Uses of Interface

Packages that use SkippingRandomness 
Package Description
A very broad package containing random number generators, geometry tools, data structures, and noise functions.
  • Uses of SkippingRandomness in squidpony.squidmath

    Classes in squidpony.squidmath that implement SkippingRandomness 
    Modifier and Type Class Description
    class  LightRNG
    This is a SplittableRandom-style generator, meant to have a tiny state that permits storing many different generators with low overhead.
    class  MoonwalkRNG
    An IRNG implementation that allows the extra functionality of a StatefulRandomness and a SkippingRandomness, as well as allowing reverse-lookup of the state that produced a long using the static MoonwalkRNG.inverseNextLong(long) method, and distance checks between two generated numbers with the static MoonwalkRNG.distance(long, long) method.
    class  PermutedRNG
    This is a RandomnessSource in the PCG-Random family.
    class  PulleyRNG
    A very-high-quality StatefulRandomness that is meant to be reasonably fast, but also to be robust against frequent state changes, and is built around a strong determine() method.
    class  TangleRNG
    A very fast generator on 64-bit systems that allows choosing any of 2 to the 63 odd-number streams.
    class  ThrustAltRNG
    A random number generator that is extremely fast but can't return all possible results.