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BonusConverters - Class in
Created by Tommy Ettinger on 4/22/2017.
BonusConverters() - Constructor for class
BundleBiMap<E,​S> - Class in squidpony.squidmath
An ordered bidirectional map-like data structure, with "bundles" of unique E (for Element) keys and unique S (for Single) keys updated together like a map that can be queried by E key bundles, S keys, or int indices, as well as like a multimap that can be queried by lone E keys.
BundleBiMap() - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.BundleBiMap
Constructs an empty BundleBiMap.
BundleBiMap(int) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.BundleBiMap
Constructs a BundleBiMap with the expected number of indices to hold (the number of bundles and number of S items is always the same, and this will be more efficient if expected is greater than that number).
BundleBiMap(int, float) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.BundleBiMap
Constructs a BundleBiMap with the expected number of indices to hold (the number of bundles and number of S items is always the same, and this will be more efficient if expected is greater than that number) and the load factor to use, between 0.1f and 0.8f usually (using load factors higher than 0.8f can cause problems).
BundleBiMap(BundleBiMap<E, S>) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.BundleBiMap
Constructs a BundleBiMap using another BundleBiMap to copy.
BundleBundleBiMap<E1,​E2> - Class in squidpony.squidmath
An ordered bidirectional map-like data structure, with "bundles" of unique E1 (Element type 1) keys and unique E2 (Element type 2) keys updated together like a map that can be queried by E1 key bundles, E2 key bundles, or int indices, as well as like a multimap that can be queried by lone E1 or E2 keys.
BundleBundleBiMap() - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.BundleBundleBiMap
Constructs an empty BundleBiMap.
BundleBundleBiMap(int) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.BundleBundleBiMap
Constructs a BundleBiMap with the expected number of indices to hold (the number of bundles and number of E2 items is always the same, and this will be more efficient if expected is greater than that number).
BundleBundleBiMap(int, float) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.BundleBundleBiMap
Constructs a BundleBiMap with the expected number of indices to hold (the number of bundles and number of E2 items is always the same, and this will be more efficient if expected is greater than that number) and the load factor to use, between 0.1f and 0.8f usually (using load factors higher than 0.8f can cause problems).
BundleBundleBiMap(BundleBundleBiMap<E1, E2>) - Constructor for class squidpony.squidmath.BundleBundleBiMap
Constructs a BundleBiMap using another BundleBiMap to copy.
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