002 Copyright 2011 See AUTHORS file.
004 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
005 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
006 You may obtain a copy of the License at
008 http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
010 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
011 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
012 WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
013 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
014 limitations under the License.
015 */
017package squidpony.squidmath;
019import java.util.Arrays;
021/** A binary heap that stores nodes which each have a double value and are sorted either lowest first or highest first.
022 * The {@link Node} class can be extended to store additional information.
023 * @author Nathan Sweet */
024public class BinaryHeap<T extends BinaryHeap.Node> {
025        public int size;
027        private Node[] nodes;
028        private final boolean isMaxHeap;
030        public BinaryHeap () {
031                this(16, false);
032        }
034        public BinaryHeap (int capacity, boolean isMaxHeap) {
035                this.isMaxHeap = isMaxHeap;
036                nodes = new Node[capacity];
037        }
039        /** Adds the node to the heap using its current value. The node should not already be in the heap. */
040        public T add (T node) {
041                // Expand if necessary.
042                if (size == nodes.length) {
043                        Node[] newNodes = new Node[size << 1];
044                        System.arraycopy(nodes, 0, newNodes, 0, size);
045                        nodes = newNodes;
046                }
047                // Insert at end and bubble up.
048                node.index = size;
049                nodes[size] = node;
050                up(size++);
051                return node;
052        }
054        /** Sets the node's value and adds it to the heap. The node should not already be in the heap. */
055        public T add (T node, double value) {
056                node.value = value;
057                return add(node);
058        }
060        /** Returns true if the heap contains the specified node.
061         * @param identity If true, == comparison will be used. If false, .equals() comparison will be used. */
062        public boolean contains (T node, boolean identity) {
063                if (node == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("node cannot be null.");
064                if (identity) {
065                        for (Node n : nodes)
066                                if (n == node) return true;
067                } else {
068                        for (Node other : nodes)
069                                if (other.equals(node)) return true;
070                }
071                return false;
072        }
074        /** Returns the first item in the heap. This is the item with the lowest value (or highest value if this heap is configured as
075         * a max heap). */
076        public T peek () {
077                if (size == 0) throw new IllegalStateException("The heap is empty.");
078                return (T)nodes[0];
079        }
081        /** Removes the first item in the heap and returns it. This is the item with the lowest value (or highest value if this heap is
082         * configured as a max heap). */
083        public T pop () {
084                Node removed = nodes[0];
085                if (--size > 0) {
086                        nodes[0] = nodes[size];
087                        nodes[size] = null;
088                        down(0);
089                } else
090                        nodes[0] = null;
091                return (T)removed;
092        }
094        public T remove (T node) {
095                if (--size > 0) {
096                        Node moved = nodes[size];
097                        nodes[size] = null;
098                        nodes[node.index] = moved;
099                        if (moved.value < node.value ^ isMaxHeap)
100                                up(node.index);
101                        else
102                                down(node.index);
103                } else
104                        nodes[0] = null;
105                return node;
106        }
108        /** Returns true if the heap has one or more items. */
109        public boolean notEmpty () {
110                return size > 0;
111        }
113        /** Returns true if the heap is empty. */
114        public boolean isEmpty () {
115                return size == 0;
116        }
118        public void clear () {
119                Arrays.fill(nodes, 0, size, null);
120                size = 0;
121        }
123        /** Changes the value of the node, which should already be in the heap. */
124        public void setValue (T node, double value) {
125                double oldValue = node.value;
126                node.value = value;
127                if (value < oldValue ^ isMaxHeap)
128                        up(node.index);
129                else
130                        down(node.index);
131        }
133        private void up (int index) {
134                Node[] nodes = this.nodes;
135                Node node = nodes[index];
136                double value = node.value;
137                while (index > 0) {
138                        int parentIndex = (index - 1) >> 1;
139                        Node parent = nodes[parentIndex];
140                        if (value < parent.value ^ isMaxHeap) {
141                                nodes[index] = parent;
142                                parent.index = index;
143                                index = parentIndex;
144                        } else
145                                break;
146                }
147                nodes[index] = node;
148                node.index = index;
149        }
151        private void down (int index) {
152                Node[] nodes = this.nodes;
153                int size = this.size;
155                Node node = nodes[index];
156                double value = node.value;
158                while (true) {
159                        int leftIndex = 1 + (index << 1);
160                        if (leftIndex >= size) break;
161                        int rightIndex = leftIndex + 1;
163                        // Always has a left child.
164                        Node leftNode = nodes[leftIndex];
165                        double leftValue = leftNode.value;
167                        // May have a right child.
168                        Node rightNode;
169                        double rightValue;
170                        if (rightIndex >= size) {
171                                rightNode = null;
172                                rightValue = isMaxHeap ? -Double.MAX_VALUE : Double.MAX_VALUE;
173                        } else {
174                                rightNode = nodes[rightIndex];
175                                rightValue = rightNode.value;
176                        }
178                        // The smallest of the three values is the parent.
179                        if (leftValue < rightValue ^ isMaxHeap) {
180                                if (leftValue == value || (leftValue > value ^ isMaxHeap)) break;
181                                nodes[index] = leftNode;
182                                leftNode.index = index;
183                                index = leftIndex;
184                        } else {
185                                if (rightValue == value || (rightValue > value ^ isMaxHeap)) break;
186                                nodes[index] = rightNode;
187                                if (rightNode != null) rightNode.index = index;
188                                index = rightIndex;
189                        }
190                }
192                while (index > 0) {
193                        int parentIndex = (index - 1) >> 1;
194                        Node parent = nodes[parentIndex];
195                        if (value < parent.value ^ isMaxHeap) {
196                                nodes[index] = parent;
197                                parent.index = index;
198                                index = parentIndex;
199                        } else
200                                break;
201                }
203                nodes[index] = node;
204                node.index = index;
205        }
207        public boolean equals (Object obj) {
208                if (!(obj instanceof BinaryHeap)) return false;
209                BinaryHeap other = (BinaryHeap)obj;
210                if (other.size != size) return false;
211                Node[] nodes1 = this.nodes, nodes2 = other.nodes;
212                for (int i = 0, n = size; i < n; i++)
213                        if (nodes1[i].value != nodes2[i].value) return false;
214                return true;
215        }
217        public int hashCode () {
218                int h = 1;
219                Node[] nodes = this.nodes;
220                for (int i = 0, n = size; i < n; i++)
221                        h = h * 31 + NumberTools.doubleToMixedIntBits(nodes[i].value);
222                return h;
223        }
225        public String toString () {
226                if (size == 0) return "[]";
227                Node[] nodes = this.nodes;
228                StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(32);
229                buffer.append('[');
230                buffer.append(nodes[0].value);
231                for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) {
232                        buffer.append(", ");
233                        buffer.append(nodes[i].value);
234                }
235                buffer.append(']');
236                return buffer.toString();
237        }
239        /** A binary heap node.
240         * @author Nathan Sweet */
241        static public class Node {
242                public double value;
243                public int index;
245                /** @param value The initial value for the node. To change the value, use {@link BinaryHeap#add(Node, double)} if the node is
246                 *           not in the heap, or {@link BinaryHeap#setValue(Node, double)} if the node is in the heap. */
247                public Node (double value) {
248                        this.value = value;
249                }
251                public double getValue () {
252                        return value;
253                }
255                public String toString () {
256                        return Double.toString(value);
257                }
258        }