001package squidpony.squidmath;
004 * A simple alternative to EnumMap that has a zero-argument constructor (which makes serialization easier) but is a
005 * little less efficient. However, it supports more features by inheriting from {@link OrderedMap}, such as retrieval of
006 * random keys or values with {@link #randomKey(IRNG)} and  {@link #randomValue(IRNG)}, iteration in insertion order
007 * instead of always using enum declaration order (order can be shuffled with {@link #shuffle(IRNG)} or reordered with
008 * {@link #reorder(int...)}), and a little more. The implementation is nearly trivial due to how OrderedMap allows
009 * customization of hashing strategy with its IHasher option, and this class always uses a specific custom IHasher to
010 * hash Enum values by their ordinal. This IHasher is shared with {@link EnumOrderedSet}.
011 * <br>
012 * Created by Tommy Ettinger on 10/21/2017.
013 */
014public class EnumOrderedMap<K extends Enum<?>, V> extends OrderedMap<K, V> {
015    public EnumOrderedMap()
016    {
017        super(16, 0.9375f, HashCommon.enumHasher);
018    }
019    public EnumOrderedMap(Class<K> enumClass) {
020        super(enumClass.getEnumConstants().length, 0.9375f, HashCommon.enumHasher);
021    }
022    public EnumOrderedMap(K enumObject) {
023        super(enumObject.getClass().getEnumConstants().length, 0.9375f, HashCommon.enumHasher);
024    }
026    @Override
027    public String toString() {
028        final StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
029        int n = size(), i = 0;
030        boolean first = true;
031        s.append("EnumOrderedMap{");
032        while (i < n) {
033            if (first) first = false;
034            else s.append(", ");
035            s.append(entryAt(i++));
036        }
037        s.append("}");
038        return s.toString();
039    }