002 Copyright 2011 See AUTHORS file.
004 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
005 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
006 You may obtain a copy of the License at
008 http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
010 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
011 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
012 WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
013 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
014 limitations under the License.
015 */
017package squidpony.squidgrid.gui.gdx;
019import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Color;
020import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.g2d.Batch;
021import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Frustum;
022import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.GdxRuntimeException;
023import squidpony.StringKit;
024import squidpony.squidmath.HashCommon;
025import squidpony.squidmath.IntVLA;
026import squidpony.squidmath.NumberTools;
028import java.util.Arrays;
029import java.util.Iterator;
030import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
033 * An unordered map where the keys are two positive ints up to 16 bits (x and y, between 0 and 65535) and there are
034 * multiple kinds of value per key, here just a char and a float for color. Can be rendered if given a running Batch
035 * and a TextCellFactory using {@link #draw(Batch, TextCellFactory, Frustum)}.
036 * <br>
037 *
038 * @author Nathan Sweet
039 * @author Tommy Ettinger
040 */
041public class SparseTextMap implements Iterable<SparseTextMap.Entry> {
042    private static final int EMPTY = 0;
044    public int size;
046    private int[] keyTable;
047    private char[] charValueTable;
048    private float[] floatValueTable;
049    private final IntVLA keys;
051    private char zeroChar;
052    private float zeroFloat;
053    private boolean hasZeroValue;
055    private float loadFactor;
056    private int shift, mask, threshold;
058    private transient Entries entries1, entries2;
059    private transient CharValues charValues1, charValues2;
060    private transient FloatValues floatValues1, floatValues2;
061    private transient Keys keys1, keys2;
063    /**
064     * Creates a new map with an initial capacity of 192 and a load factor of 0.75.
065     */
066    public SparseTextMap() {
067        this(256, 0.75f);
068    }
070    /**
071     * Creates a new map with a load factor of 0.75.
072     *
073     * @param initialCapacity If not a power of two, it is increased to the next nearest power of two.
074     */
075    public SparseTextMap(int initialCapacity) {
076        this(initialCapacity, 0.75f);
077    }
079    /**
080     * Creates a new map with the specified initial capacity and load factor. This map will hold initialCapacity items before
081     * growing the backing table.
082     *
083     * @param initialCapacity If not a power of two, it is increased to the next nearest power of two.
084     */
085    public SparseTextMap(int initialCapacity, float loadFactor) {
086        if (initialCapacity < 0)
087            throw new IllegalArgumentException("initialCapacity must be >= 0: " + initialCapacity);
088        if (loadFactor <= 0f || loadFactor >= 1f)
089            throw new IllegalArgumentException("loadFactor must be > 0 and < 1: " + loadFactor);
090        initialCapacity = HashCommon.nextPowerOfTwo((int)Math.ceil(initialCapacity / loadFactor));
091        if (initialCapacity > 1 << 30)
092            throw new IllegalArgumentException("initialCapacity is too large: " + initialCapacity);
094        this.loadFactor = loadFactor;
096        threshold = (int)(initialCapacity * loadFactor);
097        mask = initialCapacity - 1;
098        shift = Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(mask);
100        keyTable = new int[initialCapacity];
101        charValueTable = new char[initialCapacity];
102        floatValueTable = new float[initialCapacity];
103        keys = new IntVLA(initialCapacity);
104    }
106    /**
107     * Creates a new map identical to the specified map.
108     */
109    public SparseTextMap(SparseTextMap map) {
110        loadFactor = map.loadFactor;
111        threshold = map.threshold;
112        mask = map.mask;
113        shift = map.shift;
114        keyTable = new int[map.keyTable.length];
115        System.arraycopy(map.keyTable, 0, keyTable, 0, map.keyTable.length);
116        charValueTable = new char[map.charValueTable.length];
117        System.arraycopy(map.charValueTable, 0, charValueTable, 0, map.charValueTable.length);
118        floatValueTable = new float[map.floatValueTable.length];
119        System.arraycopy(map.floatValueTable, 0, floatValueTable, 0, map.floatValueTable.length);
120        size = map.size;
121        zeroChar = map.zeroChar;
122        zeroFloat = map.zeroFloat;
123        hasZeroValue = map.hasZeroValue;
124        keys = new IntVLA(map.keys);
125    }
127    /**
128     * Draws the contents of this SparseTextMap, using the keys as x,y pairs as they would be entered by calling
129     * {@link #place(int, int, char, float)} and drawing the associated char at that x,y position. Uses a
130     * {@link Frustum} object, usually obtained from the current Camera with
131     * {@link com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Camera#frustum}, to cull anything that would be drawn out of view. Treats the
132     * float value as a color for the char, using the encoding for colors as floats that {@link Color#toFloatBits()}
133     * uses. Relies on the sizing information from the given TextCellFactory (its
134     * {@link TextCellFactory#actualCellWidth} and {@link TextCellFactory#actualCellHeight}, which may differ from its
135     * width and height if either of {@link TextCellFactory#tweakWidth(float)} or
136     * {@link TextCellFactory#tweakHeight(float)} were called). It also, of course, uses the TextCellFactory to
137     * determine what its text will look like (font, size, and so on). The TextCellFactory must have been initialized,
138     * probably with {@link TextCellFactory#initBySize()} after setting the width and height as desired. This method
139     * should be called between {@code batch.begin()} and {@code batch.end()} with the Batch passed to this.
140     *
141     * @param batch       the {@link FilterBatch} or other Batch used to draw this; should have already have had begin() called
142     * @param textFactory used to determine the font, size, cell size, and other information; must be initialized
143     */
144    public void draw(Batch batch, TextCellFactory textFactory) {
145        draw(batch, textFactory, 0f, 0f);
146    }
147    /**
148     * Draws the contents of this SparseTextMap, using the keys as x,y pairs as they would be entered by calling
149     * {@link #place(int, int, char, float)} and drawing the associated char at that x,y position, potentially with an
150     * offset on x and/or y. Uses a {@link Frustum} object, usually obtained from the current Camera with
151     * {@link com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Camera#frustum}, to cull anything that would be drawn out of view. Treats the
152     * float value as a color for the char, using the encoding for colors as floats that {@link Color#toFloatBits()}
153     * uses. Relies on the sizing information from the given TextCellFactory (its
154     * {@link TextCellFactory#actualCellWidth} and {@link TextCellFactory#actualCellHeight}, which may differ from its
155     * width and height if either of {@link TextCellFactory#tweakWidth(float)} or
156     * {@link TextCellFactory#tweakHeight(float)} were called). It also, of course, uses the TextCellFactory to
157     * determine what its text will look like (font, size, and so on). The TextCellFactory must have been initialized,
158     * probably with {@link TextCellFactory#initBySize()} after setting the width and height as desired. This method
159     * should be called between {@code batch.begin()} and {@code batch.end()} with the Batch passed to this.
160     *
161     * @param batch       the {@link FilterBatch} or other Batch used to draw this; should have already have had begin() called
162     * @param textFactory used to determine the font, size, cell size, and other information; must be initialized
163     * @param screenOffsetX offset to apply to the x position of each char rendered; positive moves chars right
164     * @param screenOffsetY offset to apply to the y position of each char rendered; positive moves chars up
165     */
166    public void draw(Batch batch, TextCellFactory textFactory, float screenOffsetX, float screenOffsetY) {
167        //textFactory.configureShader(batch);
168        final float widthInc = textFactory.actualCellWidth, heightInc = -textFactory.actualCellHeight;
169        int n;
170        for (Entry entry : entries()) {
171            n = entry.key;
172//            n ^= n >>> 16;
173//            n *= 0xA123B;
175//            n ^= n << 26;
176//            n ^= n >>> 15;
177//            n ^= n << 17;
178            textFactory.draw(batch, entry.charValue, entry.floatValue,
179                    (n & 0xFFFF) * widthInc + screenOffsetX, (n >>> 16) * heightInc + screenOffsetY);
180        }
181    }
182    /**
183     * Draws the contents of this SparseTextMap, using the keys as x,y pairs as they would be entered by calling
184     * {@link #place(int, int, char, float)} and drawing the associated char at that x,y position. Uses a
185     * {@link Frustum} object, usually obtained from the current Camera with
186     * {@link com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Camera#frustum}, to cull anything that would be drawn out of view. Treats the
187     * float value as a color for the char, using the encoding for colors as floats that {@link Color#toFloatBits()}
188     * uses. Relies on the sizing information from the given TextCellFactory (its
189     * {@link TextCellFactory#actualCellWidth} and {@link TextCellFactory#actualCellHeight}, which may differ from its
190     * width and height if either of {@link TextCellFactory#tweakWidth(float)} or
191     * {@link TextCellFactory#tweakHeight(float)} were called). It also, of course, uses the TextCellFactory to
192     * determine what its text will look like (font, size, and so on). The TextCellFactory must have been initialized,
193     * probably with {@link TextCellFactory#initBySize()} after setting the width and height as desired. This method
194     * should be called between {@code batch.begin()} and {@code batch.end()} with the Batch passed to this.
195     *
196     * @param batch       the {@link FilterBatch} or other Batch used to draw this; should have already have had begin() called
197     * @param textFactory used to determine the font, size, cell size, and other information; must be initialized
198     * @param frustum     a {@link Frustum} object to determine culling, almost always obtained from {@link com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Camera#frustum}
199     */
200    public void draw(Batch batch, TextCellFactory textFactory, Frustum frustum) {
201        draw(batch, textFactory, frustum, 0f, 0f);
202    }
203    /**
204     * Draws the contents of this SparseTextMap, using the keys as x,y pairs as they would be entered by calling
205     * {@link #place(int, int, char, float)} and drawing the associated char at that x,y position, potentially with an
206     * offset on x and/or y. Uses a {@link Frustum} object, usually obtained from the current Camera with
207     * {@link com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Camera#frustum}, to cull anything that would be drawn out of view. Treats the
208     * float value as a color for the char, using the encoding for colors as floats that {@link Color#toFloatBits()}
209     * uses. Relies on the sizing information from the given TextCellFactory (its
210     * {@link TextCellFactory#actualCellWidth} and {@link TextCellFactory#actualCellHeight}, which may differ from its
211     * width and height if either of {@link TextCellFactory#tweakWidth(float)} or
212     * {@link TextCellFactory#tweakHeight(float)} were called). It also, of course, uses the TextCellFactory to
213     * determine what its text will look like (font, size, and so on). The TextCellFactory must have been initialized,
214     * probably with {@link TextCellFactory#initBySize()} after setting the width and height as desired. This method
215     * should be called between {@code batch.begin()} and {@code batch.end()} with the Batch passed to this.
216     *
217     * @param batch       the {@link FilterBatch} or other Batch used to draw this; should have already have had begin() called
218     * @param textFactory used to determine the font, size, cell size, and other information; must be initialized
219     * @param frustum     a {@link Frustum} object to determine culling, almost always obtained from {@link com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Camera#frustum}
220     * @param screenOffsetX offset to apply to the x position of each char rendered; positive moves chars right
221     * @param screenOffsetY offset to apply to the y position of each char rendered; positive moves chars up
222     */
223    public void draw(Batch batch, TextCellFactory textFactory, Frustum frustum, float screenOffsetX, float screenOffsetY) {
224        //textFactory.configureShader(batch);
225        final float widthInc = textFactory.actualCellWidth, heightInc = -textFactory.actualCellHeight;
226        float x, y;
227        int n;
228        for (Entry entry : entries()) {
229            n = entry.key;
230//            n ^= n >>> 16;
231//            n *= 0xA123B;
233//            n ^= n << 26;
234//            n ^= n >>> 15;
235//            n ^= n << 17;
236            x = (n & 0xFFFF) * widthInc + screenOffsetX;
237            y = (n >>> 16) * heightInc + screenOffsetY;
238            if(frustum.boundsInFrustum(x, y, 0f, widthInc, -heightInc, 0f))
239                textFactory.draw(batch, entry.charValue, entry.floatValue, x, y);
240        }
241    }
243    /**
244     * Draws the contents of this SparseTextMap, using the keys as x,y pairs as they would be entered by calling
245     * {@link #place(int, int, char, float)} and drawing the char replacement at that x,y position, potentially with an
246     * offset on x and/or y. Uses a {@link Frustum} object, usually obtained from the current Camera with
247     * {@link com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Camera#frustum}, to cull anything that would be drawn out of view. Treats the
248     * float value as a color for replacement, using the encoding for colors as floats that {@link Color#toFloatBits()}
249     * uses. Relies on the sizing information from the given TextCellFactory (its
250     * {@link TextCellFactory#actualCellWidth} and {@link TextCellFactory#actualCellHeight}, which may differ from its
251     * width and height if either of {@link TextCellFactory#tweakWidth(float)} or
252     * {@link TextCellFactory#tweakHeight(float)} were called). It also, of course, uses the TextCellFactory to
253     * determine what its text will look like (font, size, and so on). The TextCellFactory must have been initialized,
254     * probably with {@link TextCellFactory#initBySize()} after setting the width and height as desired. This method
255     * should be called between {@code batch.begin()} and {@code batch.end()} with the Batch passed to this.
256     *
257     * @param batch       the {@link FilterBatch} or other Batch used to draw this; should have already have had begin() called
258     * @param textFactory used to determine the font, size, cell size, and other information; must be initialized
259     * @param frustum     a {@link Frustum} object to determine culling, almost always obtained from {@link com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Camera#frustum}
260     * @param screenOffsetX offset to apply to the x position of each char rendered; positive moves chars right
261     * @param screenOffsetY offset to apply to the y position of each char rendered; positive moves chars up
262     * @param replacement a char that will be used in place of the normal char values stored in this; often the char
263     *                    with Unicode value 0, which renders as a solid block.
264     */
265    public void draw(Batch batch, TextCellFactory textFactory, Frustum frustum, float screenOffsetX, float screenOffsetY, char replacement) {
266        //textFactory.configureShader(batch);
267        final float widthInc = textFactory.actualCellWidth, heightInc = -textFactory.actualCellHeight;
268        float x, y;
269        int n;
270        for (Entry entry : entries()) {
271            n = entry.key;
272//            n ^= n >>> 16;
273//            n *= 0xA123B;
275//            n ^= n << 26;
276//            n ^= n >>> 15;
277//            n ^= n << 17;
278//            n =    ((n & 0x22222222) << 1) | ((n >>> 1) & 0x22222222) | (n & 0x99999999);
279//            n =    ((n & 0x0c0c0c0c) << 2) | ((n >>> 2) & 0x0c0c0c0c) | (n & 0xc3c3c3c3);
280//            n =    ((n & 0x00f000f0) << 4) | ((n >>> 4) & 0x00f000f0) | (n & 0xf00ff00f);
281//            n =    ((n & 0x0000ff00) << 8) | ((n >>> 8) & 0x0000ff00) | (n & 0xff0000ff);
282            x = (n & 0xFFFF) * widthInc + screenOffsetX;
283            y = (n >>> 16) * heightInc + screenOffsetY;
284            if(frustum.boundsInFrustum(x, y, 0f, widthInc, -heightInc, 0f)) 
285                textFactory.draw(batch, replacement, entry.floatValue, x, y);
286        }
287    }
289    /**
290     * Packs the given x,y position into one int in the type that is used elsewhere in this class.
291     * This requires x and y to each be between 0 and 65535, both inclusive.
292     *
293     * @param x the x component to encode; this must be between 0 and 65535, both inclusive
294     * @param y the y component to encode; this must be between 0 and 65535, both inclusive
295     * @return an encoded form of the x,y pair in the style used elsewhere in this class
296     */
297    public static int encodePosition(final int x, final int y) {
298        return (x | y << 16);
299//        final int n = (x | y << 16) * 0x4F6F3;
300//        return n ^ n >>> 16;
302//        n ^= n << 17;
303//        n ^= n >>> 15;
304//        n ^= n >>> 30;
305//        return n ^ n << 26;
306        //return GreasedRegion.interleaveBits(x, y);
307    }
309    /**
310     * Decodes a packed position and gets the x component from it, if it was produced by
311     * {@link #encodePosition(int, int)} or {@link #place(int, int, char, float)}.
312     *
313     * @param encoded a packed position that holds x and y components
314     * @return the x component packed in the parameter
315     */
316    public static int decodeX(final int encoded) {
317        return encoded & 0xFFFF;
318//        return ((encoded ^ encoded >>> 16) * 0xA123B) & 0xFFFF;
319//        encoded ^= encoded << 26;
320//        return (encoded ^ encoded >>> 15) & 0xFFFF;
321        //return GreasedRegion.disperseBits(encoded) & 0xFFFF;
322    }
324    /**
325     * Decodes a packed position and gets the y component from it, if it was produced by
326     * {@link #encodePosition(int, int)} or {@link #place(int, int, char, float)}.
327     *
328     * @param encoded a packed position that holds x and y components
329     * @return the y component packed in the parameter
330     */
331    public static int decodeY(final int encoded) {
332        return encoded >>> 16;
333//        return ((encoded ^ encoded >>> 16) * 0xA123B) >>> 16;
334//        encoded ^= encoded << 26;
335//        encoded ^= encoded >>> 15;
336//        return (encoded ^ encoded << 17) >>> 16;
337        //return GreasedRegion.disperseBits(encoded) >>> 16;
338    }
340    private int fibonacci(final int item) {
341        // shift is always greater than 32, less than 64
342        return (int)(item * 0x9E3779B97F4A7C15L >>> shift);
343    }
345    private int locateKey (final int key) {
346        return locateKey(key, fibonacci(key));
347    }
349    /**
350     * Given a key and its initial placement to try in an array, this finds the actual location of the key in the array
351     * if it is present, or -1 if the key is not present. This can be overridden if a subclass needs to compare for
352     * equality differently than just by using == with int keys, but only within the same package.
353     *
354     * @param key       a K key that will be checked for equality if a similar-seeming key is found
355     * @param placement as calculated by {@link #fibonacci(int)}, almost always with {@code place(key)}
356     * @return the location in the key array of key, if found, or -1 if it was not found.
357     */
358    private int locateKey (final int key, final int placement) {
359        for (int i = placement; ; i = i + 1 & mask) {
360            // empty space is available
361            if (keyTable[i] == 0) {
362                return -1;
363            }
364            if (key == (keyTable[i])) {
365                return i;
366            }
367        }
368    }
371    /**
372     * Places a char in the given libGDX Color at the requested x, y position in grid cells, where x and y must each be
373     * between 0 and 65535, both inclusive. The color can also be an SColor, such as one of the many constants in that
374     * class. Returns the int code that can be used to locate the x,y pair as a key in this SparseTextMap.
375     *
376     * @param x         the x position of the colorful char; this must be between 0 and 65535, both inclusive
377     * @param y         the y position of the colorful char; this must be between 0 and 65535, both inclusive
378     * @param charValue the char to put into the SparseTextMap
379     * @param color     the libGDX Color or SColor to use for the char
380     * @return the int that the x,y pair will be stored at, and used as the single key associated with the colorful char
381     */
382    public int place(int x, int y, char charValue, Color color) {
383        return place(x, y, charValue, color.toFloatBits());
384    }
386    /**
387     * Places a char in the given encoded color at the requested x, y position in grid cells, where x and y must each be
388     * between 0 and 65535, both inclusive, and the encoded color is one produced by {@link Color#toFloatBits()} or any
389     * of several methods in {@link SColor}, such as {@link SColor#floatGetI(int, int, int)},
390     * {@link SColor#floatGetHSV(float, float, float, float)}, or {@link SColor#lerpFloatColors(float, float, float)}.
391     * Returns the int code that can be used to locate the x,y pair as a key in this SparseTextMap.
392     *
393     * @param x            the x position of the colorful char; this must be between 0 and 65535, both inclusive
394     * @param y            the y position of the colorful char; this must be between 0 and 65535, both inclusive
395     * @param charValue    the char to put into the SparseTextMap
396     * @param encodedColor the encoded color to use for the char, as produced by {@link Color#toFloatBits()}
397     * @return the int that the x,y pair will be stored at, and used as the single key associated with the colorful char
398     */
399    public int place(int x, int y, char charValue, float encodedColor) {
400        int code = encodePosition(x, y);
401        put(code, charValue, encodedColor);
402        return code;
403    }
405    public void put (int key, char charValue, float floatValue) {
406        if (key == 0) {
407            zeroChar = charValue;
408            zeroFloat = floatValue;
409            if (!hasZeroValue) {
410                hasZeroValue = true;
411                keys.add(0);
412                size++;
413            }
414            return;
415        }
417        int b = fibonacci(key);
418        int loc = locateKey(key, b);
419        // an identical key already exists
420        if (loc != -1) {
421            charValueTable[loc] = charValue;
422            floatValueTable[loc] = floatValue;
423            return;
424        }
425        final int[] keyTable = this.keyTable;
426        final char[] charValueTable = this.charValueTable;
427        final float[] floatValueTable = this.floatValueTable;
428        keys.add(key);
430        for (int i = b; ; i = (i + 1) & mask) {
431            // space is available so we insert and break
432            if (keyTable[i] == 0) {
433                keyTable[i] = key;
434                charValueTable[i] = charValue;
435                floatValueTable[i] = floatValue;
437                if (++size >= threshold) {
438                    resize(keyTable.length << 1);
439                }
440                return;
441            }
442        }
443    }
445    /**
446     * If and only if key is already present, this changes the float associated with it while leaving the char the same.
447     * @param key the encoded key as produced by {@link #encodePosition(int, int)}
448     * @param floatValue the float value to set at the given encoded key
449     */
450    public void updateFloat(int key, float floatValue)
451    {
452        if (key == 0 && hasZeroValue) {
453            //zeroChar = charValue;
454            zeroFloat = floatValue;
455            return;
456        }
458        int loc = locateKey(key);
459        // an identical key already exists
460        if (loc != -1) {
461//            charValueTable[loc] = charValue;
462            floatValueTable[loc] = floatValue;
463        }
464    }
465    /**
466     * If and only if key is already present, this changes the char associated with it while leaving the float the same.
467     * @param key the encoded key as produced by {@link #encodePosition(int, int)}
468     * @param charValue the char value to set at the given encoded key
469     */
470    public void updateChar(int key, char charValue)
471    {
472        if (key == 0 && hasZeroValue) {
473            zeroChar = charValue;
474            //zeroFloat = floatValue;
475            return;
476        }
478        int loc = locateKey(key);
479        // an identical key already exists
480        if (loc != -1) {
481            charValueTable[loc] = charValue;
482//            floatValueTable[loc] = floatValue;
483        }
484    }
486    public void putAll(SparseTextMap map) {
487        ensureCapacity(map.size);
488        final int[] keys = map.keys.items;
489        final char[] chars = map.charValueTable;
490        final float[] floats = map.floatValueTable;
491        int k, loc;
492        for (int i = 0, n = map.keys.size; i < n; i++) {
493            k = keys[i];
494            loc = map.locateKey(k);
495            put(k, chars[loc], floats[loc]);
496        }
498//        ensureCapacity(map.size);
499//        if (map.hasZeroValue)
500//            put(0, map.zeroChar, map.zeroFloat);
501//        final int[] keyTable = map.keyTable;
502//        final char[] charValueTable = map.charValueTable;
503//        final float[] floatValueTable = map.floatValueTable;
504//        int k;
505//        for (int i = 0, n = keyTable.length; i < n; i++) {
506//            if ((k = keyTable[i]) != 0)
507//                put(k, charValueTable[i], floatValueTable[i]);
508//        }
510//        for (Entry entry : map.entries())
511//            put(entry.key, entry.charValue, entry.floatValue);
512    }
514    /**
515     * Skips checks for existing keys.
516     */
517    private void putResize(int key, char charValue, float floatValue) {
518        int[] keyTable = this.keyTable;
519        for (int i = fibonacci(key);; i = (i + 1) & mask) {
520            if (keyTable[i] == 0) {
521                keyTable[i] = key;
522                charValueTable[i] = charValue;
523                floatValueTable[i] = floatValue;
524                return;
525            }
526        }
527    }
529    /**
530     * @param x the x-component of the position to look up 
531     * @param y the y-component of the position to look up
532     * @param defaultValue Returned if the key was not associated with a value.
533     * @return the char associated with the given position, or defaultValue if no char is associated
534     */
535    public char getChar(int x, int y, char defaultValue) {
536        return getChar(encodePosition(x, y), defaultValue);
537    }
539    /**
540     * @param key the encoded key as produced by {@link #encodePosition(int, int)}
541     * @param defaultValue Returned if the key was not associated with a value.
542     * @return the char associated with the given key, or defaultValue if no char is associated
543     */
544    public char getChar(int key, char defaultValue) {
545        if (key == 0) {
546            if (!hasZeroValue) return defaultValue;
547            return zeroChar;
548        }
549        final int placement = fibonacci(key);
550        for (int i = placement; ; i = i + 1 & mask) {
551            // empty space is available
552            if (keyTable[i] == 0) {
553                return defaultValue;
554            }
555            if (key == (keyTable[i])) {
556                return charValueTable[i];
557            }
558        }
559    }
561    /**
562     * @param x the x-component of the position to look up 
563     * @param y the y-component of the position to look up
564     * @param defaultValue Returned if the key was not associated with a value.
565     * @return the float associated with the given position, or defaultValue if no float is associated
566     */
567    public float getFloat(int x, int y, float defaultValue) {
568        return getFloat(encodePosition(x, y), defaultValue);
569    }
571    /**
572     * @param key the encoded key as produced by {@link #encodePosition(int, int)}
573     * @param defaultValue Returned if the key was not associated with a value.
574     * @return the float associated with the given key, or defaultValue if no float is associated
575     */
576    public float getFloat(int key, float defaultValue) {
577        if (key == 0) {
578            if (!hasZeroValue) return defaultValue;
579            return zeroFloat;
580        }
581        final int placement = fibonacci(key);
582        for (int i = placement; ; i = i + 1 & mask) {
583            // empty space is available
584            if (keyTable[i] == 0) {
585                return defaultValue;
586            }
587            if (key == (keyTable[i])) {
588                return floatValueTable[i];
589            }
590        }
591    }
593    public void remove(int key) {
594        remove(key, '#');
595    }
597    public char remove(int key, char defaultValue) {
598        if (key == 0) {
599            if (!hasZeroValue) return defaultValue;
600            hasZeroValue = false;
601            size--;
602            keys.removeValue(0);
603            return zeroChar;
604        }
606        int loc = locateKey(key);
607        if (loc == -1) {
608            return defaultValue;
609        }
610        keys.removeValue(key);
611        final int[] keyTable = this.keyTable;
612        final float[] floatValueTable = this.floatValueTable;
613        final char[] charValueTable = this.charValueTable;
614        char oldChar = charValueTable[loc];
615        int next = loc + 1 & mask;
616        int placement;
617        while ((key = keyTable[next]) != 0) {
618            placement = fibonacci(key);
619            if((next - placement & mask) > (loc - placement & mask)) {
620                keyTable[loc] = key;
621                floatValueTable[loc] = floatValueTable[next];
622                charValueTable[loc] = charValueTable[next];
623                loc = next;
624            }
625            next = next + 1 & mask;
626        }
627        keyTable[loc] = 0;
628        --size;
629        return oldChar;
630    }
632    /**
633     * Reduces the size of the backing arrays to be the specified capacity or less. If the capacity is already less, nothing is
634     * done. If the map contains more items than the specified capacity, the next highest power of two capacity is used instead.
635     */
636    public void shrink(int maximumCapacity) {
637        if (maximumCapacity < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("maximumCapacity must be >= 0: " + maximumCapacity);
638        if (size > maximumCapacity) maximumCapacity = size;
639        if (keyTable.length <= maximumCapacity) return;
640        resize(HashCommon.nextPowerOfTwo(maximumCapacity));
641    }
643    /**
644     * Clears the map and reduces the size of the backing arrays to be the specified capacity if they are larger.
645     */
646    public void clear(int maximumCapacity) {
647        if (keyTable.length <= maximumCapacity) {
648            clear();
649            return;
650        }
651        hasZeroValue = false;
652        size = 0;
653        keys.clear();
654        resize(maximumCapacity);
655    }
657    public void clear() {
658        if (size == 0) return;
659        keys.clear();
660        Arrays.fill(keyTable, 0);
661        size = 0;
662        hasZeroValue = false;
663    }
665    /**
666     * Returns true if the specified char value is in the map. Note: this traverses the entire map and compares every
667     * value, which may be an expensive operation.
668     */
669    public boolean containsCharValue(char value) {
670        if (hasZeroValue && zeroChar == value) return true;
671        int[] keyTable = this.keyTable;
672        char[] valueTable = this.charValueTable;
673        for (int i = keyTable.length; i-- > 0; )
674            if (keyTable[i] != 0 && valueTable[i] == value) return true;
675        return false;
676    }
678    /**
679     * Returns true if the specified char value is in the map. Note: this traverses the entire map and compares every
680     * value, which may be an expensive operation.
681     */
682    public boolean containsFloatValue(float value) {
683        if (hasZeroValue && zeroFloat == value) return true;
684        int[] keyTable = this.keyTable;
685        float[] valueTable = this.floatValueTable;
686        for (int i = keyTable.length; i-- > 0; )
687            if (keyTable[i] != 0 && valueTable[i] == value) return true;
688        return false;
689    }
691    public boolean containsKey(int key) {
692        if (key == 0) return hasZeroValue;
693        return locateKey(key) != -1;
694    }
696    /**
697     * Returns the key for the specified char value, or notFound if it is not in the map. Note this traverses the
698     * entire map and compares every value, which may be an expensive operation.
699     */
700    public int findKey(char value, int notFound) {
701        if (hasZeroValue && zeroChar == value) return 0;
702        int[] keyTable = this.keyTable;
703        char[] valueTable = this.charValueTable;
704        for (int i = keyTable.length; i-- > 0; )
705            if (keyTable[i] != 0 && valueTable[i] == value) return keyTable[i];
706        return notFound;
707    }
709    /**
710     * Returns the key for the specified float value, or notFound if it is not in the map. Note this traverses the
711     * entire map and compares every value, which may be an expensive operation.
712     */
713    public int findKey(float value, int notFound) {
714        if (hasZeroValue && zeroFloat == value) return 0;
715        int[] keyTable = this.keyTable;
716        float[] valueTable = this.floatValueTable;
717        for (int i = keyTable.length; i-- > 0; )
718            if (keyTable[i] != 0 && valueTable[i] == value) return keyTable[i];
719        return notFound;
720    }
722    /**
723     * Increases the size of the backing array to accommodate the specified number of additional items. Useful before adding many
724     * items to avoid multiple backing array resizes.
725     */
726    public void ensureCapacity(int additionalCapacity) {
727        if (additionalCapacity < 0)
728            throw new IllegalArgumentException("additionalCapacity must be >= 0: " + additionalCapacity);
729        int sizeNeeded = size + additionalCapacity;
730        keys.ensureCapacity(additionalCapacity);
731        if (sizeNeeded >= threshold)
732            resize(HashCommon.nextPowerOfTwo((int)Math.ceil(sizeNeeded / loadFactor)));
733    }
735    private void resize(int newSize) {
736        int oldCapacity = keyTable.length;
737        threshold = (int)(newSize * loadFactor);
738        mask = newSize - 1;
739        shift = Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(mask);
741        final int[] oldKeyTable = keyTable;
742        final float[] oldFloats = floatValueTable;
743        final char[] oldChars = charValueTable;
745        keyTable = new int[newSize];
746        floatValueTable = new float[newSize];
747        charValueTable = new char[newSize];
749        if (size > 0) {
750            for (int i = 0; i < oldCapacity; i++) {
751                int key = oldKeyTable[i];
752                if (key != 0) putResize(key, oldChars[i], oldFloats[i]);
753            }
754        }
755    }
757    public int hashCode() {
758        int h = 0;
759        if (hasZeroValue) {
760            h = NumberTools.floatToIntBits(zeroFloat) ^ zeroChar;
761        }
762        int[] keyTable = this.keyTable;
763        char[] charTable = this.charValueTable;
764        float[] floatTable = this.floatValueTable;
765        for (int i = 0, n = keyTable.length; i < n; i++) {
766            int key = keyTable[i];
767            if (key != EMPTY) {
768                h += key ^ NumberTools.floatToIntBits(floatTable[i]);
769                h ^= charTable[i];
770            }
771        }
772        return h;
773    }
775    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
776        if (obj == this) return true;
777        if (!(obj instanceof SparseTextMap)) return false;
778        SparseTextMap other = (SparseTextMap) obj;
779        if (other.size != size) return false;
780        if (other.hasZeroValue != hasZeroValue) return false;
781        if (hasZeroValue && (other.zeroChar != zeroChar || other.zeroFloat != zeroFloat)) {
782            return false;
783        }
784        int[] keyTable = this.keyTable;
785        char[] charTable = this.charValueTable;
786        float[] floatTable = this.floatValueTable;
787        for (int i = 0, n = keyTable.length; i < n; i++) {
788            int key = keyTable[i];
789            if (key != EMPTY) {
790                char otherValue = other.getChar(key, '\0');
791                if (otherValue == 0 && !other.containsKey(key) 
792                        || otherValue != charTable[i]
793                        || other.getFloat(key, Float.NaN) != floatTable[i]) return false;
794            }
795        }
796        return true;
797    }
799    public String toString() {
800        if (size == 0) return "{}";
801        StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(32);
802        buffer.append('{');
803        int[] keys = this.keys.items;
804        char[] charTable = this.charValueTable;
805        float[] floatTable = this.floatValueTable;
806        int n = size, loc, k = keys[0];
807        if(k == 0)
808            StringKit.appendHex(buffer.append("0=").append(zeroChar).append(','), zeroFloat);
809        else
810        {
811            loc = locateKey(k);
812            StringKit.appendHex(buffer.append(k).append('=').append(charTable[loc]).append(','), floatTable[loc]);
813        }
815        for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
816            buffer.append("; ");
817            k = keys[i];
818            if(k == 0)
819                StringKit.appendHex(buffer.append("0=").append(zeroChar).append(','), zeroFloat);
820            else 
821            {
822                loc = locateKey(k);
823                StringKit.appendHex(buffer.append(k).append('=').append(charTable[loc]).append(','), floatTable[loc]);
824            }
825        }
826        buffer.append('}');
827        return buffer.toString();
828    }
830    public Iterator<Entry> iterator() {
831        return entries();
832    }
834    /**
835     * Returns an iterator for the entries in the map. Remove is supported. Note that the same iterator instance is returned each
836     * time this method is called. Use the {@link Entries} constructor for nested or multithreaded iteration.
837     */
838    public Entries entries() {
839        if (entries1 == null) {
840            entries1 = new Entries(this);
841            entries2 = new Entries(this);
842        }
843        if (!entries1.valid) {
844            entries1.reset();
845            entries1.valid = true;
846            entries2.valid = false;
847            return entries1;
848        }
849        entries2.reset();
850        entries2.valid = true;
851        entries1.valid = false;
852        return entries2;
853    }
855    /**
856     * Returns an iterator for the values in the map. Remove is supported. Note that the same iterator instance is returned each
857     * time this method is called. Use the {@link Entries} constructor for nested or multithreaded iteration.
858     */
859    public CharValues charValues() {
860        if (charValues1 == null) {
861            charValues1 = new CharValues(this);
862            charValues2 = new CharValues(this);
863        }
864        if (!charValues1.valid) {
865            charValues1.reset();
866            charValues1.valid = true;
867            charValues2.valid = false;
868            return charValues1;
869        }
870        charValues2.reset();
871        charValues2.valid = true;
872        charValues1.valid = false;
873        return charValues2;
874    }
876    /**
877     * Returns an iterator for the values in the map. Remove is supported. Note that the same iterator instance is returned each
878     * time this method is called. Use the {@link Entries} constructor for nested or multithreaded iteration.
879     */
880    public FloatValues floatValues() {
881        if (floatValues1 == null) {
882            floatValues1 = new FloatValues(this);
883            floatValues2 = new FloatValues(this);
884        }
885        if (!floatValues1.valid) {
886            floatValues1.reset();
887            floatValues1.valid = true;
888            floatValues2.valid = false;
889            return floatValues1;
890        }
891        floatValues2.reset();
892        floatValues2.valid = true;
893        floatValues1.valid = false;
894        return floatValues2;
895    }
897    /**
898     * Returns an iterator for the keys in the map. Remove is supported. Note that the same iterator instance is returned each time
899     * this method is called. Use the {@link Entries} constructor for nested or multithreaded iteration.
900     */
901    public Keys keys() {
902        if (keys1 == null) {
903            keys1 = new Keys(this);
904            keys2 = new Keys(this);
905        }
906        if (!keys1.valid) {
907            keys1.reset();
908            keys1.valid = true;
909            keys2.valid = false;
910            return keys1;
911        }
912        keys2.reset();
913        keys2.valid = true;
914        keys1.valid = false;
915        return keys2;
916    }
918    static public class Entry {
919        public int key;
920        public char charValue;
921        public float floatValue;
923        public String toString() {
924            return key + "=" + charValue + "," + floatValue;
925        }
926    }
928    static private class MapIterator {
929        public boolean hasNext;
931        final SparseTextMap map;
932        final IntVLA keys;
933        int nextIndex, currentIndex;
934        boolean valid = true;
936        public MapIterator(SparseTextMap map) {
937            this.map = map;
938            this.keys = map.keys;
939            reset();
940        }
942        public void reset() {
943            currentIndex = -1;
944            nextIndex = 0;
945            hasNext = map.size > 0;
946        }
947    }
949    static public class Entries extends MapIterator implements Iterable<Entry>, Iterator<Entry> {
950        private final Entry entry = new Entry();
952        public Entries(SparseTextMap map) {
953            super(map);
954        }
956        /**
957         * Note the same entry instance is returned each time this method is called.
958         */
959        public Entry next() {
960            if (!hasNext) throw new NoSuchElementException();
961            if (!valid) throw new GdxRuntimeException("#iterator() cannot be used nested.");
962            currentIndex = nextIndex;
963            entry.key = keys.get(nextIndex);
964            if(entry.key == 0)
965            {
966                entry.charValue = map.zeroChar;
967                entry.floatValue = map.zeroFloat;
968            }
969            else {
970                int loc = map.locateKey(entry.key);
971                entry.charValue = map.charValueTable[loc];
972                entry.floatValue = map.floatValueTable[loc];
973            }
974            nextIndex++;
975            hasNext = nextIndex < map.size;
976            return entry;
977        }
979        public boolean hasNext() {
980            if (!valid) throw new GdxRuntimeException("#iterator() cannot be used nested.");
981            return hasNext;
982        }
984        public Iterator<Entry> iterator() {
985            return this;
986        }
988        public void remove () {
989            if (currentIndex < 0)
990                throw new IllegalStateException("next must be called before remove.");
991            map.remove(entry.key);
992            nextIndex--;
993            currentIndex = -1;
994        }
995    }
997    static public class CharValues extends MapIterator {
998        public CharValues(SparseTextMap map) {
999            super(map);
1000        }
1002        public boolean hasNext() {
1003            if (!valid) throw new GdxRuntimeException("#iterator() cannot be used nested.");
1004            return hasNext;
1005        }
1007        public char next() {
1008            if (!hasNext) throw new NoSuchElementException();
1009            if (!valid) throw new GdxRuntimeException("#iterator() cannot be used nested.");
1010            char value = map.getChar(keys.get(nextIndex), '\0');
1011            currentIndex = nextIndex;
1012            nextIndex++;
1013            hasNext = nextIndex < map.size;
1014            return value;
1015        }
1017        /**
1018         * Returns a new array containing the remaining values.
1019         */
1020        public char[] toArray() {
1021            char[] array = new char[map.size - nextIndex];
1022            int idx = 0;
1023            while (hasNext && idx < array.length)
1024                array[idx++] = next();
1025            return array;
1026        }
1027    }
1029    static public class FloatValues extends MapIterator {
1030        public FloatValues(SparseTextMap map) {
1031            super(map);
1032        }
1034        public boolean hasNext() {
1035            if (!valid) throw new GdxRuntimeException("#iterator() cannot be used nested.");
1036            return hasNext;
1037        }
1039        public float next() {
1040            if (!hasNext) throw new NoSuchElementException();
1041            if (!valid) throw new GdxRuntimeException("#iterator() cannot be used nested.");
1042            float value = map.getFloat(keys.get(nextIndex), '\0');
1043            currentIndex = nextIndex;
1044            nextIndex++;
1045            hasNext = nextIndex < map.size;
1046            return value;
1047        }
1049        /**
1050         * Returns a new array containing the remaining values.
1051         */
1052        public float[] toArray() {
1053            float[] array = new float[map.size - nextIndex];
1054            int idx = 0;
1055            while (hasNext && idx < array.length)
1056                array[idx++] = next();
1057            return array;
1058        }
1059    }
1061    static public class Keys extends MapIterator {
1062        public Keys(SparseTextMap map) {
1063            super(map);
1064        }
1066        public boolean hasNext() {
1067            if (!valid) throw new GdxRuntimeException("#iterator() cannot be used nested.");
1068            return hasNext;
1069        }
1071        public int next() {
1072            if (!hasNext) throw new NoSuchElementException();
1073            if (!valid) throw new GdxRuntimeException("#iterator() cannot be used nested.");
1074            int key = keys.get(nextIndex);
1075            currentIndex = nextIndex;
1076            nextIndex++;
1077            hasNext = nextIndex < map.size;
1078            return key;
1079        }
1081        /**
1082         * Returns a new array containing the remaining keys.
1083         */
1084        public int[] toArray() {
1085            int[] array = new int[map.size - nextIndex];
1086            int idx = 0;
1087            while (hasNext && idx < array.length)
1088                array[idx++] = next();
1089            return array;
1090        }
1091    }