exclusive); very likely to be close to 0.5
674     */
675    public static double formCurvedDoubleTight(long start) {
676        return  0.5
677                + longBitsToDouble((start >>> 12) | 0x3fd0000000000000L)
678                + longBitsToDouble(((start *= 0x2545F4914F6CDD1DL) >>> 12) | 0x3fd0000000000000L)
679                - longBitsToDouble(((start *= 0x2545F4914F6CDD1DL) >>> 12) | 0x3fd0000000000000L)
680                - longBitsToDouble(((start *  0x2545F4914F6CDD1DL) >>> 12) | 0x3fd0000000000000L);
681    }
683    /**
684     * A different kind of determine-like method that expects to be given a random long and produces a random float with
685     * a curved distribution that centers on 0 (where it has a bias) and can (rarely) approach -1f and 1f.
686     * The distribution for the values is similar to Irwin-Hall, and is frequently near 0 but not too-rarely near -1f or
687     * 1f. It cannot produce 1f, -1f, or any values further from 0 than those bounds.
688     * @param start a long, usually random, such as one produced by any RandomnessSource
689     * @return a deterministic float between -1f (exclusive) and 1f (exclusive), that is very likely to be close to 0f
690     */
691    public static float formCurvedFloat(final long start) {
692        return    intBitsToFloat((int)start >>> 9 | 0x3F000000)
693                + intBitsToFloat((int) (start >>> 41) | 0x3F000000)
694                - intBitsToFloat(((int)(start ^ ~start >>> 20) & 0x007FFFFF) | 0x3F000000)
695                - intBitsToFloat(((int) (~start ^ start >>> 30) & 0x007FFFFF) | 0x3F000000)
696                ;
697    }
699    /**
700     * A different kind of determine-like method that expects to be given random ints and produces a random float with
701     * a curved distribution that centers on 0 (where it has a bias) and can (rarely) approach -1f and 1f.
702     * The distribution for the values is similar to Irwin-Hall, and is frequently near 0 but not too-rarely near -1f or
703     * 1f. It cannot produce 1f, -1f, or any values further from 0 than those bounds.
704     * @param start1 an int usually random, such as one produced by any RandomnessSource
705     * @param start2 an int usually random, such as one produced by any RandomnessSource
706     * @return a deterministic float between -1f (exclusive) and 1f (exclusive), that is very likely to be close to 0f
707     */
708    public static float formCurvedFloat(final int start1, final int start2) {
709        return    intBitsToFloat(start1 >>> 9 | 0x3F000000)
710                + intBitsToFloat((~start1 & 0x007FFFFF) | 0x3F000000)
711                - intBitsToFloat(start2 >>> 9 | 0x3F000000)
712                - intBitsToFloat((~start2 & 0x007FFFFF) | 0x3F000000)
713                ;
714    }
715    /**
716     * A different kind of determine-like method that expects to be given a random int and produces a random float with
717     * a curved distribution that centers on 0 (where it has a bias) and can (rarely) approach -1f and 1f.
718     * The distribution for the values is similar to Irwin-Hall, and is frequently near 0 but not too-rarely near -1f or
719     * 1f. It cannot produce 1f, -1f, or any values further from 0 than those bounds.
720     * @param start an int, usually random, such as one produced by any RandomnessSource
721     * @return a deterministic float between -1f (exclusive) and 1f (exclusive), that is very likely to be close to 0f
722     */
723    public static float formCurvedFloat(final int start) {
724        return    intBitsToFloat(start >>> 9 | 0x3F000000)
725                + intBitsToFloat((start & 0x007FFFFF) | 0x3F000000)
726                - intBitsToFloat(((start << 18 & 0x007FFFFF) ^ ~start >>> 14) | 0x3F000000)
727                - intBitsToFloat(((start << 13 & 0x007FFFFF) ^ ~start >>> 19) | 0x3F000000)
728                ;
729    }
731    /**
732     * Returns an int value with at most a single one-bit, in the position of the lowest-order ("rightmost") one-bit in
733     * the specified int value. Returns zero if the specified value has no one-bits in its two's complement binary
734     * representation, that is, if it is equal to zero.
735     * <br>
736     * Identical to {@link Integer#lowestOneBit(int)}, but super-sourced to act correctly on GWT. If you have GWT as a
737     * target and do bit manipulation work, double-check everything! An int can be higher than {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE}
738     * or lower than {@link Integer#MIN_VALUE} on GWT, without actually being a long (internally it's a double). This
739     * is especially relevant for the overload of this method that takes and returns a long;
740     * {@link Long#lowestOneBit(long)} does not provide correct results for certain inputs on GWT, such as
741     * -17592186044416L, which it mysteriously returns 0L on, so you should use {@link #lowestOneBit(long)}.
742     * @param num the value whose lowest one bit is to be computed
743     * @return an int value with a single one-bit, in the position of the lowest-order one-bit in the specified value,
744     *         or zero if the specified value is itself equal to zero.
745     */
746    public static int lowestOneBit(int num)
747    {
748        return num & -num;
749    }
750    /**
751     * Returns an long value with at most a single one-bit, in the position of the lowest-order ("rightmost") one-bit in
752     * the specified long value. Returns zero if the specified value has no one-bits in its two's complement binary
753     * representation, that is, if it is equal to zero.
754     * <br>
755     * Identical to {@link Long#lowestOneBit(long)}, but super-sourced to act correctly on GWT. If you have GWT as a
756     * target and do bit manipulation work, double-check everything! An int can be higher than {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE}
757     * or lower than {@link Integer#MIN_VALUE} on GWT, without actually being a long (internally it's a double). This
758     * is especially relevant for this overload (for longs more so than for ints); {@link Long#lowestOneBit(long)} does
759     * not provide correct results for certain inputs on GWT, such as -17592186044416L, which it mysteriously returns 0L
760     * on, so you should use this method.
761     * @param num the value whose lowest one bit is to be computed
762     * @return a long value with a single one-bit, in the position of the lowest-order one-bit in the specified value,
763     *         or zero if the specified value is itself equal to zero.
764     */
765    public static long lowestOneBit(long num)
766    {
767        return num & -num;
768    }
770    /**
771     * A fairly-close approximation of {@link Math#sin(double)} that can be significantly faster (between 8x and 80x
772     * faster sin() calls in benchmarking; if you have access to libGDX you should consider its sometimes-more-precise
773     * and sometimes-faster MathUtils.sin() method. Because this method doesn't rely on a
774     * lookup table, where libGDX's MathUtils does, applications that have a bottleneck on memory may perform better
775     * with this method than with MathUtils. Takes the same arguments Math.sin() does, so one angle in radians,
776     * which may technically be any double (but this will lose precision on fairly large doubles, such as those that are
777     * larger than {@link Long#MAX_VALUE}, because those doubles themselves will lose precision at that scale). This
778     * is closely related to {@link #sway(double)}, but the shape of the output when graphed is almost identical to
779     * sin(). The difference between the result of this method and {@link Math#sin(double)} should be under 0.0011 at
780     * all points between -pi and pi, with an average difference of about 0.0005; not all points have been checked for
781     * potentially higher errors, though.
782     * <br>
783     * The error for this double version is extremely close to the float version, {@link #sin(float)}, so you should
784     * choose based on what type you have as input and/or want to return rather than on quality concerns. Coercion
785     * between float and double takes about as long as this method normally takes to run (or longer), so if you have
786     * floats you should usually use methods that take floats (or return floats, if assigning the result to a float),
787     * and likewise for doubles.
788     * <br>
789     * Unlike in previous versions of this method, the sign of the input doesn't affect performance here, at least not
790     * by a measurable amount.
791     * <br>
792     * The technique for sine approximation is mostly from
793     * <a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20080228213915/http://devmaster.net/forums/showthread.php?t=5784">this archived DevMaster thread</a>,
794     * with credit to "Nick". Changes have been made to accelerate wrapping from any double to the valid input range.
795     * @param radians an angle in radians as a double, often from 0 to pi * 2, though not required to be.
796     * @return the sine of the given angle, as a double between -1.0 and 1.0 (both inclusive)
797     */
799    public static double sin(double radians)
800    {
801        radians *= 0.6366197723675814;
802        final long floor = (radians >= 0.0 ? (long) radians : (long) radians - 1L) & -2L;
803        radians -= floor;
804        radians *= 2.0 - radians;
805        return radians * (-0.775 - 0.225 * radians) * ((floor & 2L) - 1L);
806    }
808    /**
809     * A fairly-close approximation of {@link Math#cos(double)} that can be significantly faster (between 8x and 80x
810     * faster cos() calls in benchmarking; if you have access to libGDX you should consider its sometimes-more-precise
811     * and sometimes-faster MathUtils.cos() method. Because this method doesn't rely on a
812     * lookup table, where libGDX's MathUtils does, applications that have a bottleneck on memory may perform better
813     * with this method than with MathUtils. Takes the same arguments Math.cos() does, so one angle in radians,
814     * which may technically be any double (but this will lose precision on fairly large doubles, such as those that are
815     * larger than {@link Long#MAX_VALUE}, because those doubles themselves will lose precision at that scale). This
816     * is closely related to {@link #sway(double)}, but the shape of the output when graphed is almost identical to
817     * cos(). The difference between the result of this method and {@link Math#cos(double)} should be under 0.0011 at
818     * all points between -pi and pi, with an average difference of about 0.0005; not all points have been checked for
819     * potentially higher errors, though.
820     * <br>
821     * The error for this double version is extremely close to the float version, {@link #cos(float)}, so you should
822     * choose based on what type you have as input and/or want to return rather than on quality concerns. Coercion
823     * between float and double takes about as long as this method normally takes to run (or longer), so if you have
824     * floats you should usually use methods that take floats (or return floats, if assigning the result to a float),
825     * and likewise for doubles.
826     * <br>
827     * Unlike in previous versions of this method, the sign of the input doesn't affect performance here, at least not
828     * by a measurable amount.
829     * The technique for cosine approximation is mostly from
830     * <a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20080228213915/http://devmaster.net/forums/showthread.php?t=5784">this archived DevMaster thread</a>,
831     * with credit to "Nick". Changes have been made to accelerate wrapping from any double to the valid input range.
832     * @param radians an angle in radians as a double, often from 0 to pi * 2, though not required to be.
833     * @return the cosine of the given angle, as a double between -1.0 and 1.0 (both inclusive)
834     */
835    public static double cos(double radians)
836    {
837        radians = radians * 0.6366197723675814 + 1.0;
838        final long floor = (radians >= 0.0 ? (long) radians : (long) radians - 1L) & -2L;
839        radians -= floor;
840        radians *= 2.0 - radians;
841        return radians * (-0.775 - 0.225 * radians) * ((floor & 2L) - 1L);
842    }
844    /**
845     * A fairly-close approximation of {@link Math#sin(double)} that can be significantly faster (between 8x and 80x
846     * faster sin() calls in benchmarking, and both takes and returns floats; if you have access to libGDX you should
847     * consider its more-precise and sometimes-faster MathUtils.sin() method. Because this method doesn't rely on a
848     * lookup table, where libGDX's MathUtils does, applications that have a bottleneck on memory may perform better
849     * with this method than with MathUtils. Takes the same arguments Math.sin() does, so one angle in radians,
850     * which may technically be any float (but this will lose precision on fairly large floats, such as those that are
851     * larger than {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE}, because those floats themselves will lose precision at that scale). This
852     * is closely related to {@link #sway(float)}, but the shape of the output when graphed is almost identical to
853     * sin(). The difference between the result of this method and {@link Math#sin(double)} should be under 0.0011 at
854     * all points between -pi and pi, with an average difference of about 0.0005; not all points have been checked for
855     * potentially higher errors, though.
856     * <br>
857     * The error for this float version is extremely close to the double version, {@link #sin(double)}, so you should
858     * choose based on what type you have as input and/or want to return rather than on quality concerns. Coercion
859     * between float and double takes about as long as this method normally takes to run (or longer), so if you have
860     * floats you should usually use methods that take floats (or return floats, if assigning the result to a float),
861     * and likewise for doubles.
862     * <br>
863     * Unlike in previous versions of this method, the sign of the input doesn't affect performance here, at least not
864     * by a measurable amount.
865     * <br>
866     * The technique for sine approximation is mostly from
867     * <a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20080228213915/http://devmaster.net/forums/showthread.php?t=5784">this archived DevMaster thread</a>,
868     * with credit to "Nick". Changes have been made to accelerate wrapping from any float to the valid input range.
869     * @param radians an angle in radians as a float, often from 0 to pi * 2, though not required to be.
870     * @return the sine of the given angle, as a float between -1f and 1f (both inclusive)
871     */
872    public static float sin(float radians)
873    {
874        radians *= 0.6366197723675814f;
875        final int floor = (radians >= 0.0 ? (int) radians : (int) radians - 1) & -2;
876        radians -= floor;
877        radians *= 2f - radians;
878        return radians * (-0.775f - 0.225f * radians) * ((floor & 2) - 1);
879    }
881    /**
882     * A fairly-close approximation of {@link Math#cos(double)} that can be significantly faster (between 8x and 80x
883     * faster cos() calls in benchmarking, and both takes and returns floats; if you have access to libGDX you should
884     * consider its more-precise and sometimes-faster MathUtils.cos() method. Because this method doesn't rely on a
885     * lookup table, where libGDX's MathUtils does, applications that have a bottleneck on memory may perform better
886     * with this method than with MathUtils. Takes the same arguments Math.cos() does, so one angle in radians,
887     * which may technically be any float (but this will lose precision on fairly large floats, such as those that are
888     * larger than {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE}, because those floats themselves will lose precision at that scale). This
889     * is closely related to {@link #sway(float)}, but the shape of the output when graphed is almost identical to
890     * cos(). The difference between the result of this method and {@link Math#cos(double)} should be under 0.0011 at
891     * all points between -pi and pi, with an average difference of about 0.0005; not all points have been checked for
892     * potentially higher errors, though.
893     * <br>
894     * The error for this float version is extremely close to the double version, {@link #cos(double)}, so you should
895     * choose based on what type you have as input and/or want to return rather than on quality concerns. Coercion
896     * between float and double takes about as long as this method normally takes to run (or longer), so if you have
897     * floats you should usually use methods that take floats (or return floats, if assigning the result to a float),
898     * and likewise for doubles.
899     * <br>
900     * Unlike in previous versions of this method, the sign of the input doesn't affect performance here, at least not
901     * by a measurable amount.
902     * <br>
903     * The technique for cosine approximation is mostly from
904     * <a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20080228213915/http://devmaster.net/forums/showthread.php?t=5784">this archived DevMaster thread</a>,
905     * with credit to "Nick". Changes have been made to accelerate wrapping from any float to the valid input range.
906     * @param radians an angle in radians as a float, often from 0 to pi * 2, though not required to be.
907     * @return the cosine of the given angle, as a float between -1f and 1f (both inclusive)
908     */
909    public static float cos(float radians)
910    {
911        radians = radians * 0.6366197723675814f + 1f;
912        final int floor = (radians >= 0.0 ? (int) radians : (int) radians - 1) & -2;
913        radians -= floor;
914        radians *= 2f - radians;
915        return radians * (-0.775f - 0.225f * radians) * ((floor & 2) - 1);
916    }
917    /**
918     * A fairly-close approximation of {@link Math#sin(double)} that can be significantly faster (between 8x and 80x
919     * faster sin() calls in benchmarking, and both takes and returns floats; if you have access to libGDX, you should
920     * consider its more-precise and sometimes-faster MathUtils.sinDeg() method. Because this method doesn't rely on a
921     * lookup table, where libGDX's MathUtils does, applications that have a bottleneck on memory may perform better
922     * with this method than with MathUtils. Takes one angle in degrees,
923     * which may technically be any float (but this will lose precision on fairly large floats, such as those that are
924     * larger than {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE}, because those floats themselves will lose precision at that scale). This
925     * is closely related to {@link #sway(float)}, but the shape of the output when graphed is almost identical to
926     * sin(). The difference between the result of this method and {@link Math#sin(double)} should be under 0.0011 at
927     * all points between -360 and 360, with an average difference of about 0.0005; not all points have been checked for
928     * potentially higher errors, though.
929     * <br>
930     * The error for this float version is extremely close to the double version, {@link #sin(double)}, so you should
931     * choose based on what type you have as input and/or want to return rather than on quality concerns. Coercion
932     * between float and double takes about as long as this method normally takes to run (or longer), so if you have
933     * floats you should usually use methods that take floats (or return floats, if assigning the result to a float),
934     * and likewise for doubles.
935     * <br>
936     * Unlike in previous versions of this method, the sign of the input doesn't affect performance here, at least not
937     * by a measurable amount.
938     * <br>
939     * The technique for sine approximation is mostly from
940     * <a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20080228213915/http://devmaster.net/forums/showthread.php?t=5784">this archived DevMaster thread</a>,
941     * with credit to "Nick". Changes have been made to accelerate wrapping from any float to the valid input range.
942     * @param degrees an angle in degrees as a float, often from 0 to 360, though not required to be.
943     * @return the sine of the given angle, as a float between -1f and 1f (both inclusive)
944     */
945    public static float sinDegrees(float degrees)
946    {
947        degrees = degrees * 0.011111111111111112f;
948        final int floor = (degrees >= 0.0 ? (int) degrees : (int) degrees - 1) & -2;
949        degrees -= floor;
950        degrees *= 2f - degrees;
951        return degrees * (-0.775f - 0.225f * degrees) * ((floor & 2) - 1);
952    }
954    /**
955     * A fairly-close approximation of {@link Math#cos(double)} that can be significantly faster (between 8x and 80x
956     * faster cos() calls in benchmarking, and both takes and returns floats; if you have access to libGDX, you should
957     * consider its more-precise and sometimes-faster MathUtils.cosDeg() method. Because this method doesn't rely on a
958     * lookup table, where libGDX's MathUtils does, applications that have a bottleneck on memory may perform better
959     * with this method than with MathUtils. Takes one angle in degrees,
960     * which may technically be any float (but this will lose precision on fairly large floats, such as those that are
961     * larger than {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE}, because those floats themselves will lose precision at that scale). This
962     * is closely related to {@link #sway(float)}, but the shape of the output when graphed is almost identical to
963     * cos(). The difference between the result of this method and {@link Math#cos(double)} should be under 0.0011 at
964     * all points between -360 and 360, with an average difference of about 0.0005; not all points have been checked for
965     * potentially higher errors, though.
966     * <br>
967     * The error for this float version is extremely close to the double version, {@link #cos(double)}, so you should
968     * choose based on what type you have as input and/or want to return rather than on quality concerns. Coercion
969     * between float and double takes about as long as this method normally takes to run (or longer), so if you have
970     * floats you should usually use methods that take floats (or return floats, if assigning the result to a float),
971     * and likewise for doubles.
972     * <br>
973     * Unlike in previous versions of this method, the sign of the input doesn't affect performance here, at least not
974     * by a measurable amount.
975     * <br>
976     * The technique for cosine approximation is mostly from
977     * <a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20080228213915/http://devmaster.net/forums/showthread.php?t=5784">this archived DevMaster thread</a>,
978     * with credit to "Nick". Changes have been made to accelerate wrapping from any float to the valid input range.
979     * @param degrees an angle in degrees as a float, often from 0 to pi * 2, though not required to be.
980     * @return the cosine of the given angle, as a float between -1f and 1f (both inclusive)
981     */
982    public static float cosDegrees(float degrees)
983    {
984        degrees = degrees * 0.011111111111111112f + 1f;
985        final int floor = (degrees >= 0.0 ? (int) degrees : (int) degrees - 1) & -2;
986        degrees -= floor;
987        degrees *= 2f - degrees;
988        return degrees * (-0.775f - 0.225f * degrees) * ((floor & 2) - 1);
989    }
991    /**
992     * A variation on {@link Math#sin(double)} that takes its input as a fraction of a turn instead of in radians; one
993     * turn is equal to 360 degrees or two*PI radians. This can be useful as a building block for other measurements;
994     * to make a sine method that takes its input in grad (with 400 grad equal to 360 degrees), you would just divide
995     * the grad value by 400.0 (or multiply it by 0.0025) and pass it to this method. Similarly for binary degrees, also
996     * called brad (with 256 brad equal to 360 degrees), you would divide by 256.0 or multiply by 0.00390625 before
997     * passing that value here. The brad case is especially useful because you can use a byte for any brad values, and
998     * adding up those brad values will wrap correctly (256 brad goes back to 0) while keeping perfect precision for the
999     * results (you still divide by 256.0 when you pass the brad value to this method).
1000     * <br>
1001     * The error for this double version is extremely close to the float version, {@link #sin_(float)}, so you should
1002     * choose based on what type you have as input and/or want to return rather than on quality concerns. Coercion
1003     * between float and double takes about as long as this method normally takes to run (or longer), so if you have
1004     * floats you should usually use methods that take floats (or return floats, if assigning the result to a float),
1005     * and likewise for doubles.
1006     * <br>
1007     * The technique for sine approximation is mostly from
1008     * <a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20080228213915/http://devmaster.net/forums/showthread.php?t=5784">this archived DevMaster thread</a>,
1009     * with credit to "Nick". Changes have been made to accelerate wrapping from any double to the valid input range.
1010     * @param turns an angle as a fraction of a turn as a double, with 0.5 here equivalent to PI radians in {@link #cos(double)}
1011     * @return the sine of the given angle, as a double between -1.0 and 1.0 (both inclusive)
1012     */
1013    public static double sin_(double turns)
1014    {
1015        turns *= 4.0;
1016        final long floor = (turns >= 0.0 ? (long) turns : (long) turns - 1L) & -2L;
1017        turns -= floor;
1018        turns *= 2.0 - turns;
1019        return turns * (-0.775 - 0.225 * turns) * ((floor & 2L) - 1L);
1020    }
1022    /**
1023     * A variation on {@link Math#cos(double)} that takes its input as a fraction of a turn instead of in radians; one
1024     * turn is equal to 360 degrees or two*PI radians. This can be useful as a building block for other measurements;
1025     * to make a cosine method that takes its input in grad (with 400 grad equal to 360 degrees), you would just divide
1026     * the grad value by 400.0 (or multiply it by 0.0025) and pass it to this method. Similarly for binary degrees, also
1027     * called brad (with 256 brad equal to 360 degrees), you would divide by 256.0 or multiply by 0.00390625 before
1028     * passing that value here. The brad case is especially useful because you can use a byte for any brad values, and
1029     * adding up those brad values will wrap correctly (256 brad goes back to 0) while keeping perfect precision for the
1030     * results (you still divide by 256.0 when you pass the brad value to this method).
1031     * <br>
1032     * The error for this double version is extremely close to the float version, {@link #cos_(float)}, so you should
1033     * choose based on what type you have as input and/or want to return rather than on quality concerns. Coercion
1034     * between float and double takes about as long as this method normally takes to run (or longer), so if you have
1035     * floats you should usually use methods that take floats (or return floats, if assigning the result to a float),
1036     * and likewise for doubles.
1037     * <br>
1038     * The technique for cosine approximation is mostly from
1039     * <a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20080228213915/http://devmaster.net/forums/showthread.php?t=5784">this archived DevMaster thread</a>,
1040     * with credit to "Nick". Changes have been made to accelerate wrapping from any double to the valid input range.
1041     * @param turns an angle as a fraction of a turn as a double, with 0.5 here equivalent to PI radians in {@link #cos(double)}
1042     * @return the cosine of the given angle, as a double between -1.0 and 1.0 (both inclusive)
1043     */
1044    public static double cos_(double turns)
1045    {
1046        turns = turns * 4.0 + 1.0;
1047        final long floor = (turns >= 0.0 ? (long) turns : (long) turns - 1L) & -2L;
1048        turns -= floor;
1049        turns *= 2.0 - turns;
1050        return turns * (-0.775 - 0.225 * turns) * ((floor & 2L) - 1L);
1051    }
1053    /**
1054     * A variation on {@link Math#sin(double)} that takes its input as a fraction of a turn instead of in radians (it
1055     * also takes and returns a float); one turn is equal to 360 degrees or two*PI radians. This can be useful as a
1056     * building block for other measurements; to make a sine method that takes its input in grad (with 400 grad equal to
1057     * 360 degrees), you would just divide the grad value by 400.0 (or multiply it by 0.0025) and pass it to this
1058     * method. Similarly for binary degrees, also called brad (with 256 brad equal to 360 degrees), you would divide by
1059     * 256.0 or multiply by 0.00390625 before passing that value here. The brad case is especially useful because you
1060     * can use a byte for any brad values, and adding up those brad values will wrap correctly (256 brad goes back to 0)
1061     * while keeping perfect precision for the results (you still divide by 256.0 when you pass the brad value to this
1062     * method).
1063     * <br>
1064     * The error for this float version is extremely close to the double version, {@link #sin_(double)}, so you should
1065     * choose based on what type you have as input and/or want to return rather than on quality concerns. Coercion
1066     * between float and double takes about as long as this method normally takes to run (or longer), so if you have
1067     * floats you should usually use methods that take floats (or return floats, if assigning the result to a float),
1068     * and likewise for doubles.
1069     * <br>
1070     * The technique for sine approximation is mostly from
1071     * <a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20080228213915/http://devmaster.net/forums/showthread.php?t=5784">this archived DevMaster thread</a>,
1072     * with credit to "Nick". Changes have been made to accelerate wrapping from any double to the valid input range.
1073     * @param turns an angle as a fraction of a turn as a float, with 0.5 here equivalent to PI radians in {@link #cos(double)}
1074     * @return the sine of the given angle, as a float between -1.0 and 1.0 (both inclusive)
1075     */
1076    public static float sin_(float turns)
1077    {
1078        turns *= 4f;
1079        final long floor = (turns >= 0.0 ? (long) turns : (long) turns - 1L) & -2L;
1080        turns -= floor;
1081        turns *= 2f - turns;
1082        return turns * (-0.775f - 0.225f * turns) * ((floor & 2L) - 1L);
1083    }
1085    /**
1086     * A variation on {@link Math#cos(double)} that takes its input as a fraction of a turn instead of in radians (it
1087     * also takes and returns a float); one turn is equal to 360 degrees or two*PI radians. This can be useful as a
1088     * building block for other measurements; to make a cosine method that takes its input in grad (with 400 grad equal
1089     * to 360 degrees), you would just divide the grad value by 400.0 (or multiply it by 0.0025) and pass it to this
1090     * method. Similarly for binary degrees, also called brad (with 256 brad equal to 360 degrees), you would divide by
1091     * 256.0 or multiply by 0.00390625 before passing that value here. The brad case is especially useful because you
1092     * can use a byte for any brad values, and adding up those brad values will wrap correctly (256 brad goes back to 0)
1093     * while keeping perfect precision for the results (you still divide by 256.0 when you pass the brad value to this
1094     * method).
1095     * <br>
1096     * The error for this float version is extremely close to the float version, {@link #cos_(double)}, so you should
1097     * choose based on what type you have as input and/or want to return rather than on quality concerns. Coercion
1098     * between float and double takes about as long as this method normally takes to run (or longer), so if you have
1099     * floats you should usually use methods that take floats (or return floats, if assigning the result to a float),
1100     * and likewise for doubles.
1101     * <br>
1102     * The technique for cosine approximation is mostly from
1103     * <a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20080228213915/http://devmaster.net/forums/showthread.php?t=5784">this archived DevMaster thread</a>,
1104     * with credit to "Nick". Changes have been made to accelerate wrapping from any double to the valid input range.
1105     * @param turns an angle as a fraction of a turn as a float, with 0.5 here equivalent to PI radians in {@link #cos(double)}
1106     * @return the cosine of the given angle, as a float between -1.0 and 1.0 (both inclusive)
1107     */
1108    public static float cos_(float turns)
1109    {
1110        turns = turns * 4f + 1f;
1111        final long floor = (turns >= 0.0 ? (long) turns : (long) turns - 1L) & -2L;
1112        turns -= floor;
1113        turns *= 2f - turns;
1114        return turns * (-0.775f - 0.225f * turns) * ((floor & 2L) - 1L);
1115    }
1117    /**
1118     * Close approximation of the frequently-used trigonometric method atan2, with higher precision than LibGDX's atan2
1119     * approximation. Maximum error is below 0.001 radians.
1120     * Takes y and x (in that unusual order) as doubles, and returns the angle from the origin to that point in radians.
1121     * It is about 5 times faster than {@link Math#atan2(double, double)} (roughly 17 ns instead of roughly 88 ns for
1122     * Math, though the computer was under some load during testing). It is almost identical in speed to LibGDX'
1123     * MathUtils approximation of the same method; MathUtils seems to have worse average error, though.
1124     * Credit to StackExchange user njuffa, who gave
1125     * <a href="https://math.stackexchange.com/a/1105038">this useful answer</a>. This method changed from an earlier
1126     * technique that was twice as fast but had very poor quality, enough to be visually noticeable. See also
1127     * {@link #atan2_(double, double)} if you don't want a mess converting to degrees or some other measurement, since
1128     * that method returns an angle from 0.0 (equal to 0 degrees) to 1.0 (equal to 360 degrees).
1129     * @param y y-component of the point to find the angle towards; note the parameter order is unusual by convention
1130     * @param x x-component of the point to find the angle towards; note the parameter order is unusual by convention
1131     * @return the angle to the given point, in radians as a double
1132     */
1133    public static double atan2(final double y, final double x)
1134    {
1135        /*
1136a := min (|x|, |y|) / max (|x|, |y|)
1137s := a * a
1138r := ((-0.0464964749 * s + 0.15931422) * s - 0.327622764) * s * a + a
1139if |y| > |x| then r := 1.57079637 - r
1140if x < 0 then r := 3.14159274 - r
1141if y < 0 then r := -r
1142         */
1143        if(y == 0.0 && x >= 0.0) return 0.0;
1144        final double ax = Math.abs(x), ay = Math.abs(y);
1145        if(ax < ay)
1146        {
1147            final double a = ax / ay, s = a * a,
1148                    r = 1.57079637 - (((-0.0464964749 * s + 0.15931422) * s - 0.327622764) * s * a + a);
1149            return (x < 0.0) ? (y < 0.0) ? -3.14159274 + r : 3.14159274 - r : (y < 0.0) ? -r : r;
1150        }
1151        else {
1152            final double a = ay / ax, s = a * a,
1153                    r = (((-0.0464964749 * s + 0.15931422) * s - 0.327622764) * s * a + a);
1154            return (x < 0.0) ? (y < 0.0) ? -3.14159274 + r : 3.14159274 - r : (y < 0.0) ? -r : r;
1155        }
1156    }
1158    /**
1159     * Close approximation of the frequently-used trigonometric method atan2, with higher precision than LibGDX's atan2
1160     * approximation. Maximum error is below 0.001 radians.
1161     * Takes y and x (in that unusual order) as floats, and returns the angle from the origin to that point in radians.
1162     * It is about 5 times faster than {@link Math#atan2(double, double)} (roughly 17 ns instead of roughly 88 ns for
1163     * Math, though the computer was under some load during testing). It is almost identical in speed to LibGDX'
1164     * MathUtils approximation of the same method; MathUtils seems to have worse average error, though.
1165     * Credit to StackExchange user njuffa, who gave
1166     * <a href="https://math.stackexchange.com/a/1105038">this useful answer</a>. This method changed from an earlier
1167     * technique that was twice as fast but had very poor quality, enough to be visually noticeable. See also
1168     * {@link #atan2_(float, float)} if you don't want a mess converting to degrees or some other measurement, since
1169     * that method returns an angle from 0f (equal to 0 degrees) to 1f (equal to 360 degrees).
1170     * @param y y-component of the point to find the angle towards; note the parameter order is unusual by convention
1171     * @param x x-component of the point to find the angle towards; note the parameter order is unusual by convention
1172     * @return the angle to the given point, in radians as a float
1173     */
1174    public static float atan2(final float y, final float x)
1175    {
1176        /*
1177a := min (|x|, |y|) / max (|x|, |y|)
1178s := a * a
1179r := ((-0.0464964749 * s + 0.15931422) * s - 0.327622764) * s * a + a
1180if |y| > |x| then r := 1.57079637 - r
1181if x < 0 then r := 3.14159274 - r
1182if y < 0 then r := -r
1183         */
1184        if(y == 0f && x >= 0f) return 0f;
1185        final float ax = Math.abs(x), ay = Math.abs(y);
1186        if(ax < ay)
1187        {
1188            final float a = ax / ay, s = a * a,
1189                    r = 1.57079637f - (((-0.0464964749f * s + 0.15931422f) * s - 0.327622764f) * s * a + a);
1190            return (x < 0f) ? (y < 0f) ? -3.14159274f + r : 3.14159274f - r : (y < 0f) ? -r : r;
1191        }
1192        else {
1193            final float a = ay / ax, s = a * a,
1194                    r = (((-0.0464964749f * s + 0.15931422f) * s - 0.327622764f) * s * a + a);
1195            return (x < 0f) ? (y < 0f) ? -3.14159274f + r : 3.14159274f - r : (y < 0f) ? -r : r;
1196        }
1197    }
1199    /**
1200     * Altered-range approximation of the frequently-used trigonometric method atan2, taking y and x positions as 
1201     * doubles and returning an angle measured in turns from 0.0 to 1.0 (inclusive), with one cycle over the range
1202     * equivalent to 360 degrees or 2PI radians. You can multiply the angle by {@code 6.2831855f} to change to radians,
1203     * or by {@code 360f} to change to degrees. Takes y and x (in that unusual order) as doubles. Will never return a
1204     * negative number, which may help avoid costly floating-point modulus when you actually want a positive number.
1205     * Credit to StackExchange user njuffa, who gave
1206     * <a href="https://math.stackexchange.com/a/1105038">this useful answer</a>. Note that
1207     * {@link #atan2(double, double)} returns an angle in radians and can return negative results, which may be fine for
1208     * many tasks; these two methods are extremely close in implementation and speed.
1209     * @param y y-component of the point to find the angle towards; note the parameter order is unusual by convention
1210     * @param x x-component of the point to find the angle towards; note the parameter order is unusual by convention
1211     * @return the angle to the given point, as a double from 0.0 to 1.0, inclusive
1212     */
1213    public static double atan2_(final double y, final double x)
1214    {
1215        if(y == 0.0 && x >= 0.0) return 0.0;
1216        final double ax = Math.abs(x), ay = Math.abs(y);
1217        if(ax < ay)
1218        {
1219            final double a = ax / ay, s = a * a,
1220                    r = 0.25 - (((-0.0464964749 * s + 0.15931422) * s - 0.327622764) * s * a + a) * 0.15915494309189535;
1221            return (x < 0.0) ? (y < 0.0) ? 0.5 + r : 0.5 - r : (y < 0.0) ? 1.0 - r : r;
1222        }
1223        else {
1224            final double a = ay / ax, s = a * a,
1225                    r = (((-0.0464964749 * s + 0.15931422) * s - 0.327622764) * s * a + a) * 0.15915494309189535;
1226            return (x < 0.0) ? (y < 0.0) ? 0.5 + r : 0.5 - r : (y < 0.0) ? 1.0 - r : r;
1227        }
1228    }
1229    /**
1230     * Altered-range approximation of the frequently-used trigonometric method atan2, taking y and x positions as floats
1231     * and returning an angle measured in turns from 0.0f to 1.0f, with one cycle over the range equivalent to 360
1232     * degrees or 2PI radians. You can multiply the angle by {@code 6.2831855f} to change to radians, or by {@code 360f}
1233     * to change to degrees. Takes y and x (in that unusual order) as floats. Will never return a negative number, which
1234     * may help avoid costly floating-point modulus when you actually want a positive number.
1235     * Credit to StackExchange user njuffa, who gave
1236     * <a href="https://math.stackexchange.com/a/1105038">this useful answer</a>. Note that
1237     * {@link #atan2(float, float)} returns an angle in radians and can return negative results, which may be fine for
1238     * many tasks; these two methods are extremely close in implementation and speed.
1239     * @param y y-component of the point to find the angle towards; note the parameter order is unusual by convention
1240     * @param x x-component of the point to find the angle towards; note the parameter order is unusual by convention
1241     * @return the angle to the given point, as a float from 0.0f to 1.0f, inclusive
1242     */
1243    public static float atan2_(final float y, final float x)
1244    {
1245        if(y == 0.0 && x >= 0.0) return 0f;
1246        final float ax = Math.abs(x), ay = Math.abs(y);
1247        if(ax < ay)
1248        {
1249            final float a = ax / ay, s = a * a,
1250                    r = 0.25f - (((-0.0464964749f * s + 0.15931422f) * s - 0.327622764f) * s * a + a) * 0.15915494309189535f;
1251            return (x < 0.0f) ? (y < 0.0f) ? 0.5f + r : 0.5f - r : (y < 0.0f) ? 1f - r : r;
1252        }
1253        else {
1254            final float a = ay / ax, s = a * a,
1255                    r = (((-0.0464964749f * s + 0.15931422f) * s - 0.327622764f) * s * a + a) * 0.15915494309189535f;
1256            return (x < 0.0f) ? (y < 0.0f) ? 0.5f + r : 0.5f - r : (y < 0.0f) ? 1f - r : r;
1257        }
1258    }
1260    /**
1261     * Close approximation of the frequently-used trigonometric method atan2, with higher precision than LibGDX's atan2
1262     * approximation, and giving a result in degrees from -180 to 180. Maximum error is below 0.1 degrees.
1263     * Takes y and x (in that unusual order) as doubles, and returns the angle from the origin to that point in degrees.
1264     * It is about 5 times faster than {@link Math#atan2(double, double)} (roughly 17 ns instead of roughly 88 ns for
1265     * Math, though the computer was under some load during testing). It is almost identical in speed to LibGDX'
1266     * MathUtils approximation after converting to degrees; MathUtils seems to have worse average error, though.
1267     * Credit to StackExchange user njuffa, who gave
1268     * <a href="https://math.stackexchange.com/a/1105038">this useful answer</a>.
1269     * <br>
1270     * See also {@link #atan2Degrees360(double, double)}, which is just like this but returns an angle from 0 to 360,
1271     * instead of -180 to 180, in case negative angles are undesirable.
1272     * @param y y-component of the point to find the angle towards; note the parameter order is unusual by convention
1273     * @param x x-component of the point to find the angle towards; note the parameter order is unusual by convention
1274     * @return the angle to the given point, in degrees as a double
1275     */
1276    public static double atan2Degrees(final double y, final double x)
1277    {
1278        if(y == 0.0 && x >= 0.0) return 0.0;
1279        final double ax = Math.abs(x), ay = Math.abs(y);
1280        if(ax < ay)
1281        {
1282            final double a = ax / ay, s = a * a,
1283                    r = 90.0 - (((-0.0464964749 * s + 0.15931422) * s - 0.327622764) * s * a + a) * 57.29577951308232;
1284            return (x < 0.0) ? (y < 0.0) ? -180.0 + r : 180.0 - r : (y < 0.0) ? -r : r;
1285        }
1286        else {
1287            final double a = ay / ax, s = a * a,
1288                    r = (((-0.0464964749 * s + 0.15931422) * s - 0.327622764) * s * a + a) * 57.29577951308232;
1289            return (x < 0.0) ? (y < 0.0) ? -180.0 + r : 180.0 - r : (y < 0.0) ? -r : r;
1290        }
1291    }
1293    /**
1294     * Close approximation of the frequently-used trigonometric method atan2, with higher precision than LibGDX's atan2
1295     * approximation, and giving a result in degrees from -180 to 180. Maximum error is below 0.1 degrees.
1296     * Takes y and x (in that unusual order) as floats, and returns the angle from the origin to that point in degrees.
1297     * It is about 5 times faster than {@link Math#atan2(double, double)} (roughly 17 ns instead of roughly 88 ns for
1298     * Math, though the computer was under some load during testing). It is almost identical in speed to LibGDX'
1299     * MathUtils approximation after converting to degrees; MathUtils seems to have worse average error, though.
1300     * Credit to StackExchange user njuffa, who gave
1301     * <a href="https://math.stackexchange.com/a/1105038">this useful answer</a>.
1302     * <br>
1303     * See also {@link #atan2Degrees360(float, float)}, which is just like this but returns an angle from 0 to 360,
1304     * instead of -180 to 180, in case negative angles are undesirable.
1305     * @param y y-component of the point to find the angle towards; note the parameter order is unusual by convention
1306     * @param x x-component of the point to find the angle towards; note the parameter order is unusual by convention
1307     * @return the angle to the given point, in degrees as a float
1308     */
1309    public static float atan2Degrees(final float y, final float x)
1310    {
1311        if(y == 0f && x >= 0f) return 0f;
1312        final float ax = Math.abs(x), ay = Math.abs(y);
1313        if(ax < ay)
1314        {
1315            final float a = ax / ay, s = a * a,
1316                    r = 90f - (((-0.0464964749f * s + 0.15931422f) * s - 0.327622764f) * s * a + a) * 57.29577951308232f;
1317            return (x < 0f) ? (y < 0f) ? -180f + r : 180f - r : (y < 0f) ? -r : r;
1318        }
1319        else {
1320            final float a = ay / ax, s = a * a,
1321                    r = (((-0.0464964749f * s + 0.15931422f) * s - 0.327622764f) * s * a + a) * 57.29577951308232f;
1322            return (x < 0f) ? (y < 0f) ? -180f + r : 180f - r : (y < 0f) ? -r : r;
1323        }
1324    }
1326    /**
1327     * Close approximation of the frequently-used trigonometric method atan2, with higher precision than LibGDX's atan2
1328     * approximation, and giving a result in degrees from 0 to 360. Maximum error is below 0.1 degrees.
1329     * Takes y and x (in that unusual order) as doubles, and returns the angle from the origin to that point in degrees.
1330     * It is about 5 times faster than {@link Math#atan2(double, double)} (roughly 17 ns instead of roughly 88 ns for
1331     * Math, though the computer was under some load during testing). It is almost identical in speed to LibGDX'
1332     * MathUtils approximation after converting to degrees; MathUtils seems to have worse average error, though.
1333     * Credit to StackExchange user njuffa, who gave
1334     * <a href="https://math.stackexchange.com/a/1105038">this useful answer</a>.
1335     * <br>
1336     * See also {@link #atan2Degrees(double, double)}, which is just like this but returns an angle from -180 to 180,
1337     * matching {@link Math#atan2(double, double)}'s convention.
1338     * @param y y-component of the point to find the angle towards; note the parameter order is unusual by convention
1339     * @param x x-component of the point to find the angle towards; note the parameter order is unusual by convention
1340     * @return the angle to the given point, in degrees as a double
1341     */
1342    public static double atan2Degrees360(final double y, final double x)
1343    {
1344        if(y == 0.0 && x >= 0.0) return 0.0;
1345        final double ax = Math.abs(x), ay = Math.abs(y);
1346        if(ax < ay)
1347        {
1348            final double a = ax / ay, s = a * a,
1349                    r = 90.0 - (((-0.0464964749 * s + 0.15931422) * s - 0.327622764) * s * a + a) * 57.29577951308232;
1350            return (x < 0.0) ? (y < 0.0) ? 180.0 + r : 180.0 - r : (y < 0.0) ? 360.0 - r : r;
1351        }
1352        else {
1353            final double a = ay / ax, s = a * a,
1354                    r = (((-0.0464964749 * s + 0.15931422) * s - 0.327622764) * s * a + a) * 57.29577951308232;
1355            return (x < 0.0) ? (y < 0.0) ? 180.0 + r : 180.0 - r : (y < 0.0) ? 360.0 - r : r;
1356        }
1357    }
1358    /**
1359     * Close approximation of the frequently-used trigonometric method atan2, with higher precision than LibGDX's atan2
1360     * approximation, and giving a result in degrees from 0 to 360. Maximum error is below 0.1 degrees.
1361     * Takes y and x (in that unusual order) as floats, and returns the angle from the origin to that point in degrees.
1362     * It is about 5 times faster than {@link Math#atan2(double, double)} (roughly 17 ns instead of roughly 88 ns for
1363     * Math, though the computer was under some load during testing). It is almost identical in speed to LibGDX'
1364     * MathUtils approximation after converting to degrees; MathUtils seems to have worse average error, though.
1365     * Credit to StackExchange user njuffa, who gave
1366     * <a href="https://math.stackexchange.com/a/1105038">this useful answer</a>.
1367     * <br>
1368     * See also {@link #atan2Degrees(float, float)}, which is just like this but returns an angle from -180 to 180,
1369     * matching {@link Math#atan2(double, double)}'s convention.
1370     * @param y y-component of the point to find the angle towards; note the parameter order is unusual by convention
1371     * @param x x-component of the point to find the angle towards; note the parameter order is unusual by convention
1372     * @return the angle to the given point, in degrees as a float
1373     */
1374    public static float atan2Degrees360(final float y, final float x)
1375    {
1376        if(y == 0.0 && x >= 0.0) return 0f;
1377        final float ax = Math.abs(x), ay = Math.abs(y);
1378        if(ax < ay)
1379        {
1380            final float a = ax / ay, s = a * a,
1381                    r = 90f - (((-0.0464964749f * s + 0.15931422f) * s - 0.327622764f) * s * a + a) * 57.29577951308232f;
1382            return (x < 0f) ? (y < 0f) ? 180f + r : 180f - r : (y < 0f) ? 360f - r : r;
1383        }
1384        else {
1385            final float a = ay / ax, s = a * a,
1386                    r = (((-0.0464964749f * s + 0.15931422f) * s - 0.327622764f) * s * a + a) * 57.29577951308232f;
1387            return (x < 0f) ? (y < 0f) ? 180f + r : 180f - r : (y < 0f) ? 360f - r : r;
1388        }
1389    }
1392    //    /**
1393//     * Arc sine approximation with fairly low error while still being faster than {@link NumberTools#sin(double)}.
1394//     * This formula is number 201 in <a href=">http://www.fastcode.dk/fastcodeproject/articles/index.htm">Dennis
1395//     * Kjaer Christensen's unfinished math work on arc sine approximation</a>. This method is about 40 times faster
1396//     * than {@link Math#asin(double)}. Fast but imprecise.
1397//     * @param a an input to the inverse sine function, from -1 to 1 inclusive (error is higher approaching -1 or 1)
1398//     * @return an output from the inverse sine function, from -PI/2 to PI/2 inclusive.
1399//     */
1400//    public static double asin(double a) {
1401//        return (a * (1.0 + (a *= a) * (-0.141514171442891431 + a * -0.719110791477959357))) /
1402//                (1.0 + a * (-0.439110389941411144 + a * -0.471306172023844527));
1403//    }
1404//    /**
1405//     * Arc sine approximation with fairly low error while still being faster than {@link NumberTools#sin(float)}.
1406//     * This formula is number 201 in <a href=">http://www.fastcode.dk/fastcodeproject/articles/index.htm">Dennis
1407//     * Kjaer Christensen's unfinished math work on arc sine approximation</a>. This method is about 40 times faster
1408//     * than {@link Math#asin(double)}, and takes and returns a float. Fast but imprecise.
1409//     * @param a an input to the inverse sine function, from -1 to 1 inclusive (error is higher approaching -1 or 1)
1410//     * @return an output from the inverse sine function, from -PI/2 to PI/2 inclusive.
1411//     */
1412//    public static float asin(float a) {
1413//        return (a * (1f + (a *= a) * (-0.141514171442891431f + a * -0.719110791477959357f))) /
1414//                (1f + a * (-0.439110389941411144f + a * -0.471306172023844527f));
1415//    }
1416    /**
1417     * Arc sine approximation with very low error, based on a simplified version of {@link #atan2(double, double)}.
1418     * This method is usually much faster than {@link Math#asin(double)}, but is somewhat less precise than Math's
1419     * implementation). It is currently more precise than libGDX's approximation in their MathUtils, but this isn't
1420     * quite as fast; the difference in precision is hard to spot but can be noticeable in some usage.
1421     * @param n an input to the inverse sine function, from -1 to 1 inclusive
1422     * @return an output from the inverse sine function, from PI/-2.0 to PI/2.0 inclusive.
1423     */
1424    public static float asin(final float n)
1425    {
1426        final float ax = (float) Math.sqrt(1f - n * n), ay = Math.abs(n);
1427        if(ax < ay)
1428        {
1429            final float a = ax / ay, s = a * a,
1430                    r = 1.57079637f - (((-0.0464964749f * s + 0.15931422f) * s - 0.327622764f) * s * a + a);
1431            return (n < 0f) ? -r : r;
1432        }
1433        else {
1434            final float a = ay / ax, s = a * a,
1435                    r = (((-0.0464964749f * s + 0.15931422f) * s - 0.327622764f) * s * a + a);
1436            return (n < 0f) ? -r : r;
1437        }
1438    }
1440//    /**
1441//     * Arc cosine approximation with fairly low error while still being faster than {@link NumberTools#cos(double)}.
1442//     * This formula is number 201 in <a href=">http://www.fastcode.dk/fastcodeproject/articles/index.htm">Dennis
1443//     * Kjaer Christensen's unfinished math work on arc sine approximation</a>, with a basic change to go from arc sine
1444//     * to arc cosine. This method is faster than {@link Math#acos(double)}. Fast but imprecise.
1445//     * @param a an input to the inverse cosine function, from -1 to 1 inclusive (error is higher approaching -1 or 1)
1446//     * @return an output from the inverse cosine function, from 0 to PI inclusive.
1447//     */
1448//    public static double acos(double a) {
1449//        return 1.5707963267948966 - (a * (1.0 + (a *= a) * (-0.141514171442891431 + a * -0.719110791477959357))) /
1450//                (1.0 + a * (-0.439110389941411144 + a * -0.471306172023844527));
1451//    }
1453    /**
1454     * Arc sine approximation with very low error, based on a simplified version of {@link #atan2(float, float)}.
1455     * This method is usually much faster than {@link Math#asin(double)}, but is somewhat less precise than Math's
1456     * implementation). It is currently more precise than libGDX's approximation in their MathUtils, but this isn't
1457     * quite as fast; the difference in precision is hard to spot but can be noticeable in some usage.
1458     * @param n an input to the inverse sine function, from -1 to 1 inclusive
1459     * @return an output from the inverse sine function, from PI/-2.0 to PI/2.0 inclusive.
1460     */
1461    public static double asin(final double n)
1462    {
1463        final double ax = Math.sqrt(1.0 - n * n), ay = Math.abs(n);
1464        if(ax < ay)
1465        {
1466            final double a = ax / ay, s = a * a,
1467                    r = 1.57079637 - (((-0.0464964749 * s + 0.15931422) * s - 0.327622764) * s * a + a);
1468            return (n < 0.0) ? -r : r;
1469        }
1470        else {
1471            final double a = ay / ax, s = a * a,
1472                    r = (((-0.0464964749 * s + 0.15931422) * s - 0.327622764) * s * a + a);
1473            return (n < 0.0) ? -r : r;
1474        }
1475    }
1476    /**
1477     * Arc cosine approximation with very low error, based on a simplified version of {@link #atan2(double, double)}.
1478     * This method is usually much faster than {@link Math#acos(double)}, but is somewhat less precise than Math's
1479     * implementation). It is currently more precise than libGDX's approximation in their MathUtils, but this isn't
1480     * quite as fast; the difference in precision is hard to spot but can be noticeable in some usage.
1481     * @param n an input to the inverse cosine function, from -1 to 1 inclusive
1482     * @return an output from the inverse cosine function, from 0 to PI inclusive.
1483     */
1484    public static double acos(final double n)
1485    {
1486        final double ax = Math.abs(n), ay = Math.sqrt(1.0 - n * n);
1487        if(ax < ay)
1488        {
1489            final double a = ax / ay, s = a * a,
1490                    r = 1.57079637 - (((-0.0464964749 * s + 0.15931422) * s - 0.327622764) * s * a + a);
1491            return (n < 0.0) ? Math.PI - r : r;
1492        }
1493        else {
1494            final double a = ay / ax, s = a * a,
1495                    r = (((-0.0464964749 * s + 0.15931422) * s - 0.327622764) * s * a + a);
1496            return (n < 0.0) ? Math.PI - r : r;
1497        }
1498    }
1500//    /**
1501//     * Arc cosine approximation with fairly low error while still being faster than {@link NumberTools#cos(float)}.
1502//     * This formula is number 201 in <a href=">http://www.fastcode.dk/fastcodeproject/articles/index.htm">Dennis
1503//     * Kjaer Christensen's unfinished math work on arc sine approximation</a>, with a basic change to go from arc sine
1504//     * to arc cosine. This method is faster than {@link Math#acos(double)}, and takes and returns a float. Fast but
1505//     * imprecise.
1506//     * @param a an input to the inverse cosine function, from -1 to 1 inclusive (error is higher approaching -1 or 1)
1507//     * @return an output from the inverse cosine function, from 0 to PI inclusive.
1508//     */
1509//    public static float acos(float a) {
1510//        return 1.5707963267948966f - (a * (1f + (a *= a) * (-0.141514171442891431f + a * -0.719110791477959357f))) /
1511//                (1f + a * (-0.439110389941411144f + a * -0.471306172023844527f));
1512//    }
1514    /**
1515     * Arc cosine approximation with very low error, based on a simplified version of {@link #atan2(float, float)}.
1516     * This method is usually much faster than {@link Math#acos(double)}, but is somewhat less precise than Math's
1517     * implementation). It is currently more precise than libGDX's approximation in their MathUtils, but this isn't
1518     * quite as fast; the difference in precision is hard to spot but can be noticeable in some usage.
1519     * @param n an input to the inverse cosine function, from -1 to 1 inclusive
1520     * @return an output from the inverse cosine function, from 0 to PI inclusive.
1521     */
1522    public static float acos(final float n)
1523    {
1524        final float ax = Math.abs(n), ay = (float) Math.sqrt(1f - n * n);
1525        if(ax < ay)
1526        {
1527            final float a = ax / ay, s = a * a,
1528                    r = 1.57079637f - (((-0.0464964749f * s + 0.15931422f) * s - 0.327622764f) * s * a + a);
1529            return (n < 0f) ? 3.14159265358979323846f - r : r;
1530        }
1531        else {
1532            final float a = ay / ax, s = a * a,
1533                    r = (((-0.0464964749f * s + 0.15931422f) * s - 0.327622764f) * s * a + a);
1534            return (n < 0.0) ? 3.14159265358979323846f - r : r;
1535        }
1536    }
1538    /**
1539     * Inverse sine function (arcsine) but with output measured in turns instead of radians. Possible results for this
1540     * range from 0.75 (inclusive) to 1.0 (exclusive), and continuing past that to 0.0 (inclusive) to 0.25 (inclusive).
1541     * <br>
1542     * This method is extremely similar to the non-turn approximation.
1543     * @param n a double from -1.0 to 1.0 (both inclusive), usually the output of sin_() or cos_()
1544     * @return one of the values that would produce {@code n} if it were passed to {@link #sin_(double)}
1545     */
1546    public static double asin_(final double n)
1547    {
1548        if(n == 0.0) return 0.0;
1549        final double ax = Math.sqrt(1.0 - n * n), ay = Math.abs(n);
1550        if(ax < ay)
1551        {
1552            final double a = ax / ay, s = a * a,
1553                    r = 0.25 - (((-0.0464964749 * s + 0.15931422) * s - 0.327622764) * s * a + a) * 0.15915494309189535;
1554            return (n < 0.0) ? 1.0 - r : r;
1555        }
1556        else {
1557            final double a = ay / ax, s = a * a,
1558                    r = (((-0.0464964749 * s + 0.15931422) * s - 0.327622764) * s * a + a) * 0.15915494309189535;
1559            return (n < 0.0) ? 1.0 - r : r;
1560        }
1561    }
1562    /**
1563     * Inverse cosine function (arccos) but with output measured in turns instead of radians. Possible results for this
1564     * range from 0.0 (inclusive) to 0.5 (inclusive).
1565     * <br>
1566     * This method is extremely similar to the non-turn approximation.
1567     * @param n a double from -1.0 to 1.0 (both inclusive), usually the output of sin_() or cos_()
1568     * @return one of the values that would produce {@code n} if it were passed to {@link #cos_(double)}
1569     */
1570    public static double acos_(final double n)
1571    {
1572        final double ax = Math.abs(n), ay = Math.sqrt(1.0 - n * n);
1573        if(ax < ay)
1574        {
1575            final double a = ax / ay, s = a * a,
1576                    r = 0.25 - (((-0.0464964749 * s + 0.15931422) * s - 0.327622764) * s * a + a) * 0.15915494309189535;
1577            return (n < 0.0) ? 0.5 - r : r;
1578        }
1579        else {
1580            final double a = ay / ax, s = a * a,
1581                    r = (((-0.0464964749 * s + 0.15931422) * s - 0.327622764) * s * a + a) * 0.15915494309189535;
1582            return (n < 0.0) ? 0.5 - r : r;
1583        }
1584    }
1587    /**
1588     * Inverse sine function (arcsine) but with output measured in turns instead of radians. Possible results for this
1589     * range from 0.75f (inclusive) to 1.0f (exclusive), and continuing past that to 0.0f (inclusive) to 0.25f
1590     * (inclusive).
1591     * <br>
1592     * This method is extremely similar to the non-turn approximation.
1593     * @param n a float from -1.0f to 1.0f (both inclusive), usually the output of sin_() or cos_()
1594     * @return one of the values that would produce {@code n} if it were passed to {@link #sin_(float)}
1595     */
1596    public static float asin_(final float n)
1597    {
1598        if(n == 0.0f) return 0.0f;
1599        final float ax = (float) Math.sqrt(1f - n * n), ay = Math.abs(n);
1600        if(ax < ay)
1601        {
1602            final float a = ax / ay, s = a * a,
1603                    r = 0.25f - (((-0.0464964749f * s + 0.15931422f) * s - 0.327622764f) * s * a + a) * 0.15915494309189535f;
1604            return (n < 0.0f) ? 1.0f - r : r;
1605        }
1606        else {
1607            final float a = ay / ax, s = a * a,
1608                    r = (((-0.0464964749f * s + 0.15931422f) * s - 0.327622764f) * s * a + a) * 0.15915494309189535f;
1609            return (n < 0.0f) ? 1.0f - r : r;
1610        }
1611    }
1612    /**
1613     * Inverse cosine function (arccos) but with output measured in turns instead of radians. Possible results for this
1614     * range from 0.0f (inclusive) to 0.5f (inclusive).
1615     * <br>
1616     * This method is extremely similar to the non-turn approximation.
1617     * @param n a float from -1.0f to 1.0f (both inclusive), usually the output of sin_() or cos_()
1618     * @return one of the values that would produce {@code n} if it were passed to {@link #cos_(float)}
1619     */
1620    public static float acos_(final float n)
1621    {
1622        final float ax = Math.abs(n), ay = (float) Math.sqrt(1f - n * n);
1623        if(ax < ay)
1624        {
1625            final float a = ax / ay, s = a * a,
1626                    r = 0.25f - (((-0.0464964749f * s + 0.15931422f) * s - 0.327622764f) * s * a + a) * 0.15915494309189535f;
1627            return (n < 0.0f) ? 0.5f - r : r;
1628        }
1629        else {
1630            final float a = ay / ax, s = a * a,
1631                    r = (((-0.0464964749f * s + 0.15931422f) * s - 0.327622764f) * s * a + a) * 0.15915494309189535f;
1632            return (n < 0.0f) ? 0.5f - r : r;
1633        }
1634    }