001package squidpony.squidai.graph;
003import squidpony.squidgrid.Direction;
004import squidpony.squidmath.Coord;
006import java.io.Serializable;
007import java.util.ArrayList;
008import java.util.Arrays;
011 * A default setting for an {@link UndirectedGraph} of Coord vertices where all connections have cost 1. This should be
012 * initialized with a 2D (rectangular) char array using the map convention where {@code '#'} is a wall and anything else
013 * is passable.
014 * <br>
015 * Created by Tommy Ettinger on 7/9/2020.
016 */
017public class DefaultGraph extends UndirectedGraph<Coord> implements Serializable {
018        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
020        public int width;
021        public int height;
023        /**
024         * No-op no-arg constructor, present for {@link Serializable}; if you use this you must call {@link #init(char[][])}
025         * or {@link #init(char[][], boolean)} before using the DefaultGraph.
026         */
027        public DefaultGraph() {
028                super();
029                width = 0;
030                height = 0;
031        }
032        /**
033         * Builds a DefaultGraph from a 2D char array that uses {@code '#'} to represent any kind of inaccessible cell, with
034         * all other chars treated as walkable. This only builds connections along cardinal directions.
035         * @param map a 2D char array where {@code '#'} represents an inaccessible area (such as a wall) and anything else is walkable
036         */
037        public DefaultGraph(char[][] map) {
038                this(map, false);
039        }
041        /**
042         * Builds a DefaultGraph from a 2D char array that uses {@code '#'} to represent any kind of inaccessible cell, with
043         * all other chars treated as walkable. If {@code eightWay} is true, this builds connections along diagonals as well
044         * as along cardinals, but if {@code eightWay} is false, it only builds connections along cardinal directions.
045         * @param map a 2D char array where {@code '#'} represents an inaccessible area (such as a wall) and anything else is walkable
046         * @param eightWay if true, this will build connections on diagonals as well as cardinal directions; if false, this will only use cardinal connections
047         */
048        public DefaultGraph(char[][] map, boolean eightWay) {
049                super();
050                init(map, eightWay);
051        }
053        /**
054         * Re-initializes a DefaultGraph from a 2D char array that uses {@code '#'} to represent any kind of inaccessible
055         * cell, with all other chars treated as walkable. This only builds connections along cardinal directions.
056         * @param map a 2D char array where {@code '#'} represents an inaccessible area (such as a wall) and anything else is walkable
057         */
058        public void init(char[][] map) {
059                init(map, false);
060        }
062        /**
063         * Re-initializes this DefaultGraph from a 2D char array that uses {@code '#'} to represent any kind of inaccessible
064         * cell, with all other chars treated as walkable. If {@code eightWay} is true, this builds connections along
065         * diagonals as well as along cardinals, but if {@code eightWay} is false, it only builds connections along cardinal
066         * directions.
067         * @param map a 2D char array where {@code '#'} represents an inaccessible area (such as a wall) and anything else is walkable
068         * @param eightWay if true, this will build connections on diagonals as well as cardinal directions; if false, this will only use cardinal connections
069         */
070        public void init(char[][] map, boolean eightWay) {
071                width = map.length;
072                height = map[0].length;
073                Coord.expandPoolTo(width, height);
074                ArrayList<Coord> vs = new ArrayList<>(width * height >>> 1);
075                vertexMap.clear();
076                edgeMap.clear();
077                for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
078                        for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
079                                if(map[x][y] != '#')
080                                {
081                                        Coord pt = Coord.get(x, y);
082                                        vs.add(pt);
083                                        addVertex(pt);
084                                }
085                        }
086                }
087                final int sz = vs.size();
088                Coord center, off;
089                final Direction[] outer = eightWay ? Direction.CLOCKWISE : Direction.CARDINALS_CLOCKWISE;
090                Direction dir;
091                for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
092                        center = vs.get(i);
093                        for (int j = 0; j < outer.length; j++) {
094                                dir = outer[j];
095                                off = center.translate(dir);
096                                if(off.isWithin(width, height) && map[center.x + dir.deltaX][center.y + dir.deltaY] != '#')
097                                {
098                                        if(!edgeExists(center, off))
099                                        {
100                                                addEdge(center, off);
101                                        }
102                                }
103                        }
104                }
106        }
108        /**
109         * Find a minimum weight spanning tree using Kruskal's algorithm.
110         * @return a Graph object containing a minimum weight spanning tree (if this graph is connected -
111         * in general a minimum weight spanning forest)
112         */
113        public Graph<Coord> findMinimumWeightSpanningTree() {
114                return algorithms.findMinimumWeightSpanningTree();
115        }
117        /**
118         * Find the shortest path between the start and target vertices, using Dijkstra's algorithm implemented with a priority queue.
119         * @param start the starting vertex
120         * @param target the target vertex
121         * @return a list of vertices from start to target containing the ordered vertices of a shortest path, including both the start and target vertices
122         */
123        public ArrayList<Coord> findShortestPath(Coord start, Coord target) {
124                return algorithms.findShortestPath(start, target);
125        }
127        /**
128         * Find the shortest path between the start and target vertices, using the A* search algorithm with the provided heuristic, and implemented with a priority queue.
129         * @param start the starting vertex
130         * @param target the target vertex
131         * @param heuristic typically predefined in {@link Heuristic}, this determines how the optimal path will be estimated
132         * @return a list of vertices from start to target containing the ordered vertices of a shortest path, including both the start and target vertices
133         */
134        public ArrayList<Coord> findShortestPath(Coord start, Coord target, Heuristic<Coord> heuristic) {
135                return algorithms.findShortestPath(start, target, heuristic);
136        }
138        /**
139         * Find the shortest path between the start and target vertices, using the A* search algorithm with the provided
140         * heuristic, and implemented with a priority queue. Fills path with a list of vertices from start to target
141         * containing the ordered vertices of a shortest path, including both the start and target vertices.
142         * @param start the starting vertex
143         * @param target the target vertex
144         * @param path the list of vertices to which the path vertices should be added
145         * @return true if a path was found, or false if no path could be found
146         */
147        public boolean findShortestPath(Coord start, Coord target, ArrayList<Coord> path, Heuristic<Coord> heuristic) {
148                return algorithms.findShortestPath(start, target, path, heuristic);
149        }
151        /**
152         * Find the shortest path between the start and target vertices, using Dijkstra's algorithm implemented with a priority queue.
153         * @param start the starting vertex
154         * @param target the target vertex
155         * @return the sum of the weights in a shortest path from the starting vertex to the target vertex
156         */
157        public double findMinimumDistance(Coord start, Coord target) {
158                return algorithms.findMinimumDistance(start, target);
159        }
161        /**
162         * Perform a breadth first search starting from the specified vertex.
163         * @param coord the vertex at which to start the search
164         * @param maxVertices the maximum number of vertices to process before terminating the search
165         * @param maxDepth the maximum edge distance (the number of edges in a shortest path between vertices) a vertex should have to be
166         *                 considered for processing. If a vertex has a distance larger than the maxDepth, it will not be added to the
167         *                 returned graph
168         * @return a Graph object containing all the processed vertices, and the edges from which each vertex was encountered.
169         * The vertices and edges in the returned graph will be in the order they were encountered in the search, and this will be
170         * reflected in the iteration order of the collections returned by {@link Graph#getVertices()} and {@link Graph#getEdges()}.
171         */
172        public Graph<Coord> breadthFirstSearch(Coord coord, int maxVertices, int maxDepth) {
173                return algorithms.breadthFirstSearch(coord, maxVertices, maxDepth);
174        }
176        /**
177         * Perform a breadth first search starting from the specified vertex.
178         * @param coord the vertex at which to start the search
179         * @return a Graph object containing all the processed vertices (all the vertices in this graph), and the edges from which each vertex was encountered.
180         * The vertices and edges in the returned graph will be in the order they were encountered in the search, and this will be
181         * reflected in the iteration order of the collections returned by {@link Graph#getVertices()} and {@link Graph#getEdges()}.
182         */
183        public Graph<Coord> breadthFirstSearch(Coord coord) {
184                return algorithms.breadthFirstSearch(coord);
185        }
187        /**
188         * Perform a depth first search starting from the specified vertex.
189         * @param coord the vertex at which to start the search
190         * @param maxVertices the maximum number of vertices to process before terminating the search
191         * @param maxDepth the maximum edge distance (the number of edges in a shortest path between vertices) a vertex should have to be
192         *                 considered for processing. If a vertex has a distance larger than the maxDepth, it will not be added to the
193         *                 returned graph
194         * @return a Graph object containing all the processed vertices, and the edges from which each vertex was encountered.
195         * The vertices and edges in the returned graph will be in the order they were encountered in the search, and this will be
196         * reflected in the iteration order of the collections returned by {@link Graph#getVertices()} and {@link Graph#getEdges()}.
197         */
198        public Graph<Coord> depthFirstSearch(Coord coord, int maxVertices, int maxDepth) {
199                return algorithms.depthFirstSearch(coord, maxVertices, maxDepth);
200        }
202        /**
203         * Perform a depth first search starting from the specified vertex.
204         * @param coord the vertex at which to start the search
205         * @return a Graph object containing all the processed vertices (all the vertices in this graph), and the edges from which each vertex was encountered.
206         * The vertices and edges in the returned graph will be in the order they were encountered in the search, and this will be
207         * reflected in the iteration order of the collections returned by {@link Graph#getVertices()} and {@link Graph#getEdges()}.
208         */
209        public Graph<Coord> depthFirstSearch(Coord coord) {
210                return algorithms.depthFirstSearch(coord);
211        }
213        /**
214         * Checks whether there are any cycles in the graph using depth first searches.
215         * @return true if the graph contains a cycle, false otherwise
216         */
217        public boolean detectCycle() {
218                return algorithms.detectCycle();
219        }
221        /**
222         * Creates a 1D char array (which can be passed to {@link String#valueOf(char[])}) filled with a grid made of the
223         * vertices in this Graph and their estimated costs, if this has done an estimate. Each estimate is rounded to the
224         * nearest int and only printed if it is 4 digits or less; otherwise this puts '####' in the grid cell. This is a
225         * building-block for toString() implementations that may have debugging uses as well.
226         * @return a 1D char array containing newline-separated rows of space-separated grid cells that contain estimated costs or '####' for unexplored
227         */
228        public char[] show() {
229                final int w5 = width * 5;
230                final char[] cs = new char[w5 * height];
231                Arrays.fill(cs,  '#');
232                for (int i = 4; i < cs.length; i += 5) {
233                        cs[i] = (i + 1) % w5 == 0 ? '\n' : ' ';
234                }
235                final int vs = vertexMap.size(), rid = algorithms.lastRunID();
236                Node<Coord> nc;
237                for (int i = 0; i < vs; i++) {
238                        nc = vertexMap.getAt(i);
239                        if(!nc.seen || nc.lastRunID != rid || nc.distance >= 9999.5)
240                                continue;
241                        int d = (int) (nc.distance + 0.5), x = nc.object.x * 5, y = nc.object.y;
242                        cs[y * w5 + x    ] = (d >= 1000) ? (char) ('0' + d / 1000) : ' ';
243                        cs[y * w5 + x + 1] = (d >= 100)  ? (char) ('0' + d / 100 % 10) : ' ';
244                        cs[y * w5 + x + 2] = (d >= 10)   ? (char) ('0' + d / 10 % 10) : ' ';
245                        cs[y * w5 + x + 3] = (char) ('0' + d % 10);
246                }
247                return cs;
248        }