001package squidpony.squidmath;
004 * A simple interface for RandomnessSources that have the additional property of a state that can be re-set.
005 * Created by Tommy Ettinger on 9/15/2015.
006 */
007public interface StatefulRandomness extends RandomnessSource {
008    /**
009     * Get the current internal state of the StatefulRandomness as a long.
010     * @return the current internal state of this object.
011     */
012    long getState();
014    /**
015     * Set the current internal state of this StatefulRandomness with a long.
016     *
017     * @param state a 64-bit long. You should avoid passing 0, even though some implementations can handle that.
018     */
019    void setState(long state);
021    /**
022     * Produces a copy of this StatefulRandomness that, if next() and/or nextLong() are called on this object and the
023     * copy, both will generate the same sequence of random numbers from the point copy() was called. This just needs to
024     * copy the state so it isn't shared, usually, and produce a new value with the same exact state.
025     *
026     * @return a copy of this StatefulRandomness
027     */
028    @Override
029    RandomnessSource copy();