001// ============================================================================
002//   Copyright 2006-2012 Daniel W. Dyer
004//   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
005//   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
006//   You may obtain a copy of the License at
008//       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
010//   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
011//   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
012//   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
013//   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
014//   limitations under the License.
015// ============================================================================
016package squidpony.squidmath;
018import java.io.Serializable;
019import java.math.BigInteger;
020import java.util.ArrayList;
021import java.util.Collection;
022import java.util.Collections;
023import java.util.Iterator;
024import java.util.List;
027 * Permutation generator for generating all permutations for all sets up to
028 * 20 elements in size.  While 20 may seem a low limit, bear in mind that
029 * the number of permutations of a set of size n is n!  For a set of 21
030 * items, the number of permutations is bigger than can be stored in Java's
031 * 64-bit long integer data type.  Therefore it seems unlikely that you
032 * could ever generate, let alone process, all of the permutations in a
033 * reasonable time frame.  For this reason the implementation is optimised for
034 * sets of size 20 or less (this affords better performance by allowing primitive
035 * numeric types to be used for calculations rather than
036 * {@link java.math.BigInteger}).
037 * <br>
038 * Originally part of the <a href="http://maths.uncommons.org/">Uncommon Maths software package</a>.
039 * @param <T> The type of element that the permutation will consist of.
040 * @author Daniel Dyer (modified from the original version written by Michael
041 * Gilleland of Merriam Park Software -
042 * <a href="http://www.merriampark.com/perm.htm">http://www.merriampark.com/perm.htm</a>).
043 * @see CombinationGenerator
044 */
045public class PermutationGenerator<T> implements Iterable<List<T>>, Serializable
047    private static final long serialVersionUID = 514276118639629743L;
049    private final T[] elements;
050    private final int[] permutationIndices;
051    private long remainingPermutations;
052    private long totalPermutations;
055    /**
056     * Permutation generator that generates all possible orderings of
057     * the elements in the specified set.
058     * @param elements The elements to permute; will be modified, so this should be copied beforehand
059     */
060    public PermutationGenerator(T[] elements)
061    {
062        if (elements.length > 20)
063        {
064            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Size must be less than or equal to 20.");
065        }
066        this.elements = elements;
067        permutationIndices = new int[elements.length];
068        totalPermutations = MathExtras.factorial(elements.length);
069        reset();
070    }
073    /**
074     * Permutation generator that generates all possible orderings of
075     * the elements in the specified set.
076     * @param elements The elements to permute.
077     * @param filler An array of T with the same length as elements or less (often 0);
078     *               needed because GWT can't create a generic array. If elements is not
079     *               a Collection defined in the JDK (by GWT), then this should have
080     *               exactly the same length as elements, since GWT can create larger
081     *               versions of an array on its own, but our code can't easily.
082     */
083    public PermutationGenerator(Collection<T> elements, T[] filler)
084    {
085        this(elements.toArray(filler));
086    }
089    /**
090     * Resets the generator state.
091     */
092    public final void reset()
093    {
094        for (int i = 0; i < permutationIndices.length; i++)
095        {
096            permutationIndices[i] = i;
097        }
098        remainingPermutations = totalPermutations;
099    }
102    /**
103     * Returns the number of permutations not yet generated.
104     * @return The number of unique permutations still to be generated.
105     */
106    public long getRemainingPermutations()
107    {
108        return remainingPermutations;
109    }
112    /**
113     * Returns the total number of unique permutations that can be
114     * generated for the given set of elements.
115     * @return The total number of permutations.
116     */
117    public long getTotalPermutations()
118    {
119        return totalPermutations;
120    }
122    /**
123     * Returns the total number of unique permutations that can be
124     * generated for the given count of permute-able elements.
125     * Typically used with the static methods of this class that
126     * find permutation indices.
127     * @param count the number of elements (typically indices) you want to find a permutation of
128     * @return The total number of permutations.
129     */
130    public static long getTotalPermutations(int count)
131    {
132        return MathExtras.factorial(count);
133    }
136    /**
137     * Returns the total number of unique permutations that can be
138     * generated for the given count of permute-able elements.
139     * Typically used with the static methods of this class that
140     * find permutation indices and involve BigInteger values.
141     * @param count the number of elements (typically indices) you want to find a permutation of
142     * @return The total number of permutations.
143     */
144    public static BigInteger getBigTotalPermutations(int count)
145    {
146        return MathExtras.bigFactorial(count);
147    }
150    /**
151     * Are there more permutations that have not yet been returned?
152     * @return true if there are more permutations, false otherwise.
153     */
154    public boolean hasMore()
155    {
156        return remainingPermutations > 0;
157    }
160    /**
161     * Generate the next permutation and return an array containing
162     * the elements in the appropriate order.  This overloaded method
163     * allows the caller to provide an array that will be used and returned.
164     * The purpose of this is to improve performance when iterating over
165     * permutations. This method allows a single array instance to be reused.
166     * @param destination Provides an array to use to create the
167     * permutation.  The specified array must be the same length as a
168     * permutation.  This is the array that will be returned, once
169     * it has been filled with the elements in the appropriate order.
170     * @return The next permutation as an array.
171     */
172    public T[] nextPermutationAsArray(T[] destination)
173    {
174        if (destination.length != elements.length)
175        {
176            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Destination array must be the same length as permutations.");
177        }
178        generateNextPermutationIndices();
179        // Generate actual permutation.
180        for (int i = 0; i < permutationIndices.length; i++)
181        {
182            destination[i] = elements[permutationIndices[i]];
183        }
184        return destination;
185    }
188    /**
189     * Generate the next permutation and return a list containing
190     * the elements in the appropriate order.
191     * @see #nextPermutationAsList(List)
192     * @return The next permutation as a list.
193     */
194    public List<T> nextPermutationAsList()
195    {
196        List<T> permutation = new ArrayList<T>(elements.length);
197        return nextPermutationAsList(permutation);
198    }
201    /**
202     * Generate the next permutation and return a list containing
203     * the elements in the appropriate order.  This overloaded method
204     * allows the caller to provide a list that will be used and returned.
205     * The purpose of this is to improve performance when iterating over
206     * permutations.  If the {@link #nextPermutationAsList()} method is
207     * used it will create a new list every time.  When iterating over
208     * permutations this will result in lots of short-lived objects that
209     * have to be garbage collected.  This method allows a single list
210     * instance to be reused in such circumstances.
211     * @param destination Provides a list to use to create the
212     * permutation.  This is the list that will be returned, once
213     * it has been filled with the elements in the appropriate order.
214     * @return The next permutation as a list.
215     */
216    public List<T> nextPermutationAsList(List<T> destination)
217    {
218        generateNextPermutationIndices();
219        // Generate actual permutation.
220        destination.clear();
221        for (int i : permutationIndices)
222        {
223            destination.add(elements[i]);
224        }
225        return destination;
226    }
228    /**
229     * Generate the indices into the elements array for the next permutation.  The
230     * algorithm is from Kenneth H. Rosen, Discrete Mathematics and its Applications,
231     * 2nd edition (NY: McGraw-Hill, 1991), p. 284)
232     */
233    private void generateNextPermutationIndices()
234    {
235        if (remainingPermutations == 0)
236        {
237            throw new IllegalStateException("There are no permutations remaining.  " +
238                                            "Generator must be reset to continue using.");
239        }
240        else if (remainingPermutations < totalPermutations)
241        {
242            // Find largest index j with permutationIndices[j] < permutationIndices[j + 1]
243            int j = permutationIndices.length - 2;
244            while (permutationIndices[j] > permutationIndices[j + 1])
245            {
246                j--;
247            }
249            // Find index k such that permutationIndices[k] is smallest integer greater than
250            // permutationIndices[j] to the right of permutationIndices[j].
251            int k = permutationIndices.length - 1;
252            while (permutationIndices[j] > permutationIndices[k])
253            {
254                k--;
255            }
257            // Interchange permutation indices.
258            int temp = permutationIndices[k];
259            permutationIndices[k] = permutationIndices[j];
260            permutationIndices[j] = temp;
262            // Put tail end of permutation after jth position in increasing order.
263            int r = permutationIndices.length - 1;
264            int s = j + 1;
266            while (r > s)
267            {
268                temp = permutationIndices[s];
269                permutationIndices[s] = permutationIndices[r];
270                permutationIndices[r] = temp;
271                r--;
272                s++;
273            }
274        }
275        --remainingPermutations;
276    }
278    private int[] getPermutationShift(T[] perm) {
279        int[] sh = new int[perm.length];
280        boolean[] taken = new boolean[perm.length];
282        for (int i = 0; i < perm.length - 1; i++) {
283            int ctr = -1;
284            for (int j = 0; j < perm.length; j++) {
285                if (!taken[j])
286                    ctr++;
287                if (perm[j] == elements[i]) {
288                    taken[j] = true;
289                    sh[i] = ctr;
290                    break;
291                }
292            }
293        }
294        return sh;
295    }
297    private int[] getPermutationShift(List<T> perm) {
298        int length = perm.size();
299        int[] sh = new int[length];
300        boolean[] taken = new boolean[length];
302        for (int i = 0; i < length - 1; i++) {
303            int ctr = -1;
304            for (int j = 0; j < length; j++) {
305                if (!taken[j])
306                    ctr++;
307                if (perm.get(j) == elements[i]) {
308                    taken[j] = true;
309                    sh[i] = ctr;
310                    break;
311                }
312            }
313        }
314        return sh;
315    }
317    /**
318     * Given an array of T that constitutes a permutation of the elements this was constructed with, finds the specific
319     * index of the permutation given a factoradic numbering scheme (not used by the rest of this class, except the
320     * decodePermutation() method). The index can be passed to decodePermutation to reproduce the permutation passed to
321     * this, or modified and then passed to decodePermutation(). Determines equality by identity, not by .equals(), so
322     * that equivalent values that have different references/identities can appear in the permuted elements.
323     * <br>
324     * Credit goes to user Joren on StackOverflow, http://stackoverflow.com/a/1506337
325     * @param perm an array of T that must be a valid permutation of this object's elements
326     * @return an encoded number that can be used to reconstruct the permutation when passed to decodePermutation()
327     */
328    public long encodePermutation(T[] perm)
329    {
330        long e = 0;
331        if(perm == null || perm.length != elements.length)
332            return e;
333        int[] shift = getPermutationShift(perm);
334        for (int i = 1; i < shift.length; i++) {
335            e += shift[i] * MathExtras.factorialsStart[i];
336        }
337        return e;
338    }
340    /**
341     * Given a List of T that constitutes a permutation of the elements this was constructed with, finds the specific
342     * index of the permutation given a factoradic numbering scheme (not used by the rest of this class, except the
343     * decodePermutation() method). The index can be passed to decodePermutation to reproduce the permutation passed to
344     * this, or modified and then passed to decodePermutation(). Determines equality by identity, not by .equals(), so
345     * that equivalent values that have different references/identities can appear in the permuted elements.
346     * <br>
347     * Credit goes to user Joren on StackOverflow, http://stackoverflow.com/a/1506337
348     * @param perm a List of T that must be a valid permutation of this object's elements
349     * @return an encoded number that can be used to reconstruct the permutation when passed to decodePermutation()
350     */
351    public long encodePermutation(List<T> perm)
352    {
353        long e = 0;
354        if(perm == null || perm.size() != elements.length)
355            return e;
356        int[] shift = getPermutationShift(perm);
357        for (int i = 1; i < shift.length; i++) {
358            e += shift[i] * MathExtras.factorialsStart[i];
359        }
360        return e;
361    }
363    private int[] factoradicDecode(long e)
364    {
365        int[] sequence = new int[elements.length];
366        int base = 2;
368        for (int k = 1; k < elements.length; k++)
369        {
370            sequence[elements.length - 1 - k] = (int)(e % base);
371            e /= base;
373            base++;
374        }
375        return sequence;
376    }
378    /**
379     * Given a long between 0 and the total number of permutations possible (see getTotalPermutations() for how to access
380     * this) and an array of T with the same length as the elements this was constructed with, fills the array with the
381     * permutation described by the long as a special (factoradic) index into the possible permutations. You can get an
382     * index for a specific permutation with encodePermutation() or by generating a random number between 0 and
383     * getTotalPermutations(), if you want it randomly.
384     * <br>
385     * Credit goes to user Joren on StackOverflow, http://stackoverflow.com/a/1506337
386     * @param encoded the index encoded as a long
387     * @param destination an array of T that must have equivalent length to the elements this was constructed with
388     * @return the looked-up permutation, which is the same value destination will be assigned
389     */
390    public T[] decodePermutation(long encoded, T[] destination)
391    {
392        if(destination == null)
393            return null;
394        encoded %= totalPermutations;
395        int[] sequence = factoradicDecode(encoded);
397        boolean[] set = new boolean[elements.length];
399        for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++)
400        {
401            int s = sequence[i];
402            int remainingPosition = 0;
403            int index;
405            // Find the s'th position in the permuted list that has not been set yet.
406            for (index = 0; index < elements.length; index++)
407            {
408                if (!set[index])
409                {
410                    if (remainingPosition == s)
411                        break;
413                    remainingPosition++;
414                }
415            }
417            destination[index] = elements[i];
418            set[index] = true;
419        }
420        return destination;
421    }
423    /**
424     * Given a long between 0 and the total number of permutations possible (see getTotalPermutations() for how to access
425     * this), creates a List filled with the permutation described by the long as a special (factoradic) index into the
426     * possible permutations. You can get an index for a specific permutation with encodePermutation() or by generating a
427     * random number between 0 and getTotalPermutations(), if you want it randomly.
428     * <br>
429     * Credit goes to user Joren on StackOverflow, http://stackoverflow.com/a/1506337
430     * @param encoded the index encoded as a long
431     * @return a List of T that corresponds to the permutation at the encoded index
432     */
433    public List<T> decodePermutation(long encoded)
434    {
435        ArrayList<T> list = new ArrayList<T>(elements.length);
436        Collections.addAll(list, elements);
437        return decodePermutation(encoded, list);
438    }
440    /**
441     * Given a long between 0 and the total number of permutations possible (see getTotalPermutations() for how to access
442     * this) and a List of T with the same length as the elements this was constructed with, fills the List with the
443     * permutation described by the long as a special (factoradic) index into the possible permutations. You can get an
444     * index for a specific permutation with encodePermutation() or by generating a random number between 0 and
445     * getTotalPermutations(), if you want it randomly.
446     * <br>
447     * Credit goes to user Joren on StackOverflow, http://stackoverflow.com/a/1506337
448     * @param encoded the index encoded as a long
449     * @param destination a List of T that must have equivalent size to the elements this was constructed with
450     * @return the looked-up permutation, which is the same value destination will be assigned
451     */
452    public List<T> decodePermutation(long encoded, List<T> destination)
453    {
454        if(destination == null)
455            return null;
456        encoded %= totalPermutations;
457        int[] sequence = factoradicDecode(encoded);
459        boolean[] set = new boolean[elements.length];
461        for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++)
462        {
463            int s = sequence[i];
464            int remainingPosition = 0;
465            int index;
467            // Find the s'th position in the permuted list that has not been set yet.
468            for (index = 0; index < elements.length; index++)
469            {
470                if (!set[index])
471                {
472                    if (remainingPosition == s)
473                        break;
475                    remainingPosition++;
476                }
477            }
479            destination.set(index, elements[i]);
480            set[index] = true;
481        }
482        return destination;
483    }
484    /**
485     * <p>Provides a read-only iterator for iterating over the permutations
486     * generated by this object.  This method is the implementation of the
487     * {@link Iterable} interface that permits instances of this class to be
488     * used with the new-style for loop.</p>
489     * <p>For example:</p>
490     * <pre>
491     * List&lt;Integer&gt; elements = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3);
492     * PermutationGenerator&lt;Integer&gt; permutations = new PermutationGenerator(elements);
493     * for (List&lt;Integer&gt; p : permutations)
494     * {
495     *     // Do something with each permutation.
496     * }
497     * </pre>
498     * @return An iterator.
499     * @since 1.1
500     */
501    public Iterator<List<T>> iterator()
502    {
503        return new Iterator<List<T>>()
504        {
505            public boolean hasNext()
506            {
507                return hasMore();
508            }
511            public List<T> next()
512            {
513                return nextPermutationAsList();
514            }
517            public void remove()
518            {
519                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Iterator does not support removal.");
520            }
521        };
522    }
525    private static int[] getPermutationShift(int[] perm) {
526        int[] sh = new int[perm.length];
527        boolean[] taken = new boolean[perm.length];
529        for (int i = 0; i < perm.length - 1; i++) {
530            int ctr = -1;
531            for (int j = 0; j < perm.length; j++) {
532                if (!taken[j])
533                    ctr++;
534                if (perm[j] == i) {
535                    taken[j] = true;
536                    sh[i] = ctr;
537                    break;
538                }
539            }
540        }
541        return sh;
542    }
543    /**
544     * Given an array of int that constitutes a permutation of indices, where no element in perm is repeated and all
545     * ints are less than perm.length, finds the specific index of the permutation given a factoradic numbering scheme
546     * (not used by the rest of this class, except the decodePermutation() method). The index can be passed to
547     * decodePermutation to reproduce the index permutation passed to this, or modified and then passed to
548     * decodePermutation().
549     * <br>
550     * If perm is more than 20 items in length, you should use {@link #encodeBigPermutation} instead.
551     * <br>
552     * Credit goes to user Joren on StackOverflow, http://stackoverflow.com/a/1506337
553     * @param perm an array of int that is a permutation of the range from 0 (inclusive) to perm.length (exclusive, must be no more than 20)
554     * @return an encoded number that can be used to reconstruct the permutation when passed to decodePermutation()
555     */
556    public static long encodePermutation(int[] perm)
557    {
558        long e = 0;
559        if(perm == null || perm.length <= 0)
560            return e;
561        int[] shift = getPermutationShift(perm);
562        for (int i = 1; i < shift.length; i++) {
563            e += shift[i] * MathExtras.factorialsStart[i];
564        }
565        return e;
566    }
568    /**
569     * Given an array of int that constitutes a permutation of indices, where no element in perm is repeated and all
570     * ints are less than perm.length, finds the specific index of the permutation given a factoradic numbering scheme
571     * (not used by the rest of this class, except the decodePermutation() method). The index can be passed to
572     * decodePermutation to reproduce the index permutation passed to this, or modified and then passed to
573     * decodePermutation().
574     * <br>
575     * If perm is 20 items or less in length, you can use {@link #encodePermutation} instead to get a 64-bit encoding.
576     * <br>
577     * Credit goes to user Joren on StackOverflow, http://stackoverflow.com/a/1506337
578     * @param perm an array of int that is a permutation of the range from 0 (inclusive) to perm.length (exclusive)
579     * @return an encoded number that can be used to reconstruct the permutation when passed to decodePermutation()
580     */
581    public static BigInteger encodeBigPermutation(int[] perm)
582    {
583        BigInteger e = BigInteger.ZERO;
584        if(perm == null || perm.length <= 0)
585            return e;
586        int[] shift = getPermutationShift(perm);
587        for (int i = 1; i < shift.length; i++) {
588            e = e.add(MathExtras.bigFactorial(i).multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(shift[i])));
589        }
590        return e;
591    }
594    private static int[] factoradicDecode(long e, int count)
595    {
596        int[] sequence = new int[count];
597        int base = 2;
599        for (int k = 1; k < count; k++)
600        {
601            sequence[count - 1 - k] = (int)(e % base);
602            e /= base;
604            base++;
605        }
606        return sequence;
607    }
609    private static int[] factoradicDecode(BigInteger e, int count)
610    {
611        int[] sequence = new int[count];
612        BigInteger base = BigInteger.valueOf(2);
614        for (int k = 1; k < count; k++)
615        {
616            sequence[count - 1 - k] = e.mod(base).intValue();
617            e = e.divide(base);
619            base = base.add(BigInteger.ONE);
620        }
621        return sequence;
622    }
624    /**
625     * Given a long between 0 and the total number of permutations possible (see getTotalPermutations() for how to access
626     * this) and an int count of how many indices to find a permutation of, returns an array with the permutation
627     * of the indices described by the long as a special (factoradic) index into the possible permutations. You can get
628     * an index for a specific permutation with encodePermutation() or by generating a random number between 0 and
629     * getTotalPermutations(), if you want it randomly.
630     * <br>
631     * Credit goes to user Joren on StackOverflow, http://stackoverflow.com/a/1506337
632     * @param encoded the index encoded as a long
633     * @param count an int between 1 and 20, inclusive, that will be the size of the returned array
634     * @return the looked-up permutation as an int array with length equal to count
635     */
636    public static int[] decodePermutation(long encoded, int count)
637    {
638        if(count <= 0)
639            return new int[0];
640        encoded %= MathExtras.factorial(count);
641        int[] sequence = factoradicDecode(encoded, count), destination = new int[count];
642        //char[] list = new char[] { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e' }; //change for elements
644        //char[] permuted = new char[n]; //change for destination
645        boolean[] set = new boolean[count];
647        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
648        {
649            int s = sequence[i];
650            int remainingPosition = 0;
651            int index;
653            // Find the s'th position in the permuted list that has not been set yet.
654            for (index = 0; index < count; index++)
655            {
656                if (!set[index])
657                {
658                    if (remainingPosition == s)
659                        break;
661                    remainingPosition++;
662                }
663            }
665            destination[index] = i;
666            set[index] = true;
667        }
668        return destination;
669    }
671    /**
672     * Given a long between 0 and the total number of permutations possible (see getBigTotalPermutations() for how to
673     * access this) and an int count of how many indices to find a permutation of, returns an array with the permutation
674     * of the indices described by the long as a special (factoradic) index into the possible permutations. You can get
675     * an index for a specific permutation with encodeBigPermutation() or by generating a random number between 0 and
676     * getBigTotalPermutations(), if you want it randomly.
677     * <br>
678     * Credit goes to user Joren on StackOverflow, http://stackoverflow.com/a/1506337
679     * @param encoded the index encoded as a BigInteger
680     * @param count a positive int that will be the size of the returned array
681     * @return the looked-up permutation as an int array with length equal to count
682     */
683    public static int[] decodePermutation(BigInteger encoded, int count)
684    {
685        if(count <= 0)
686            return new int[0];
687        BigInteger enc = encoded.mod(MathExtras.bigFactorial(count));
688        int[] sequence = factoradicDecode(enc, count), destination = new int[count];
689        //char[] list = new char[] { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e' }; //change for elements
691        //char[] permuted = new char[n]; //change for destination
692        boolean[] set = new boolean[count];
694        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
695        {
696            int s = sequence[i];
697            int remainingPosition = 0;
698            int index;
700            // Find the s'th position in the permuted list that has not been set yet.
701            for (index = 0; index < count; index++)
702            {
703                if (!set[index])
704                {
705                    if (remainingPosition == s)
706                        break;
708                    remainingPosition++;
709                }
710            }
712            destination[index] = i;
713            set[index] = true;
714        }
715        return destination;
716    }
718    /**
719     * Given a long between 0 and the total number of permutations possible (see getTotalPermutations() for how to access
720     * this) and an int count of how many indices to find a permutation of, returns an array with the permutation
721     * of the indices described by the long as a special (factoradic) index into the possible permutations. You can get
722     * an index for a specific permutation with encodePermutation() or by generating a random number between 0 and
723     * getTotalPermutations(), if you want it randomly. This variant adds an int to each item in the returned array,
724     * which may be useful if generating indices that don't start at 0.
725     * <br>
726     * Credit goes to user Joren on StackOverflow, http://stackoverflow.com/a/1506337
727     * @param encoded the index encoded as a long
728     * @param count an int between 1 and 20, inclusive, that will be the size of the returned array
729     * @param add an int to add to each item of the permutation
730     * @return the looked-up permutation as an int array with length equal to count
731     */
732    public static int[] decodePermutation(long encoded, int count, int add)
733    {
734        int[] p = decodePermutation(encoded, count);
735        for (int i = 0; i < p.length; i++) {
736            p[i] += add;
737        }
738        return p;
739    }
741    /**
742     * Given a long between 0 and the total number of permutations possible (see getBigTotalPermutations() for how to
743     * access this) and an int count of how many indices to find a permutation of, returns an array with the permutation
744     * of the indices described by the long as a special (factoradic) index into the possible permutations. You can get
745     * an index for a specific permutation with encodeBigPermutation() or by generating a random number between 0 and
746     * getBigTotalPermutations(), if you want it randomly. This variant adds an int to each item in the returned array,
747     * which may be useful if generating indices that don't start at 0.
748     * <br>
749     * Credit goes to user Joren on StackOverflow, http://stackoverflow.com/a/1506337
750     * @param encoded the index encoded as a BigInteger
751     * @param count a positive int that will be the size of the returned array
752     * @param add an int to add to each item of the permutation
753     * @return the looked-up permutation as an int array with length equal to count
754     */
755    public static int[] decodePermutation(BigInteger encoded, int count, int add)
756    {
757        int[] p = decodePermutation(encoded, count);
758        for (int i = 0; i < p.length; i++) {
759            p[i] += add;
760        }
761        return p;
762    }