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Class Description
Created by Tommy Ettinger on 4/22/2017.
An ordered bidirectional map-like data structure, with "bundles" of unique E (for Element) keys and unique S (for Single) keys updated together like a map that can be queried by E key bundles, S keys, or int indices, as well as like a multimap that can be queried by lone E keys.
An ordered bidirectional map-like data structure, with "bundles" of unique E1 (Element type 1) keys and unique E2 (Element type 2) keys updated together like a map that can be queried by E1 key bundles, E2 key bundles, or int indices, as well as like a multimap that can be queried by lone E1 or E2 keys.
A variant of DataConverter (and an extension of libGDX's Json class) that compresses its JSON output and reads compressed input.
Augmented version of LibGDX's Json class that knows how to handle various data types common in SquidLib.
This makes java.util.Random available for testing purposes.
A variant of JsonConverter (and an extension of libGDX's Json class) that compresses its JSON output and reads compressed input.
Augmented version of LibGDX's Json class that knows how to handle various data types common in SquidLib.
Helps games store information in libGDX's Preferences class as Strings, then get it back out.
A bi-directional mapping of non-unique objects to positions in an ordering (which this generates), and vice versa.
An ordered multi-directional "map" that keeps 1 or more keysets organized so you can look up one key given a key in another keyset, and do the same for the indices of keys.
Helps games store information in libGDX's Preferences class as Strings, then get it back out.
Created by Tommy Ettinger on 1/2/2017.
Helps games store information in libGDX's Preferences class as Strings, then get it back out.