Uses of Interface

Packages that use IRNG 
Package Description
Utilities that don't fit elsewhere in SquidLib; mostly text manipulation, compression, and helper code.
Tools for finding paths, optimizing targets for area-of-effect (AOE) abilities, and evaluating influence on a grid.
Tools for working with data on a grid, including LOS and FOV; overlaps with geometry code in squidpony.squidmath .
Tools specifically for generating maps and placing content in them, usually working with 2D char arrays.
Support code for working with tiled dungeon generation; normally only TilesetType is used outside SquidLib.
A very broad package containing random number generators, geometry tools, data structures, and noise functions.
  • Uses of IRNG in squidpony

    Methods in squidpony with parameters of type IRNG 
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    protected String[] FakeLanguageGen.accentBoth​(IRNG rng, String[] me, double vowelInfluence, double consonantInfluence)  
    protected String[] FakeLanguageGen.accentConsonants​(IRNG rng, String[] me, double influence)  
    protected String[] FakeLanguageGen.accentVowels​(IRNG rng, String[] me, double influence)  
    T IColorCenter.getRandom​(IRNG rng, int opacity)  
    T IColorCenter.Skeleton.getRandom​(IRNG rng, int opacity)  
    protected String[] FakeLanguageGen.merge1000​(IRNG rng, String[] me, String[] other, double otherInfluence)  
    StringBuilder FakeLanguageGen.Modifier.modify​(IRNG rng, StringBuilder sb)  
    static FakeLanguageGen FakeLanguageGen.randomLanguage​(IRNG rng)  
    String FakeLanguageGen.sentence​(IRNG rng, int minWords, int maxWords)
    Generate a sentence from this FakeLanguageGen, using the given RNG, with the length in words between minWords and maxWords, both inclusive.
    String FakeLanguageGen.sentence​(IRNG rng, int minWords, int maxWords, String[] midPunctuation, String[] endPunctuation, double midPunctuationFrequency)
    Generate a sentence from this FakeLanguageGen using the specific RNG.
    String FakeLanguageGen.sentence​(IRNG rng, int minWords, int maxWords, String[] midPunctuation, String[] endPunctuation, double midPunctuationFrequency, int maxChars)
    Generate a sentence from this FakeLanguageGen using the given RNG that fits in the given length limit.
    String FakeLanguageGen.word​(IRNG rng, boolean capitalize)
    Generate a word from this FakeLanguageGen using the specified RNG.
    String FakeLanguageGen.word​(IRNG rng, boolean capitalize, int approxSyllables)
    Generate a word from this FakeLanguageGen using the specified RNG with an approximate number of syllables.
    String FakeLanguageGen.word​(IRNG rng, boolean capitalize, int approxSyllables, regexodus.Pattern[] additionalChecks)
    Generate a word from this FakeLanguageGen using the specified RNG with an approximate number of syllables.
    Constructors in squidpony with parameters of type IRNG 
    Constructor Description
    Thesaurus​(IRNG rng)
    Constructs a new Thesaurus, seeding its RNG (used to shuffle word order) with the next long from the given RNG.
  • Uses of IRNG in squidpony.squidai

    Fields in squidpony.squidai declared as IRNG 
    Modifier and Type Field Description
    IRNG CustomDijkstraMap.rng
    The RNG used to decide which one of multiple equally-short paths to take.
    IRNG DijkstraMap.rng
    The IRNG used to decide which one of multiple equally-short paths to take.
    Constructors in squidpony.squidai with parameters of type IRNG 
    Constructor Description
    CustomDijkstraMap​(char[][] level, Adjacency adjacency, IRNG rng)
    Constructor meant to take a char[][] returned by DungeonBoneGen.generate(), or any other char[][] where '#' means a wall and anything else is a walkable tile.
    CustomDijkstraMap​(char[][] level, IRNG rng)
    Constructor meant to take a char[][] returned by DungeonBoneGen.generate(), or any other char[][] where '#' means a wall and anything else is a walkable tile.
    CustomDijkstraMap​(IRNG random)
    Construct a CustomDijkstraMap without a level to actually scan.
    DijkstraMap​(char[][] level, Measurement measurement, IRNG rng)
    Constructor meant to take a char[][] returned by DungeonBoneGen.generate(), or any other char[][] where '#' means a wall and anything else is a walkable tile.
    DijkstraMap​(char[][] level, IRNG rng)
    Constructor meant to take a char[][] returned by DungeonBoneGen.generate(), or any other char[][] where '#' means a wall and anything else is a walkable tile.
    DijkstraMap​(IRNG random)
    Construct a DijkstraMap without a level to actually scan.
    WaypointPathfinder​(char[][] map, DijkstraMap dijkstra, IRNG rng)
    Calculates and stores the doors and doors-like connections ("chokepoints") on the given map as waypoints.
    WaypointPathfinder​(char[][] map, Radius radius, IRNG rng)
    Calculates and stores the doors and doors-like connections ("chokepoints") on the given map as waypoints.
    WaypointPathfinder​(char[][] map, Radius radius, IRNG rng, boolean thickCorridors)
    Calculates and stores the doors and doors-like connections ("chokepoints") on the given map as waypoints.
    WaypointPathfinder​(char[][] map, Radius radius, IRNG rng, int fraction)
    Calculates and stores the specified fraction of walkable points from map as waypoints.
  • Uses of IRNG in squidpony.squidgrid

    Fields in squidpony.squidgrid declared as IRNG 
    Modifier and Type Field Description
    IRNG DetailedMimic.random  
    IRNG MimicWFC.random  
    IRNG MultiSpill.rng
    The IRNG used to decide how to randomly fill a space; can have its state set and read.
    IRNG SoundMap.rng
    The RNG used to decide which one of multiple equally-short paths to take.
    Methods in squidpony.squidgrid with parameters of type IRNG 
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    static boolean[][] MimicFill.fill​(boolean[][] sample, int size, double temperature, int iterations, IRNG random)
    The main part of MimicFill; generates a 2D boolean array that mimics the patterns present in the 2D boolean array sample, but can produce a larger or smaller output 2D array than the sample.
    static boolean[] MimicFill.fillSolo​(boolean[][] sample, int size, double temperature, int iterations, IRNG random)
    The main part of MimicFill; generates a 1D boolean array that, when used correctly, mimics the patterns present in the 2D boolean array sample, but can produce a larger or smaller output 1D array than the sample.
    Coord Radius.onUnitShape​(double distance, IRNG rng)  
    Coord3D Radius.onUnitShape3D​(double distance, IRNG rng)  
    E SpatialMap.randomElement​(IRNG rng)  
    SpatialMap.SpatialTriple<I,​E> SpatialMap.randomEntry​(IRNG rng)  
    I SpatialMap.randomIdentity​(IRNG rng)  
    Coord SpatialMap.randomPosition​(IRNG rng)  
    boolean​(IRNG rng, int limit)  
    Constructors in squidpony.squidgrid with parameters of type IRNG 
    Constructor Description
    DetailedMimic​(AestheticDifference diff, IRNG rng)
    Constructor that uses the given RNG and the given AestheticDifference.
    MultiSpill​(char[][] level, Measurement measurement, IRNG random)
    Constructor meant to take a char[][] returned by DungeonBoneGen.generate(), or any other char[][] where '#' means a wall and anything else is a walkable tile.
    MultiSpill​(short[][] level, Measurement measurement, IRNG random)
    Used to construct a Spill from the output of another, specifying a distance calculation and RNG.
    MultiSpill​(IRNG random)
    Construct a Spill without a level to actually scan.
    SoundMap​(IRNG random)
    Construct a SoundMap without a level to actually scan.
    Spill​(char[][] level, Measurement measurement, IRNG random)
    Constructor meant to take a char[][] returned by DungeonBoneGen.generate(), or any other char[][] where '#' means a wall and anything else is a walkable tile.
    Spill​(IRNG random)
    Construct a Spill without a level to actually scan.
  • Uses of IRNG in squidpony.squidgrid.mapping

    Fields in squidpony.squidgrid.mapping declared as IRNG 
    Modifier and Type Field Description
    IRNG BasicCaveGenerator.random  
    protected IRNG LanesMapGenerator.random  
    IRNG ConnectingMapGenerator.rng  
    IRNG DenseRoomMapGenerator.rng  
    IRNG FlowingCaveGenerator.rng  
    IRNG MixedGenerator.rng  
    IRNG OrganicMapGenerator.rng  
    IRNG PacMazeGenerator.rng  
    Methods in squidpony.squidgrid.mapping with parameters of type IRNG 
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    static OrderedSet<Coord> MixedGenerator.basicPoints​(int width, int height, IRNG rng)
    Mainly for internal use; this is used by MixedGenerator(int, int, IRNG) to get its room positions.
    static List<Coord> MixedGenerator.cleanPoints​(int width, int height, IRNG rng)
    Mainly for internal use; this was used by MixedGenerator(int, int, IRNG) to get its room positions, and you can choose to use it with new MixedGenerator(width, height, rng, cleanPoints(width, height, rng)).
    static ArrayList<String> WildMap.contentByBiome​(int biome, IRNG rng)
    Gets a list of Strings that are really just the names of types of terrain feature for wilderness areas.
    static ArrayList<Coord> DungeonUtility.ensurePath​(char[][] map, IRNG rng, char replacement, char... blocking)
    Ensures a path exists in a rough ring around the map by first creating the path (using DungeonUtility.pointPath(int, int, IRNG) with the given IRNG), then finding chars in blocking that are on that path and replacing them with replacement.
    static ArrayList<String> WildMap.floorsByBiome​(int biome, IRNG rng)
    Gets a list of Strings that are really just the names of types of floor tile for wilderness areas.
    static Coord DungeonUtility.getRandomCell​(IRNG rng, char[][] map, Set<Character> acceptable, int frustration)  
    static ArrayList<String> WildMap.makeShuffledRepeats​(IRNG rng, Object... rest)  
    static ArrayList<String> WildMap.makeVegetation​(IRNG rng, int size, double monoculture, FakeLanguageGen naming)  
    static ArrayList<Coord> DungeonUtility.pointPath​(int width, int height, IRNG rng)  
    Constructors in squidpony.squidgrid.mapping with parameters of type IRNG 
    Constructor Description
    BasicCaveGenerator​(int width, int height, IRNG random)  
    ClassicRogueMapGenerator​(int horizontalRooms, int verticalRooms, int dungeonWidth, int dungeonHeight, int minRoomWidth, int maxRoomWidth, int minRoomHeight, int maxRoomHeight, IRNG rng)
    Initializes the generator to turn out random dungeons within the specific parameters.
    ConnectingMapGenerator​(int width, int height, int roomWidth, int roomHeight, IRNG random)
    ConnectingMapGenerator​(int width, int height, int roomWidth, int roomHeight, IRNG random, int wallThickness)  
    ConnectingMapGenerator​(int width, int height, IRNG random)
    Determines room width and room height by dividing width or height by 10; wallThickness is 2.
    DenseRoomMapGenerator​(int width, int height, IRNG rng)  
    DividedMazeGenerator​(int width, int height, IRNG rng)
    Sets up the generator to make mazes the given width and height.
    DungeonGenerator​(int width, int height, IRNG rng)
    Make a DungeonGenerator with the given height, width, and RNG.
    DungeonUtility​(IRNG rng)  
    FlowingCaveGenerator​(int width, int height, TilesetType type, IRNG rng)  
    GrowingTreeMazeGenerator​(int width, int height, IRNG rng)  
    LanesMapGenerator​(int width, int height, IRNG rng, int lanes)
    This prepares a map generator that will generate a map with the given width and height, using the given RNG.
    MixedGenerator​(int width, int height, IRNG rng)
    This prepares a map generator that will generate a map with the given width and height, using the given RNG.
    MixedGenerator​(int width, int height, IRNG rng, List<Coord> sequence)
    This prepares a map generator that will generate a map with the given width and height, using the given RNG.
    MixedGenerator​(int width, int height, IRNG rng, Map<Coord,​List<Coord>> connections)
    This prepares a map generator that will generate a map with the given width and height, using the given IRNG.
    MixedGenerator​(int width, int height, IRNG rng, Map<Coord,​List<Coord>> connections, float roomSizeMultiplier)
    This prepares a map generator that will generate a map with the given width and height, using the given IRNG.
    ModularMapGenerator​(int width, int height, IRNG rng)
    Make a ModularMapGenerator with the given height, width, and RNG.
    OrganicMapGenerator​(double noiseMin, double noiseMax, int width, int height, IRNG rng)  
    OrganicMapGenerator​(int width, int height, IRNG rng)  
    PacMazeGenerator​(int width, int height, IRNG rng)  
    PoliticalMapper​(IRNG random)
    Constructs a SpillWorldMap using the given world name, and uses the world name as the basis for all future random generation in this object.
    SectionDungeonGenerator​(int width, int height, IRNG rng)
    Make a SectionDungeonGenerator with the given height, width, and RNG.
    SerpentDeepMapGenerator​(int width, int height, int depth, IRNG rng)
    This prepares a map generator that will generate a map with the given width, height and depth, using the given IRNG.
    SerpentDeepMapGenerator​(int width, int height, int depth, IRNG rng, double branchingChance)
    This prepares a map generator that will generate a map with the given width, height and depth, using the given IRNG, and will branch out to other nearby rooms that (probably) do not have staircases between layers.
    SerpentMapGenerator​(int width, int height, IRNG rng)
    This prepares a map generator that will generate a map with the given width and height, using the given IRNG.
    SerpentMapGenerator​(int width, int height, IRNG random, boolean symmetrical)
    This prepares a map generator that will generate a map with the given width and height, using the given IRNG.
    SerpentMapGenerator​(int width, int height, IRNG rng, double branchingChance)
    This prepares a map generator that will generate a map with the given width and height, using the given IRNG.
    SerpentMapGenerator​(int width, int height, IRNG random, double branchingChance, boolean symmetrical)
    This prepares a map generator that will generate a map with the given width and height, using the given IRNG.
    SymmetryDungeonGenerator​(int width, int height, IRNG rng)
    This prepares a map generator that will generate a map with the given width and height, using the given RNG.
    SymmetryDungeonGenerator​(int width, int height, IRNG rng, List<Coord> sequence)
    This prepares a map generator that will generate a map with the given width and height, using the given RNG.
    SymmetryDungeonGenerator​(int width, int height, IRNG rng, OrderedMap<Coord,​List<Coord>> connections)
    This prepares a map generator that will generate a map with the given width and height, using the given RNG.
    SymmetryDungeonGenerator​(int width, int height, IRNG rng, OrderedMap<Coord,​List<Coord>> connections, float roomSizeMultiplier)
    This prepares a map generator that will generate a map with the given width and height, using the given RNG.
    SymmetryDungeonGenerator​(int width, int height, IRNG rng, OrderedSet<Coord> sequence)
    This prepares a map generator that will generate a map with the given width and height, using the given RNG.
    ThinDungeonGenerator​(int width, int height, IRNG rng)
    Make a DungeonGenerator with the given height, width, and RNG.
    ThinDungeonGenerator​(int width, int height, IRNG rng, int roomShape, int corridorShape, int caveShape)
    Make a DungeonGenerator with the given height, width, and RNG for generating random features.
  • Uses of IRNG in squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.styled

    Fields in squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.styled declared as IRNG 
    Modifier and Type Field Description
    IRNG DungeonBoneGen.rng
    The current IRNG, a random number generator that can be seeded initially, and is usually an RNG.
    Methods in squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.styled that return IRNG 
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    IRNG DungeonBoneGen.getRng()
    Gets the current RNG.
    Methods in squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.styled with parameters of type IRNG 
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void DungeonBoneGen.setRng​(IRNG rng)
    Sets the current RNG.
    Constructors in squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.styled with parameters of type IRNG 
    Constructor Description
    DungeonBoneGen​(IRNG random)
    Constructs a DungeonBoneGen that uses the given IRNG.
  • Uses of IRNG in squidpony.squidmath

    Subinterfaces of IRNG in squidpony.squidmath 
    Modifier and Type Interface Description
    interface  IStatefulRNG
    Simply groups the two interfaces IRNG and StatefulRandomness so some implementations of IRNG can have their states read from and written to.
    Classes in squidpony.squidmath that implement IRNG 
    Modifier and Type Class Description
    class  AbstractRNG
    A helper class for implementing IRNG without so much busy-work.
    class  CriticalRNG
    A type of RNG that can generate values larger or smaller than the normal maximum or minimum, based on a modifier.
    class  DeckRNG
    An RNG variant that has 16 possible grades of value it can produce and shuffles them like a deck of cards.
    class  DharmaRNG
    An alteration to a RandomnessSource that attempts to produce values that are perceived as fair to an imperfect user.
    class  DistributedRNG
    An implementation of IRNG that allows specifying a distribution for all random numbers it produces via a IDistribution.SimpleDistribution value.
    class  EditRNG
    A subclass of StatefulRNG (and thus RNG) that allows customizing many parts of the random number generation.
    class  GWTRNG
    An IRNG implementation that is meant to provide random numbers very quickly when targeting GWT but also to produce the same numbers when used on desktop, Android, or other platforms, and that can have its state read as a StatefulRandomness.
    class  MoonwalkRNG
    An IRNG implementation that allows the extra functionality of a StatefulRandomness and a SkippingRandomness, as well as allowing reverse-lookup of the state that produced a long using the static MoonwalkRNG.inverseNextLong(long) method, and distance checks between two generated numbers with the static MoonwalkRNG.distance(long, long) method.
    class  RNG
    A wrapper class for working with random number generators in a more friendly way.
    class  SilkRNG
    An IStatefulRNG implementation that is meant to provide random numbers very quickly when targeting GWT but also to produce the same numbers when used on desktop, Android, or other platforms, and that can have its state read as a StatefulRandomness; it is thus like GWTRNG but should perform better on recent desktop JVMs.
    class  StatefulRNG
    A slight variant on RNG that always uses a stateful RandomessSource and so can have its state set or retrieved using setState() or getState().
    class  TweakRNG
    Somewhat experimental RNG that can be configured to smoothly transition between producing mostly values in the center of its range, to producing more values at or near the extremes, as well as favoring high or low results.
    Fields in squidpony.squidmath declared as IRNG 
    Modifier and Type Field Description
    IRNG GapShuffler.rng  
    IRNG RandomBias.rng  
    IRNG TwistedLine.rng  
    Methods in squidpony.squidmath that return IRNG 
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    abstract IRNG AbstractRNG.copy()
    Creates a copy of this IRNG; it will generate the same random numbers, given the same calls in order, as this IRNG at the point copy() is called.
    IRNG IRNG.copy()
    Creates a copy of this IRNG; it will generate the same random numbers, given the same calls in order, as this IRNG at the point copy() is called.
    IRNG TwistedLine.getRng()  
    IRNG GapShuffler.getRNG()  
    Methods in squidpony.squidmath with parameters of type IRNG 
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    static int[][] BlueNoise.blueSpill​(int[][] toFill, int spillerLimit, IRNG rng)
    Modifies toFill in-place by filling it with the (seeded variant) blue noise of this class, finding any points with values less than spillerLimit when brought into a 0-255 range, and then expanding those points pseudo-randomly while keeping the same value for any expanded range as its original point.
    static int[][] BlueNoise.blueSpill​(int width, int height, int spillerLimit, IRNG rng)
    Generates a 2D int array (as with new int[width][height]) and fills it with the (seeded variant) blue noise of this class, finding any points with values less than spillerLimit when brought into a 0-255 range, and then expanding those points pseudo-randomly while keeping the same value for any expanded range as its original point.
    Coord Region.getRandomCoord​(IRNG rng)
    Gets a single random Coord from this using the given RNG (which can be seeded); returns null if this is empty.
    int IntVLA.getRandomElement​(IRNG random)  
    static double[] TuringPattern.initialize​(int width, int height, IRNG rng)
    Initializes a substance array that can be given to other static methods.
    static double[] TuringPattern.initializeInto​(double[] substance, IRNG rng)
    Initializes a substance array that can be given to other static methods.
    static ArrayList<Coord> WobblyLine.line​(int startX, int startY, int endX, int endY, int width, int height, double weight, IRNG rng)
    Draws a line from (startX, startY) to (endX, endY) using the Drunkard's Walk algorithm.
    double BathtubDistribution.nextDouble​(IRNG rng)
    double CurvedBoundedDistribution.nextDouble​(IRNG rng)  
    double ExponentialDistribution.nextDouble​(IRNG rng)  
    double GaussianDistribution.nextDouble​(IRNG rng)  
    double IDistribution.nextDouble​(IRNG rng)
    Gets a double between IDistribution.getLowerBound() and IDistribution.getUpperBound() that obeys this distribution.
    double SpikeDistribution.nextDouble​(IRNG rng)
    Gets a double between SpikeDistribution.getLowerBound() and SpikeDistribution.getUpperBound() that obeys this distribution.
    double SpikeDistribution.SimpleSpikeDistribution.nextDouble​(IRNG rng)
    int IntSet.random​(IRNG rng)
    Gets a random int from this IntSet, using the given IRNG to generate random values.
    A K2.randomA​(IRNG random)
    Gets a random A from this K2 using the given IRNG.
    A K2V1.randomA​(IRNG random)
    Gets a random A from this K2V1 using the given IRNG.
    B K2.randomB​(IRNG random)
    Gets a random B from this K2 using the given IRNG.
    B K2V1.randomB​(IRNG random)
    Gets a random B from this K2V1 using the given IRNG.
    Map.Entry<K,​Integer> Arrangement.randomEntry​(IRNG rng)
    Gets a random entry from this Arrangement in constant time, using the given IRNG to generate a random number.
    IntDoubleOrderedMap.MapEntry IntDoubleOrderedMap.randomEntry​(IRNG rng)
    Gets a random entry from this OrderedMap in constant time, using the given IRNG to generate a random number.
    IntIntOrderedMap.MapEntry IntIntOrderedMap.randomEntry​(IRNG rng)
    Gets a random entry from this OrderedMap in constant time, using the given IRNG to generate a random number.
    Map.Entry<K,​V> OrderedMap.randomEntry​(IRNG rng)
    Gets a random entry from this OrderedMap in constant time, using the given IRNG to generate a random number.
    K OrderedSet.randomItem​(IRNG rng)
    Gets a random value from this OrderedSet in constant time, using the given IRNG to generate a random number.
    K Arrangement.randomKey​(IRNG rng)
    Gets a random key from this Arrangement in constant time, using the given IRNG to generate a random number.
    int IntDoubleOrderedMap.randomKey​(IRNG rng)
    Gets a random key from this OrderedMap in constant time, using the given IRNG to generate a random number.
    int IntIntOrderedMap.randomKey​(IRNG rng)
    Gets a random key from this OrderedMap in constant time, using the given IRNG to generate a random number.
    K OrderedMap.randomKey​(IRNG rng)
    Gets a random key from this OrderedMap in constant time, using the given IRNG to generate a random number.
    static ArrayList<Coord> CoordPacker.randomPortion​(short[] packed, int size, IRNG rng)
    Gets a fixed number of randomly chosen positions that are "on" in the given packed array, without unpacking it, and returns a List of Coord with a count equal to size (or less if there aren't enough "on" cells).
    Coord[] GreasedRegion.randomPortion​(IRNG rng, int size)  
    Q K2V1.randomQ​(IRNG random)
    Gets a random Q from this K2V1 using the given IRNG.
    GreasedRegion GreasedRegion.randomRegion​(IRNG rng, int size)  
    static Coord[] CoordPacker.randomSample​(short[] packed, double fraction, IRNG rng)
    Gets a random subset of positions that are "on" in the given packed array, without unpacking it, and returns them as a Coord[].
    GreasedRegion GreasedRegion.randomScatter​(IRNG rng, int minimumDistance)
    Modifies this GreasedRegion so it contains a random subset of its previous contents, choosing cells so that the distance between any two "on" cells is at least minimumDistance, with at least one cell as "on" if any were "on" in this originally.
    GreasedRegion GreasedRegion.randomScatter​(IRNG rng, int minimumDistance, int limit)
    Modifies this GreasedRegion so it contains a random subset of its previous contents, choosing cells so that the distance between any two "on" cells is at least minimumDistance, with at least one cell as "on" if any were "on" in this originally.
    static Coord[] CoordPacker.randomSeparated​(short[] packed, int separation, IRNG rng)
    Gets the positions that are "on" in the given packed array, without unpacking it, repeatedly goes through a number of "on" cells equal to fraction and stores a random one of those cells as a Coord, and returns the accumulated random portion of positions as a Coord[].
    Coord[] GreasedRegion.randomSeparated​(double fraction, IRNG rng)
    Don't use this in new code; prefer GreasedRegion.mixedRandomSeparated(double, int, long) with a random long as the last parameter.
    Coord[] GreasedRegion.randomSeparated​(double fraction, IRNG rng, int limit)
    Don't use this in new code; prefer GreasedRegion.mixedRandomSeparated(double, int, long) with a random long as the last parameter.
    Region Region.randomSeparated​(int separation, IRNG rng)
    Takes this region and walks through its Coords in chunks with length equal to separation, creating a new Region where one randomly-chosen Coord in each chunk is kept and the others are discarded.
    static Coord PoissonDisk.randomUnblockedTile​(Coord minPosition, Coord maxPosition, char[][] map, IRNG rng, HashSet<Character> blocked)
    Finds a random Coord where the x and y match up to a [x][y] location on map that has any value not in blocking.
    int Arrangement.randomValue​(IRNG rng)
    Gets a random value from this Arrangement in constant time, using the given IRNG to generate a random number.
    double IntDoubleOrderedMap.randomValue​(IRNG rng)
    Gets a random value from this OrderedMap in constant time, using the given IRNG to generate a random number.
    int IntIntOrderedMap.randomValue​(IRNG rng)
    Gets a random value from this OrderedMap in constant time, using the given IRNG to generate a random number.
    V OrderedMap.randomValue​(IRNG rng)
    Gets a random value from this OrderedMap in constant time, using the given IRNG to generate a random number.
    GreasedRegion GreasedRegion.refill​(IRNG random, int width, int height)
    Reassigns this GreasedRegion by filling it with random values from random, reusing the current data storage (without extra allocations) if this.width == width and this.height == height, and typically assigning approximately half of the cells in this to "on" and the rest to off.
    static OrderedSet<Coord> PoissonDisk.sampleCircle​(Coord center, float radius, float minimumDistance, int maxX, int maxY, int pointsPerIteration, IRNG rng)
    Get a list of Coords, each randomly positioned around the given center out to the given radius (measured with Euclidean distance, so a true circle), but with the given minimum distance from any other Coord in the list.
    static OrderedSet<Coord> PoissonDisk.sampleMap​(char[][] map, float minimumDistance, IRNG rng, Character... blocking)  
    static OrderedSet<Coord> PoissonDisk.sampleMap​(Coord minPosition, Coord maxPosition, char[][] map, float minimumDistance, IRNG rng, Character... blocking)  
    static OrderedSet<Coord> PoissonDisk.sampleRectangle​(Coord minPosition, Coord maxPosition, float minimumDistance, int maxX, int maxY, int pointsPerIteration, IRNG rng)
    Get a list of Coords, each randomly positioned within the rectangle between the given minPosition and maxPosition, but with the given minimum distance from any other Coord in the list.
    void Dice.setRandom​(IRNG rng)
    Sets the random number generator to be used.
    void TwistedLine.setRng​(IRNG rng)  
    void GapShuffler.setRNG​(IRNG rng)
    Sets the IRNG this uses to shuffle the order of elements, always copying the given IRNG before using it.
    void GapShuffler.setRNG​(IRNG rng, boolean shareRNG)
    Sets the IRNG this uses to shuffle the order of elements, optionally sharing a reference between outside code and the internal rng (when shareRNG is true).
    Arrangement<K> Arrangement.shuffle​(IRNG rng)
    Randomly alters the iteration order for this Arrangement using the given IRNG to shuffle.
    void DelaunayTriangulator.shuffle​(IRNG rng)
    Creates a random permutation of the specified point set.
    IntDoubleOrderedMap IntDoubleOrderedMap.shuffle​(IRNG rng)
    Randomly alters the iteration order for this OrderedMap using the given IRNG to shuffle.
    IntIntOrderedMap IntIntOrderedMap.shuffle​(IRNG rng)
    Randomly alters the iteration order for this OrderedMap using the given IRNG to shuffle.
    IntVLA IntVLA.shuffle​(IRNG random)
    Shuffles this IntVLA in place using the given IRNG.
    K2<A,​B> K2.shuffle​(IRNG rng)
    Generates a random ordering with rng and applies the same ordering to all kinds of keys this has; they will maintain their current association to other keys but their ordering/indices will change.
    K2V1<A,​B,​Q> K2V1.shuffle​(IRNG rng)
    Generates a random ordering with rng and applies the same ordering to all keys and values this has; they will maintain their current association to other keys and values but their ordering/indices will change.
    OrderedMap<K,​V> OrderedMap.shuffle​(IRNG rng)
    Randomly alters the iteration order for this OrderedMap using the given IRNG to shuffle.
    OrderedSet<K> OrderedSet.shuffle​(IRNG rng)
    Randomly alters the iteration order for this OrderedSet using the given IRNG to shuffle.
    void Voronoi.shuffle​(IRNG rng)
    Creates a random permutation of the specified point set.
    static Coord CoordPacker.singleRandom​(short[] packed, IRNG rng)
    Gets a single randomly chosen position that is "on" in the given packed array, without unpacking it, and returns it as a Coord or returns null of the array is empty.
    Coord GreasedRegion.singleRandom​(IRNG rng)
    Gets a single random Coord from the "on" positions in this GreasedRegion, or the Coord (-1,-1) if this is empty.
    int GreasedRegion.singleRandomTight​(IRNG rng)  
    static short[] CoordPacker.spill​(short[] bounds, short[] start, int volume, IRNG rng)
    Given a packed array encoding a larger area, a packed array encoding one or more points inside bounds, an IRNG, and a volume in cells, expands a random cell in start in a random Manhattan (diamond) direction equal, then continues to expand from random cells in start or the expanded area until it has filled volume cells, limiting any expansion to within bounds and returning the final expanded (limited) packed data.
    GreasedRegion GreasedRegion.spill​(GreasedRegion bounds, int volume, IRNG rng)
    A randomized flood-fill that modifies this GreasedRegion so it randomly adds adjacent cells while staying inside the "on" cells of bounds, until GreasedRegion.size() is equal to volume or there are no more cells this can expand into.
    Constructors in squidpony.squidmath with parameters of type IRNG 
    Constructor Description
    Dice​(IRNG rng)
    Creates a new dice roller that uses the given IRNG, which can be seeded before it's given here.
    GapShuffler​(Collection<T> items, IRNG rng)
    Constructor that takes any Collection of T, shuffles it with the given RNG, and can then iterate infinitely through mostly-random shuffles of the given collection.
    GapShuffler​(Collection<T> items, IRNG rng, boolean shareRNG)
    Constructor that takes any Collection of T, shuffles it with the given RNG, and can then iterate infinitely through mostly-random shuffles of the given collection.
    GapShuffler​(T[] items, IRNG rng)
    Constructor that takes any Collection of T, shuffles it with the given RNG, and can then iterate infinitely through mostly-random shuffles of the given collection.
    GapShuffler​(T[] items, IRNG rng, boolean shareRNG)
    Constructor that takes any Collection of T, shuffles it with the given RNG, and can then iterate infinitely through mostly-random shuffles of the given collection.
    GreasedRegion​(IRNG random, int width, int height)
    Constructor for a random GreasedRegion of the given width and height, typically assigning approximately half of the cells in this to "on" and the rest to off.
    NeuralParticle​(int width, int height, int maxDistance, IRNG rng)  
    RandomBias​(IRNG rng)  
    RandomBias​(IRNG rng, Map<String,​Double> mapping)  
    RandomBias​(IRNG rng, Map<String,​Double> mapping, int distribution)  
    TwistedLine​(int width, int height, IRNG rng)