Uses of Class

  • Uses of SquidColorCenter in squidpony.squidgrid.gui.gdx

    Methods in squidpony.squidgrid.gui.gdx that return SquidColorCenter 
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    static SquidColorCenter DefaultResources.getSCC()
    This is a static global SquidColorCenter that can be used in places that just need an existing object that can do things like analyze hue or saturation of a color.
    Methods in squidpony.squidgrid.gui.gdx with parameters of type SquidColorCenter 
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void SquidColorCenter.copyCache​(SquidColorCenter other)
    You may want to copy colors between IColorCenter instances that have different create() methods -- and as such, will have different values for the same keys in the cache.
    Constructors in squidpony.squidgrid.gui.gdx with parameters of type SquidColorCenter 
    Constructor Description
    SquidLayers​(int gridWidth, int gridHeight, int cellWidth, int cellHeight, bitmapFont, SquidColorCenter bgColorCenter, SquidColorCenter fgColorCenter)
    Create a new SquidLayers widget with the given BitmapFont (already constructed), the given number of cells for gridWidth and gridHeight, and the size in pixels for each cell given by cellWidth and cellHeight.
    SquidLayers​(int gridWidth, int gridHeight, int cellWidth, int cellHeight, String fontpath, SquidColorCenter bgColorCenter, SquidColorCenter fgColorCenter)
    Create a new SquidLayers widget with the given path to a BitmapFont file, the given number of cells for gridWidth and gridHeight, and the size in pixels for each cell given by cellWidth and cellHeight.
    SquidLayers​(int gridWidth, int gridHeight, int cellWidth, int cellHeight, SquidColorCenter bgColorCenter, SquidColorCenter fgColorCenter)
    Create a new SquidLayers widget with a default stretchable font (it will adapt to the cellWidth and cellHeight you give it), the given number of cells for gridWidth and gridHeight, the size in pixels for each cell given by cellWidth and cellHeight, and the given SquidColorCenter instances to affect colors.
    SquidLayers​(int gridWidth, int gridHeight, int cellWidth, int cellHeight, TextCellFactory tcf, SquidColorCenter bgColorCenter, SquidColorCenter fgColorCenter)
    Create a new SquidLayers widget with the given TextCellFactory, the given number of cells for gridWidth and gridHeight, the size in pixels for each cell given by cellWidth and cellHeight, and the given SquidColorCenters for background and foreground.
    SquidLayers​(int gridWidth, int gridHeight, int cellWidth, int cellHeight, TextCellFactory tcf, SquidColorCenter bgColorCenter, SquidColorCenter fgColorCenter, char[][] actualMap)
    Create a new SquidLayers widget with the given TextCellFactory, the given number of cells for gridWidth and gridHeight, the size in pixels for each cell given by cellWidth and cellHeight, the given SquidColorCenters for background and foreground, and the given 2D char array for an area map that may be sized differently than gridWidth by gridHeight (it is usually larger than gridWidth by gridHeight, which allows camera scrolling across the map).