001package squidpony.squidgrid;
003import squidpony.squidmath.*;
005import java.io.Serializable;
006import java.util.ArrayDeque;
007import java.util.ArrayList;
008import java.util.List;
011 * Line of Sight (LOS) algorithms find if there is or is not a path between two
012 * given points.
013 * <br>
014 * The line found between two points will end at either the target, the
015 * obstruction closest to the start, or the edge of the map.
016 * <br>
017 * For normal line of sight usage, you should prefer Bresenham lines, and these
018 * are the default (they can also be specified by passing {@link #BRESENHAM} to
019 * the constructor). For more specialized usage, there are other kinds of LOS in
020 * this class, like lines that make no diagonal moves between cells (using
021 * {@link #ORTHO}, or lines that check a wide path (but these use different
022 * methods, like {@link #thickReachable(Radius)}).
023 * <br>
024 * Performance-wise, all of these methods are rather fast and about the same speed.
025 * {@link #RAY} is a tiny fraction faster than {@link #BRESENHAM} but produces
026 * rather low-quality lines in comparison. Calculating the visibility of 40,000
027 * lines in a 102x102 dungeon takes within 3% of 950ms (on an Intel i7-4700MQ laptop
028 * processor) for every one of BRESENHAM, DDA, ORTHO, and RAY, even with ORTHO
029 * finding a different kind of line by design.
030 *
031 * @author Eben Howard - http://squidpony.com - howard@squidpony.com
032 * @author Tommy Ettinger Added DDA, ORTHO, and the thick lines; some cleanup
033 * @author smelC optimized several methods
034 */
035public class LOS implements Serializable {
036    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
037    //constants to indicate desired type of solving algorithm to use
038    /**
039     * A Bresenham-based line-of-sight algorithm.
040     */
041    public static final int BRESENHAM = 1;
042    /**
043     * Uses Wu's Algorithm as modified by Elias to draw the line. Does
044     * not end at an obstruction but rather returns one of the possible
045     * attempted paths in full.
046     */
047    public static final int ELIAS = 2;
048    /**
049     * Uses a series of rays internal to the start and end point to
050     * determine visibility. Appearance is extremely close to DDA, which
051     * is also probably a faster algorithm, so BRESENHAM (which can look
052     * a little better) and DDA are recommended instead of RAY.
053     */
054    public static final int RAY = 3;
055    /**
056     * Draws a line using only North/South/East/West movement.
057     */
058    public static final int ORTHO = 4;
059    /**
060     * Optimized algorithm for Bresenham-like lines. There are slight
061     * differences in many parts of the lines this draws when compared
062     * to Bresenham lines, but it may also perform significantly better,
063     * and may also be useful as a building block for more complex LOS.
064     * Virtually identical in results to RAY, and just a hair slower, but
065     * better-tested and more predictable.
066     */
067    public static final int DDA = 5;
068    /**
069     * Draws a line as if with a thick brush, going from a point between
070     * a corner of the starting cell and the center of the starting cell
071     * to the corresponding corner of the target cell, and considers the
072     * target visible if any portion of the thick stroke reached it. Will
073     * result in 1-width lines for exactly-orthogonal or exactly-diagonal
074     * lines and some parts of other lines, but usually is 2 cells wide.
075     */
076    public static final int THICK = 6;
077    private ArrayDeque<Coord> lastPath = new ArrayDeque<>();
078    private int type;
079    private double[][] resistanceMap;
080    private int startx, starty, targetx, targety;
081    private Elias elias;
082    private LOS los1, los2;
083    /**
084     * Gets the radius strategy this uses.
085     * @return the current Radius enum used to measure distance; starts at CIRCLE if not specified
086     */
087    public Radius getRadiusStrategy() {
088        return radiusStrategy;
089    }
091    /**
092     * Set the radius strategy to the given Radius; the default is CIRCLE if this is not called.
093     * @param radiusStrategy a Radius enum to determine how distances are measured
094     */
095    public void setRadiusStrategy(Radius radiusStrategy) {
096        this.radiusStrategy = radiusStrategy;
097    }
099    private Radius radiusStrategy = Radius.CIRCLE;
101    /**
102     * Constructs an LOS that will draw Bresenham lines and measure distances using the CIRCLE radius strategy.
103     */
104    public LOS() {
105        this(BRESENHAM);
106    }
108    /**
109     * Constructs an LOS with the given type number, which must equal a static field in this class such as BRESENHAM.
110     * @param type an int that must correspond to the value of a static field in this class (such as BRESENHAM)
111     */
112    public LOS(int type) {
113        this.type = type;
114        if(type == ELIAS)
115        {
116            elias = new Elias();
117            los1 = new LOS(BRESENHAM);
118            los2 = new LOS(BRESENHAM);
120        }
121    }
123    /**
124     * Returns true if a line can be drawn from the start point to the target
125     * point without intervening obstructions.
126     *
127     * Uses RadiusStrategy.CIRCLE, or whatever RadiusStrategy was set with setRadiusStrategy .
128     *
129     * @param walls '#' is fully opaque, anything else is fully transparent, as always this uses x,y indexing.
130     * @param startx starting x position on the grid
131     * @param starty starting y position on the grid
132     * @param targetx ending x position on the grid
133     * @param targety ending y position on the grid
134     * @return true if a line can be drawn without being obstructed, false otherwise
135     */
136    public boolean isReachable(char[][] walls, int startx, int starty, int targetx, int targety) {
137        if(walls.length < 1) return false;
138        double[][] resMap = new double[walls.length][walls[0].length];
139        for(int x = 0; x < walls.length; x++)
140        {
141            for(int y = 0; y < walls[0].length; y++)
142            {
143                resMap[x][y] = (walls[x][y] == '#') ? 1.0 : 0.0;
144            }
145        }
146        return isReachable(resMap, startx, starty, targetx, targety, radiusStrategy);
147    }
149    /**
150     * Returns true if a line can be drawn from the start point to the target
151     * point without intervening obstructions.
152     *
153     * Does not take into account resistance less than opaque or distance cost.
154     *
155     * Uses RadiusStrategy.CIRCLE, or whatever RadiusStrategy was set with setRadiusStrategy .
156     *
157     * @param resistanceMap 0.0 is fully transparent, 1.0 is fully opaque, as always this uses x,y indexing.
158     * @param startx starting x position on the grid
159     * @param starty starting y position on the grid
160     * @param targetx ending x position on the grid
161     * @param targety ending y position on the grid
162     * @return true if a line can be drawn without being obstructed, false otherwise
163     */
164    public boolean isReachable(double[][] resistanceMap, int startx, int starty, int targetx, int targety) {
165        return isReachable(resistanceMap, startx, starty, targetx, targety, radiusStrategy);
166    }
168    /**
169     * Returns true if a line can be drawn from the start point to the target
170     * point without intervening obstructions.
171     *
172     * @param resistanceMap 0.0 is fully transparent, 1.0 is fully opaque, as always this uses x,y indexing.
173     * @param startx starting x position on the grid
174     * @param starty starting y position on the grid
175     * @param targetx ending x position on the grid
176     * @param targety ending y position on the grid
177     * @param radiusStrategy the strategy to use in computing unit distance
178     * @return true if a line can be drawn without being obstructed, false otherwise
179     */
180    public boolean isReachable(double[][] resistanceMap, int startx, int starty, int targetx, int targety, Radius radiusStrategy) {
181        if(resistanceMap.length < 1) return false;
182        this.resistanceMap = resistanceMap;
183        this.startx = startx;
184        this.starty = starty;
185        this.targetx = targetx;
186        this.targety = targety;
187        switch (type) {
188            case BRESENHAM:
189                return bresenhamReachable(radiusStrategy);
190            case ELIAS:
191                return eliasReachable(radiusStrategy);
192            case RAY:
193                return rayReachable(radiusStrategy);
194            case ORTHO:
195                return orthoReachable(radiusStrategy);
196            case DDA:
197                return ddaReachable(radiusStrategy);
198            case THICK:
199                return thickReachable(radiusStrategy);
200        }
201        return false;
202    }
204    /**
205     * Returns true if a line can be drawn from the start point to the target
206     * point without intervening obstructions.
207     *
208     * @param walls '#' is fully opaque, anything else is fully transparent, as always this uses x,y indexing.
209     * @param startx starting x position on the grid
210     * @param starty starting y position on the grid
211     * @param targetx ending x position on the grid
212     * @param targety ending y position on the grid
213     * @param radiusStrategy the strategy to use in computing unit distance
214     * @return true if a line can be drawn without being obstructed, false otherwise
215     */
216    public boolean isReachable(char[][] walls, int startx, int starty, int targetx, int targety, Radius radiusStrategy) {
217        if(walls.length < 1) return false;
218        double[][] resMap = new double[walls.length][walls[0].length];
219        for(int x = 0; x < walls.length; x++)
220        {
221            for(int y = 0; y < walls[0].length; y++)
222            {
223                resMap[x][y] = (walls[x][y] == '#') ? 1.0 : 0.0;
224            }
225        }
226        return isReachable(resMap, startx, starty, targetx, targety, radiusStrategy);
227    }
229    /**
230     * Returns true if a line can be drawn from the any of the points within spread cells of the start point,
231     * to any of the corresponding points at the same direction and distance from the target point, without
232     * intervening obstructions. Primarily useful to paint a broad line that can be retrieved with getLastPath.
233     *
234     * @param walls '#' is fully opaque, anything else is fully transparent, as always this uses x,y indexing.
235     * @param startx starting x position on the grid
236     * @param starty starting y position on the grid
237     * @param targetx ending x position on the grid
238     * @param targety ending y position on the grid
239     * @param radiusStrategy the strategy to use in computing unit distance
240     * @param spread the number of cells outward, measured by radiusStrategy, to place extra start and target points
241     * @return true if a line can be drawn without being obstructed, false otherwise
242     */
243    public boolean spreadReachable(char[][] walls, int startx, int starty, int targetx, int targety, Radius radiusStrategy, int spread) {
244        if(walls.length < 1) return false;
245        resistanceMap = new double[walls.length][walls[0].length];
246        for(int x = 0; x < walls.length; x++)
247        {
248            for(int y = 0; y < walls[0].length; y++)
249            {
250                resistanceMap[x][y] = (walls[x][y] == '#') ? 1.0 : 0.0;
251            }
252        }
253        this.startx = startx;
254        this.starty = starty;
255        this.targetx = targetx;
256        this.targety = targety;
258        return brushReachable(radiusStrategy, spread);
259    }
260    /**
261     * Returns true if a line can be drawn from the any of the points within spread cells of the start point,
262     * to any of the corresponding points at the same direction and distance from the target point, without
263     * intervening obstructions. Primarily useful to paint a broad line that can be retrieved with getLastPath.
264     *
265     * @param resistanceMap 0.0 is fully transparent, 1.0 is fully opaque, as always this uses x,y indexing.
266     * @param startx starting x position on the grid
267     * @param starty starting y position on the grid
268     * @param targetx ending x position on the grid
269     * @param targety ending y position on the grid
270     * @param radiusStrategy the strategy to use in computing unit distance
271     * @param spread the number of cells outward, measured by radiusStrategy, to place extra start and target points
272     * @return true if a line can be drawn without being obstructed, false otherwise
273     */
274    public boolean spreadReachable(double[][] resistanceMap, int startx, int starty, int targetx, int targety, Radius radiusStrategy, int spread) {
275        if(resistanceMap.length < 1) return false;
276        this.resistanceMap = resistanceMap;
277        this.startx = startx;
278        this.starty = starty;
279        this.targetx = targetx;
280        this.targety = targety;
282        return brushReachable(radiusStrategy, spread);
283    }
284    /**
285     * Returns the path of the last LOS calculation, with the starting point as
286     * the head of the queue.
287     *
288     * @return the last path found during LOS calculation, as a ArrayDeque of Coord with the starting point at the head
289     */
290    public ArrayDeque<Coord> getLastPath() {
291        return lastPath;
292    }
294    private boolean bresenhamReachable(Radius radiusStrategy) {
295        Queue<Coord> path = Bresenham.line2D(startx, starty, targetx, targety);
296        lastPath = new ArrayDeque<>();
297        lastPath.add(Coord.get(startx, starty));
298        double decay = 1 / radiusStrategy.radius(startx, starty, targetx, targety);
299        double currentForce = 1;
300        for (Coord p : path) {
301            lastPath.offer(p);
302            if (p.x == targetx && p.y == targety) {
303                return true;//reached the end 
304            }
305            if (p.x != startx || p.y != starty) {//don't discount the start location even if on resistant cell
306                currentForce -= resistanceMap[p.x][p.y];
307            }
308            double r = radiusStrategy.radius(startx, starty, p.x, p.y);
309            if (currentForce - (r * decay) <= 0) {
310                return false;//too much resistance
311            }
312        }
313        return false;//never got to the target point
314    }
316    private boolean bresenhamReachable(Radius radiusStrategy) {
317        Coord[] path = Bresenham.line2D_(startx, starty, targetx, targety);
318        lastPath = new ArrayDeque<>();
319        double rad = radiusStrategy.radius(startx, starty, targetx, targety);
320        if(rad == 0.0) {
321            lastPath.add(Coord.get(startx, starty));
322            return true; // already at the point; we can see our own feet just fine!
323        }
324        double decay = 1 / rad;
325        double currentForce = 1;
326        Coord p;
327        for (int i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {
328            p = path[i];
329            lastPath.offer(p);
330            if (p.x == targetx && p.y == targety) {
331                return true;//reached the end
332            }
333            if (p.x != startx || p.y != starty) {//don't discount the start location even if on resistant cell
334                currentForce -= resistanceMap[p.x][p.y];
335            }
336            double r = radiusStrategy.radius(startx, starty, p.x, p.y);
337            if (currentForce - (r * decay) <= 0) {
338                return false;//too much resistance
339            }
340        }
341        return false;//never got to the target point
342    }
344    private boolean orthoReachable(Radius radiusStrategy) {
345        Coord[] path = OrthoLine.line_(startx, starty, targetx, targety);
346        lastPath = new ArrayDeque<>();
347        double rad = radiusStrategy.radius(startx, starty, targetx, targety);
348        if(rad == 0.0) {
349            lastPath.add(Coord.get(startx, starty));
350            return true; // already at the point; we can see our own feet just fine!
351        }
352        double decay = 1 / rad;
353        double currentForce = 1;
354        Coord p;
355        for (int i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {
356            p = path[i];
357            lastPath.offer(p);
358            if (p.x == targetx && p.y == targety) {
359                return true;//reached the end
360            }
361            if (p.x != startx || p.y != starty) {//don't discount the start location even if on resistant cell
362                currentForce -= resistanceMap[p.x][p.y];
363            }
364            double r = radiusStrategy.radius(startx, starty, p.x, p.y);
365            if (currentForce - (r * decay) <= 0) {
366                return false;//too much resistance
367            }
368        }
369        return false;//never got to the target point
370    }
372    private boolean ddaReachable(Radius radiusStrategy) {
373        Coord[] path = DDALine.line_(startx, starty, targetx, targety);
374        lastPath = new ArrayDeque<>();
375        double rad = radiusStrategy.radius(startx, starty, targetx, targety);
376        if(rad == 0.0) {
377            lastPath.add(Coord.get(startx, starty));
378            return true; // already at the point; we can see our own feet just fine!
379        }
380        double decay = 1 / rad;
381        double currentForce = 1;
382        Coord p;
383        for (int i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {
384            p = path[i];
385            if (p.x == targetx && p.y == targety) {
386                lastPath.offer(p);
387                return true;//reached the end
388            }
389            if (p.x != startx || p.y != starty) {//don't discount the start location even if on resistant cell
390                currentForce -= resistanceMap[p.x][p.y];
391            }
392            double r = radiusStrategy.radius(startx, starty, p.x, p.y);
393            if (currentForce - (r * decay) <= 0) {
394                return false;//too much resistance
395            }
396            lastPath.offer(p);
397        }
398        return false;//never got to the target point
399    }
401    private boolean thickReachable(Radius radiusStrategy) {
402        lastPath = new ArrayDeque<>();
403        double dist = radiusStrategy.radius(startx, starty, targetx, targety);
404        double decay = 1.0 / dist; // note: decay can be positive infinity if dist is 0; this is actually OK
405        OrderedSet<Coord> visited = new OrderedSet<>((int) dist + 3);
406        List<List<Coord>> paths = new ArrayList<>(4);
407        /* // actual corners
408        paths.add(DDALine.line(startx, starty, targetx, targety, 0, 0));
409        paths.add(DDALine.line(startx, starty, targetx, targety, 0, 0xffff));
410        paths.add(DDALine.line(startx, starty, targetx, targety, 0xffff, 0));
411        paths.add(DDALine.line(startx, starty, targetx, targety, 0xffff, 0xffff));
412        */
413        // halfway between the center and a corner
414        paths.add(DDALine.line(startx, starty, targetx, targety, 0x3fff, 0x3fff));
415        paths.add(DDALine.line(startx, starty, targetx, targety, 0x3fff, 0xbfff));
416        paths.add(DDALine.line(startx, starty, targetx, targety, 0xbfff, 0x3fff));
417        paths.add(DDALine.line(startx, starty, targetx, targety, 0xbfff, 0xbfff));
419        int length = Math.max(paths.get(0).size(), Math.max(paths.get(1).size(),
420                Math.max(paths.get(2).size(), paths.get(3).size())));
421        double[] forces = new double[]{1,1,1,1};
422        boolean[] go = new boolean[]{true, true, true, true};
423        Coord p;
424        for (int d = 0; d < length; d++) {
425            for (int pc = 0; pc < 4; pc++) {
426                List<Coord> path = paths.get(pc);
427                if(d < path.size() && go[pc])
428                    p = path.get(d);
429                else continue;
430                if (p.x == targetx && p.y == targety) {
431                    visited.add(p);
432                    lastPath.addAll(visited);
433                    return true;//reached the end
434                }
435                if (p.x != startx || p.y != starty) {//don't discount the start location even if on resistant cell
436                    forces[pc] -= resistanceMap[p.x][p.y];
437                }
438                double r = radiusStrategy.radius(startx, starty, p.x, p.y);
439                if (forces[pc] - (r * decay) <= 0) {
440                    go[pc] = false;
441                    continue;//too much resistance
442                }
443                visited.add(p);
444            }
445        }
446        lastPath.addAll(visited);
447        return false;//never got to the target point
448    }
450    private boolean brushReachable(Radius radiusStrategy, int spread) {
451        lastPath.clear();
452        double dist = radiusStrategy.radius(startx, starty, targetx, targety) + spread * 2;
453        OrderedSet<Coord> visited = new OrderedSet<>((int) (dist + 3) * spread);
454//        List<List<Coord>> paths = new ArrayList<>((int) (radiusStrategy.volume2D(spread) * 1.25));
455//        int length = 0;
456//        List<Coord> currentPath;
457        int sx = startx, sy = starty, tx = targetx, ty = targety;
458        for (int i = -spread; i <= spread; i++) {
459            startx = sx + i;
460            targetx = tx + i;
461            for (int j = -spread; j <= spread; j++) {
462                if(radiusStrategy.inRange(sx, sy, sx + i, sy + j, 0, spread)
463                        && sx + i >= 0 && sy + j >= 0
464                        && sx + i < resistanceMap.length && sy + j < resistanceMap[0].length
465                        && tx + i >= 0 && ty + j >= 0
466                        && tx + i < resistanceMap.length && ty + j < resistanceMap[0].length) {
467//                    for (int q = 0x3fff; q < 0xffff; q += 0x8000) {
468//                        for (int r = 0x3fff; r < 0xffff; r += 0x8000) {
469                            starty = sy + j;
470                            targety = ty + j;
471                            if(ddaReachable(radiusStrategy))
472                                visited.addAll(lastPath);
473//                            currentPath = DDALine.line(startx+i, starty+j, targetx+i, targety+j, q, r);
474//                            paths.add(currentPath);
475//                            length = Math.max(length, currentPath.size());
477//                        }
478//                    }
479                }
480            }
481        }
482        lastPath.clear();
483        lastPath.addAll(visited);
484        return !lastPath.isEmpty();
485//        double force;
486////        boolean[] go = new boolean[paths.size()];
487////        Arrays.fill(go, true);
488//        Coord p;
489////        boolean found = false;
490//        for (int pc = 0; pc < paths.size(); pc++) {
491//            List<Coord> path = paths.get(pc);
492//            force = 1.0;
493//            for (int d = 0; d < path.size(); d++) {                  
494//                p = path.get(d);
495//                //else continue;
496////                if (p.x == targetx && p.y == targety) {
497////                    found = true;
498////                }
499//                if (p.x != startx || p.y != starty) {//don't discount the start location even if on resistant cell
500//                    force -= resistanceMap[p.x][p.y];
501//                }
502//                //double r = radiusStrategy.radius(startx, starty, p.x, p.y);
503//                if (force <= 0) {
504//                    //go[pc] = false;
505//                    break;//too much resistance
506//                }
507//                visited.add(p);
508//            }
509//        }
510//        lastPath.addAll(visited);
511//        return true;//visited.contains(Coord.get(targetx, targety));
512    }
514    private boolean rayReachable(Radius radiusStrategy) {
515        lastPath = new ArrayDeque<>();//save path for later retrieval
516        if (startx == targetx && starty == targety) {//already there!
517            lastPath.add(Coord.get(startx, starty));
518            return true;
519        }
521        int width = resistanceMap.length;
522        int height = resistanceMap[0].length;
524        Coord end = Coord.get(targetx, targety);
525        //find out which direction to step, on each axis
526        int stepX = targetx == startx ? 0 : (targetx - startx >> 31 | 1), // signum with less converting to/from float
527                stepY = targety == starty ? 0 : (targety - starty >> 31 | 1);
529        int deltaY = Math.abs(targetx - startx),
530                deltaX = Math.abs(targety - starty);
532        int testX = startx,
533                testY = starty;
535        int maxX = deltaX,
536                maxY = deltaY;
538        while (testX >= 0 && testX < width && testY >= 0 && testY < height && (testX != targetx || testY != targety)) {
539            lastPath.add(Coord.get(testX, testY));
540            if (maxY - maxX > deltaX) {
541                maxX += deltaX;
542                testX += stepX;
543                if (resistanceMap[testX][testY] >= 1f) {
544                    end = Coord.get(testX, testY);
545                    break;
546                }
547            } else if (maxX - maxY > deltaY) {
548                maxY += deltaY;
549                testY += stepY;
550                if (resistanceMap[testX][testY] >= 1f) {
551                    end = Coord.get(testX, testY);
552                    break;
553                }
554            } else {//directly on diagonal, move both full step
555                maxY += deltaY;
556                testY += stepY;
557                maxX += deltaX;
558                testX += stepX;
559                if (resistanceMap[testX][testY] >= 1f) {
560                    end = Coord.get(testX, testY);
561                    break;
562                }
563            }
564            if (radiusStrategy.radius(testX, testY, startx, starty) > radiusStrategy.radius(startx, starty, end.x, end.y)) {//went too far
565                break;
566            }
567        }
569        if (end.x >= 0 && end.x < width && end.y >= 0 && end.y < height) {
570            lastPath.add(Coord.get(end.x, end.y));
571        }
573        return end.x == targetx && end.y == targety;
574    }
576    private boolean eliasReachable(Radius radiusStrategy) {
577        if(elias == null)
578        {
579            elias = new Elias();
580            los1 = new LOS(BRESENHAM);
581            los2 = new LOS(BRESENHAM);
582        }
583        final ArrayList<Coord> ePath = elias.line(startx, starty, targetx, targety);
584//        // very similar to RNG.shuffleInPlace(); this may be handy for getting an early shortcut return
585//        final int n = ePath.size();
586//        long state = 0x58476D1CE4E5B9BFL;
587//        for (int i = n; i > 1; i--) {
588//            // inlined LightRNG.determineBounded(); can replace *= with usually-faster +=
589//            Collections.swap(ePath, (int)((i * (((state = ((state = ((state += 0x9E3779B97F4A7C15L) ^ state >>> 30) * 0xBF58476D1CE4E5B9L) ^ state >>> 27) * 0x94D049BB133111EBL) ^ state >>> 31) & 0x7FFFFFFFL)) >> 31), i - 1);
590//        }
591        for(Coord p : ePath)
592        {
593            //if a non-solid midpoint on the path can see both the start and end, consider the two ends to be able to see each other
594            if (resistanceMap[p.x][p.y] < 1
595                    && radiusStrategy.radius(startx, starty, p.x, p.y) <= radiusStrategy.radius(startx, starty, targetx, targety)
596                    && los1.isReachable(resistanceMap, p.x, p.y, targetx, targety, radiusStrategy)
597                    && los2.isReachable(resistanceMap, startx, starty, p.x, p.y, radiusStrategy)) {
599                //record actual sight path used
600                lastPath.clear();
601                lastPath.addAll(los2.lastPath);
602                lastPath.remove(p); // should be the only overlapping point
603                lastPath.addAll(los1.lastPath);
604                return true;
605            }
607        }
608        return false;//never got to the target point
609    }