SquidLayers |
SquidLayers.addExtraLayer() |
Add an extra layer on top of the foreground layer.
SquidLayers |
SquidLayers.autoLight() |
Alters the lightnesses that affect the background colors, accepting a parameter for
animation frame if rippling water and waving grass using SeededNoise are desired.
SquidLayers |
SquidLayers.autoLight(double frame) |
Alters the lightnesses that affect the background colors, accepting a parameter for
animation frame if rippling water and waving grass using SeededNoise are desired.
SquidLayers |
SquidLayers.autoLight(double frame,
char deepLiquid,
char shallowLiquid) |
Alters the lightnesses that affect the background colors, accepting a parameter for
animation frame if rippling water and waving grass using SeededNoise are desired.
SquidLayers |
SquidLayers.bump(int x,
int y,
int layer,
Direction dir,
float duration) |
SquidLayers |
SquidLayers.bump(int x,
int y,
Direction dir) |
SquidLayers |
SquidLayers.bump(AnimatedEntity ae,
int layer,
Direction dir,
float duration) |
SquidLayers |
SquidLayers.bump(AnimatedEntity ae,
Direction dir) |
SquidLayers |
SquidLayers.clear(int x,
int y) |
Clear one cell at position x, y of its foreground contents.
SquidLayers |
SquidLayers.erase() |
Erase everything visible in all cells or all layers.
SquidLayers |
SquidLayers.eraseLayer(int layer) |
SquidLayers |
SquidLayers.highlight(int x,
int y,
int lightness) |
Change the lightness for the background of the cell at x, y (0 is no change, 100 is
very bright, -100 is very dark, anything past -150 or 150 will make the background almost fully black or white).
SquidLayers |
SquidLayers.highlight(int x,
int y,
int[][] lightness) |
Change the lightness for the background of the cell at x, y (0 is no change, 100 is
very bright, -100 is very dark, anything past -150 or 150 will make the background almost fully black or white).
SquidLayers |
SquidLayers.put(int x,
int y,
char c) |
Place a char c into the foreground at position x, y, with the default color.
SquidLayers |
SquidLayers.put(int x,
int y,
char[][] c) |
SquidLayers |
SquidLayers.put(int x,
int y,
char[][] c,
com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Color[][] foreground,
com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Color[][] background) |
SquidLayers |
SquidLayers.put(int x,
int y,
char[][] c,
com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Color[][] foregrounds,
com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Color[][] backgrounds,
int[][] backgroundLightness) |
Place a 2@ char array c into the foreground, with foreground colors specified by a 2D Color array, background
colors with another 2D Color array, and lightness variations for the background in a 2D int array (255 will make
the background equal the background panel's SquidPanel.getLightingColor() , -255 will use the background
as-is, and values in between will be linearly interpolated between those two extremes).
SquidLayers |
SquidLayers.put(int x,
int y,
char c,
float encodedForeground) |
Place a char c into the foreground, with a foreground color as a packed float.
SquidLayers |
SquidLayers.put(int x,
int y,
char c,
float encodedForeground,
float encodedBackground,
float backgroundLightness,
float mixBackground) |
Place a char c into the foreground, with a foreground, background, and mix color (which affects the background)
each encoded as a packed float and a lightness variation for the background (using the style that SquidPanel
does, with the "lightness" a float between 0.0f and 1.0f inclusive, encodedBackground used on its own for 0
lightness, mixBackground used on its own for 1 lightness, and values in between mixing the two).
SquidLayers |
SquidLayers.put(int x,
int y,
char c,
float encodedForeground,
float encodedBackground,
int backgroundLightness) |
Place a char c into the foreground, with a foreground and background color each encoded as a packed float and a
lightness variation for the background (255 will make the background equal the background panel's
SquidPanel.getLightingColor() , -255 will use encodedBackground as-is, and values in between will be
linearly interpolated between those two extremes).
SquidLayers |
SquidLayers.put(int x,
int y,
char c,
float encodedForeground,
float encodedBackground,
int backgroundLightness,
float mixBackground) |
Place a char c into the foreground, with a foreground, background, and mix color (which affects the background)
each encoded as a packed float and a lightness variation for the background (255 will make the background equal
mixColor, -255 will use encodedBackground as-is, and values in between will be linearly interpolated between
those two extremes).
SquidLayers |
SquidLayers.put(int x,
int y,
char c,
com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Color foreground) |
Place a char c into the foreground, with a foreground color as a libGDX Color (or SColor).
SquidLayers |
SquidLayers.put(int x,
int y,
char c,
com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Color foreground,
com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Color background) |
Place a char c into the foreground, with a specified foreground color and background color.
SquidLayers |
SquidLayers.put(int x,
int y,
char c,
com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Color foreground,
com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Color background,
int backgroundLightness) |
Place a char c into the foreground, with a foreground and background libGDX Color and a lightness variation for
the background (255 will make the background equal the background panel's
SquidPanel.getLightingColor() , -255 will use the background as-is, and values in between will be
linearly interpolated between those two extremes).
SquidLayers |
SquidLayers.put(int x,
int y,
char c,
com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Color foreground,
com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Color background,
int mixAmount,
com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Color mixBackground) |
Place a char c into the foreground, with a foreground and background libGDX Color and a lightness variation for
the background (255 will make the background equal the background panel's
SquidPanel.getLightingColor() , -255 will use the background as-is, and values in between will be
linearly interpolated between those two extremes).
SquidLayers |
SquidLayers.putBoxedString(int x,
int y,
String s) |
A utility method that draws a 1-cell-wide black box around the text you request (as s) and replaces the contents
of anything that was below or adjacent to the string's new position.
SquidLayers |
SquidLayers.putInto(int layer,
int x,
int y,
char c) |
Place a char c into the specified layer, using the specified layer's default foreground color.
SquidLayers |
SquidLayers.putInto(int layer,
int x,
int y,
char[][] c) |
Place a 2D char array c into the specified layer, using the specified layer's default foreground color.
SquidLayers |
SquidLayers.putInto(int layer,
int x,
int y,
char[][] c,
com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Color[][] colors) |
Place a 2D char array c into the specified layer, using the matching Color from the given 2D Color array.
SquidLayers |
SquidLayers.putInto(int layer,
int x,
int y,
char c,
com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Color color) |
Place a char c into the specified layer with the specified Color.
SquidLayers |
SquidLayers.putString(int x,
int y,
String s) |
Put a string at the given x, y position, using the default foreground color.
SquidLayers |
SquidLayers.putString(int x,
int y,
String s,
com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Color foreground) |
Put a string at the given x, y position, with the given foreground Color.
SquidLayers |
SquidLayers.putString(int x,
int y,
String s,
com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Color foreground,
com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Color background) |
Put a string at the given x, y position, with the given foreground and background Colors.
SquidLayers |
SquidLayers.setTextSize(float wide,
float high) |
Sets the size of the text in all layers (but not the size of the cells) to the given width and height in pixels
(which may be stretched by viewports later on, if your program uses them).
SquidLayers |
SquidLayers.setTextSize(int layer,
float wide,
float high) |
Sets the size of the text in the given layer (but not the size of the cells) to the given width and height in
pixels (which may be stretched by viewports later on, if your program uses them).
SquidLayers |
SquidLayers.slide(int x,
int y,
int endX,
int endY) |
SquidLayers |
SquidLayers.slide(int x,
int y,
int endX,
int endY,
int layer,
float duration) |
SquidLayers |
SquidLayers.slide(AnimatedEntity ae,
int endX,
int endY) |
SquidLayers |
SquidLayers.slide(AnimatedEntity ae,
int endX,
int endY,
int layer,
float duration) |
SquidLayers |
SquidLayers.tint(int x,
int y,
com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Color color) |
SquidLayers |
SquidLayers.tint(int x,
int y,
com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Color color,
int layer,
float duration) |
SquidLayers |
SquidLayers.tint(AnimatedEntity ae,
com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Color color) |
SquidLayers |
SquidLayers.tint(AnimatedEntity ae,
com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Color color,
int layer,
float duration) |
SquidLayers |
SquidLayers.wiggle(int x,
int y) |
SquidLayers |
SquidLayers.wiggle(int x,
int y,
int layer,
float duration) |
SquidLayers |
SquidLayers.wiggle(AnimatedEntity ae) |
SquidLayers |
SquidLayers.wiggle(AnimatedEntity ae,
int layer,
float duration) |