Uses of Interface

Packages that use RandomnessSource 
Package Description
A very broad package containing random number generators, geometry tools, data structures, and noise functions.
  • Uses of RandomnessSource in squidpony.squidmath

    Subinterfaces of RandomnessSource in squidpony.squidmath 
    Modifier and Type Interface Description
    interface  FlawedRandomness
    An interface to indicate a RandomnessSource that is intentionally flawed to create output patterns where a truly random sequence would have none.
    interface  IRNG
    Interface for full-featured random number generators to implement (it does more than, and includes all of, RandomnessSource).
    interface  IStatefulRNG
    Simply groups the two interfaces IRNG and StatefulRandomness so some implementations of IRNG can have their states read from and written to.
    interface  SkippingRandomness
    A simple interface for RandomnessSources that have the additional capability to skip forward or backward in their generated number stream.
    interface  StatefulRandomness
    A simple interface for RandomnessSources that have the additional property of a state that can be re-set.
    Classes in squidpony.squidmath that implement RandomnessSource 
    Modifier and Type Class Description
    class  AbstractRNG
    A helper class for implementing IRNG without so much busy-work.
    class  BasicRandom32
    A low-quality but very fast RNG that has no apparent visual artifacts here; uses Mark Overton's CMR subcycle generator type, but modified to be especially GWT-friendly.
    class  BasicRandom64
    A high-quality and very fast RNG that has no apparent visual artifacts here; uses Mark Overton's CMR subcycle generator type, with a multiplication on the output.
    class  ChaosRNG
    An RNG that cannot be seeded and should be fairly hard to predict what it will return next.
    class  CriticalRNG
    A type of RNG that can generate values larger or smaller than the normal maximum or minimum, based on a modifier.
    class  DeckRNG
    An RNG variant that has 16 possible grades of value it can produce and shuffles them like a deck of cards.
    class  DharmaRNG
    An alteration to a RandomnessSource that attempts to produce values that are perceived as fair to an imperfect user.
    class  DistributedRNG
    An implementation of IRNG that allows specifying a distribution for all random numbers it produces via a IDistribution.SimpleDistribution value.
    class  DiverRNG
    A very-high-quality StatefulRandomness that is the fastest 64-bit generator in this library that passes statistical tests and is one-dimensionally equidistributed across all 64-bit outputs.
    class  EditRNG
    A subclass of StatefulRNG (and thus RNG) that allows customizing many parts of the random number generation.
    static class  FlawedRandomness.AddRotate
    A flawed randomness source that adds a rotation of its state, to its state, every generation.
    static class  FlawedRandomness.BigCounter
    A flawed randomness source that depends almost entirely on its starting state for any random-seeming results in its output.
    class  GearRNG
    A larger-period generator with 127 bits of state (two longs, one is always odd), a period of 2 to the 127, and what should be slightly better speed than the related OrbitRNG.
    class  GoatRNG
    A larger-period generator with 128 bits of state, good speed, and high quality in PractRand testing; it is at least 1-dimensionally equidistributed.
    class  GWTRNG
    An IRNG implementation that is meant to provide random numbers very quickly when targeting GWT but also to produce the same numbers when used on desktop, Android, or other platforms, and that can have its state read as a StatefulRandomness.
    class  IsaacRNG
    This is a port of the public domain Isaac64 (cryptographic) random number generator to Java.
    class  Lathe32RNG
    A modification of Blackman and Vigna's xoroshiro128+ generator using two 32-bit ints of state instead of two 64-bit longs, as well as modifying the output with two additional operations on the existing state; this is both the fastest generator on GWT I have found without statistical failures, and a StatefulRandomness.
    class  LFSR
    A Linear Feedback Shift Register that may be used like a StatefulRandomness but is not truly random.
    class  LightRNG
    This is a SplittableRandom-style generator, meant to have a tiny state that permits storing many different generators with low overhead.
    class  LinnormRNG
    A mid-high-quality StatefulRandomness that is the second-fastest 64-bit generator in this library that is 1-dimensionally equidistributed across its 64-bit outputs.
    class  LongPeriodRNG
    An RNG that has a drastically longer period than the other generators in SquidLib, other than IsaacRNG, without sacrificing speed or GWT support.
    class  MersenneTwister
    Mersenne Twister, 64-bit version as a RandomnessSource.
    class  MiniMover64RNG
    The fastest generator in this library on desktop JVMs; one of Mark Overton's subcycle generators from this article, specifically a CMR with a 64-bit state, that has its result multiplied by a constant.
    class  MizuchiRNG
    A high-quality StatefulRandomness based on LinnormRNG but modified to allow any odd number as a stream, instead of LinnormRNG's hardcoded stream of 1.
    class  MoonwalkRNG
    An IRNG implementation that allows the extra functionality of a StatefulRandomness and a SkippingRandomness, as well as allowing reverse-lookup of the state that produced a long using the static MoonwalkRNG.inverseNextLong(long) method, and distance checks between two generated numbers with the static MoonwalkRNG.distance(long, long) method.
    class  Mover32RNG
    One of Mark Overton's subcycle generators from this article, specifically a cmr^cmr with two 32-bit states; this is the fastest 32-bit generator that still passes statistical tests, plus it's optimized for GWT (sometimes).
    class  Mover64RNG
    One of Mark Overton's subcycle generators from this article, specifically a cmr^cmr with two 64-bit states.
    class  NLFSR
    A Non-Linear Feedback Shift Register that may be used like a StatefulRandomness but is not truly random.
    class  OrbitRNG
    A variant on ThrustAltRNG that gives up some speed to gain a much better period and the ability to produce all possible long values over that period.
    class  Oriole32RNG
    A modification of Blackman and Vigna's xoroshiro128+ generator using two 32-bit ints of state instead of two 64-bit longs and also incorporating a large-increment counter (Weyl sequence) that is added to the rotated xoroshiro output; this is tied with Lathe32RNG for the fastest generator on GWT I have found that also passes the full 32TB battery of PractRand's statistical tests.
    class  PermutedRNG
    This is a RandomnessSource in the PCG-Random family.
    class  PintRNG
    A RandomnessSource based on PCG-Random that has a single int of state.
    class  PulleyRNG
    A very-high-quality StatefulRandomness that is meant to be reasonably fast, but also to be robust against frequent state changes, and is built around a strong determine() method.
    class  RNG
    A wrapper class for working with random number generators in a more friendly way.
    class  SilkRNG
    An IStatefulRNG implementation that is meant to provide random numbers very quickly when targeting GWT but also to produce the same numbers when used on desktop, Android, or other platforms, and that can have its state read as a StatefulRandomness; it is thus like GWTRNG but should perform better on recent desktop JVMs.
    class  SobolQRNG
    Implementation of a Sobol sequence as a Quasi-Random Number Generator.
    class  Starfish32RNG
    A modification of Blackman and Vigna's xoroshiro64** generator; uses two 32-bit ints of state like Lathe32RNG but has better equidistribution.
    class  StatefulRNG
    A slight variant on RNG that always uses a stateful RandomessSource and so can have its state set or retrieved using setState() or getState().
    class  TangleRNG
    A very fast generator on 64-bit systems that allows choosing any of 2 to the 63 odd-number streams.
    class  ThrustAltRNG
    A random number generator that is extremely fast but can't return all possible results.
    class  TweakRNG
    Somewhat experimental RNG that can be configured to smoothly transition between producing mostly values in the center of its range, to producing more values at or near the extremes, as well as favoring high or low results.
    class  VanDerCorputQRNG
    A quasi-random number generator that goes through one of many sub-random sequences found by J.G.
    class  XoRoRNG
    A port of Blackman and Vigna's xoroshiro128+ generator; should be very fast and produce medium-quality output.
    class  XoshiroStarPhi32RNG
    A modification of Blackman and Vigna's xoshiro128 generator with a different "scrambler" than the default; this generator has four 32-bit states and passes at least 32TB of PractRand (with one "unusual" anomaly at 4TB).
    Fields in squidpony.squidmath declared as RandomnessSource 
    Modifier and Type Field Description
    protected RandomnessSource RNG.random  
    Methods in squidpony.squidmath that return RandomnessSource 
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    RandomnessSource RandomnessSource.copy()
    Produces a copy of this RandomnessSource that, if next() and/or nextLong() are called on this object and the copy, both will generate the same sequence of random numbers from the point copy() was called.
    RandomnessSource StatefulRandomness.copy()
    Produces a copy of this StatefulRandomness that, if next() and/or nextLong() are called on this object and the copy, both will generate the same sequence of random numbers from the point copy() was called.
    RandomnessSource DeckRNG.getRandomness()  
    RandomnessSource DharmaRNG.getRandomness()  
    RandomnessSource EditRNG.getRandomness()  
    RandomnessSource RNG.getRandomness()  
    Methods in squidpony.squidmath with parameters of type RandomnessSource 
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    static long GreasedRegion.approximateBits​(RandomnessSource random, int bitCount)
    Generates a random 64-bit long with a number of '1' bits (Hamming weight) equal on average to bitCount.
    GreasedRegion GreasedRegion.deteriorate​(RandomnessSource random, double preservation)
    Randomly removes points from a GreasedRegion, with preservation as a fraction between 1.0 (keep all) and 0.0 (remove all).
    GreasedRegion GreasedRegion.deteriorate​(RandomnessSource rng, int preservation)
    Randomly removes points from a GreasedRegion, with larger values for preservation keeping more of the existing shape intact.
    GreasedRegion GreasedRegion.disperseRandom​(RandomnessSource random)
    Removes "on" cells that are nearby other "on" cells, with a random factor to which bits are actually turned off that still ensures exactly half of the bits are kept as-is (the one exception is when height is an odd number, which makes the bottom row slightly random).
    static long GreasedRegion.randomInterleave​(RandomnessSource random)
    Gets a somewhat-random long with exactly 32 bits set; in each pair of bits starting at bit 0 and bit 1, then bit 2 and bit 3, up to bit 62 and bit 3, one bit will be 1 and one bit will be 0 in each pair.
    GreasedRegion GreasedRegion.refill​(RandomnessSource random, double fraction, int width, int height)
    Reassigns this GreasedRegion randomly, reusing the current data storage (without extra allocations) if this.width == width and this.height == height, while trying to set the given fraction of cells to on.
    GreasedRegion GreasedRegion.refill​(RandomnessSource random, int width, int height)
    Reassigns this GreasedRegion by filling it with random values from random, reusing the current data storage (without extra allocations) if this.width == width and this.height == height, and typically assigning approximately half of the cells in this to "on" and the rest to off.
    void DeckRNG.setRandomness​(RandomnessSource random)
    Reseeds this DeckRNG using the RandomnessSource it is given.
    void DharmaRNG.setRandomness​(RandomnessSource random)  
    void EditRNG.setRandomness​(RandomnessSource random)  
    void RNG.setRandomness​(RandomnessSource random)  
    void StatefulRNG.setRandomness​(RandomnessSource random)  
    Constructors in squidpony.squidmath with parameters of type RandomnessSource 
    Constructor Description
    CriticalRNG​(RandomnessSource random)
    Makes a CriticalRNG with a luck factor of 0 and the given RandomnessSource.
    CriticalRNG​(RandomnessSource random, float luck)
    Makes a CriticalRNG with a luck factor of 0 and the given RandomnessSource.
    CustomRandom​(RandomnessSource randomnessSource)
    Creates a new random number generator.
    DeckRNG​(RandomnessSource random)
    Seeds this DeckRNG using the RandomnessSource it is given.
    DharmaRNG​(RandomnessSource rs)
    Construct a new DharmaRNG with the given seed.
    DharmaRNG​(RandomnessSource rs, double fairness)
    Construct a new DharmaRNG with the given seed.
    EditRNG​(RandomnessSource rs)
    Construct a new EditRNG with the given seed.
    EditRNG​(RandomnessSource rs, double expected)
    Construct a new EditRNG with the given seed.
    EditRNG​(RandomnessSource rs, double expected, double centrality)
    Construct a new EditRNG with the given seed.
    GreasedRegion​(RandomnessSource random, double fraction, int width, int height)
    Constructor for a random GreasedRegion of the given width and height, trying to set the given fraction of cells to on.
    GreasedRegion​(RandomnessSource random, int width, int height)
    Constructor for a random GreasedRegion of the given width and height, typically assigning approximately half of the cells in this to "on" and the rest to off.
    ProbabilityTable​(RandomnessSource rng)
    Creates a new probability table with the provided source of randomness used.
    RNG​(RandomnessSource random)
    Uses the provided source of randomness for all calculations.
    StatefulRNG​(RandomnessSource random)