001package squidpony.squidgrid.mapping;
003import squidpony.squidgrid.Direction;
004import squidpony.squidgrid.iterator.SquidIterators;
005import squidpony.squidgrid.zone.Zone;
006import squidpony.squidmath.Coord;
008import java.util.*;
011 * Rectangles in 2D grids. Checkout {@link Utils} for utility methods.
012 *
013 * @author smelC
014 * @see RectangleRoomFinder How to find rectangles in a dungeon
015 */
016public interface Rectangle extends Zone {
018        /**
019         * @return The bottom left coordinate of the room.
020         */
021        Coord getBottomLeft();
022        /**
023         * @return The room's width (from {@link #getBottomLeft()}). It is greater or
024         *         equal than 0.
025         */
026        @Override
027        int getWidth();
029        /**
030         * @return The room's height (from {@link #getBottomLeft()}). It is greater
031         *         or equal than 0.
032         */
033        @Override
034        int getHeight();
036        /**
037         * Utilities pertaining to {@link Rectangle}
038         *
039         * @author smelC
040         */
041        class Utils {
043                /**
044                 * A comparator that uses {@link #size(Rectangle)} as the measure.
045                 */
046                public static final Comparator<Rectangle> SIZE_COMPARATOR = new Comparator<Rectangle>() {
047                        @Override
048                        public int compare(Rectangle o1, Rectangle o2) {
049                                return Integer.compare(size(o1), size(o2));
050                        }
051                };
053                /**
054         * @param r a Rectangle
055         * @param c a Coord to check against r for presence
056                 * @return Whether {@code r} contains {@code c}.
057                 */
058                public static boolean contains(Rectangle r, Coord c) {
059                        return c != null && contains(r, c.x, c.y);
060                }
062                /**
063         * @param r a Rectangle
064         * @param x x-coordinate of a point to check against r
065         * @param y y-coordinate of a point to check against r
066                 * @return Whether {@code r} contains {@code c}.
067                 */
068                public static boolean contains(Rectangle r, int x, int y) {
069                        if (r == null)
070                                return false;
071                        final Coord bottomLeft = r.getBottomLeft();
072                        final int width = r.getWidth();
073                        final int height = r.getHeight();
074                        return !(x < bottomLeft.x /* Too much to the left */
075                                        || bottomLeft.x + width < x /* Too much to the right */
076                                        || bottomLeft.y < y /* Too low */
077                                        || y < bottomLeft.y - height); /* Too high */
078                }
080                /**
081         * @param r  a Rectangle
082         * @param cs a Collection of Coord to check against r; returns true if r contains any items in cs
083                 * @return {@code true} if {@code r} contains a member of {@code cs}.
084                 */
085                public static boolean containsAny(Rectangle r, Collection<Coord> cs) {
086                        for (Coord c : cs) {
087                                if (contains(r, c))
088                                        return true;
089                        }
090                        return false;
091                }
093                /**
094         * @param rs an Iterable of Rectangle items to check against c
095         * @param c  a Coord to try to find in any of the Rectangles in rs
096                 * @return {@code true} if a member of {@code rs}
097                 *         {@link #contains(Rectangle, Coord) contains} {@code c}.
098                 */
099                public static boolean contains(Iterable<? extends Rectangle> rs, Coord c) {
100                        for (Rectangle r : rs) {
101                                if (contains(r, c))
102                                        return true;
103                        }
104                        return false;
105                }
107                /**
108         * @param r a Rectangle
109                 * @return The number of cells that {@code r} covers.
110                 */
111                public static int size(Rectangle r) {
112                        return r.getWidth() * r.getHeight();
113                }
115                /**
116         * @param r a Rectangle
117                 * @return The center of {@code r}.
118                 */
119                public static Coord center(Rectangle r) {
120                        final Coord bl = r.getBottomLeft();
121                        /*
122                         * bl.y - ... : because we're in SquidLib coordinates (0,0) is top
123                         * left
124                         */
125                        return Coord.get(bl.x + Math.round(r.getWidth() * 0.5f), bl.y - Math.round(r.getHeight() * 0.5f));
126                }
128                /**
129                 * Use {@link #cellsList(Rectangle)} if you want them all.
130                 *
131         * @param r a Rectangle
132                 * @return The cells that {@code r} contains, from bottom left to top
133                 *         right; lazily computed.
134                 */
135                public static Iterator<Coord> cells(Rectangle r) {
136                        return new SquidIterators.RectangleFromBottomLeftToTopRight(r.getBottomLeft(), r.getWidth(),
137                                        r.getHeight());
138                }
140                /**
141                 * Use {@link #cells(Rectangle)} if you may stop before the end of the
142                 * list, you'll save some memory.
143                 *
144                 * @param r
145                 * @return The cells that {@code r} contains, from bottom left to top
146                 *         right.
147                 */
148                public static List<Coord> cellsList(Rectangle r) {
149                        /* Allocate it with the right size, to avoid internal resizings */
150                        final List<Coord> result = new ArrayList<Coord>(size(r));
151                        final Iterator<Coord> it = cells(r);
152                        while (it.hasNext())
153                                result.add(it.next());
154                        assert result.size() == size(r);
155                        return result;
156                }
158                /**
159         * @param d A direction.
160                 * @return {@code r} extended to {@code d} by one row and/or column.
161                 */
162                public static Rectangle extend(Rectangle r, Direction d) {
163                        final Coord bl = r.getBottomLeft();
164                        final int width = r.getWidth();
165                        final int height = r.getHeight();
167                        switch (d) {
168                        case DOWN_LEFT:
169                                return new Rectangle.Impl(bl.translate(Direction.DOWN_LEFT), width + 1, height + 1);
170                        case DOWN_RIGHT:
171                                return new Rectangle.Impl(bl.translate(Direction.DOWN), width + 1, height + 1);
172                        case NONE:
173                                return r;
174                        case UP_LEFT:
175                                return new Rectangle.Impl(bl.translate(Direction.LEFT), width + 1, height + 1);
176                        case UP_RIGHT:
177                                return new Rectangle.Impl(bl, width + 1, height + 1);
178                        case DOWN:
179                                return new Rectangle.Impl(bl.translate(Direction.DOWN), width, height + 1);
180                        case LEFT:
181                                return new Rectangle.Impl(bl.translate(Direction.LEFT), width + 1, height);
182                        case RIGHT:
183                                return new Rectangle.Impl(bl, width + 1, height);
184                        case UP:
185                                return new Rectangle.Impl(bl, width, height + 1);
186                        }
187                        throw new IllegalStateException("Unmatched direction in Rectangle.Utils::extend: " + d);
188                }
190                /**
191                 * @param r
192                 * @param dir
193                 * @return The coord at the corner identified by {@code dir} in
194                 *         {@code r}.
195                 */
196                public static Coord getCorner(Rectangle r, Direction dir) {
197                        switch (dir) {
198                        case DOWN_LEFT:
199                                return r.getBottomLeft();
200                        case DOWN_RIGHT:
201                                return r.getBottomLeft().translate(r.getWidth() - 1, 0);
202                        case UP_LEFT:
203                                /* -y because in SquidLib higher y is smaller */
204                                return r.getBottomLeft().translate(0, -(r.getHeight() - 1));
205                        case UP_RIGHT:
206                                /* -y because in SquidLib higher y is smaller */
207                                return r.getBottomLeft().translate(r.getWidth() - 1, -(r.getHeight() - 1));
208                        case NONE:
209                                return r.getCenter();
210                        case DOWN:
211                        case LEFT:
212                        case RIGHT:
213                        case UP:
214                                final Coord c1 = getCorner(r, dir.clockwise());
215                                final Coord c2 = getCorner(r, dir.counterClockwise());
216                                return Coord.get((c1.x + c2.x) / 2, (c1.y + c2.y) / 2);
217                        }
218                        throw new IllegalStateException("Unmatched direction in Rectangle.Utils::getCorner: " + dir);
219                }
221                /**
222                 * @param r
223                 * @param buf
224                 *            An array of (at least) size 4, to hold the 4 corners. It
225                 *            is returned, except if {@code null} or too small, in which
226                 *            case a fresh array is returned.
227                 * @return {@code buf}, if it had length of at least 4, or a new 4-element array; it contains this Rectangle's 4 corners
228                 */
229                public static Coord[] getAll4Corners(Rectangle r, Coord[] buf) {
230                        final Coord[] result = buf == null || buf.length < 4 ? new Coord[4] : buf;
231                        result[0] = getCorner(r, Direction.DOWN_LEFT);
232                        result[1] = getCorner(r, Direction.DOWN_RIGHT);
233                        result[2] = getCorner(r, Direction.UP_RIGHT);
234                        result[3] = getCorner(r, Direction.UP_LEFT);
235                        return result;
236                }
238                /**
239         * Creates a new Rectangle that is smaller than r by 1 cell from each of r's edges, to a minimum of a 1x1 cell.
240         * @param r a Rectangle to shrink
241                 * @return the shrunken Rectangle, newly-allocated
242                 */
243        public static Rectangle shrink(Rectangle r)
244        {
245            return new Rectangle.Impl(r.getBottomLeft().translate(1, 1),
246                    Math.max(1, r.getWidth() - 2), Math.max(1, r.getHeight() - 2));
247                }
249                /**
250                 * @param r
251                 * @param cardinal
252                 * @param buf
253                 *            The buffer to fill or {@code null} to let this method
254                 *            allocate.
255                 * @return The border of {@code r} at the position {@code cardinal},
256                 *         i.e. the lowest line if {@code r} is {@link Direction#DOWN},
257                 *         the highest line if {@code r} is {@link Direction#UP}, the
258                 *         leftest column if {@code r} is {@link Direction#LEFT}, and
259                 *         the rightest column if {@code r} is {@link Direction#RIGHT}.
260                 */
261                public static List<Coord> getBorder(Rectangle r, Direction cardinal,
262                                /* @Nullable */ List<Coord> buf) {
263                        Coord start = null;
264                        Direction dir = null;
265                        int len = -1;
266                        switch (cardinal) {
267                        case DOWN:
268                        case UP:
269                                len = r.getWidth();
270                                dir = Direction.RIGHT;
271                                start = cardinal == Direction.DOWN ? r.getBottomLeft() : getCorner(r, Direction.UP_LEFT);
272                                break;
273                        case LEFT:
274                        case RIGHT:
275                                len = r.getHeight();
276                                dir = Direction.UP;
277                                start = cardinal == Direction.LEFT ? r.getBottomLeft() : getCorner(r, Direction.DOWN_RIGHT);
278                                break;
279                        case DOWN_LEFT:
280                        case DOWN_RIGHT:
281                        case NONE:
282                        case UP_LEFT:
283                        case UP_RIGHT:
284                                throw new IllegalStateException(
285                                                "Expected a cardinal direction in Rectangle.Utils::getBorder. Received: " + cardinal);
286                        }
287                        if (start == null)
288                                throw new IllegalStateException(
289                                                "Unmatched direction in Rectangle.Utils::Border: " + cardinal);
291                        final List<Coord> result = buf == null ? new ArrayList<Coord>(len) : buf;
292                        Coord now = start;
293                        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
294                                result.add(now);
295                                now = now.translate(dir);
296                        }
297                        return result;
298                }
299        }
301        /**
302         * @author smelC
303         */
304        class Impl extends Zone.Skeleton implements Rectangle {
306                protected final Coord bottomLeft;
307                protected final int width;
308                protected final int height;
310                private static final long serialVersionUID = -6197401003733967116L;
312                public Impl(Coord bottomLeft, int width, int height) {
313                        this.bottomLeft = bottomLeft;
314                        this.width = width;
315                        this.height = height;
316                }
318                @Override
319                public Coord getBottomLeft() {
320                        return bottomLeft;
321                }
323                @Override
324                public int getWidth() {
325                        return width;
326                }
328                @Override
329                public int getHeight() {
330                        return height;
331                }
333                @Override
334                public int hashCode() {
335                        final int prime = 31;
336                        int result = 1;
337                        result = prime * result + ((bottomLeft == null) ? 0 : bottomLeft.hashCode());
338                        result = prime * result + height;
339                        result = prime * result + width;
340                        return result;
341                }
343                @Override
344                public boolean equals(Object obj) {
345                        if (this == obj)
346                                return true;
347                        if (obj == null)
348                                return false;
349                        if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
350                                return false;
351                        Impl other = (Impl) obj;
352                        if (bottomLeft == null) {
353                                if (other.bottomLeft != null)
354                                        return false;
355                        } else if (!bottomLeft.equals(other.bottomLeft))
356                                return false;
357                        if (height != other.height)
358                                return false;
359                        return width == other.width;
360                }
362                @Override
363                public String toString() {
364                        return "Rectangle at " + bottomLeft + ", width:" + width + ", height:" + height;
365                }
367                // Implementation of Zone:
369                @Override
370                public boolean isEmpty() {
371                        return width == 0 || height == 0;
372                }
374                @Override
375                public int size() {
376                        return width * height;
377                }
379                @Override
380                public boolean contains(int x, int y) {
381                        return x >= bottomLeft.x && x < bottomLeft.x + width && y <= bottomLeft.y
382                                        && bottomLeft.y - height < y;
383                }
385                @Override
386                public boolean contains(Coord c) {
387                        return contains(c.x, c.y);
388                }
390                @Override
391                public int xBound(boolean smallestOrBiggest) {
392                        return bottomLeft.x + (smallestOrBiggest ? 0 : getWidth() - 1);
393                }
395                @Override
396                public int yBound(boolean smallestOrBiggest) {
397                        return bottomLeft.y - (smallestOrBiggest ? (getHeight() - 1) : 0);
398                }
400                @Override
401                public Coord getCenter() {
402                        return Utils.center(this);
403                }
405                @Override
406                public List<Coord> getAll() {
407                        final List<Coord> result = Utils.cellsList(this);
408                        assert result.size() == size();
409                        return result;
410                }
412                @Override
413                public Zone translate(int x, int y) {
414                        return new Impl(bottomLeft.translate(x, y), width, height);
415                }
417                @Override
418                public List<Coord> getInternalBorder() {
419                        if (width <= 1 || height <= 1)
420                                return getAll();
421                        final int expectedSize = width + (height - 1) + (width - 1) + (height - 2);
422                        final List<Coord> result = new ArrayList<Coord>(expectedSize);
423                        Coord current = Utils.getCorner(this, Direction.DOWN_LEFT);
424                        for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
425                                assert !result.contains(current);
426                                result.add(current);
427                                current = current.translate(Direction.RIGHT);
428                        }
429                        current = Utils.getCorner(this, Direction.UP_LEFT);
430                        for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
431                                assert !result.contains(current);
432                                result.add(current);
433                                current = current.translate(Direction.RIGHT);
434                        }
435                        current = Utils.getCorner(this, Direction.DOWN_LEFT);
436                        /* Stopping at height - 1 to avoid doublons */
437                        for (int i = 0; i < height - 1; i++) {
438                                if (0 < i) {
439                                        /*
440                                         * To avoid doublons (with the very first value of 'current'
441                                         * atop this method.
442                                         */
443                                        assert !result.contains(current);
444                                        result.add(current);
445                                }
446                                current = current.translate(Direction.UP);
447                        }
448                        current = Utils.getCorner(this, Direction.DOWN_RIGHT);
449                        /* Stopping at height - 1 to avoid doublons */
450                        for (int i = 0; i < height - 1; i++) {
451                                if (0 < i) {
452                                        /*
453                                         * To avoid doublons (with the very first value of 'current'
454                                         * atop this method.
455                                         */
456                                        assert !result.contains(current);
457                                        result.add(current);
458                                }
459                                current = current.translate(Direction.UP);
460                        }
461                        assert result.size() == expectedSize;
462                        return result;
463                }
465                @Override
466                public Collection<Coord> getExternalBorder() {
467                        final Rectangle extension = extend();
468                        final List<Coord> result = new ArrayList<Coord>(
469                                        (extension.getWidth() + extension.getHeight()) * 2);
470                        for (Direction dir : Direction.CARDINALS)
471                                Utils.getBorder(extension, dir, result);
472                        return result;
473                }
475                @Override
476                public Rectangle extend() {
477                        return new Rectangle.Impl(bottomLeft.translate(Direction.DOWN_LEFT), width + 2, height + 2);
478                }
480                @Override
481                public Iterator<Coord> iterator() {
482                        /* Do not rely on getAll(), to avoid allocating the list */
483                        return Rectangle.Utils.cells(this);
484                }
485        }