Class SquidLayers

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SquidLayers
extends com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Group
A helper class to make using multiple SquidPanels easier. Created by Tommy Ettinger on 7/6/2015.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type Field Description
    protected float animationDuration  
    protected SquidPanel backgroundPanel  
    protected int cellHeight  
    protected int cellWidth  
    static char EMPTY_CELL  
    protected ArrayList<SquidPanel> extraPanels  
    protected SquidPanel foregroundPanel  
    protected int height  
    int[][] lightnesses  
    protected TextCellFactory textFactory  
    protected int width  
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
    Create a new SquidLayers widget with a default stretchable font, 40 cells wide and 40 cells high, and 12x12 pixels for each cell.
    SquidLayers​(int gridWidth, int gridHeight)
    Create a new SquidLayers widget with a default stretchable font, the given number of cells for gridWidth and gridHeight, and 12x12 pixels for each cell.
    SquidLayers​(int gridWidth, int gridHeight, int cellWidth, int cellHeight)
    Create a new SquidLayers widget with a default stretchable font (it will adapt to the cellWidth and cellHeight you give it), the given number of cells for gridWidth and gridHeight, and the size in pixels for each cell given by cellWidth and cellHeight.
    SquidLayers​(int gridWidth, int gridHeight, int cellWidth, int cellHeight, bitmapFont)
    Create a new SquidLayers widget with the given path to a BitmapFont file, the given number of cells for gridWidth and gridHeight, and the size in pixels for each cell given by cellWidth and cellHeight.
    SquidLayers​(int gridWidth, int gridHeight, int cellWidth, int cellHeight, bitmapFont, SquidColorCenter bgColorCenter, SquidColorCenter fgColorCenter)
    Create a new SquidLayers widget with the given BitmapFont (already constructed), the given number of cells for gridWidth and gridHeight, and the size in pixels for each cell given by cellWidth and cellHeight.
    SquidLayers​(int gridWidth, int gridHeight, int cellWidth, int cellHeight, String fontpath)
    Create a new SquidLayers widget with the given path to a BitmapFont file, the given number of cells for gridWidth and gridHeight, and the size in pixels for each cell given by cellWidth and cellHeight.
    SquidLayers​(int gridWidth, int gridHeight, int cellWidth, int cellHeight, String fontpath, SquidColorCenter bgColorCenter, SquidColorCenter fgColorCenter)
    Create a new SquidLayers widget with the given path to a BitmapFont file, the given number of cells for gridWidth and gridHeight, and the size in pixels for each cell given by cellWidth and cellHeight.
    SquidLayers​(int gridWidth, int gridHeight, int cellWidth, int cellHeight, SquidColorCenter bgColorCenter, SquidColorCenter fgColorCenter)
    Create a new SquidLayers widget with a default stretchable font (it will adapt to the cellWidth and cellHeight you give it), the given number of cells for gridWidth and gridHeight, the size in pixels for each cell given by cellWidth and cellHeight, and the given SquidColorCenter instances to affect colors.
    SquidLayers​(int gridWidth, int gridHeight, int cellWidth, int cellHeight, TextCellFactory tcf)
    Create a new SquidLayers widget with the given path pre-constructed TextCellFactory, the given number of cells for gridWidth and gridHeight, and the size in pixels for each cell given by cellWidth and cellHeight.
    SquidLayers​(int gridWidth, int gridHeight, int cellWidth, int cellHeight, TextCellFactory tcf, SquidColorCenter bgColorCenter, SquidColorCenter fgColorCenter)
    Create a new SquidLayers widget with the given TextCellFactory, the given number of cells for gridWidth and gridHeight, the size in pixels for each cell given by cellWidth and cellHeight, and the given SquidColorCenters for background and foreground.
    SquidLayers​(int gridWidth, int gridHeight, int cellWidth, int cellHeight, TextCellFactory tcf, SquidColorCenter bgColorCenter, SquidColorCenter fgColorCenter, char[][] actualMap)
    Create a new SquidLayers widget with the given TextCellFactory, the given number of cells for gridWidth and gridHeight, the size in pixels for each cell given by cellWidth and cellHeight, the given SquidColorCenters for background and foreground, and the given 2D char array for an area map that may be sized differently than gridWidth by gridHeight (it is usually larger than gridWidth by gridHeight, which allows camera scrolling across the map).
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    SquidLayers addExtraLayer()
    Add an extra layer on top of the foreground layer.
    AnimatedEntity animateActor​(int x, int y, char c, color)  
    AnimatedEntity animateActor​(int x, int y, char c, color, boolean doubleWidth)  
    AnimatedEntity animateActor​(int x, int y, char c, color, int layer)  
    AnimatedEntity animateActor​(int x, int y, char c, Collection<> colors, boolean doubleWidth)  
    AnimatedEntity animateActor​(int x, int y, char c, Collection<> colors, float loopTime, boolean doubleWidth)  
    AnimatedEntity animateActor​(int x, int y, tr)  
    AnimatedEntity animateActor​(int x, int y, tr, boolean doubleWidth)  
    AnimatedEntity animateActor​(int x, int y, tr, boolean doubleWidth, boolean stretch)  
    AnimatedEntity animateActor​(int x, int y, tr, color)  
    AnimatedEntity animateActor​(int x, int y, tr, color, boolean doubleWidth)  
    AnimatedEntity animateActor​(int x, int y, tr, color, boolean doubleWidth, boolean stretch)  
    AnimatedEntity animateActor​(int x, int y, tr, color, int layer)  
    AnimatedEntity animateActor​(int x, int y, tr, color, int layer, boolean doubleWidth, boolean stretch)  
    AnimatedEntity animateActor​(int x, int y, String s, color)  
    AnimatedEntity animateActor​(int x, int y, String s, color, boolean doubleWidth)  
    AnimatedEntity animateActor​(int x, int y, String s, color, int layer)  
    AnimatedEntity animateActor​(int x, int y, String s, color, int layer, boolean doubleWidth)  
    SquidLayers autoLight()
    Alters the lightnesses that affect the background colors, accepting a parameter for animation frame if rippling water and waving grass using SeededNoise are desired.
    SquidLayers autoLight​(double frame)
    Alters the lightnesses that affect the background colors, accepting a parameter for animation frame if rippling water and waving grass using SeededNoise are desired.
    SquidLayers autoLight​(double frame, char deepLiquid, char shallowLiquid)
    Alters the lightnesses that affect the background colors, accepting a parameter for animation frame if rippling water and waving grass using SeededNoise are desired.
    SquidLayers bump​(int x, int y, int layer, Direction dir, float duration)  
    SquidLayers bump​(int x, int y, Direction dir)  
    SquidLayers bump​(AnimatedEntity ae, int layer, Direction dir, float duration)  
    SquidLayers bump​(AnimatedEntity ae, Direction dir)  
    SquidLayers clear​(int x, int y)
    Clear one cell at position x, y of its foreground contents.
    AnimatedEntity directionMarker​(int x, int y, color, int layer, boolean doubleWidth)  
    AnimatedEntity directionMarker​(int x, int y, Collection<> colors, float loopTime, int layer, boolean doubleWidth)  
    void draw​( batch, float parentAlpha)  
    void drawActor​( batch, float parentAlpha, AnimatedEntity ae)  
    void drawActor​( batch, float parentAlpha, AnimatedEntity ae, int layer)  
    SquidLayers erase()
    Erase everything visible in all cells or all layers.
    SquidLayers eraseLayer​(int layer)  
    OrderedSet<AnimatedEntity> getAnimatedEntities()  
    OrderedSet<AnimatedEntity> getAnimatedEntities​(int layer)  
    AnimatedEntity getAnimatedEntityByCell​(int x, int y)  
    AnimatedEntity getAnimatedEntityByCell​(int x, int y, int layer)  
    float getAnimationDuration()  
    SquidPanel getBackgroundLayer()  
    int getCellHeight()
    Height of one cell in pixels.
    int getCellWidth()
    Width of one cell in pixels.
    SquidPanel getForegroundLayer()  
    int getGridHeight()
    Height of the shown area of the map in grid cells.
    int getGridOffsetX()  
    int getGridOffsetY()  
    int getGridWidth()
    Width of the shown area of the map in grid cells.
    float getHeight()
    The pixel height of the entire map as displayed.
    SquidPanel getLayer​(int layer)
    Gets a SquidPanel from this SquidLayers and returns a direct reference. getLightingColor()  
    int[][] getLightnesses()
    Get the lightness modifiers used for background cells as an int[][], with elements between 0 and 511, 256 as the unmodified lightness level, lower numbers meaning darker, and higher meaning lighter.
    TextCellFactory getTextFactory()  
    int getTotalHeight()  
    int getTotalWidth()  
    float getWidth()
    The pixel width of the entire map as displayed.
    boolean hasActiveAnimations()  
    boolean hasValue​(int x, int y)
    Very basic check to see if something was rendered at the x,y cell requested; this only checks the foreground.
    SquidLayers highlight​(int x, int y, int lightness)
    Change the lightness for the background of the cell at x, y (0 is no change, 100 is very bright, -100 is very dark, anything past -150 or 150 will make the background almost fully black or white).
    SquidLayers highlight​(int x, int y, int[][] lightness)
    Change the lightness for the background of the cell at x, y (0 is no change, 100 is very bright, -100 is very dark, anything past -150 or 150 will make the background almost fully black or white).
    SquidLayers put​(int x, int y, char c)
    Place a char c into the foreground at position x, y, with the default color.
    SquidLayers put​(int x, int y, char[][] c)  
    SquidLayers put​(int x, int y, char[][] c,[][] foreground,[][] background)  
    SquidLayers put​(int x, int y, char[][] c,[][] foregrounds,[][] backgrounds, int[][] backgroundLightness)
    Place a 2@ char array c into the foreground, with foreground colors specified by a 2D Color array, background colors with another 2D Color array, and lightness variations for the background in a 2D int array (255 will make the background equal the background panel's SquidPanel.getLightingColor(), -255 will use the background as-is, and values in between will be linearly interpolated between those two extremes).
    SquidLayers put​(int x, int y, char c, float encodedForeground)
    Place a char c into the foreground, with a foreground color as a packed float.
    SquidLayers put​(int x, int y, char c, float encodedForeground, float encodedBackground, float backgroundLightness, float mixBackground)
    Place a char c into the foreground, with a foreground, background, and mix color (which affects the background) each encoded as a packed float and a lightness variation for the background (using the style that SquidPanel does, with the "lightness" a float between 0.0f and 1.0f inclusive, encodedBackground used on its own for 0 lightness, mixBackground used on its own for 1 lightness, and values in between mixing the two).
    SquidLayers put​(int x, int y, char c, float encodedForeground, float encodedBackground, int backgroundLightness)
    Place a char c into the foreground, with a foreground and background color each encoded as a packed float and a lightness variation for the background (255 will make the background equal the background panel's SquidPanel.getLightingColor(), -255 will use encodedBackground as-is, and values in between will be linearly interpolated between those two extremes).
    SquidLayers put​(int x, int y, char c, float encodedForeground, float encodedBackground, int backgroundLightness, float mixBackground)
    Place a char c into the foreground, with a foreground, background, and mix color (which affects the background) each encoded as a packed float and a lightness variation for the background (255 will make the background equal mixColor, -255 will use encodedBackground as-is, and values in between will be linearly interpolated between those two extremes).
    SquidLayers put​(int x, int y, char c, foreground)
    Place a char c into the foreground, with a foreground color as a libGDX Color (or SColor).
    SquidLayers put​(int x, int y, char c, foreground, background)
    Place a char c into the foreground, with a specified foreground color and background color.
    SquidLayers put​(int x, int y, char c, foreground, background, int backgroundLightness)
    Place a char c into the foreground, with a foreground and background libGDX Color and a lightness variation for the background (255 will make the background equal the background panel's SquidPanel.getLightingColor(), -255 will use the background as-is, and values in between will be linearly interpolated between those two extremes).
    SquidLayers put​(int x, int y, char c, foreground, background, int mixAmount, mixBackground)
    Place a char c into the foreground, with a foreground and background libGDX Color and a lightness variation for the background (255 will make the background equal the background panel's SquidPanel.getLightingColor(), -255 will use the background as-is, and values in between will be linearly interpolated between those two extremes).
    SquidLayers putBoxedString​(int x, int y, String s)
    A utility method that draws a 1-cell-wide black box around the text you request (as s) and replaces the contents of anything that was below or adjacent to the string's new position.
    SquidLayers putInto​(int layer, int x, int y, char c)
    Place a char c into the specified layer, using the specified layer's default foreground color.
    SquidLayers putInto​(int layer, int x, int y, char[][] c)
    Place a 2D char array c into the specified layer, using the specified layer's default foreground color.
    SquidLayers putInto​(int layer, int x, int y, char[][] c,[][] colors)
    Place a 2D char array c into the specified layer, using the matching Color from the given 2D Color array.
    SquidLayers putInto​(int layer, int x, int y, char c, color)
    Place a char c into the specified layer with the specified Color.
    SquidLayers putString​(int x, int y, String s)
    Put a string at the given x, y position, using the default foreground color.
    SquidLayers putString​(int x, int y, String s, foreground)
    Put a string at the given x, y position, with the given foreground Color.
    SquidLayers putString​(int x, int y, String s, foreground, background)
    Put a string at the given x, y position, with the given foreground and background Colors.
    void removeAnimatedEntity​(AnimatedEntity ae)  
    void removeAnimatedEntity​(AnimatedEntity ae, int layer)  
    void removeAnimatedEntityByCell​(int x, int y)  
    void removeAnimatedEntityByCell​(int x, int y, int layer)  
    void setAnimationDuration​(float animationDuration)  
    void setBackgroundLayer​(SquidPanel panel)
    Sets the background panel to match the given SquidPanel (it can also be a subclass of SquidPanel, a likely use).
    void setBGColorCenter​(IColorCenter<> scc)
    Sets the IColorCenter used by the background layer.
    void setExtraPanel​(SquidPanel panel, int index)
    Sets an extra panel to match the given SquidPanel (it can also be a subclass of SquidPanel, a likely use).
    void setFGColorCenter​(IColorCenter<> scc)
    Sets the IColorCenter used by the foreground layer.
    void setForegroundLayer​(SquidPanel panel)
    Sets the foreground panel to match the given SquidPanel (it can also be a subclass of SquidPanel, a likely use).
    void setGridOffsetX​(int offset)  
    void setGridOffsetY​(int offset)  
    void setLightingColor​( lightingColor)  
    void setLightnesses​(int[][] lightnesses)
    Sets the lightness modifiers used for background cells with the int[][] passed as lightnesses.
    void setOffsets​(float x, float y)  
    void setPosition​(float x, float y)
    Sets the position of the actor's bottom left corner.
    SquidLayers setTextSize​(float wide, float high)
    Sets the size of the text in all layers (but not the size of the cells) to the given width and height in pixels (which may be stretched by viewports later on, if your program uses them).
    SquidLayers setTextSize​(int layer, float wide, float high)
    Sets the size of the text in the given layer (but not the size of the cells) to the given width and height in pixels (which may be stretched by viewports later on, if your program uses them).
    SquidLayers slide​(int x, int y, int endX, int endY)  
    SquidLayers slide​(int x, int y, int endX, int endY, int layer, float duration)  
    SquidLayers slide​(AnimatedEntity ae, int endX, int endY)  
    SquidLayers slide​(AnimatedEntity ae, int endX, int endY, int layer, float duration)  
    SquidLayers tint​(int x, int y, color)  
    SquidLayers tint​(int x, int y, color, int layer, float duration)  
    SquidLayers tint​(AnimatedEntity ae, color)  
    SquidLayers tint​(AnimatedEntity ae, color, int layer, float duration)  
    SquidLayers wiggle​(int x, int y)  
    SquidLayers wiggle​(int x, int y, int layer, float duration)  
    SquidLayers wiggle​(AnimatedEntity ae)  
    SquidLayers wiggle​(AnimatedEntity ae, int layer, float duration)  

    Methods inherited from class com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Group

    act, addActor, addActorAfter, addActorAt, addActorBefore, applyTransform, applyTransform, childrenChanged, clear, clearChildren, computeTransform, debugAll, drawChildren, drawDebug, drawDebugChildren, findActor, getChild, getChildren, getCullingArea, hasChildren, hit, isTransform, localToDescendantCoordinates, removeActor, removeActor, removeActorAt, resetTransform, resetTransform, setCullingArea, setDebug, setStage, setTransform, swapActor, swapActor, toString

    Methods inherited from class com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Actor

    addAction, addCaptureListener, addListener, ancestorsVisible, ascendantsVisible, clearActions, clearListeners, clipBegin, clipBegin, clipEnd, debug, drawDebugBounds, fire, firstAscendant, getActions, getCaptureListeners, getColor, getDebug, getListeners, getName, getOriginX, getOriginY, getParent, getRight, getRotation, getScaleX, getScaleY, getStage, getTop, getTouchable, getUserObject, getX, getX, getY, getY, getZIndex, hasActions, hasKeyboardFocus, hasParent, hasScrollFocus, isAscendantOf, isDescendantOf, isTouchable, isTouchFocusListener, isTouchFocusTarget, isVisible, localToActorCoordinates, localToAscendantCoordinates, localToParentCoordinates, localToScreenCoordinates, localToStageCoordinates, moveBy, notify, parentToLocalCoordinates, positionChanged, remove, removeAction, removeCaptureListener, removeListener, rotateBy, rotationChanged, scaleBy, scaleBy, screenToLocalCoordinates, setBounds, setColor, setColor, setDebug, setHeight, setName, setOrigin, setOrigin, setOriginX, setOriginY, setParent, setPosition, setRotation, setScale, setScale, setScaleX, setScaleY, setSize, setTouchable, setUserObject, setVisible, setWidth, setX, setX, setY, setY, setZIndex, sizeBy, sizeBy, sizeChanged, stageToLocalCoordinates, toBack, toFront

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • SquidLayers

      public SquidLayers()
      Create a new SquidLayers widget with a default stretchable font, 40 cells wide and 40 cells high, and 12x12 pixels for each cell.
      This uses a default font that is not supplied in the JAR library of SquidLib; you need two files to use it if it does not render correctly:
    • SquidLayers

      public SquidLayers​(int gridWidth, int gridHeight)
      Create a new SquidLayers widget with a default stretchable font, the given number of cells for gridWidth and gridHeight, and 12x12 pixels for each cell.
      This uses a default font that is not supplied in the JAR library of SquidLib; you need two files to use it if it does not render correctly:
      gridWidth - in grid cells
      gridHeight - in grid cells
    • SquidLayers

      public SquidLayers​(int gridWidth, int gridHeight, int cellWidth, int cellHeight)
      Create a new SquidLayers widget with a default stretchable font (it will adapt to the cellWidth and cellHeight you give it), the given number of cells for gridWidth and gridHeight, and the size in pixels for each cell given by cellWidth and cellHeight.
      This uses a default font that is not supplied in the JAR library of SquidLib; you need two files to use it if it does not render correctly:
      gridWidth - in grid cells
      gridHeight - in grid cells
      cellWidth - in pixels
      cellHeight - in pixels
    • SquidLayers

      public SquidLayers​(int gridWidth, int gridHeight, int cellWidth, int cellHeight, String fontpath)
      Create a new SquidLayers widget with the given path to a BitmapFont file, the given number of cells for gridWidth and gridHeight, and the size in pixels for each cell given by cellWidth and cellHeight.
      gridWidth - in grid cells
      gridHeight - in grid cells
      cellWidth - in pixels
      cellHeight - in pixels
      fontpath - A path to a BitmapFont in the assets folder
    • SquidLayers

      public SquidLayers​(int gridWidth, int gridHeight, int cellWidth, int cellHeight, bitmapFont)
      Create a new SquidLayers widget with the given path to a BitmapFont file, the given number of cells for gridWidth and gridHeight, and the size in pixels for each cell given by cellWidth and cellHeight.
      gridWidth - in grid cells
      gridHeight - in grid cells
      cellWidth - in pixels
      cellHeight - in pixels
      bitmapFont - A BitmapFont that you already constructed
    • SquidLayers

      public SquidLayers​(int gridWidth, int gridHeight, int cellWidth, int cellHeight, TextCellFactory tcf)
      Create a new SquidLayers widget with the given path pre-constructed TextCellFactory, the given number of cells for gridWidth and gridHeight, and the size in pixels for each cell given by cellWidth and cellHeight. Consider using predefined TextCellFactory objects from DefaultResources, which will be configured by this constructor for sizing when passed here.
      gridWidth - in grid cells
      gridHeight - in grid cells
      cellWidth - in pixels
      cellHeight - in pixels
      tcf - A TextCellFactory that you already constructed
    • SquidLayers

      public SquidLayers​(int gridWidth, int gridHeight, int cellWidth, int cellHeight, SquidColorCenter bgColorCenter, SquidColorCenter fgColorCenter)
      Create a new SquidLayers widget with a default stretchable font (it will adapt to the cellWidth and cellHeight you give it), the given number of cells for gridWidth and gridHeight, the size in pixels for each cell given by cellWidth and cellHeight, and the given SquidColorCenter instances to affect colors.
      This uses a default font that is not supplied in the JAR library of SquidLib; you need two files to use it if it does not render correctly:
      gridWidth - in grid cells
      gridHeight - in grid cells
      cellWidth - in pixels
      cellHeight - in pixels
      bgColorCenter - a SquidColorCenter (possibly with a filter) to use for the background
      fgColorCenter - a SquidColorCenter (possibly with a filter) to use for the foreground
    • SquidLayers

      public SquidLayers​(int gridWidth, int gridHeight, int cellWidth, int cellHeight, String fontpath, SquidColorCenter bgColorCenter, SquidColorCenter fgColorCenter)
      Create a new SquidLayers widget with the given path to a BitmapFont file, the given number of cells for gridWidth and gridHeight, and the size in pixels for each cell given by cellWidth and cellHeight.
      gridWidth - in grid cells
      gridHeight - in grid cells
      cellWidth - in pixels
      cellHeight - in pixels
      fontpath - A path to a BitmapFont that can be on the classpath (in SquidLib) or in the assets folder.
      bgColorCenter - a SquidColorCenter (possibly with a filter) to use for the background
      fgColorCenter - a SquidColorCenter (possibly with a filter) to use for the foreground
    • SquidLayers

      public SquidLayers​(int gridWidth, int gridHeight, int cellWidth, int cellHeight, bitmapFont, SquidColorCenter bgColorCenter, SquidColorCenter fgColorCenter)
      Create a new SquidLayers widget with the given BitmapFont (already constructed), the given number of cells for gridWidth and gridHeight, and the size in pixels for each cell given by cellWidth and cellHeight.
      gridWidth - in grid cells
      gridHeight - in grid cells
      cellWidth - in pixels
      cellHeight - in pixels
      bitmapFont - A BitmapFont that you already constructed
      bgColorCenter - a SquidColorCenter (possibly with a filter) to use for the background
      fgColorCenter - a SquidColorCenter (possibly with a filter) to use for the foreground
    • SquidLayers

      public SquidLayers​(int gridWidth, int gridHeight, int cellWidth, int cellHeight, TextCellFactory tcf, SquidColorCenter bgColorCenter, SquidColorCenter fgColorCenter)
      Create a new SquidLayers widget with the given TextCellFactory, the given number of cells for gridWidth and gridHeight, the size in pixels for each cell given by cellWidth and cellHeight, and the given SquidColorCenters for background and foreground. Consider using predefined TextCellFactory objects from DefaultResources, which will be configured by this constructor for sizing when passed here.
      gridWidth - in grid cells
      gridHeight - in grid cells
      cellWidth - in pixels
      cellHeight - in pixels
      tcf - A TextCellFactory that will be (re-)initialized here with the given cellHeight and cellWidth.
      bgColorCenter - a SquidColorCenter (possibly with a filter) to use for the background
      fgColorCenter - a SquidColorCenter (possibly with a filter) to use for the foreground
    • SquidLayers

      public SquidLayers​(int gridWidth, int gridHeight, int cellWidth, int cellHeight, TextCellFactory tcf, SquidColorCenter bgColorCenter, SquidColorCenter fgColorCenter, char[][] actualMap)
      Create a new SquidLayers widget with the given TextCellFactory, the given number of cells for gridWidth and gridHeight, the size in pixels for each cell given by cellWidth and cellHeight, the given SquidColorCenters for background and foreground, and the given 2D char array for an area map that may be sized differently than gridWidth by gridHeight (it is usually larger than gridWidth by gridHeight, which allows camera scrolling across the map). This requires some special work with the Camera and Viewports to get working correctly; in the squidlib module's examples, EverythingDemo may be a good place to see how this can be done. You can pass null for actualMap, which will simply create a char array to use internally that is exactly gridWidth by gridHeight, in cells. Consider using predefined TextCellFactory objects from DefaultResources, which will be configured by this constructor for sizing when passed here.
      gridWidth - in grid cells
      gridHeight - in grid cells
      cellWidth - in pixels
      cellHeight - in pixels
      tcf - A TextCellFactory that will be (re-)initialized here with the given cellHeight and cellWidth.
      bgColorCenter - a SquidColorCenter (possibly with a filter) to use for the background
      fgColorCenter - a SquidColorCenter (possibly with a filter) to use for the foreground
      actualMap - will often be a different size than gridWidth by gridHeight, which enables camera scrolling
  • Method Details

    • getWidth

      public float getWidth()
      The pixel width of the entire map as displayed.
      getWidth in class com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Actor
      the pixel width of the entire map as displayed
    • getHeight

      public float getHeight()
      The pixel height of the entire map as displayed.
      getHeight in class com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Actor
      the pixel height of the entire map as displayed
    • getGridWidth

      public int getGridWidth()
      Width of the shown area of the map in grid cells.
      the width of the map in grid cells
    • getGridHeight

      public int getGridHeight()
      Height of the shown area of the map in grid cells.
      the height of the map in grid cells
    • getCellWidth

      public int getCellWidth()
      Width of one cell in pixels.
      the width of one cell in pixels
    • getCellHeight

      public int getCellHeight()
      Height of one cell in pixels.
      the height of one cell in pixels
    • getAnimationDuration

      public float getAnimationDuration()
    • setAnimationDuration

      public void setAnimationDuration​(float animationDuration)
    • getTextFactory

    • getLightnesses

      public int[][] getLightnesses()
      Get the lightness modifiers used for background cells as an int[][], with elements between 0 and 511, 256 as the unmodified lightness level, lower numbers meaning darker, and higher meaning lighter.
    • autoLight

      Alters the lightnesses that affect the background colors, accepting a parameter for animation frame if rippling water and waving grass using SeededNoise are desired. It may make sense to pass some fraction of the current time, as given by System.currentTimeMillis(), instead of a frame. Does not allocate a new 2D int array like MapUtility.generateLightnessModifiers(char[][]) or its equivalent in DungeonUtility, and directly mutates the lightness data. You can use the lightnesses field to access the 2D array directly, where you can make further modifications to the lighting.
      this for chaining
    • autoLight

      public SquidLayers autoLight​(double frame)
      Alters the lightnesses that affect the background colors, accepting a parameter for animation frame if rippling water and waving grass using SeededNoise are desired. It may make sense to pass some fraction of the current time, as given by System.currentTimeMillis(), instead of a frame. Does not allocate a new 2D int array like MapUtility.generateLightnessModifiers(char[][]) or its equivalent in DungeonUtility, and directly mutates the lightness data. You can use the lightnesses field to access the 2D array directly, where you can make further modifications to the lighting.
      frame - a counter that typically should increase by between 10.0 and 20.0 each second; higher numbers make water and grass move more, and 0.013 multiplied by the current time in milliseconds works well as long as only the smaller digits of the time are used; this can be accomplished with (System.currentTimeMillis() & 0xFFFFFF) * 0.013 .
      a 2D array of lightness values from -255 to 255 but usually close to 0; can be passed to SquidLayers
    • autoLight

      public SquidLayers autoLight​(double frame, char deepLiquid, char shallowLiquid)
      Alters the lightnesses that affect the background colors, accepting a parameter for animation frame if rippling water and waving grass using SeededNoise are desired. It may make sense to pass some fraction of the current time, as given by System.currentTimeMillis(), instead of a frame. Also allows additional chars to be treated like deep and shallow water regarding the ripple animation. Does not allocate a new 2D int array like MapUtility.generateLightnessModifiers(char[][]) or its equivalent in DungeonUtility, and directly mutates the lightness data. You can use the lightnesses field to access the 2D array directly, where you can make further modifications to the lighting.
      frame - a counter that typically should increase by between 10.0 and 20.0 each second; higher numbers make water and grass move more, and 0.013 multiplied by the current time in milliseconds works well as long as only the smaller digits of the time are used; this can be accomplished with (System.currentTimeMillis() & 0xFFFFFF) * 0.013 .
      deepLiquid - a char that will be treated like deep water when animating ripples
      shallowLiquid - a char that will be treated like shallow water when animating ripples
      a 2D array of lightness values from -255 to 255 but usually close to 0; can be passed to SquidLayers
    • setLightnesses

      public void setLightnesses​(int[][] lightnesses)
      Sets the lightness modifiers used for background cells with the int[][] passed as lightnesses. This 2D array should have elements between 0 to 511, with 256 as the unmodified lightness level, lower numbers meaning darker, and higher meaning lighter. Elements less than 0 or higher than 511 will probably cause array out-of-bounds exceptions to be thrown when this renders, so just don't do that. This doesn't validate because maps can get large, validating many cells could be expensive, and this might be called often if it's being called at all.
      lightnesses - 2D array, width and height should match this class' gridWidth and gridHeight. elements must be between 0 and 511.
    • addExtraLayer

      Add an extra layer on top of the foreground layer. Use putInto methods to specify the layer when adding a char (0 is background, 1 is unused, 2 is foreground, and the first call to this method creates layer 3).
      this for chaining
    • setTextSize

      public SquidLayers setTextSize​(int layer, float wide, float high)
      Sets the size of the text in the given layer (but not the size of the cells) to the given width and height in pixels (which may be stretched by viewports later on, if your program uses them).
      layer - the layer to affect; 0 is background, 1 is unused, 2 is foreground, 3 and higher are extra panels
      wide - the width of a glyph in pixels
      high - the height of a glyph in pixels
      this for chaining
    • setTextSize

      public SquidLayers setTextSize​(float wide, float high)
      Sets the size of the text in all layers (but not the size of the cells) to the given width and height in pixels (which may be stretched by viewports later on, if your program uses them).
      wide - the width of a glyph in pixels
      high - the height of a glyph in pixels
      this for chaining
    • put

      public SquidLayers put​(int x, int y, char c)
      Place a char c into the foreground at position x, y, with the default color.
      x - in grid cells.
      y - in grid cells.
      c - a character to be drawn in the foreground
      this for chaining
    • put

      public SquidLayers put​(int x, int y, char c, foreground)
      Place a char c into the foreground, with a foreground color as a libGDX Color (or SColor).
      x - in grid cells.
      y - in grid cells.
      c - a character to be drawn in the foreground
      foreground - Color for the char being drawn
      this for chaining
    • put

      public SquidLayers put​(int x, int y, char c, float encodedForeground)
      Place a char c into the foreground, with a foreground color as a packed float.
      x - in grid cells.
      y - in grid cells.
      c - a character to be drawn in the foreground
      encodedForeground - float encoding the color for the char being drawn
      this for chaining
    • put

      public SquidLayers put​(int x, int y, char c, foreground, background)
      Place a char c into the foreground, with a specified foreground color and background color.
      x - in grid cells.
      y - in grid cells.
      c - a character to be drawn in the foreground
      foreground - Color for the char being drawn
      background - Color for the background
      this for chaining
    • put

      public SquidLayers put​(int x, int y, char c, foreground, background, int backgroundLightness)
      Place a char c into the foreground, with a foreground and background libGDX Color and a lightness variation for the background (255 will make the background equal the background panel's SquidPanel.getLightingColor(), -255 will use the background as-is, and values in between will be linearly interpolated between those two extremes).
      x - in grid cells.
      y - in grid cells.
      c - a character to be drawn in the foreground
      foreground - Color for the char being drawn
      background - Color for the background
      backgroundLightness - int between -255 and 255 , lower numbers are changed less, higher changed closer to the lighting color
      this for chaining
    • put

      public SquidLayers put​(int x, int y, char c, foreground, background, int mixAmount, mixBackground)
      Place a char c into the foreground, with a foreground and background libGDX Color and a lightness variation for the background (255 will make the background equal the background panel's SquidPanel.getLightingColor(), -255 will use the background as-is, and values in between will be linearly interpolated between those two extremes).
      x - in grid cells.
      y - in grid cells.
      c - a character to be drawn in the foreground
      foreground - Color for the char being drawn
      background - Color for the background
      mixAmount - int between -255 and 255 , lower numbers are changed less, higher changed closer to mixBackground
      mixBackground - Color to mix with the background, dependent on mixAmount
      this for chaining
    • put

      public SquidLayers put​(int x, int y, char c, float encodedForeground, float encodedBackground, int backgroundLightness)
      Place a char c into the foreground, with a foreground and background color each encoded as a packed float and a lightness variation for the background (255 will make the background equal the background panel's SquidPanel.getLightingColor(), -255 will use encodedBackground as-is, and values in between will be linearly interpolated between those two extremes).
      x - in grid cells.
      y - in grid cells.
      c - a character to be drawn in the foreground
      encodedForeground - float encoding the color for the char being drawn
      encodedBackground - float encoding the color for the background
      backgroundLightness - int between -255 and 255 , lower numbers are darker, higher lighter.
      this for chaining
    • put

      public SquidLayers put​(int x, int y, char c, float encodedForeground, float encodedBackground, int backgroundLightness, float mixBackground)
      Place a char c into the foreground, with a foreground, background, and mix color (which affects the background) each encoded as a packed float and a lightness variation for the background (255 will make the background equal mixColor, -255 will use encodedBackground as-is, and values in between will be linearly interpolated between those two extremes).
      x - in grid cells.
      y - in grid cells.
      c - a character to be drawn in the foreground
      encodedForeground - float encoding the color for the char being drawn
      encodedBackground - float encoding the color for the background
      backgroundLightness - int between -255 and 255 , lower numbers are darker, higher lighter.
      mixBackground - float encoding a color to mix with the background instead of the normal lighting color
      this for chaining
    • put

      public SquidLayers put​(int x, int y, char c, float encodedForeground, float encodedBackground, float backgroundLightness, float mixBackground)
      Place a char c into the foreground, with a foreground, background, and mix color (which affects the background) each encoded as a packed float and a lightness variation for the background (using the style that SquidPanel does, with the "lightness" a float between 0.0f and 1.0f inclusive, encodedBackground used on its own for 0 lightness, mixBackground used on its own for 1 lightness, and values in between mixing the two).
      x - in grid cells.
      y - in grid cells.
      c - a character to be drawn in the foreground
      encodedForeground - float encoding the color for the char being drawn
      encodedBackground - float encoding the color for the background
      backgroundLightness - float between 0.0f and 1.0f (both inclusive); higher means closer to mixBackground
      mixBackground - float encoding a color to mix with the background instead of the normal lighting color
      this for chaining
    • put

      public SquidLayers put​(int x, int y, char[][] c)
    • put

      public SquidLayers put​(int x, int y, char[][] c,[][] foreground,[][] background)
    • put

      public SquidLayers put​(int x, int y, char[][] c,[][] foregrounds,[][] backgrounds, int[][] backgroundLightness)
      Place a 2@ char array c into the foreground, with foreground colors specified by a 2D Color array, background colors with another 2D Color array, and lightness variations for the background in a 2D int array (255 will make the background equal the background panel's SquidPanel.getLightingColor(), -255 will use the background as-is, and values in between will be linearly interpolated between those two extremes).
      x - in grid cells.
      y - in grid cells.
      c - char[][] to be drawn in the foreground starting from x, y
      foregrounds - Color[][] of colors for the char being drawn
      backgrounds - Color[][] of colors for the background
      backgroundLightness - int[][] with elements between -255 and 255 , lower darker, higher lighter.
      this for chaining
    • putInto

      public SquidLayers putInto​(int layer, int x, int y, char c)
      Place a char c into the specified layer, using the specified layer's default foreground color.
      layer - 0 or 1 for background, 2 for foreground, 3 or higher for extra layers added on.
      x - in grid cells.
      y - in grid cells.
      c - char to be drawn in the foreground at x, y
      this for chaining
    • putInto

      public SquidLayers putInto​(int layer, int x, int y, char c, color)
      Place a char c into the specified layer with the specified Color.
      layer - the layer to draw into
      x - in grid cells.
      y - in grid cells.
      c - a character to be drawn in the specified layer
      color - Color for the char being drawn
      this for chaining
    • putInto

      public SquidLayers putInto​(int layer, int x, int y, char[][] c)
      Place a 2D char array c into the specified layer, using the specified layer's default foreground color.
      layer - 0 or 1 for background, 2 for foreground, 3 or higher for extra layers added on.
      x - in grid cells.
      y - in grid cells.
      c - char[][] to be drawn in the foreground starting from x, y
      this for chaining
    • putInto

      public SquidLayers putInto​(int layer, int x, int y, char[][] c,[][] colors)
      Place a 2D char array c into the specified layer, using the matching Color from the given 2D Color array.
      layer - 0 or 1 for background, 2 for foreground, 3 or higher for extra layers added on.
      x - in grid cells.
      y - in grid cells.
      c - char[][] to be drawn in the foreground starting from x, y
      colors - Color[][] that should have the same width and height as c
      this for chaining
    • putString

      public SquidLayers putString​(int x, int y, String s)
      Put a string at the given x, y position, using the default foreground color.
      x - in grid cells.
      y - in grid cells.
      s - the string to print
      this for chaining
    • putString

      public SquidLayers putString​(int x, int y, String s, foreground)
      Put a string at the given x, y position, with the given foreground Color.
      x - in grid cells.
      y - in grid cells.
      s - the string to print
      foreground - the Color to use
      this, for chaining
    • putString

      public SquidLayers putString​(int x, int y, String s, foreground, background)
      Put a string at the given x, y position, with the given foreground and background Colors.
      x - in grid cells.
      y - in grid cells.
      s - the string to print
      foreground - the Color of the string's chars
      background - the Color of the background of the string
      this, for chaining
    • putBoxedString

      public SquidLayers putBoxedString​(int x, int y, String s)
      A utility method that draws a 1-cell-wide black box around the text you request (as s) and replaces the contents of anything that was below or adjacent to the string's new position. Useful for message boxes.
      x - in grid cells.
      y - in grid cells.
      s - the string to print inside the box
      this, for chaining
    • highlight

      public SquidLayers highlight​(int x, int y, int lightness)
      Change the lightness for the background of the cell at x, y (0 is no change, 100 is very bright, -100 is very dark, anything past -150 or 150 will make the background almost fully black or white).
      x - in grid cells.
      y - in grid cells.
      lightness - int between -255 and 255 , lower numbers are darker, higher lighter.
    • highlight

      public SquidLayers highlight​(int x, int y, int[][] lightness)
      Change the lightness for the background of the cell at x, y (0 is no change, 100 is very bright, -100 is very dark, anything past -150 or 150 will make the background almost fully black or white).
      x - in grid cells.
      y - in grid cells.
      lightness - int[][] with elements between -255 and 255 , lower numbers are darker, higher lighter.
    • hasValue

      public boolean hasValue​(int x, int y)
      Very basic check to see if something was rendered at the x,y cell requested; this only checks the foreground. If the foreground contains the character ' ' at the given position or has not been assigned a value at that position, then this returns false, otherwise it returns true.
      x - in grid cells.
      y - in grid cells.
      true if something was rendered in the foreground at the given x,y position
    • clear

      public SquidLayers clear​(int x, int y)
      Clear one cell at position x, y of its foreground contents.

      You may be looking for the erase() method, which erases all panels and all cells.

      x - in grid cells
      y - in grid cells
      this for chaining
    • eraseLayer

      public SquidLayers eraseLayer​(int layer)
    • erase

      public SquidLayers erase()
      Erase everything visible in all cells or all layers. This is not at all expensive to do compared to the pre-SquidLib-3.0.0 version of this method that used Swing and took a long time to erase.
      this, for chaining
    • bump

      public SquidLayers bump​(int x, int y, int layer, Direction dir, float duration)
    • bump

      public SquidLayers bump​(AnimatedEntity ae, int layer, Direction dir, float duration)
    • bump

      public SquidLayers bump​(int x, int y, Direction dir)
    • bump

      public SquidLayers bump​(AnimatedEntity ae, Direction dir)
    • slide

      public SquidLayers slide​(AnimatedEntity ae, int endX, int endY, int layer, float duration)
    • slide

      public SquidLayers slide​(int x, int y, int endX, int endY, int layer, float duration)
    • slide

      public SquidLayers slide​(int x, int y, int endX, int endY)
    • slide

      public SquidLayers slide​(AnimatedEntity ae, int endX, int endY)
    • wiggle

      public SquidLayers wiggle​(int x, int y, int layer, float duration)
    • wiggle

      public SquidLayers wiggle​(AnimatedEntity ae, int layer, float duration)
    • wiggle

      public SquidLayers wiggle​(int x, int y)
    • wiggle

    • tint

      public SquidLayers tint​(int x, int y, color, int layer, float duration)
    • tint

      public SquidLayers tint​(AnimatedEntity ae, color, int layer, float duration)
    • tint

      public SquidLayers tint​(int x, int y, color)
    • tint

      public SquidLayers tint​(AnimatedEntity ae, color)
    • hasActiveAnimations

      public boolean hasActiveAnimations()
    • directionMarker

      public AnimatedEntity directionMarker​(int x, int y, color, int layer, boolean doubleWidth)
    • directionMarker

      public AnimatedEntity directionMarker​(int x, int y, Collection<> colors, float loopTime, int layer, boolean doubleWidth)
    • animateActor

      public AnimatedEntity animateActor​(int x, int y, char c, color, int layer)
    • animateActor

      public AnimatedEntity animateActor​(int x, int y, char c, color)
    • animateActor

      public AnimatedEntity animateActor​(int x, int y, char c, color, boolean doubleWidth)
    • animateActor

      public AnimatedEntity animateActor​(int x, int y, char c, Collection<> colors, boolean doubleWidth)
    • animateActor

      public AnimatedEntity animateActor​(int x, int y, char c, Collection<> colors, float loopTime, boolean doubleWidth)
    • animateActor

      public AnimatedEntity animateActor​(int x, int y, String s, color, int layer)
    • animateActor

      public AnimatedEntity animateActor​(int x, int y, String s, color, int layer, boolean doubleWidth)
    • animateActor

      public AnimatedEntity animateActor​(int x, int y, tr, color, int layer)
    • animateActor

      public AnimatedEntity animateActor​(int x, int y, tr, color, int layer, boolean doubleWidth, boolean stretch)
    • animateActor

      public AnimatedEntity animateActor​(int x, int y, String s, color)
    • animateActor

      public AnimatedEntity animateActor​(int x, int y, String s, color, boolean doubleWidth)
    • animateActor

      public AnimatedEntity animateActor​(int x, int y, tr, color)
    • animateActor

      public AnimatedEntity animateActor​(int x, int y, tr, color, boolean doubleWidth)
    • animateActor

      public AnimatedEntity animateActor​(int x, int y, tr, color, boolean doubleWidth, boolean stretch)
    • animateActor

      public AnimatedEntity animateActor​(int x, int y, tr)
    • animateActor

      public AnimatedEntity animateActor​(int x, int y, tr, boolean doubleWidth)
    • animateActor

      public AnimatedEntity animateActor​(int x, int y, tr, boolean doubleWidth, boolean stretch)
    • getAnimatedEntities

    • getAnimatedEntities

    • getAnimatedEntityByCell

      public AnimatedEntity getAnimatedEntityByCell​(int x, int y, int layer)
    • removeAnimatedEntity

      public void removeAnimatedEntity​(AnimatedEntity ae, int layer)
    • removeAnimatedEntity

      public void removeAnimatedEntity​(AnimatedEntity ae)
    • getAnimatedEntityByCell

      public AnimatedEntity getAnimatedEntityByCell​(int x, int y)
    • removeAnimatedEntityByCell

      public void removeAnimatedEntityByCell​(int x, int y, int layer)
    • removeAnimatedEntityByCell

      public void removeAnimatedEntityByCell​(int x, int y)
    • draw

      public void draw​( batch, float parentAlpha)
      draw in class com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Group
    • drawActor

      public void drawActor​( batch, float parentAlpha, AnimatedEntity ae, int layer)
    • drawActor

      public void drawActor​( batch, float parentAlpha, AnimatedEntity ae)
    • setLightingColor

      public void setLightingColor​( lightingColor)
    • getLightingColor

      public getLightingColor()
    • setPosition

      public void setPosition​(float x, float y)
      Sets the position of the actor's bottom left corner.
      setPosition in class com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Actor
      x -
      y -
    • getLayer

      public SquidPanel getLayer​(int layer)
      Gets a SquidPanel from this SquidLayers and returns a direct reference. Layer 0 is the background, layer 1 or 2 is the foreground, and any values 3 or higher are extra SquidPanels added via addExtraLayer(). If the layer is not found, this returns the foreground SquidPanel.
      layer - 0 for background, 1 or 2 for foreground, 3 for any extra layers; defaults to foreground
      the corresponding SquidPanel as a direct reference
    • getForegroundLayer

    • setForegroundLayer

      public void setForegroundLayer​(SquidPanel panel)
      Sets the foreground panel to match the given SquidPanel (it can also be a subclass of SquidPanel, a likely use). This does not do any validation of size, but the SquidPanel.getTotalWidth() and SquidPanel.getTotalHeight() of panel should almost always match this object's getTotalWidth() and getTotalHeight(), though there are good reasons why the cell sizes or text sizes might not match. This method is probably most useful when you want a system of ImageSquidPanel layers; as long as you have the reference to an ImageSquidPanel outside this class, you can call its additional methods there and have it affect panel here.
      panel - a SquidPanel, ImageSquidPanel, or other subclass of SquidPanel that should have identical size
    • getBackgroundLayer

    • setBackgroundLayer

      public void setBackgroundLayer​(SquidPanel panel)
      Sets the background panel to match the given SquidPanel (it can also be a subclass of SquidPanel, a likely use). This does not do any validation of size, but the SquidPanel.getTotalWidth() and SquidPanel.getTotalHeight() of panel should almost always match this object's getTotalWidth() and getTotalHeight(), though there are good reasons why the cell sizes or text sizes might not match. This method is probably most useful when you want a system of ImageSquidPanel layers; as long as you have the reference to an ImageSquidPanel outside this class, you can call its additional methods there and have it affect panel here.
      panel - a SquidPanel, ImageSquidPanel, or other subclass of SquidPanel that should have identical size
    • setExtraPanel

      public void setExtraPanel​(SquidPanel panel, int index)
      Sets an extra panel to match the given SquidPanel (it can also be a subclass of SquidPanel, a likely use). This tries to find the SquidPanel at the given index in the extra panels that may have been added to this with addExtraLayer(); if index is invalid because it is negative, this does nothing. If index is higher than the highest index for a layer, this will simply add panel to the extra panels, possibly at an earlier index (it will use the next available index, which could easily be 0 or 1). If index is valid, this sets the extra panel at that index to panel, without changes. This does not do any validation of size, but the SquidPanel.getTotalWidth() and SquidPanel.getTotalHeight() of panel should almost always match this object's getTotalWidth() and getTotalHeight(), though there are good reasons why the cell sizes or text sizes might not match. This method is probably most useful when you want a system of ImageSquidPanel layers; as long as you have the reference to an ImageSquidPanel outside this class, you can call its additional methods there and have it affect panel here.
      panel - a SquidPanel, ImageSquidPanel, or other subclass of SquidPanel that should have identical size
      index - the 0-based index into the extra panels list to try to assign panel to, or to append panel to
    • setFGColorCenter

      public void setFGColorCenter​(IColorCenter<> scc)
      Sets the IColorCenter used by the foreground layer.
      scc - an IColorCenter; commonly a SquidColorCenter with an optional filter
    • setBGColorCenter

      public void setBGColorCenter​(IColorCenter<> scc)
      Sets the IColorCenter used by the background layer.
      scc - an IColorCenter; commonly a SquidColorCenter with an optional filter
    • setOffsets

      public void setOffsets​(float x, float y)
    • getGridOffsetX

      public int getGridOffsetX()
    • getGridOffsetY

      public int getGridOffsetY()
    • setGridOffsetX

      public void setGridOffsetX​(int offset)
    • setGridOffsetY

      public void setGridOffsetY​(int offset)
    • getTotalWidth

      public int getTotalWidth()
    • getTotalHeight

      public int getTotalHeight()