Uses of Class

  • Uses of SquidInput in squidpony.squidgrid.gui.gdx

    Subclasses of SquidInput in squidpony.squidgrid.gui.gdx 
    Modifier and Type Class Description
    class  VisualInput
    Acts like SquidInput but displays available keys as visible buttons if the device has no physical keyboard.
    Methods in squidpony.squidgrid.gui.gdx that return SquidInput 
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    SquidInput SquidInput.clearMapping()
    Removes any remappings to key bindings that were in use in this SquidInput.
    SquidInput SquidInput.keyMappingFromString​(String keymap)
    Reads in a String (almost certainly produced by keyMappingToString()) to set the current key remapping.
    SquidInput SquidInput.remap​(char pressedChar, boolean pressedAlt, boolean pressedCtrl, boolean pressedShift, char targetChar, boolean targetAlt, boolean targetCtrl, boolean targetShift)
    Remaps a char that could be input and processed by SquidInput.KeyHandler.handle(char, boolean, boolean, boolean) (possibly with some pressed modifiers) to another char with possible modifiers.
    SquidInput SquidInput.remap​(int[] pairs)
    Remaps many keypress combinations, each of which is a char and several potential modifiers, to other keypress combinations.
    SquidInput SquidInput.remap​(int pressed, int target)
    Remaps a keypress combination, which is a char and several potential modifiers, to another keypress combination.
    SquidInput SquidInput.unmap​(char pressedChar, boolean pressedAlt, boolean pressedCtrl, boolean pressedShift)
    Removes a keypress combination from the mapping by specifying the char and any modifiers that are part of the keypress combination.
    SquidInput SquidInput.unmap​(int pressed)
    Removes a keypress combination from the mapping by specifying the keypress combination as an int.