001package squidpony.squidgrid.mapping;
003import squidpony.squidgrid.Direction;
004import squidpony.squidmath.*;
006import java.util.ArrayList;
007import java.util.Arrays;
008import java.util.List;
009import java.util.Map;
012 * A dungeon generator that can use a mix of techniques to have part-cave, part-room dungeons. Not entirely intended for
013 * normal use outside of this library, though it can be very useful when you want to make a dungeon match a specific
014 * path and existing generators that use MixedGenerator aren't sufficient. You may want to use a simpler generator based
015 * on this, like SerpentMapGenerator, which generates a long, winding path that loops around on itself. This supports
016 * the getEnvironment() method, which can be used in conjunction with RoomFinder to find where separate room, corridor,
017 * and cave areas have been placed.
018 * <br>
019 * Based on Michael Patraw's excellent Drunkard's Walk dungeon generator.
020 * http://mpatraw.github.io/libdrunkard/
021 * @see squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.SerpentMapGenerator a normal use for MixedGenerator that makes winding dungeons
022 * @see squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.SerpentDeepMapGenerator uses MixedGenerator as it makes a multi-level dungeon
023 * Created by Tommy Ettinger on 10/22/2015.
024 */
025public class MixedGenerator implements IDungeonGenerator {     
026    public static final int CAVE = 0,
027        BOX = 1,
028        ROUND = 2,
029        BOX_WALLED = 3,
030        ROUND_WALLED = 4;
032    /**
033     * Constant for environment tiles that are not near a cave, room, or corridor. Value is 0.
034     * Used by several classes that distinguish types of dungeon environment, like {@link SectionDungeonGenerator}.
035     * Present here for compatibility; you should prefer {@link DungeonUtility#UNTOUCHED}.
036     */
037    public static final int UNTOUCHED = 0;
038    /**
039     * Constant for environment tiles that are floors for a room. Value is 1.
040     * Used by several classes that distinguish types of dungeon environment, like {@link SectionDungeonGenerator}.
041     * Present here for compatibility; you should prefer {@link DungeonUtility#ROOM_FLOOR}.
042     */
043    public static final int ROOM_FLOOR = 1;
044    /**
045     * Constant for environment tiles that are walls near a room. Value is 2.
046     * Used by several classes that distinguish types of dungeon environment, like {@link SectionDungeonGenerator}.
047     * Present here for compatibility; you should prefer {@link DungeonUtility#ROOM_WALL}.
048     */
049    public static final int ROOM_WALL = 2;
050    /**
051     * Constant for environment tiles that are floors for a cave. Value is 3.
052     * Used by several classes that distinguish types of dungeon environment, like {@link SectionDungeonGenerator}.
053     * Present here for compatibility; you should prefer {@link DungeonUtility#CAVE_FLOOR}.
054     */
055    public static final int CAVE_FLOOR = 3;
056    /**
057     * Constant for environment tiles that are walls near a cave. Value is 4.
058     * Used by several classes that distinguish types of dungeon environment, like {@link SectionDungeonGenerator}.
059     * Present here for compatibility; you should prefer {@link DungeonUtility#CAVE_WALL}.
060     */
061    public static final int CAVE_WALL = 4;
062    /**
063     * Constant for environment tiles that are floors for a corridor. Value is 5.
064     * Used by several classes that distinguish types of dungeon environment, like {@link SectionDungeonGenerator}.
065     * Present here for compatibility; you should prefer {@link DungeonUtility#CORRIDOR_FLOOR}.
066     */
067    public static final int CORRIDOR_FLOOR = 5;
068    /**
069     * Constant for environment tiles that are walls near a corridor. Value is 6.
070     * Used by several classes that distinguish types of dungeon environment, like {@link SectionDungeonGenerator}.
071     * Present here for compatibility; you should prefer {@link DungeonUtility#CORRIDOR_WALL}.
072     */
073    public static final int CORRIDOR_WALL = 6;
075    //protected EnumMap<CarverType, Integer> carvers;
076    protected double[] carvers;
077    protected WeightedTable carverTable;
078    protected int width, height;
079    protected float roomWidth, roomHeight;
080    public IRNG rng;
081    protected char[][] dungeon;
082    protected boolean generated;
083    protected int[][] environment;
084    protected boolean[][] marked, walled, fixedRooms;
085    protected IntVLA points;
086    protected int totalPoints;
088    /**
089     * Mainly for internal use; this is used by {@link #MixedGenerator(int, int, IRNG)} to get its room positions.
090     * This is (and was) the default for generating a List of Coord if no other collection of Coord was supplied to the
091     * constructor. For some time this was not the default, and {@link #cleanPoints(int, int, IRNG)} was used instead.
092     * Both are still options, but this technique seems to keep corridors shorter and makes connections between rooms
093     * more relevant to the current area.
094     * <br>
095     * <a href="https://gist.githubusercontent.com/tommyettinger/be0ed51858cb492bc7e8cda43a04def1/raw/dae9d8e4f45dd3a3577bdd5f58b419ea5f9ed570/PoissonDungeon.txt">Preview map.</a>
096     * @param width dungeon width in cells
097     * @param height dungeon height in cells
098     * @param rng rng to use
099     * @return evenly spaced Coord points in a list made by PoissonDisk, trimmed down so they aren't all used
100     * @see PoissonDisk used to make the list
101     */
102    public static OrderedSet<Coord> basicPoints(int width, int height, IRNG rng)
103    {
104        return PoissonDisk.sampleRectangle(Coord.get(2, 2), Coord.get(width - 3, height - 3),
105                8.5f * (width + height) / 120f, width, height, 35, rng);
106    }
107    /**
108     * Mainly for internal use; this was used by {@link #MixedGenerator(int, int, IRNG)} to get its room positions, and
109     * you can choose to use it with {@code new MixedGenerator(width, height, rng, cleanPoints(width, height, rng))}.
110     * It produces a fairly rigid layout of rooms that should have less overlap between rooms and corridors; the
111     * downside to this is that corridors can become extremely long. The exact technique used here is to get points from
112     * a Halton-like sequence, formed using {@link VanDerCorputQRNG} to get a van der Corput sequence, for the x axis
113     * and a scrambled van der Corput sequence for the y axis. MixedGenerator will connect these points in pairs. The
114     * current method is much better at avoiding "clumps" of closely-positioned rooms in the center of the map.
115     * <br>
116     * <a href="https://gist.githubusercontent.com/tommyettinger/2745e6fc16fc2acebe2fc959fb4e4c2e/raw/77e1f4dbc844d8892c1a686754535c02cadaa270/TenDungeons.txt">Preview maps, with and without box drawing characters.</a>
117     * Note that one of the dungeons in that gist was produced as a fallback by {@link DungeonGenerator} with no
118     * arguments (using DEFAULT_DUNGEON as the dungeon style), because the map this method produced in one case had too
119     * few floor cells to be used.
120     * @param width dungeon width in cells; must be at least 3 because the edges will be walls
121     * @param height dungeon height in cells; must be at least 3 because the edges will be walls
122     * @param rng IRNG to use, such as an RNG, StatefulRNG, or GWTRNG
123     * @return erratically-positioned but generally separated Coord points to pass to a MixedGenerator constructor
124     * @see VanDerCorputQRNG used to get separated positions
125     */
126    public static List<Coord> cleanPoints(int width, int height, IRNG rng)
127    {
128        width -= 2;
129        height -= 2;
130        //float mx = rng.nextFloat() * 0.2f, my = rng.nextFloat() * 0.2f;
131        int sz = width * height * 3 + 255 >>> 8,
132                seed = rng.next(9);
133        //System.out.println("mx: " + mx + ", my: " + my + ", index: " + index);
134        List<Coord> list = new ArrayList<>(sz);
135        for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
136            list.add(VanDerCorputQRNG.roberts(width, height, 1, 1, i + seed));
137        }
138//        for (int i = 0; i < blocks; i++) {
139//            Coord area = VanDerCorputQRNG.roberts(width * 3 >> 2, height * 3 >> 2, 1, 1, i + seed);
140//            for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
141//                list.add(VanDerCorputQRNG.roberts(width >> 2, height >> 2, area.x, area.y, index++ + seed2));
142//            }
143//        }
144        return list;
145    }
147    /**
148     * This prepares a map generator that will generate a map with the given width and height, using the given RNG.
149     * This version of the constructor uses a sub-random point sequence to generate the points it will draw caves and
150     * corridors between, helping to ensure a minimum distance between points, but it does not ensure that paths between
151     * points  will avoid overlapping with rooms or other paths. You call the different carver-adding methods to affect
152     * what the dungeon will look like, putCaveCarvers(), putBoxRoomCarvers(), and putRoundRoomCarvers(), defaulting to
153     * only caves if none are called. You call generate() after adding carvers, which returns a char[][] for a map.
154     * @param width the width of the final map in cells
155     * @param height the height of the final map in cells
156     * @param rng an RNG object to use for random choices; this make a lot of random choices.
157     * @see PoissonDisk used to ensure spacing for the points.
158     */
159    public MixedGenerator(int width, int height, IRNG rng) {
160        this(width, height, rng, cleanPoints(width, height, rng));
161    }
163    /**
164     * This prepares a map generator that will generate a map with the given width and height, using the given RNG.
165     * This version of the constructor uses a List of Coord points from some other source to determine the path to add
166     * rooms or caves to and then connect. You call the different carver-adding methods to affect what the
167     * dungeon will look like, putCaveCarvers(), putBoxRoomCarvers(), and putRoundRoomCarvers(), defaulting to only
168     * caves if none are called. You call generate() after adding carvers, which returns a char[][] for a map.
169     * @param width the width of the final map in cells
170     * @param height the height of the final map in cells
171     * @param rng an RNG object to use for random choices; this make a lot of random choices.
172     * @param sequence a List of Coord to connect in order; index 0 is the start, index size() - 1 is the end.
173     * @see SerpentMapGenerator a class that uses this technique
174     */
175    public MixedGenerator(int width, int height, IRNG rng, List<Coord> sequence) {
176        this.width = width;
177        this.height = height;
178        this.roomWidth = width / 64.0f;
179        this.roomHeight = height / 64.0f;
180        if(width <= 2 || height <= 2)
181            throw new IllegalStateException("width and height must be greater than 2");
182        this.rng = rng;
183        dungeon = new char[width][height];
184        environment = new int[width][height];
185        marked = new boolean[width][height];
186        walled = new boolean[width][height];
187        fixedRooms = new boolean[width][height];
188        Arrays.fill(dungeon[0], '#');
189        Arrays.fill(environment[0], DungeonUtility.UNTOUCHED);
190        for (int i = 1; i < width; i++) {
191            System.arraycopy(dungeon[0], 0, dungeon[i], 0, height);
192            System.arraycopy(environment[0], 0, environment[i], 0, height);
193        }
194        totalPoints = sequence.size() - 1;
195        points = new IntVLA(totalPoints);
196        for (int i = 0; i < totalPoints; i++) {
197            Coord c1 = sequence.get(i), c2 = sequence.get(i + 1);
198            points.add(((c1.x & 0xff) << 24) | ((c1.y & 0xff) << 16) | ((c2.x & 0xff) << 8) | (c2.y & 0xff));
199        }
200        carvers = new double[5];
201    }
202    /**
203     * This prepares a map generator that will generate a map with the given width and height, using the given IRNG.
204     * This version of the constructor uses a Map with Coord keys and Coord array values to determine a
205     * branching path for the dungeon to take; each key will connect once to each of the Coords in its value, and you
206     * usually don't want to connect in both directions. You call the different carver-adding methods to affect what the
207     * dungeon will look like, putCaveCarvers(), putBoxRoomCarvers(), and putRoundRoomCarvers(), defaulting to only
208     * caves if none are called. You call generate() after adding carvers, which returns a char[][] for a map.
209     * @param width the width of the final map in cells
210     * @param height the height of the final map in cells
211     * @param rng an IRNG object to use for random choices; this make a lot of random choices.
212     * @param connections a Map of Coord keys to arrays of Coord to connect to next; shouldn't connect both ways
213     * @see SerpentMapGenerator a class that uses this technique
214     */
215    public MixedGenerator(int width, int height, IRNG rng, Map<Coord, List<Coord>> connections)
216    {
217        this(width, height, rng, connections, 0.8f);
218    }
219    /**
220     * This prepares a map generator that will generate a map with the given width and height, using the given IRNG.
221     * This version of the constructor uses a Map with Coord keys and Coord array values to determine a
222     * branching path for the dungeon to take; each key will connect once to each of the Coords in its value, and you
223     * usually don't want to connect in both directions. You call the different carver-adding methods to affect what the
224     * dungeon will look like, putCaveCarvers(), putBoxRoomCarvers(), and putRoundRoomCarvers(), defaulting to only
225     * caves if none are called. You call generate() after adding carvers, which returns a char[][] for a map.
226     * @param width the width of the final map in cells
227     * @param height the height of the final map in cells
228     * @param rng an IRNG object to use for random choices; this make a lot of random choices.
229     * @param connections a Map of Coord keys to arrays of Coord to connect to next; shouldn't connect both ways
230     * @param roomSizeMultiplier a float multiplier that will be applied to each room's width and height
231     * @see SerpentMapGenerator a class that uses this technique
232     */
233    public MixedGenerator(int width, int height, IRNG rng, Map<Coord, List<Coord>> connections,
234                          float roomSizeMultiplier) {
235        this.width = width;
236        this.height = height;
237        roomWidth = (width / 64.0f) * roomSizeMultiplier;
238        roomHeight = (height / 64.0f) * roomSizeMultiplier;
239        if(width <= 2 || height <= 2)
240            throw new IllegalStateException("width and height must be greater than 2");
241        this.rng = rng;
242        dungeon = new char[width][height];
243        environment = new int[width][height];
244        marked = new boolean[width][height];
245        walled = new boolean[width][height];
246        fixedRooms = new boolean[width][height];
247        Arrays.fill(dungeon[0], '#');
248        Arrays.fill(environment[0], DungeonUtility.UNTOUCHED);
249        for (int i = 1; i < width; i++) {
250            System.arraycopy(dungeon[0], 0, dungeon[i], 0, height);
251            System.arraycopy(environment[0], 0, environment[i], 0, height);
252        }
253        totalPoints = 0;
254        for(List<Coord> vals : connections.values())
255        {
256            totalPoints += vals.size();
257        }
258        points = new IntVLA(totalPoints);
259        for (Map.Entry<Coord, List<Coord>> kv : connections.entrySet()) {
260            Coord c1 = kv.getKey();
261            for (Coord c2 : kv.getValue()) {
262                points.add(((c1.x & 0xff) << 24) | ((c1.y & 0xff) << 16) | ((c2.x & 0xff) << 8) | (c2.y & 0xff));
263            }
264        }
265        carvers = new double[5];
266    }
268    /**
269     * Changes the number of "carvers" that will create caves from one room to the next. If count is 0 or less, no caves
270     * will be made. If count is at least 1, caves are possible, and higher numbers relative to the other carvers make
271     * caves more likely. Carvers are shuffled when used, then repeat if exhausted during generation. Since typically
272     * about 30-40 rooms are carved, large totals for carver count aren't really needed; aiming for a total of 10
273     * between the count of putCaveCarvers(), putBoxRoomCarvers(), putRoundRoomCarvers(), putWalledBoxRoomCarvers(), and
274     * putWalledRoundRoomCarvers() is reasonable.
275     * @param count the number of carvers making caves between rooms; only matters in relation to other carvers
276     */
277    public void putCaveCarvers(int count)
278    {
279        carvers[CAVE] = count;
280    }
281    /**
282     * Changes the number of "carvers" that will create right-angle corridors from one room to the next, create rooms
283     * with a random size in a box shape at the start and end, and a small room at the corner if there is one. If count
284     * is 0 or less, no box-shaped rooms will be made. If count is at least 1, box-shaped rooms are possible, and higher
285     * numbers relative to the other carvers make box-shaped rooms more likely. Carvers are shuffled when used, then
286     * repeat if exhausted during generation. Since typically about 30-40 rooms are carved, large totals for carver
287     * count aren't really needed; aiming for a total of 10 between the count of putCaveCarvers(), putBoxRoomCarvers(),
288     * putRoundRoomCarvers(), putWalledBoxRoomCarvers(), and putWalledRoundRoomCarvers() is reasonable.
289     * @param count the number of carvers making box-shaped rooms and corridors between them; only matters in relation
290     *              to other carvers
291     */
292    public void putBoxRoomCarvers(int count)
293    {
294        carvers[BOX] = count;
295    }
297    /**
298     * Changes the number of "carvers" that will create right-angle corridors from one room to the next, create rooms
299     * with a random size in a circle shape at the start and end, and a small circular room at the corner if there is
300     * one. If count is 0 or less, no circular rooms will be made. If count is at least 1, circular rooms are possible,
301     * and higher numbers relative to the other carvers make circular rooms more likely. Carvers are shuffled when used,
302     * then repeat if exhausted during generation. Since typically about 30-40 rooms are carved, large totals for carver
303     * count aren't really needed; aiming for a total of 10 between the count of putCaveCarvers(), putBoxRoomCarvers(),
304     * putRoundRoomCarvers(), putWalledBoxRoomCarvers(), and putWalledRoundRoomCarvers() is reasonable.
305     * @param count the number of carvers making circular rooms and corridors between them; only matters in relation
306     *              to other carvers
307     */
308    public void putRoundRoomCarvers(int count)
309    {
310        carvers[ROUND] = count;
311    }
312    /**
313     * Changes the number of "carvers" that will create right-angle corridors from one room to the next, create rooms
314     * with a random size in a box shape at the start and end, and a small room at the corner if there is one, enforcing
315     * the presence of walls around the rooms even if another room is already there or would be placed there. Corridors
316     * can always pass through enforced walls, but caves will open at most one cell in the wall. If count
317     * is 0 or less, no box-shaped rooms will be made. If count is at least 1, box-shaped rooms are possible, and higher
318     * numbers relative to the other carvers make box-shaped rooms more likely. Carvers are shuffled when used, then
319     * repeat if exhausted during generation. Since typically about 30-40 rooms are carved, large totals for carver
320     * count aren't really needed; aiming for a total of 10 between the count of putCaveCarvers(), putBoxRoomCarvers(),
321     * putRoundRoomCarvers(), putWalledBoxRoomCarvers(), and putWalledRoundRoomCarvers() is reasonable.
322     * @param count the number of carvers making box-shaped rooms and corridors between them; only matters in relation
323     *              to other carvers
324     */
325    public void putWalledBoxRoomCarvers(int count)
326    {
327        carvers[BOX_WALLED] = count;
328    }
330    /**
331     * Changes the number of "carvers" that will create right-angle corridors from one room to the next, create rooms
332     * with a random size in a circle shape at the start and end, and a small circular room at the corner if there is
333     * one, enforcing the presence of walls around the rooms even if another room is already there or would be placed
334     * there. Corridors can always pass through enforced walls, but caves will open at most one cell in the wall. If
335     * count is 0 or less, no circular rooms will be made. If count is at least 1, circular rooms are possible,
336     * and higher numbers relative to the other carvers make circular rooms more likely. Carvers are shuffled when used,
337     * then repeat if exhausted during generation. Since typically about 30-40 rooms are carved, large totals for carver
338     * count aren't really needed; aiming for a total of 10 between the count of putCaveCarvers(), putBoxRoomCarvers(),
339     * putRoundRoomCarvers(), putWalledBoxRoomCarvers(), and putWalledRoundRoomCarvers() is reasonable.
340     * @param count the number of carvers making circular rooms and corridors between them; only matters in relation
341     *              to other carvers
342     */
343    public void putWalledRoundRoomCarvers(int count)
344    {
345        carvers[ROUND_WALLED] = count;
346    }
348    /**
349     * Uses the added carvers (or just makes caves if none were added) to carve from point to point in sequence, if it
350     * was provided by the constructor, or evenly-spaced randomized points if it was not. This will never carve out
351     * cells on the very edge of the map. Uses the numbers of the various kinds of carver that were added relative to
352     * each other to determine how frequently to use a given carver type.
353     * @return a char[][] where '#' is a wall and '.' is a floor or corridor; x first y second
354     */
355    public char[][] generate()
356    {
357        if(carvers[0] <= 0 && carvers[1] <= 0 && carvers[2] <= 0 && carvers[3] <= 0 && carvers[4] <= 0)
358            carvers[0] = 1;
359        carverTable = new WeightedTable(carvers);
360//        CarverType[] carvings = carvers.keySet().toArray(new CarverType[carvers.size()]);
361//        int[] carvingsCounters = new int[carvings.length];
362//        int totalLength = 0;
363//        for (int i = 0; i < carvings.length; i++) {
364//            carvingsCounters[i] = carvers.get(carvings[i]);
365//            totalLength += carvingsCounters[i];
366//        }
367//        CarverType[] allCarvings = new CarverType[totalLength];
369//        for (int i = 0, c = 0; i < carvings.length; i++) {
370//            for (int j = 0; j < carvingsCounters[i]; j++) {
371//                allCarvings[c++] = carvings[i];
372//            }
373//        }
374//        if(allCarvings.length == 0)
375//        {
376//            allCarvings = new CarverType[]{CarverType.CAVE};
377//            totalLength = 1;
378//        }
379//        else
380//            allCarvings = rng.shuffle(allCarvings, new CarverType[allCarvings.length]);
382        for (int p = 0; p < totalPoints; p++) {
383            int pair = points.get(p);
384            Coord start = Coord.get(pair >>> 24 & 0xff, pair >>> 16 & 0xff),
385                  end   = Coord.get(pair >>> 8 & 0xff, pair & 0xff);
386            int ct = carverTable.random(rng.nextLong());
387            Direction dir;
388            switch (ct)
389            {
390                case CAVE:
391                    markPiercing(end);
392                    markEnvironmentCave(end.x, end.y);
393                    store();
394                    double weight = 0.75;
395                    do {
396                        Coord cent = markPlusCave(start);
397                        if(cent != null)
398                        {
399                            markPiercingCave(cent);
400                            markPiercingCave(cent.translate(1, 0));
401                            markPiercingCave(cent.translate(-1, 0));
402                            markPiercingCave(cent.translate(0, 1));
403                            markPiercingCave(cent.translate(0, -1));
404                            weight = 0.95;
405                        }
406                        dir = stepWobbly(start, end, weight);
407                        start = start.translate(dir);
408                    }while (dir != Direction.NONE);
409                    break;
410                case BOX:
411                    markRectangle(end, rng.between(1, 5), rng.between(1, 5));
412                    markRectangle(start, rng.between(1, 4), rng.between(1, 4));
413                    store();
414                    dir = Direction.getDirection(end.x - start.x, end.y - start.y);
415                    if(dir.isDiagonal())
416                        dir = rng.nextBoolean() ? Direction.getCardinalDirection(dir.deltaX, 0)
417                                : Direction.getCardinalDirection(0, dir.deltaY);
418                    while (start.x != end.x && start.y != end.y)
419                    {
420                        markPiercing(start);
421                        markEnvironmentCorridor(start.x, start.y);
422                        start = start.translate(dir);
423                    }
424                    markRectangle(start, 1, 1);
425                    dir = Direction.getCardinalDirection(end.x - start.x, (end.y - start.y));
426                    while (!(start.x == end.x && start.y == end.y))
427                    {
428                        markPiercing(start);
429                        markEnvironmentCorridor(start.x, start.y);
430                        start = start.translate(dir);
431                    }
432                    break;
433                case BOX_WALLED:
434                    markRectangleWalled(end, rng.between(1, 5), rng.between(1, 5));
435                    markRectangleWalled(start, rng.between(1, 4), rng.between(1, 4));
436                    store();
437                    dir = Direction.getDirection(end.x - start.x, end.y - start.y);
438                    if(dir.isDiagonal())
439                        dir = rng.nextBoolean() ? Direction.getCardinalDirection(dir.deltaX, 0)
440                                : Direction.getCardinalDirection(0, dir.deltaY);
441                    while (start.x != end.x && start.y != end.y)
442                    {
443                        markPiercing(start);
444                        markEnvironmentCorridor(start.x, start.y);
445                        start = start.translate(dir);
446                    }
447                    markRectangleWalled(start, 1, 1);
448                    dir = Direction.getCardinalDirection(end.x - start.x, (end.y - start.y));
449                    while (!(start.x == end.x && start.y == end.y))
450                    {
451                        markPiercing(start);
452                        markEnvironmentCorridor(start.x, start.y);
453                        start = start.translate(dir);
454                    }
455                    break;
456                case ROUND:
457                    markCircle(end, rng.between(2, 6));
458                    markCircle(start, rng.between(2, 6));
459                    store();
460                    dir = Direction.getDirection(end.x - start.x, end.y - start.y);
461                    if(dir.isDiagonal())
462                        dir = rng.nextBoolean() ? Direction.getCardinalDirection(dir.deltaX, 0)
463                                : Direction.getCardinalDirection(0, dir.deltaY);
464                    while (start.x != end.x && start.y != end.y)
465                    {
466                        markPiercing(start);
467                        markEnvironmentCorridor(start.x, start.y);
468                        start = start.translate(dir);
469                    }
470                    markCircle(start, 2);
471                    dir = Direction.getCardinalDirection(end.x - start.x, (end.y - start.y));
472                    while (!(start.x == end.x && start.y == end.y))
473                    {
474                        markPiercing(start);
475                        markEnvironmentCorridor(start.x, start.y);
476                        start = start.translate(dir);
477                    }
478                    break;
479                case ROUND_WALLED:
480                    markCircleWalled(end, rng.between(2, 6));
481                    markCircleWalled(start, rng.between(2, 6));
482                    store();
483                    dir = Direction.getDirection(end.x - start.x, end.y - start.y);
484                    if(dir.isDiagonal())
485                        dir = rng.nextBoolean() ? Direction.getCardinalDirection(dir.deltaX, 0)
486                                : Direction.getCardinalDirection(0, dir.deltaY);
487                    while (start.x != end.x && start.y != end.y)
488                    {
489                        markPiercing(start);
490                        markEnvironmentCorridor(start.x, start.y);
491                        start = start.translate(dir);
492                    }
493                    markCircleWalled(start, 2);
494                    dir = Direction.getCardinalDirection(end.x - start.x, (end.y - start.y));
495                    while (!(start.x == end.x && start.y == end.y))
496                    {
497                        markPiercing(start);
498                        markEnvironmentCorridor(start.x, start.y);
499                        start = start.translate(dir);
500                    }
501                    break;
502            }
503            store();
504        }
505        for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
506            for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
507                if(fixedRooms[x][y])
508                    markPiercingCave(Coord.get(x, y)); // this is only used by LanesMapGenerator, where caves make sense
509            }
510        }
511        store();
512        markEnvironmentWalls();
513        generated = true;
514        return dungeon;
515    }
517    public char[][] getDungeon() {
518        return dungeon;
519    }
521    public int[][] getEnvironment()
522    {
523        return environment;
524    }
526    public boolean hasGenerated()
527    {
528        return generated;
529    }
531    public boolean[][] getFixedRooms() {
532        return fixedRooms;
533    }
535    public void setFixedRooms(boolean[][] fixedRooms) {
536        this.fixedRooms = fixedRooms;
537    }
539    /**
540     * Internal use. Takes cells that have been previously marked and permanently stores them as floors in the dungeon.
541     */
542    protected void store()
543    {
544        for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
545            for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) {
546                if(marked[i][j])
547                {
548                    dungeon[i][j] = '.';
549                    marked[i][j] = false;
550                }
551            }
552        }
553    }
555    /**
556     * Internal use. Finds all floor cells by environment and marks untouched adjacent (8-way) cells as walls, using the
557     * appropriate type for the nearby floor.
558     */
559    protected void markEnvironmentWalls()
560    {
561        for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
562            for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) {
563                if(environment[i][j] == DungeonUtility.UNTOUCHED)
564                {
565                    boolean allWalls = true;
566                    //lowest precedence, also checks for any floors
567                    for (int x = Math.max(0, i - 1); x <= Math.min(width - 1, i + 1); x++) {
569                        for (int y = Math.max(0, j - 1); y <= Math.min(height - 1, j + 1); y++) {
570                            if (environment[x][y] == DungeonUtility.CORRIDOR_FLOOR) {
571                                markEnvironment(i, j, DungeonUtility.CORRIDOR_WALL);
572                            }
573                            if(dungeon[x][y] == '.')
574                                allWalls = false;
575                        }
576                    }
577                    //if there are no floors we don't need to check twice again.
578                    if(allWalls)
579                        continue;
580                    //more precedence
581                    for (int x = Math.max(0, i - 1); x <= Math.min(width - 1, i + 1); x++) {
583                        for (int y = Math.max(0, j - 1); y <= Math.min(height - 1, j + 1); y++) {
584                            if (environment[x][y] == DungeonUtility.CAVE_FLOOR) {
585                                markEnvironment(i, j, DungeonUtility.CAVE_WALL);
586                            }
587                        }
588                    }
589                    //highest precedence
590                    for (int x = Math.max(0, i - 1); x <= Math.min(width - 1, i + 1); x++) {
592                        for (int y = Math.max(0, j - 1); y <= Math.min(height - 1, j + 1); y++) {
593                            if (environment[x][y] == DungeonUtility.ROOM_FLOOR) {
594                                markEnvironment(i, j, DungeonUtility.ROOM_WALL);
595                            }
596                        }
597                    }
599                }
600            }
601        }
602    }
604    /**
605     * Internal use. Marks a point to be made into floor.
606     * @param x x position to mark
607     * @param y y position to mark
608     * @return false if everything is normal, true if and only if this failed to mark because the position is walled
609     */
610    protected boolean mark(int x, int y) {
611        if (x > 0 && x < width - 1 && y > 0 && y < height - 1 && !walled[x][y]) {
612            marked[x][y] = true;
613            return false;
614        }
615        else return x > 0 && x < width - 1 && y > 0 && y < height - 1 && walled[x][y];
616    }
618    /**
619     * Internal use. Marks a point to be made into floor.
620     * @param x x position to mark
621     * @param y y position to mark
622     */
623    protected void markPiercing(int x, int y) {
624        if (x > 0 && x < width - 1 && y > 0 && y < height - 1) {
625            marked[x][y] = true;
626        }
627    }
628    /**
629     * Internal use. Marks a point's environment type as the appropriate kind of environment.
630     * @param x x position to mark
631     * @param y y position to mark
632     * @param kind an int that should be one of the constants in MixedGenerator for environment types.
633     */
634    protected void markEnvironment(int x, int y, int kind) {
635        environment[x][y] = kind;
636    }
638    /**
639     * Internal use. Marks a point's environment type as a corridor floor.
640     * @param x x position to mark
641     * @param y y position to mark
642     */
643    protected void markEnvironmentCorridor(int x, int y) {
644        if (x > 0 && x < width - 1 && y > 0 && y < height - 1 && environment[x][y] != DungeonUtility.ROOM_FLOOR && environment[x][y] != DungeonUtility.CAVE_FLOOR) {
645            markEnvironment(x, y, DungeonUtility.CORRIDOR_FLOOR);
646        }
647    }
649    /**
650     * Internal use. Marks a point's environment type as a room floor.
651     * @param x x position to mark
652     * @param y y position to mark
653     */
654    protected void markEnvironmentRoom(int x, int y) {
655        if (x > 0 && x < width - 1 && y > 0 && y < height - 1) {
656            markEnvironment(x, y, DungeonUtility.ROOM_FLOOR);
657        }
658    }
660    /**
661     * Internal use. Marks a point's environment type as a cave floor.
662     * @param x x position to mark
663     * @param y y position to mark
664     */
665    protected void markEnvironmentCave(int x, int y) {
666        if (x > 0 && x < width - 1 && y > 0 && y < height - 1 && environment[x][y] != DungeonUtility.ROOM_FLOOR) {
667            markEnvironment(x, y, DungeonUtility.CAVE_FLOOR);
668        }
669    }
670    /**
671     * Internal use. Marks a point to be considered a hard wall.
672     * @param x x position to mark
673     * @param y y position to mark
674     */
675    protected void wallOff(int x, int y) {
676        if (x > 0 && x < width - 1 && y > 0 && y < height - 1) {
677            walled[x][y] = true;
678        }
679    }
681    /**
682     * Internal use. Marks a point to be made into floor.
683     * @param pos position to mark
684     * @return false if everything is normal, true if and only if this failed to mark because the position is walled
685     */
686    protected boolean mark(Coord pos)
687    {
688        return mark(pos.x, pos.y);
689    }
691    /**
692     * Internal use. Marks a point to be made into floor, piercing walls.
693     * @param pos position to mark
694     */
695    protected void markPiercing(Coord pos)
696    {
697        markPiercing(pos.x, pos.y);
698    }
699    /**
700     * Internal use. Marks a point to be made into floor, piercing walls, and also marks the point as a cave floor.
701     * @param pos position to mark
702     */
703    protected void markPiercingCave(Coord pos)
704    {
705        markPiercing(pos.x, pos.y);
706        markEnvironmentCave(pos.x, pos.y);
707    }
708    /**
709     * Internal use. Marks a point to be made into floor, piercing walls, and also marks the point as a room floor.
710     * @param x x coordinate of position to mark
711     * @param y y coordinate of position to mark
712     */
713    protected void markPiercingRoom(int x, int y)
714    {
715        markPiercing(x, y);
716        markEnvironmentRoom(x, y);
717    }
719    /**
720     * Internal use. Marks a point and the four cells orthogonally adjacent to it.
721     * @param pos center position to mark
722     * @return null if the center of the plus shape wasn't blocked by wall, otherwise the Coord of the center
723     */
724    private Coord markPlus(Coord pos) {
725        Coord block = null;
726        if (mark(pos.x, pos.y))
727            block = pos;
728        mark(pos.x + 1, pos.y);
729        mark(pos.x - 1, pos.y);
730        mark(pos.x, pos.y + 1);
731        mark(pos.x, pos.y - 1);
732        return block;
733    }
735    /**
736     * Internal use. Marks a point and the four cells orthogonally adjacent to it, and also marks any cells that weren't
737     * blocked as cave floors.
738     * @param pos center position to mark
739     * @return null if the center of the plus shape wasn't blocked by wall, otherwise the Coord of the center
740     */
741    private Coord markPlusCave(Coord pos) {
742        Coord block = null;
743        if (mark(pos.x, pos.y))
744            block = pos;
745        else
746            markEnvironmentCave(pos.x, pos.y);
747        if(!mark(pos.x + 1, pos.y))
748            markEnvironmentCave(pos.x + 1, pos.y);
749        if(!mark(pos.x - 1, pos.y))
750            markEnvironmentCave(pos.x - 1, pos.y);
751        if(!mark(pos.x, pos.y + 1))
752            markEnvironmentCave(pos.x, pos.y + 1);
753        if(!mark(pos.x, pos.y - 1))
754            markEnvironmentCave(pos.x, pos.y - 1);
755        return block;
756    }
757    /**
758     * Internal use. Marks a rectangle of points centered on pos, extending halfWidth in both x directions and
759     * halfHeight in both vertical directions. Marks all cells in the rectangle as room floors.
760     * @param pos center position to mark
761     * @param halfWidth the distance from the center to extend horizontally
762     * @param halfHeight the distance from the center to extend vertically
763     * @return null if no points in the rectangle were blocked by walls, otherwise a Coord blocked by a wall
764     */
765    private Coord markRectangle(Coord pos, int halfWidth, int halfHeight)
766    {
767        halfWidth = Math.max(1, Math.round(halfWidth * roomWidth));
768        halfHeight = Math.max(1, Math.round(halfHeight * roomHeight));
769        Coord block = null;
770        for (int i = pos.x - halfWidth; i <= pos.x + halfWidth; i++) {
771            for (int j = pos.y - halfHeight; j <= pos.y + halfHeight; j++) {
772                if(mark(i, j))
773                    block = Coord.get(i, j);
774                else
775                    markEnvironmentRoom(i, j);
776            }
777        }
778        return block;
779    }
780    /**
781     * Internal use. Marks a rectangle of points centered on pos, extending halfWidth in both x directions and
782     * halfHeight in both vertical directions. Also considers the area just beyond each wall, but not corners, to be
783     * a blocking wall that can only be passed by corridors and small cave openings. Marks all cells in the rectangle as
784     * room floors.
785     * @param pos center position to mark
786     * @param halfWidth the distance from the center to extend horizontally
787     * @param halfHeight the distance from the center to extend vertically
788     * @return null if no points in the rectangle were blocked by walls, otherwise a Coord blocked by a wall
789     */
790    private Coord markRectangleWalled(Coord pos, int halfWidth, int halfHeight)
791    {
792        halfWidth = Math.max(1, Math.round(halfWidth * roomWidth));
793        halfHeight = Math.max(1, Math.round(halfHeight * roomHeight));
794        Coord block = null;
795        for (int i = pos.x - halfWidth; i <= pos.x + halfWidth; i++) {
796            for (int j = pos.y - halfHeight; j <= pos.y + halfHeight; j++) {
797                markPiercing(i, j);
798                markEnvironmentRoom(i, j);
799            }
800        }
801        for (int i = Math.max(0, pos.x - halfWidth - 1); i <= Math.min(width - 1, pos.x + halfWidth + 1); i++) {
802            for (int j = Math.max(0, pos.y - halfHeight - 1); j <= Math.min(height - 1, pos.y + halfHeight + 1); j++)
803            {
804                wallOff(i, j);
805            }
806        }
807        return null;
808    }
810    /**
811     * Internal use. Marks a circle of points centered on pos, extending out to radius in Euclidean measurement. Marks
812     * all cells in the circle as room floors.
813     * @param pos center position to mark
814     * @param radius radius to extend in all directions from center
815     * @return null if no points in the circle were blocked by walls, otherwise a Coord blocked by a wall
816     */
817    private Coord markCircle(Coord pos, int radius)
818    {
819        Coord block = null;
820        int high;
821        radius = Math.max(1, Math.round(radius * Math.min(roomWidth, roomHeight)));
822        for (int dx = -radius; dx <= radius; ++dx)
823        {
824            high = (int)Math.floor(Math.sqrt(radius * radius - dx * dx));
825            for (int dy = -high; dy <= high; ++dy)
826            {
827                if(mark(pos.x + dx, pos.y + dy))
828                    block = pos.translate(dx, dy);
829                else
830                    markEnvironmentRoom(pos.x + dx, pos.y + dy);
831            }
832        }
833        return block;
834    }
835    /**
836     * Internal use. Marks a circle of points centered on pos, extending out to radius in Euclidean measurement.
837     * Also considers the area just beyond each wall, but not corners, to be a blocking wall that can only be passed by
838     * corridors and small cave openings. Marks all cells in the circle as room floors.
839     * @param pos center position to mark
840     * @param radius radius to extend in all directions from center
841     * @return null if no points in the circle were blocked by walls, otherwise a Coord blocked by a wall
842     */
843    private Coord markCircleWalled(Coord pos, int radius)
844    {
845        Coord block = null;
846        int high;
847        radius = Math.max(1, Math.round(radius * Math.min(roomWidth, roomHeight)));
848        for (int dx = -radius; dx <= radius; ++dx)
849        {
850            high = (int)Math.floor(Math.sqrt(radius * radius - dx * dx));
851            for (int dy = -high; dy <= high; ++dy)
852            {
853                markPiercing(pos.x + dx, pos.y + dy);
854                markEnvironmentRoom(pos.x + dx, pos.y + dy);
855            }
856        }
857        for (int dx = -radius; dx <= radius; ++dx)
858        {
859            high = (int)Math.floor(Math.sqrt(radius * radius - dx * dx));
860            int dx2 = Math.max(1, Math.min(pos.x + dx, width - 2));
861            for (int dy = -high; dy <= high; ++dy)
862            {
863                int dy2 = Math.max(1, Math.min(pos.y + dy, height - 2));
865                wallOff(dx2, dy2-1);
866                wallOff(dx2+1, dy2-1);
867                wallOff(dx2-1, dy2-1);
868                wallOff(dx2, dy2);
869                wallOff(dx2+1, dy2);
870                wallOff(dx2-1, dy2);
871                wallOff(dx2, dy2+1);
872                wallOff(dx2+1, dy2+1);
873                wallOff(dx2-1, dy2+1);
875            }
876        }
877        return null;
878    }
880    /**
881     * Internal use. Drunkard's walk algorithm, single step. Based on Michael Patraw's C code, used for cave carving.
882     * http://mpatraw.github.io/libdrunkard/
883     * @param current the current point
884     * @param target the point to wobble towards
885     * @param weight between 0.5 and 1.0, usually. 0.6 makes very random caves, 0.9 is almost a straight line.
886     * @return a Direction, either UP, DOWN, LEFT, or RIGHT if we should move, or NONE if we have reached our target
887     */
888    private Direction stepWobbly(Coord current, Coord target, double weight)
889    {
890        int dx = target.x - current.x;
891        int dy = target.y - current.y;
893        if (dx >  1) dx = 1;
894        if (dx < -1) dx = -1;
895        if (dy >  1) dy = 1;
896        if (dy < -1) dy = -1;
898        double r = rng.nextDouble();
899        Direction dir;
900        if (dx == 0 && dy == 0)
901        {
902            return Direction.NONE;
903        }
904        else if (dx == 0 || dy == 0)
905        {
906            int dx2 = (dx == 0) ? dx : dy, dy2 = (dx == 0) ? dy : dx;
907            if (r >= (weight * 0.5))
908            {
909                r -= weight * 0.5;
910                if (r < weight * (1.0 / 6) + (1 - weight) * (1.0 / 3))
911                {
912                    dx2 = -1;
913                    dy2 = 0;
914                }
915                else if (r < weight * (2.0 / 6) + (1 - weight) * (2.0 / 3))
916                {
917                    dx2 = 1;
918                    dy2 = 0;
919                }
920                else
921                {
922                    dx2 = 0;
923                    dy2 *= -1;
924                }
925            }
926            dir = Direction.getCardinalDirection(dx2, dy2);
928        }
929        else
930        {
931            if (r < weight * 0.5)
932            {
933                dy = 0;
934            }
935            else if (r < weight)
936            {
937                dx = 0;
938            }
939            else if (r < weight + (1 - weight) * 0.5)
940            {
941                dx *= -1;
942                dy = 0;
943            }
944            else
945            {
946                dx = 0;
947                dy *= -1;
948            }
949            dir = Direction.getCardinalDirection(dx, dy);
950        }
951        if(current.x + dir.deltaX <= 0 || current.x + dir.deltaX >= width - 1) {
952            if (current.y < target.y) dir = Direction.DOWN;
953            else if (current.y > target.y) dir = Direction.UP;
954        }
955        else if(current.y + dir.deltaY <= 0 || current.y + dir.deltaY >= height - 1) {
956            if (current.x < target.x) dir = Direction.RIGHT;
957            else if (current.x > target.x) dir = Direction.LEFT;
958        }
959        return dir;
960    }