002 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
003 Rand.java: By Bob Jenkins.  My random number generator, ISAAC.
004 rand.init() -- initialize
005 rand.val()  -- get a random value
007 960327: Creation (addition of randinit, really)
008 970719: use context, not global variables, for internal state
009 980224: Translate to Java
010 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
011 */
013package squidpony.squidmath;
015import java.util.Arrays;
017 * This is a port of the public domain Isaac64 (cryptographic) random number generator to Java.
018 * It is a RandomnessSource here, so it should generally be used to make an RNG, which has more
019 * features. IsaacRNG is slower than the non-cryptographic RNGs in SquidLib, but much faster
020 * than cryptographic RNGs that need SecureRandom, plus it's compatible with GWT and Android!
021 * Created by Tommy Ettinger on 8/1/2016.
022 */
023public class IsaacRNG implements RandomnessSource {
024    private int count;                           /* count through the results in results[] */
025    private long[] results;                                /* the results given to the user */
026    private long[] mem;                                   /* the internal state */
027    private long a;                                              /* accumulator */
028    private long b;                                          /* the last result */
029    private long c;              /* counter, guarantees cycle is at least 2^^72 */
032    /**
033     * Constructs an IsaacRNG with no seed; this will produce one sequence of numbers as if the seed were 0
034     * (which it essentially is, though passing 0 to the constructor that takes a long will produce a different
035     * sequence) instead of what the other RandomnessSources do (initialize with a low-quality random number
036     * from Math.random()).
037     */
038    public IsaacRNG() {
039        mem = new long[256];
040        results = new long[256];
041        init(false);
042    }
045    /**
046     * Constructs an IsaacRNG with the given seed, which should be a rather large array of long values.
047     * You should try to make seed a long[256], but smaller arrays will be tolerated without error.
048     * Arrays larger than 256 items will only have the first 256 used.
049     * @param seed an array of longs to use as a seed; ideally it should be 256 individual longs
050     */
051    public IsaacRNG(long[] seed) {
052        mem = new long[256];
053        results = new long[256];
054        if(seed == null)
055            init(false);
056        else {
057            System.arraycopy(seed, 0, results, 0, Math.min(256, seed.length));
058            init(true);
059        }
060    }
062    /**
063     * Constructs an IsaacRNG with its state filled by the value of seed, run through the LightRNG algorithm.
064     * @param seed any long; will have equal influence on all bits of state
065     */
066    public IsaacRNG(long seed) {
067        mem = new long[256];
068        results = new long[256];
069        long z;
070        for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
071            z = ( seed += 0x9E3779B97F4A7C15L );
072            z = (z ^ (z >>> 30)) * 0xBF58476D1CE4E5B9L;
073            z = (z ^ (z >>> 27)) * 0x94D049BB133111EBL;
074            results[i] = z ^ (z >>> 31);
075        }
076        init(true);
077    }
079    /**
080     * Constructs an IsaacRNG with its state filled by repeated hashing of seed.
081     * @param seed a String that should be exceptionally long to get the best results.
082     */
083    public IsaacRNG(String seed) {
084        mem = new long[256];
085        results = new long[256];
086        if(seed == null)
087            init(false);
088        else {
089            char[] chars = seed.toCharArray();
090            int slen = seed.length(), i = 0;
091            for (; i < 256 && i < slen; i++) {
092                results[i] = CrossHash.hash64(chars, i, slen);
093            }
094            for (; i < 256; i++) {
095                results[i] = CrossHash.hash64(results);
096            }
097            init(true);
098        }
099    }
101    private IsaacRNG(IsaacRNG other)
102    {
103        this(other.results);
104    }
106    /**
107     *  Generates 256 results to be used by later calls to next() or nextLong().
108     *  This is a fast (not small) implementation.
109     *  */
110    public final void regen() {
111        int i, j;
112        long x, y;
114        b += ++c;
115        for (i=0, j=128; i<128;) {
116            x = mem[i];
117            a = ~(a ^ a << 21) + mem[j++];
118            mem[i] = y = mem[(int)(x >> 3 & 255)] + a + b;
119            results[i++] = b = mem[(int)(y >> 11 & 255)] + x;
121            x = mem[i];
122            a = (a ^ a >>> 5) + mem[j++];
123            mem[i] = y = mem[(int)(x >> 3 & 255)] + a + b;
124            results[i++] = b = mem[(int)(y >> 11 & 255)] + x;
126            x = mem[i];
127            a = (a ^ a << 12) + mem[j++];
128            mem[i] = y = mem[(int)(x >> 3 & 255)] + a + b;
129            results[i++] = b = mem[(int)(y >> 11 & 255)] + x;
131            x = mem[i];
132            a = (a ^ a >>> 33) + mem[j++];
133            mem[i] = y = mem[(int)(x >> 3 & 255)] + a + b;
134            results[i++] = b = mem[(int)(y >> 11 & 255)] + x;
135        }
137        for (j=0; j<128;) {
138            x = mem[i];
139            a = ~(a ^ a << 21) + mem[j++];
140            mem[i] = y = mem[(int)(x >> 3 & 255)] + a + b;
141            results[i++] = b = mem[(int)(y >> 11 & 255)] + x;
143            x = mem[i];
144            a = (a ^ a >>> 5) + mem[j++];
145            mem[i] = y = mem[(int)(x >> 3 & 255)] + a + b;
146            results[i++] = b = mem[(int)(y >> 11 & 255)] + x;
148            x = mem[i];
149            a = (a ^ a << 12) + mem[j++];
150            mem[i] = y = mem[(int)(x >> 3 & 255)] + a + b;
151            results[i++] = b = mem[(int)(y >> 11 & 255)] + x;
153            x = mem[i];
154            a = (a ^ a >>> 33) + mem[j++];
155            mem[i] = y = mem[(int)(x >> 3 & 255)] + a + b;
156            results[i++] = b = mem[(int)(y >> 11 & 255)] + x;
157        }
158    }
159    /**
160     * Can be used to re-initialize this IsaacRNG as if using the long-array constructor.
161     * The given seed should be a rather large array of long values.
162     * You should try to make seed a long[256], but smaller arrays will be tolerated without error.
163     * Arrays larger than 256 items will only have the first 256 used.
164     * @param seed an array of longs to use as a seed; ideally it should be 256 individual longs
165     */
166    public void init(long[] seed) {
167        if(seed == null)
168            init(false);
169        else {
170            System.arraycopy(seed, 0, results, 0, Math.min(256, seed.length));
171            init(true);
172        }
173    }
175    /**
176     * Can be used to re-initialize this IsaacRNG as if using the single-long constructor.
177     * @param seed any long; will have equal influence on all bits of state
178     */
179    public void init(long seed) {
180        long z;
181        for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
182            z = ( seed += 0x9E3779B97F4A7C15L );
183            z = (z ^ (z >>> 30)) * 0xBF58476D1CE4E5B9L;
184            z = (z ^ (z >>> 27)) * 0x94D049BB133111EBL;
185            results[i] = z ^ (z >>> 31);
186        }
187        init(true);
188    }
190    /**
191     * Can be used to re-initialize this IsaacRNG as if using the single-String constructor.
192     * @param seed a String; if non-null, its contents will be used as a seed
193     */
194    public final void init(String seed)
195    {
196        if(seed == null)
197            init(false);
198        else {
199            char[] chars = seed.toCharArray();
200            int slen = seed.length(), i = 0;
201            for (; i < 256 && i < slen; i++) {
202                results[i] = CrossHash.hash64(chars, i, slen);
203            }
204            for (; i < 256; i++) {
205                results[i] = CrossHash.hash64(results);
206            }
207            init(true);
208        }
210    }
212    /**
213     * Initializes this IsaacRNG; typically used from the constructor but can be called externally.
214     * @param flag if true, use data from seed; if false, initializes this to unseeded random state
215     */
216    public final void init(boolean flag) {
217        int i;
218        long a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h;
219        a=b=c=d=e=f=g=h=0x9e3779b97f4a7c13L;                        /* the golden ratio */
221        for (i=0; i<4; ++i) {
222            a-=e; f^=h>>>9;  h+=a;
223            b-=f; g^=a<<9;  a+=b;
224            c-=g; h^=b>>>23; b+=c;
225            d-=h; a^=c<<15; c+=d;
226            e-=a; b^=d>>>14; d+=e;
227            f-=b; c^=e<<20; e+=f;
228            g-=c; d^=f>>>17; f+=g;
229            h-=d; e^=g<<14; g+=h;
230            /*
231            a^=b<<11;  d+=a; b+=c;
232            b^=c>>>3;  e+=b; c+=d;
233            c^=d<<8;   f+=c; d+=e;
234            d^=e>>>16; g+=d; e+=f;
235            e^=f<<10;  h+=e; f+=g;
236            f^=g>>>4;  a+=f; g+=h;
237            g^=h<<8;   b+=g; h+=a;
238            h^=a>>>9;  c+=h; a+=b;
239            */
240        }
242        for (i=0; i<256; i+=8) {              /* fill in mem[] with messy stuff */
243            if (flag) {
244                a+= results[i  ]; b+= results[i+1]; c+= results[i+2]; d+= results[i+3];
245                e+= results[i+4]; f+= results[i+5]; g+= results[i+6]; h+= results[i+7];
246            }
247            a-=e; f^=h>>>9;  h+=a;
248            b-=f; g^=a<<9;  a+=b;
249            c-=g; h^=b>>>23; b+=c;
250            d-=h; a^=c<<15; c+=d;
251            e-=a; b^=d>>>14; d+=e;
252            f-=b; c^=e<<20; e+=f;
253            g-=c; d^=f>>>17; f+=g;
254            h-=d; e^=g<<14; g+=h;
255            mem[i  ]=a; mem[i+1]=b; mem[i+2]=c; mem[i+3]=d;
256            mem[i+4]=e; mem[i+5]=f; mem[i+6]=g; mem[i+7]=h;
257        }
259        if (flag) {           /* second pass makes all of seed affect all of mem */
260            for (i=0; i<256; i+=8) {
261                a+=mem[i  ]; b+=mem[i+1]; c+=mem[i+2]; d+=mem[i+3];
262                e+=mem[i+4]; f+=mem[i+5]; g+=mem[i+6]; h+=mem[i+7];
263                a-=e; f^=h>>>9;  h+=a;
264                b-=f; g^=a<<9;  a+=b;
265                c-=g; h^=b>>>23; b+=c;
266                d-=h; a^=c<<15; c+=d;
267                e-=a; b^=d>>>14; d+=e;
268                f-=b; c^=e<<20; e+=f;
269                g-=c; d^=f>>>17; f+=g;
270                h-=d; e^=g<<14; g+=h;
271                mem[i  ]=a; mem[i+1]=b; mem[i+2]=c; mem[i+3]=d;
272                mem[i+4]=e; mem[i+5]=f; mem[i+6]=g; mem[i+7]=h;
273            }
274        }
276        regen();
277        count = 256;
278    }
281    @Override
282    public final long nextLong() {
283        if (0 == count--) {
284            regen();
285            count = 255;
286        }
287        return results[count];
288    }
290    /**
291     * Generates and returns a block of 256 pseudo-random long values.
292     * @return a freshly-allocated array of 256 pseudo-random longs, with all bits possible
293     */
294    public final long[] nextBlock()
295    {
296        regen();
297        final long[] block = new long[256];
298        System.arraycopy(results, 0, block, 0, 256);
299        count = 0;
300        return block;
301    }
303    /**
304     * Generates enough pseudo-random long values to fill {@code data} and assigns them to it.
305     */
306    public final void fillBlock(final long[] data)
307    {
308        int len, i;
309        if(data == null || (len = data.length) == 0) return;
310        for (i = 0; len > 256; i += 256, len -= 256) {
311            regen();
312            System.arraycopy(results, 0, data, i, 256);
313        }
314        regen();
315        System.arraycopy(results, 0, data, i, len);
316        count = len & 255;
317    }
319    @Override
320    public final int next( int bits ) {
321        //return (int)( nextLong() >>> (64 - bits) );
322        return (int)( nextLong() & ( 1L << bits ) - 1 );
323    }
325    /**
326     * Produces another RandomnessSource, but the new one will not produce the same data as this one.
327     * This is meant to be a "more-secure" generator, so this helps reduce the ability to guess future
328     * results from a given sequence of output.
329     * @return another RandomnessSource with the same implementation but no guarantees as to generation
330     */
331    @Override
332    public final IsaacRNG copy() {
333        return new IsaacRNG(results);
334    }
336    @Override
337    public boolean equals(Object o) {
338        if (this == o) return true;
339        if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
341        IsaacRNG isaacRNG = (IsaacRNG) o;
343        if (count != isaacRNG.count) return false;
344        if (a != isaacRNG.a) return false;
345        if (b != isaacRNG.b) return false;
346        if (c != isaacRNG.c) return false;
347        if (!Arrays.equals(results, isaacRNG.results)) return false;
348        return Arrays.equals(mem, isaacRNG.mem);
349    }
351    @Override
352    public String toString()
353    {
354        return "IsaacRNG with a hidden state (id is " + System.identityHashCode(this) + ')';
355    }