001package squidpony.squidgrid.mapping;
003import squidpony.squidmath.*;
005import java.util.ArrayList;
006import java.util.List;
009 * Generate dungeons based on a random, winding, looping path through 2D space. Uses techniques from MixedGenerator.
010 * Uses a Moore Curve, which is related to Hilbert Curves but loops back to its starting point, and stretches and
011 * distorts the grid to make sure a visual correlation isn't obvious. This supports the getEnvironment() method, which
012 * can be used in conjunction with RoomFinder to find where separate room, corridor, and cave areas have been placed.
013 * <br>
014 * To get a sense of what kinds of map this generates, you can look at a sample map on
015 * https://gist.github.com/tommyettinger/93b47048fc8a209a9712 , which also includes a snippet of Java code that can
016 * generate that map.
017 * <br>
018 * The name comes from a vivid dream I had about gigantic, multi-colored snakes that completely occupied a roguelike
019 * dungeon. Shortly after, I made the connection to the Australian mythology I'd heard about the Rainbow Serpent, which
020 * in some stories dug water-holes and was similarly gigantic.
021 * Created by Tommy Ettinger on 10/24/2015.
022 */
023public class SerpentMapGenerator implements IDungeonGenerator {
024    private MixedGenerator mix;
025    private int[] columns, rows;
027    /**
028     * This prepares a map generator that will generate a map with the given width and height, using the given IRNG.
029     * The intended purpose is to carve a long path that loops through the whole dungeon, while hopefully maximizing
030     * the amount of rooms the player encounters. You call the different carver-adding methods to affect what the
031     * dungeon will look like, putCaveCarvers(), putBoxRoomCarvers(), and putRoundRoomCarvers(), defaulting to only
032     * caves if none are called. You call generate() after adding carvers, which returns a char[][] for a map.
033     *
034     * @param width  the width of the final map in cells
035     * @param height the height of the final map in cells
036     * @param rng    an IRNG object to use for random choices; this make a lot of random choices.
037     * @see MixedGenerator
038     */
039    public SerpentMapGenerator(int width, int height, IRNG rng) {
040        this(width, height, rng, false);
041    }
043    /**
044     * This prepares a map generator that will generate a map with the given width and height, using the given IRNG.
045     * The intended purpose is to carve a long path that loops through the whole dungeon, while hopefully maximizing
046     * the amount of rooms the player encounters. You call the different carver-adding methods to affect what the
047     * dungeon will look like, putCaveCarvers(), putBoxRoomCarvers(), and putRoundRoomCarvers(), defaulting to only
048     * caves if none are called. You call generate() after adding carvers, which returns a char[][] for a map.
049     *
050     * @param width       the width of the final map in cells
051     * @param height      the height of the final map in cells
052     * @param random      an IRNG object to use for random choices; this make a lot of random choices.
053     * @param symmetrical true if this should generate a bi-radially symmetric map, false for a typical map
054     * @see MixedGenerator
055     */
056    public SerpentMapGenerator(int width, int height, IRNG random, boolean symmetrical) {
057        if (width <= 2 || height <= 2)
058            throw new IllegalArgumentException("width and height must be greater than 2");
059        CoordPacker.init();
060        long columnAlterations = random.nextLong(0x1000000000000L);
061        float columnBase = width / (Long.bitCount(columnAlterations) + 48.0f);
062        long rowAlterations = random.nextLong(0x1000000000000L);
063        float rowBase = height / (Long.bitCount(rowAlterations) + 48.0f);
065        columns = new int[16];
066        rows = new int[16];
067        int csum = 0, rsum = 0;
068        long b = 7;
069        for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++, b <<= 3) {
070            columns[i] = csum + (int) (columnBase * 0.5f * (3 + Long.bitCount(columnAlterations & b)));
071            csum += (int) (columnBase * (3 + Long.bitCount(columnAlterations & b)));
072            rows[i] = rsum + (int) (rowBase * 0.5f * (3 + Long.bitCount(rowAlterations & b)));
073            rsum += (int) (rowBase * (3 + Long.bitCount(rowAlterations & b)));
074        }
075        int cs = width - csum;
076        int rs = height - rsum;
077        int cs2 = cs, rs2 = rs, cs3 = cs, rs3 = rs;
078        for (int i = 0; i <= 7; i++) {
079            cs2 = 0;
080            rs2 = 0;
081            columns[i] -= cs2;
082            rows[i] -= rs2;
083        }
084        for (int i = 15; i >= 8; i--) {
085            cs3 = cs3 * (i - 8) / 8;
086            rs3 = rs3 * (i - 8) / 8;
087            columns[i] += cs3;
088            rows[i] += rs3;
089        }
091        List<Coord> points = new ArrayList<>(80);
092        Coord temp;
093        for (int i = 0, m = random.nextInt(64), r; i < 256; r = random.between(4, 12), i += r, m += r) {
094            temp = CoordPacker.mooreToCoord(m);
095            points.add(Coord.get(columns[temp.x], rows[temp.y]));
096        }
097        points.add(points.get(0));
098        if (symmetrical) {
099            mix = new SymmetryDungeonGenerator(width, height, random,
100                    SymmetryDungeonGenerator.removeSomeOverlap(width, height, points));
101        } else
102            mix = new MixedGenerator(width, height, random, points);
103    }
105    /**
106     * This prepares a map generator that will generate a map with the given width and height, using the given IRNG.
107     * The intended purpose is to carve a long path that loops through the whole dungeon, while hopefully maximizing
108     * the amount of rooms the player encounters. You call the different carver-adding methods to affect what the
109     * dungeon will look like, putCaveCarvers(), putBoxRoomCarvers(), and putRoundRoomCarvers(), defaulting to only
110     * caves if none are called. You call generate() after adding carvers, which returns a char[][] for a map.
111     *
112     * @param width           the width of the final map in cells
113     * @param height          the height of the final map in cells
114     * @param rng             an IRNG object to use for random choices; this make a lot of random choices.
115     * @param branchingChance the chance from 0.0 to 1.0 that each room will branch at least once
116     * @see MixedGenerator
117     */
118    public SerpentMapGenerator(int width, int height, IRNG rng, double branchingChance) {
119        this(width, height, rng, branchingChance, false);
120    }
122    /**
123     * This prepares a map generator that will generate a map with the given width and height, using the given IRNG.
124     * The intended purpose is to carve a long path that loops through the whole dungeon, while hopefully maximizing
125     * the amount of rooms the player encounters. You call the different carver-adding methods to affect what the
126     * dungeon will look like, putCaveCarvers(), putBoxRoomCarvers(), and putRoundRoomCarvers(), defaulting to only
127     * caves if none are called. You call generate() after adding carvers, which returns a char[][] for a map.
128     *
129     * @param width           the width of the final map in cells
130     * @param height          the height of the final map in cells
131     * @param random          an IRNG object to use for random choices; this make a lot of random choices.
132     * @param branchingChance the chance from 0.0 to 1.0 that each room will branch at least once
133     * @param symmetrical     true if this should generate a bi-radially symmetric map, false for a typical map
134     * @see MixedGenerator
135     */
136    public SerpentMapGenerator(int width, int height, IRNG random, double branchingChance, boolean symmetrical) {
137        if (width <= 2 || height <= 2)
138            throw new IllegalArgumentException("width and height must be greater than 2");
139        CoordPacker.init();
140        long columnAlterations = random.nextLong(0x1000000000000L);
141        float columnBase = width / (Long.bitCount(columnAlterations) + 48.0f);
142        long rowAlterations = random.nextLong(0x1000000000000L);
143        float rowBase = height / (Long.bitCount(rowAlterations) + 48.0f);
145        columns = new int[16];
146        rows = new int[16];
147        int csum = 0, rsum = 0;
148        long b = 7;
149        for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++, b <<= 3) {
150            columns[i] = csum + (int) (columnBase * 0.5f * (3 + Long.bitCount(columnAlterations & b)));
151            csum += (int) (columnBase * (3 + Long.bitCount(columnAlterations & b)));
152            rows[i] = rsum + (int) (rowBase * 0.5f * (3 + Long.bitCount(rowAlterations & b)));
153            rsum += (int) (rowBase * (3 + Long.bitCount(rowAlterations & b)));
154        }
155        int cs = width - csum;
156        int rs = height - rsum;
157        int cs2 = cs, rs2 = rs, cs3 = cs, rs3 = rs;
158        for (int i = 0; i <= 7; i++) {
159            cs2 = 0;
160            rs2 = 0;
161            columns[i] -= cs2;
162            rows[i] -= rs2;
163        }
164        for (int i = 15; i >= 8; i--) {
165            cs3 = cs3 * (i - 8) / 8;
166            rs3 = rs3 * (i - 8) / 8;
167            columns[i] += cs3;
168            rows[i] += rs3;
169        }
171        OrderedMap<Coord, List<Coord>> connections = new OrderedMap<>(80);
172        Coord temp, t;
173        int m = random.nextInt(64), r = random.between(4, 12);
174        temp = CoordPacker.mooreToCoord(m);
175        Coord starter = CoordPacker.mooreToCoord(m);
176        m += r;
177        for (int i = r; i < 256; i += r, m += r) {
178            List<Coord> cl = new ArrayList<>(4);
179            cl.add(Coord.get(columns[temp.x], rows[temp.y]));
180            temp = CoordPacker.mooreToCoord(m);
181            r = random.between(4, 12);
182            for (int j = 0, p = r - 1;
183                 j < 3 && p > 2 && Math.min(random.nextDouble(), random.nextDouble()) < branchingChance;
184                 j++, p -= random.between(1, p)) {
185                t = CoordPacker.mooreToCoord(m + p);
186                cl.add(Coord.get(columns[t.x], rows[t.y]));
187            }
188            connections.put(Coord.get(columns[temp.x], rows[temp.y]), cl);
189        }
190        connections.get(Coord.get(columns[temp.x], rows[temp.y])).add(
191                Coord.get(columns[starter.x], rows[starter.y]));
192        if (symmetrical) {
193            mix = new SymmetryDungeonGenerator(width, height, random,
194                    SymmetryDungeonGenerator.removeSomeOverlap(width, height, connections));
195        } else
196            mix = new MixedGenerator(width, height, random, connections);
198    }
200    /**
201     * Changes the number of "carvers" that will create caves from one room to the next. If count is 0 or less, no caves
202     * will be made. If count is at least 1, caves are possible, and higher numbers relative to the other carvers make
203     * caves more likely. Carvers are shuffled when used, then repeat if exhausted during generation. Since typically
204     * about 30-40 rooms are carved, large totals for carver count aren't really needed; aiming for a total of 10
205     * between the count of putCaveCarvers(), putBoxRoomCarvers(), and putRoundRoomCarvers() is reasonable.
206     *
207     * @param count the number of carvers making caves between rooms; only matters in relation to other carvers
208     * @see MixedGenerator
209     */
210    public void putCaveCarvers(int count) {
211        mix.putCaveCarvers(count);
212    }
214    /**
215     * Changes the number of "carvers" that will create right-angle corridors from one room to the next, create rooms
216     * with a random size in a box shape at the start and end, and a small room at the corner if there is one. If count
217     * is 0 or less, no box-shaped rooms will be made. If count is at least 1, box-shaped rooms are possible, and higher
218     * numbers relative to the other carvers make box-shaped rooms more likely. Carvers are shuffled when used, then
219     * repeat if exhausted during generation. Since typically about 30-40 rooms are carved, large totals for carver
220     * count aren't really needed; aiming for a total of 10 between the count of putCaveCarvers(), putBoxRoomCarvers(),
221     * and putRoundRoomCarvers() is reasonable.
222     *
223     * @param count the number of carvers making box-shaped rooms and corridors between them; only matters in relation
224     *              to other carvers
225     * @see MixedGenerator
226     */
227    public void putBoxRoomCarvers(int count) {
228        mix.putBoxRoomCarvers(count);
229    }
231    /**
232     * Changes the number of "carvers" that will create right-angle corridors from one room to the next, create rooms
233     * with a random size in a box shape at the start and end, and a small room at the corner if there is one. This also
234     * ensures walls will be placed around the room, only allowing corridors and small cave openings to pass. If count
235     * is 0 or less, no box-shaped rooms will be made. If count is at least 1, box-shaped rooms are possible, and higher
236     * numbers relative to the other carvers make box-shaped rooms more likely. Carvers are shuffled when used, then
237     * repeat if exhausted during generation. Since typically about 30-40 rooms are carved, large totals for carver
238     * count aren't really needed; aiming for a total of 10 between the count of putCaveCarvers(), putBoxRoomCarvers(),
239     * and putRoundRoomCarvers() is reasonable.
240     *
241     * @param count the number of carvers making box-shaped rooms and corridors between them; only matters in relation
242     *              to other carvers
243     * @see MixedGenerator
244     */
245    public void putWalledBoxRoomCarvers(int count) {
246        mix.putWalledBoxRoomCarvers(count);
247    }
249    /**
250     * Changes the number of "carvers" that will create right-angle corridors from one room to the next, create rooms
251     * with a random size in a circle shape at the start and end, and a small circular room at the corner if there is
252     * one. If count is 0 or less, no circular rooms will be made. If count is at least 1, circular rooms are possible,
253     * and higher numbers relative to the other carvers make circular rooms more likely. Carvers are shuffled when used,
254     * then repeat if exhausted during generation. Since typically about 30-40 rooms are carved, large totals for carver
255     * count aren't really needed; aiming for a total of 10 between the count of putCaveCarvers(), putBoxRoomCarvers(),
256     * and putRoundRoomCarvers() is reasonable.
257     *
258     * @param count the number of carvers making circular rooms and corridors between them; only matters in relation
259     *              to other carvers
260     * @see MixedGenerator
261     */
262    public void putRoundRoomCarvers(int count) {
263        mix.putRoundRoomCarvers(count);
264    }
266    /**
267     * Changes the number of "carvers" that will create right-angle corridors from one room to the next, create rooms
268     * with a random size in a circle shape at the start and end, and a small circular room at the corner if there is
269     * one. This also ensures walls will be placed around the room, only allowing corridors and small cave openings to
270     * pass. If count is 0 or less, no circular rooms will be made. If count is at least 1, circular rooms are possible,
271     * and higher numbers relative to the other carvers make circular rooms more likely. Carvers are shuffled when used,
272     * then repeat if exhausted during generation. Since typically about 30-40 rooms are carved, large totals for carver
273     * count aren't really needed; aiming for a total of 10 between the count of putCaveCarvers(), putBoxRoomCarvers(),
274     * and putRoundRoomCarvers() is reasonable.
275     *
276     * @param count the number of carvers making circular rooms and corridors between them; only matters in relation
277     *              to other carvers
278     * @see MixedGenerator
279     */
280    public void putWalledRoundRoomCarvers(int count) {
281        mix.putWalledRoundRoomCarvers(count);
282    }
284    /**
285     * This generates a new map by stretching a 16x16 grid of potential rooms to fit the width and height passed to the
286     * constructor, randomly expanding columns and rows before contracting the whole to fit perfectly. This uses the
287     * Moore Curve, a space-filling curve that loops around on itself, to guarantee that the rooms will always have a
288     * long path through the dungeon that, if followed completely, will take you back to your starting room. Some small
289     * branches are possible, and large rooms may merge with other rooms nearby. This uses MixedGenerator.
290     *
291     * @return a char[][] where '#' is a wall and '.' is a floor or corridor; x first y second
292     * @see MixedGenerator
293     */
294    public char[][] generate() {
295        return mix.generate();
296    }
299    /**
300     * Gets a 2D array of int constants, each representing a type of environment corresponding to a static field of
301     * MixedGenerator. This array will have the same size as the last char 2D array produced by generate(); the value
302     * of this method if called before generate() is undefined, but probably will be a 2D array of all 0 (UNTOUCHED).
303     * <ul>
304     * <li>MixedGenerator.UNTOUCHED, equal to 0, is used for any cells that aren't near a floor.</li>
305     * <li>MixedGenerator.ROOM_FLOOR, equal to 1, is used for floor cells inside wide room areas.</li>
306     * <li>MixedGenerator.ROOM_WALL, equal to 2, is used for wall cells around wide room areas.</li>
307     * <li>MixedGenerator.CAVE_FLOOR, equal to 3, is used for floor cells inside rough cave areas.</li>
308     * <li>MixedGenerator.CAVE_WALL, equal to 4, is used for wall cells around rough cave areas.</li>
309     * <li>MixedGenerator.CORRIDOR_FLOOR, equal to 5, is used for floor cells inside narrow corridor areas.</li>
310     * <li>MixedGenerator.CORRIDOR_WALL, equal to 6, is used for wall cells around narrow corridor areas.</li>
311     * </ul>
312     *
313     * @return a 2D int array where each element is an environment type constant in MixedGenerator
314     */
315    public int[][] getEnvironment() {
316        return mix.getEnvironment();
317    }
319    public char[][] getDungeon() {
320        return mix.getDungeon();
321    }