001package squidpony;
003import regexodus.Matcher;
004import regexodus.Pattern;
005import regexodus.REFlags;
006import squidpony.squidmath.*;
008import java.io.Reader;
009import java.io.Serializable;
010import java.util.*;
012import static squidpony.ArrayTools.letters;
015 * A simple format parser for String-based configuration or data files where JSON is overkill.
016 * Supports only one type, String, but allows each String to have arbitrary nested levels of
017 * String children as if in sub-lists. You can interpret the Strings however you want, and
018 * quoting each String isn't necessary if they are just one word ("bare words" are allowed).
019 * This stores its items in an inner class, {@link ObTextEntry}, which only has a "primary"
020 * String and may have a List of "associated" ObTextEntry values, each of which must have
021 * their own primary String and which may have their own associated List.
022 * <br>
023 * You can use this like any other List, though it will be contain ObTextEntry objects instead
024 * of Strings directly. This allows you to control whether you want to iterate through a
025 * particular primary String's associated entries, if there are any, or to skip over them and
026 * go to the next String in the current List.
027 * <br>
028 * This extends ArrayList of ObTextEntry and is modifiable, but it doesn't act quite like what
029 * what you might expect from an ArrayList. Chiefly, this only considers the top-level Strings
030 * to be part of the List for length and for {@link #contains(Object)}, and will ignore child
031 * strings unless you access them via the {@link ObTextEntry#associated} List on an entry that
032 * has associated entries.
033 * <br>
034 * A common way to use this is with {@link #parse(CharSequence)} to read a String in the
035 * following format.
036 * <br>
037 * Format example:
038 * <pre>
039 * hello world
040 * 'how are you today?' [just great thanks]
041 * hooray!
042 *
043 * complexity?
044 * [it is possible [yes this is a good example]
045 * 'escapes like \[\'\] all work'
046 * "you can use double or single quotes to allow spaces and brackets in one string"
047 * ]
048 *
049 * comments are allowed // like this
050 * comments can have different forms # like this
051 * // block comments like in c are allowed
052 * / * but because this example is in javadoc, this example is not actually a comment * /
053 * // remove the spaces between each slash and asterisk to make the last line a comment.
054 * /[delimit/or block comments with delimiters/delimit]/
055 *
056 * '''
057 * raw strings (heredocs) look like this normally.
058 *     they permit characters without escapes, ]][][[ \/\/\ ,
059 *     except for triple quotes.
060 *     they keep newlines and indentation intact,
061 * except for up to one newline ignored adjacent to each triple quote.
062 * '''
063 *
064 * [[different[
065 * if you may need triple quotes
066 *     in the raw string, use a different syntax that allows delimiters.
067 * here, the delimiter is '''different''', just to be different.]different]]
068 * </pre>
069 * <br>
070 * Inspired strongly by <a href="https://github.com/igagis/stob">STOB</a> and its
071 * <a href="https://github.com/igagis/stob-java">Java port</a> , but no code is shared and the format is
072 * slightly different. The main differences are:
073 * <ul>
074 * <li>We use square brackets in place of STOB's curly braces to mark children associated with a string.<li>
075 * <li>ObText supports nested block comments using the syntax {@code /[delimiter/contents/delimiter]/} where
076 * delimiter may be empty but must match on both sides, and contents is the body of the comment.</li>
077 * <li>ObText uses Python-like "heredoc" syntax for raw strings surrounded by triple-apostrophes '''like so'''
078 * with optional initial and final newlines in the raw string ignored. An alternate raw string
079 * syntax is present that allows delimiters, using the syntax {@code [[delimiter[contents]delimiter]]}, where 
080 * again delimiter may be empty and contents is the body of the raw string.</li>
081 * <ul>
082 */
083public class ObText extends ArrayList<ObText.ObTextEntry> implements Serializable{
084    private static final long serialVersionUID = 7L;
085    public static class ObTextEntry implements Serializable
086    {
087        private static final long serialVersionUID = 7L;
088        public String primary;
089        public ArrayList<ObTextEntry> associated;
090        public ObTextEntry()
091        {
092        }
093        public ObTextEntry(String primaryString)
094        {
095            primary = primaryString;
096        }
097        public ObTextEntry(String primaryString, Collection<ObTextEntry> associatedStrings)
098        {
099            primary = primaryString;
100            associated = new ArrayList<>(associatedStrings);
101        }
102        public void add(ObTextEntry entry)
103        {
104            if(associated == null)
105                associated = new ArrayList<>(16);
106            associated.add(entry);
107        }
108        public void add(String text)
109        {
110            if(associated == null)
111                associated = new ArrayList<>(16);
112            associated.add(new ObTextEntry(text));
113        }
114        public boolean hasAssociated()
115        {
116            return associated != null && !associated.isEmpty();
117        }
118        public List<ObTextEntry> openAssociated()
119        {
120            if(associated == null)
121                associated = new ArrayList<>(16);
122            return associated;
123        }
124        public String firstAssociatedString()
125        {
126            ObTextEntry got;
127            if(associated == null || associated.isEmpty() || (got = associated.get(0)) == null)
128                return null;
129            return got.primary;
130        }
131        public ArrayList<String> allAssociatedStrings()
132        {
133            if(associated == null || associated.isEmpty())
134                return new ArrayList<>(1);
135            int sz = associated.size();
136            ArrayList<String> strings = new ArrayList<>(sz);
137            for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
138                strings.add(associated.get(i).primary);
139            }
140            return strings;
141        }
142        public ArrayList<String> shallowContents()
143        {
144            if(associated == null || associated.isEmpty())
145                return new ArrayList<>(1);
146            int sz = associated.size();
147            ArrayList<String> strings = new ArrayList<>(sz);
148            iterate(strings, associated);
149            return strings;
150        }
151        public ObTextEntry firstAssociatedEntry()
152        {
153            if(associated == null || associated.isEmpty())
154                return null;
155            return associated.get(0);
156        }
158        @Override
159        public boolean equals(Object o) {
160            if (this == o) return true;
161            if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
163            ObTextEntry entry = (ObTextEntry) o;
165            if (!primary.equals(entry.primary)) return false;
166            return associated != null ? associated.equals(entry.associated) : entry.associated == null;
167        }
169        public long hash64() {
170            long result = CrossHash.hash64(primary), z = 0x60642E2A34326F15L;
171            if(associated == null)
172                return result ^ z;
173            final int len = associated.size();
174            result ^= len;
175            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
176                result ^= associated.get(i).hash64() * (z += 0xC6BC279692B5CC86L);
177                result = (result << 11 | result >>> 53);
178            }
179            result += (z ^ z >>> 26) * 0x632BE59BD9B4E019L;
180            result = (result ^ result >>> 33) * 0xFF51AFD7ED558CCDL;
181            return ((result ^ result >>> 33) * 0xC4CEB9FE1A85EC53L);
182        }
184        @Override
185        public int hashCode() {
186            return (int)hash64();
187        }
188    }
189    public static final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(
190            "(?>'''(?:[\n\u000C\f\r\u0085\u2028\u2029]|\r\n)?({=s}.*?)(?:[\n\u000C\f\r\u0085\u2028\u2029]|\r\n)?''')" +
191                    "|(?>\\[\\[({=q}[^\\[\\]]*)\\[(?:[\n\u000C\f\r\u0085\u2028\u2029]|\r\n)?({=s}.*?)(?:[\n\u000C\f\r\u0085\u2028\u2029]|\r\n)?\\]{\\q}\\]\\])" +
192                    "|(?>({=q}[\"'])({=s}.*?)(?<!\\\\){\\q})" +
193                    "|(?>(?>//|#)(?>\\V*))" +
194                    "|(?>/\\*(?:.*?)\\*/)" +
195                    "|(?>/\\[({=q}\\S*)/(?:.*?)/{\\q}\\]/)" +
196                    "|({=s}[^\\s\\[\\]\"'#\\\\]+)" +
197                    "|({=o}\\[)" +
198                    "|({=c}\\])", REFlags.DOTALL | REFlags.UNICODE
199    ),
200            patternRelaxed = Pattern.compile(
201                    "(?>'''(?:[\n\u000C\f\r\u0085\u2028\u2029]|\r\n)?({=s}.*?)(?:[\n\u000C\f\r\u0085\u2028\u2029]|\r\n)?''')" +
202                            "|(?>\\[\\[({=q}[^\\[\\]]*)\\[(?:[\n\u000C\f\r\u0085\u2028\u2029]|\r\n)?({=s}.*?)(?:[\n\u000C\f\r\u0085\u2028\u2029]|\r\n)?\\]{\\q}\\]\\])" +
203                            "|(?>({=q}[\"'])({=s}.*?)(?<!\\\\){\\q})" +
204                            //"|(?>(?>//|#)(?>\\V*))" +
205                            //"|(?>/\\*(?:.*?)\\*/)" +
206                            //"|(?>/\\[({=q}\\S*)/(?:.*?)/{\\q}\\]/)" +
207                            "|({=s}[^\\s\\[\\]\"'\\\\]+)"
208                    , REFlags.DOTALL | REFlags.UNICODE
209            );
212    public static final int stringId = pattern.groupId("s"),
213            openId = pattern.groupId("o"), closeId = pattern.groupId("c");
215    protected static final Pattern illegalBareWord = Pattern.compile("[\\s\\[\\]\"'#\\\\]|(?:/[/\\*])"),
216            reallyIllegalBareWord = Pattern.compile("[\\s\\[\\]\"'\\\\]"),
217            needsRaw = Pattern.compile("(?<!\\\\)[\\[\\]]|\\\\$");
218    protected static final Matcher m = pattern.matcher();
219    protected static final Matcher bare = illegalBareWord.matcher(), raw = needsRaw.matcher(),
220            reallyBare = reallyIllegalBareWord.matcher();
222    //protected final ArrayList<ObTextEntry> entries = new ArrayList<ObTextEntry>(64);
223//    protected final IntVLA neighbors = new IntVLA(64);
224//    private final IntVLA nesting = new IntVLA(16);
225//    protected int length = 0;
226    public ObText()
227    {
229    }
231    public ObText(CharSequence text)
232    {
233        parse(text);
234    }
236    /**
237     * Parses the given text (a String or other CharSequence) and appends it into this ObText.
238     * @param text a CharSequence (such as a String) using ObText formatting, as described in this class' JavaDocs
239     * @return this ObText object after appending the parsed text, for chaining
240     */
241    public ObText parse(CharSequence text)
242    {
243        m.setTarget(text);
244        ObTextEntry current = null;
245        List<ObTextEntry> ls = this;
246        IntVLA nesting = new IntVLA(4);
247        nesting.add(-1);
248        int depth = 0;
249        while (m.find()) {
250            if (m.isCaptured(stringId)) {
251                ls.add(current = new ObTextEntry(m.group(stringId)));
252                nesting.incr(depth, 1);
253            }
254            else if(m.isCaptured(openId))
255            {
256                if(current == null) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("ObText entries can't have associated items without a primary String.");
257                nesting.add(-1);
258                ls = current.openAssociated();
259                depth++;
260            }
261            else if(m.isCaptured(closeId))
262            {
263                if(nesting.size <= 1) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Associated item sequences in ObText can't end more times than they start.");
264                nesting.pop();
265                depth--;
266                ls = this;
267                for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) {
268                    ls = ls.get(nesting.get(i)).associated;
269                }
270            }
271        }
272        return this;
273    }
275    /**
276     * Inserts the given String element at the specified position in this ObText's top level.
277     * Shifts the element currently at that position (if any) and any subsequent
278     * elements to the right (adds one to their indices).
279     * @param index index at which the specified element is to be inserted 
280     * @param text String element to be inserted, without any associated entries
281     */
282    public void add(int index, String text) {
283        super.add(index, new ObTextEntry(text));
284    }
286    /**
287     * Appends the given String element to the end of this ObText at the top level.
288     * @param text String element to be inserted, without any associated entries
289     * @return {@code true} (this always modifies the ObText)
290     */
291    public boolean add(String text) {
292        return super.add(new ObTextEntry(text));
293    }
295    public long hash64()
296    {
297        long result = 0x1A976FDF6BF60B8EL, z = 0x60642E2A34326F15L;
298        final int len = size();
299        result ^= len;
300        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
301            result ^= get(i).hash64() * (z += 0xC6BC279692B5CC86L);
302            result = (result << 11 | result >>> 53);
303        }
304        result += (z ^ z >>> 26) * 0x632BE59BD9B4E019L;
305        result = (result ^ result >>> 33) * 0xFF51AFD7ED558CCDL;
306        return ((result ^ result >>> 33) * 0xC4CEB9FE1A85EC53L);
308    }
310    @Override
311    public int hashCode() {
312        return (int)hash64();
313    }
315    // Used to generate randomized delimiters using up to 9 non-English letters.
316    // call while assigning your state with randomChars(state += 0x9E3779B97F4A7C15L, myChars)
317    // that assumes you have a 9-element char[] called myChars
318    // as long as z/state is deterministic (i.e. based on a hash), this should be too
319    private static void randomChars(long z, char[] mut)
320    {
321        z = (z ^ (z >>> 30)) * 0xBF58476D1CE4E5B9L;
322        z = (z ^ (z >>> 27)) * 0x94D049BB133111EBL;
323        z ^= (z >>> 31);
325        mut[0] = letters[(int)(128 + (z & 127))];
326        mut[1] = letters[(int)(128 + (z >>> 7 & 127))];
327        mut[2] = letters[(int)(128 + (z >>> 14 & 127))];
328        mut[3] = letters[(int)(128 + (z >>> 21 & 127))];
329        mut[4] = letters[(int)(128 + (z >>> 28 & 127))];
330        mut[5] = letters[(int)(128 + (z >>> 35 & 127))];
331        mut[6] = letters[(int)(128 + (z >>> 42 & 127))];
332        mut[7] = letters[(int)(128 + (z >>> 49 & 127))];
333        mut[8] = letters[(int)(128 + (z >>> 56 & 127))];
334    }
336    public static void appendQuoted(StringBuilder sb, String text)
337    {
338        appendQuoted(sb, text, reallyBare);
339    }
341    public static void appendQuotedObText(StringBuilder sb, String text)
342    {
343        appendQuoted(sb, text, bare);
344    }
345    protected static void appendQuoted(StringBuilder sb, String text, Matcher bareFinder)
346    {
347        if(text == null || text.isEmpty()) {
348            sb.append("''");
349            return;
350        }
351        bareFinder.setTarget(text);
352        if(!bareFinder.find())
353            sb.append(text);
354        else
355        {
356            raw.setTarget(text);
357            if(raw.find()) {
359                if (text.contains("'''")) {
360                    long state = CrossHash.hash64(text);
361                    char[] myChars = new char[9];
362                    int count;
363                    do {
364                        randomChars(state += 0x9E3779B97F4A7C15L, myChars);
365                        count = StringKit.containsPart(text, myChars, "]", "]]");
366                    } while (count == 12);
367                    sb.append("[[").append(myChars, 0, count).append("[\n").append(text).append("\n]")
368                            .append(myChars, 0, count).append("]]");
369                } else {
370                    sb.append("'''\n").append(text).append("\n'''");
371                }
372            }
373            else if(!text.contains("'"))
374            {
375                sb.append('\'').append(text).append('\'');
376            }
377            else
378            {
379                if(text.contains("\""))
380                {
381                    if(text.contains("'''"))
382                    {
383                        long state = CrossHash.hash64(text);
384                        char[] myChars = new char[9];
385                        int count;
386                        do
387                        {
388                            randomChars(state += 0x9E3779B97F4A7C15L, myChars);
389                            count = StringKit.containsPart(text, myChars);
390                        }while(count == 9);
391                        sb.append("[[").append(myChars, 0, count).append("[\n").append(text).append("\n]")
392                                .append(myChars, 0, count).append("]]");
393                    }
394                    else
395                    {
396                        sb.append("'''\n").append(text).append("\n'''");
397                    }
398                }
399                else
400                {
401                    sb.append('"').append(text).append('"');
402                }
403            }
404        }
405    }
407    @Override
408    public String toString() {
409        return "ObText object: [[[[\n" + serializeToString() + "\n]]]]";
410    }
412    public String serializeToString()
413    {
414        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(100);
415        iterate(sb, this);
416        return sb.toString();
417    }
419    /**
420     * Deserializes an ObText that was serialized by {@link #serializeToString()} or {@link #toString()}, and will
421     * ignore the prefix and suffix that toString appends for readability (these are "ObText object: [[[[ " and " ]]]]",
422     * for reference). This is otherwise the same as calling the constructor {@link #ObText(CharSequence)}.
423     * @param data a String that is usually produced by serializeToString or toString on an ObText
424     * @return a new ObText produced by parsing data (disregarding any prefix or suffix from toString() )
425     */
426    public static ObText deserializeFromString(String data)
427    {
428        if(data.startsWith("ObText object: [[[[\n"))
429        {
430            return new ObText(data.substring(20, data.length() - 5));
431        }
432        return new ObText(data);
433    }
435    private static void iterate(StringBuilder sb, ArrayList<ObTextEntry> obt)
436    {
437        int len = obt.size();
438        ObTextEntry entry;
439        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
440            appendQuotedObText(sb, (entry = obt.get(i)).primary);
441            sb.append('\n');
442            if(entry.hasAssociated())
443            {
444                sb.append("[\n");
445                iterate(sb, entry.associated);
446                sb.append("]\n");
447            }
448        }
449    }
451    private static void iterate(ArrayList<String> buffer, ArrayList<ObTextEntry> obt)
452    {
453        int len = obt.size();
454        ObTextEntry entry;
455        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
456            buffer.add((entry = obt.get(i)).primary);
457            if(entry.hasAssociated())
458            {
459                iterate(buffer, entry.associated);
460            }
461        }
462    }
464    /**
465     * Gets all Strings from the top level of this ObText, not including any associated values, and puts them in
466     * an {@link ArrayList} of String. The returned list will retain the same order the Strings were entered in, and
467     * unlike {@link #keySet()} or {@link #keyOrderedSet()}, duplicate keys will all be preserved. Changes to the
468     * returned List won't be reflected in this ObText.
469     * @return all top-level Strings (without associated values) as an ArrayList of String
470     */
471    public ArrayList<String> keyList()
472    {
473        final int sz = size();
474        ArrayList<String> keys = new ArrayList<>(sz);
475        for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
476            keys.add(get(i).primary);
477        }
478        return keys;
479    }
481    /**
482     * Gets all unique Strings from the top level of this ObText, not including any associated values, and puts them in
483     * an {@link OrderedSet} of String. The returned set will retain the same order the Strings were entered in, and you
484     * can use OrderedSet methods like {@link OrderedSet#getAt(int)} to look up keys by index. Changes to the returned
485     * Set won't be reflected in this ObText.
486     * @return all unique top-level Strings (without associated values) as an OrderedSet of String keys
487     */
488    public OrderedSet<String> keyOrderedSet()
489    {
490        final int sz = size();
491        OrderedSet<String> keys = new OrderedSet<>(sz);
492        for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
493            keys.add(get(i).primary);
494        }
495        return keys;
496    }
498    /**
499     * Gets all unique Strings from the top level of this ObText, not including any associated values, and puts them in
500     * a {@link HashSet} of String. The returned set won't be insertion-ordered or necessarily retain the same order the
501     * Strings were entered in; use {@link #keyOrderedSet()} if you want this. Changes to the returned Set won't be
502     * reflected in this ObText.
503     * @return all unique top-level Strings (without associated values) as a HashSet of String keys
504     */
505    public HashSet<String> keySet()
506    {
507        final int sz = size();
508        HashSet<String> keys = new HashSet<>(sz, 0.25f);
509        for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
510            keys.add(get(i).primary);
511        }
512        return keys;
513    }
514    /**
515     * Gets all unique Strings from the top level of this ObText as keys in an {@link OrderedMap}, with the first String
516     * associated with each key as its value (or null if nothing is associated with a key String). The returned map will
517     * retain the same order the keys were entered in, and you can use OrderedMap methods like
518     * {@link OrderedMap#keyAt(int)} to look up keys by index or {@link OrderedMap#getAt(int)} to look up value String
519     * by index. Changes to the returned Map won't be reflected in this ObText.
520     * @return an OrderedMap of unique String keys associated with the first associated String for each key (or null)
521     */
522    public OrderedMap<String, String> basicOrderedMap()
523    {
524        final int sz = size();
525        OrderedMap<String, String> keys = new OrderedMap<>(sz);
526        ObTextEntry got;
527        for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
528            got = get(i);
529            keys.put(got.primary, got.firstAssociatedString());
530        }
531        return keys;
532    }
533    /**
534     * Gets all unique Strings from the top level of this ObText as keys in a {@link HashMap}, with the first
535     * String associated with each key as its value (or null if nothing is associated with a key String). The returned
536     * map won't be insertion-ordered or necessarily retain the same order the Strings were entered in; use
537     * {@link #shallowOrderedMap()} if you want this. Changes to the returned Map won't be reflected in this ObText.
538     * @return a HashMap of unique String keys associated with the first associated String for each key (or null)
539     */
540    public HashMap<String, String> basicMap()
541    {
542        final int sz = size();
543        HashMap<String, String> keys = new HashMap<>(sz, 0.25f);
544        ObTextEntry got;
545        for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
546            got = get(i);
547            keys.put(got.primary, got.firstAssociatedString());
548        }
549        return keys;
550    }
552    /**
553     * Gets all unique Strings from the top level of this ObText as keys in an {@link OrderedMap}, with any Strings
554     * associated with those keys as their values (in a possibly-empty ArrayList of String for each value).
555     * The returned map will retain the same order the keys were entered in, and you can use OrderedMap methods like
556     * {@link OrderedMap#keyAt(int)} to look up keys by index or {@link OrderedMap#getAt(int)} to look up the ArrayList
557     * of value Strings by index. Changes to the returned Map won't be reflected in this ObText.
558     * @return an OrderedMap of unique String keys associated with ArrayList values containing associated Strings
559     */
560    public OrderedMap<String, ArrayList<String>> shallowOrderedMap()
561    {
562        final int sz = size();
563        OrderedMap<String, ArrayList<String>> keys = new OrderedMap<>(sz);
564        ObTextEntry got;
565        for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
566            got = get(i);
567            keys.put(got.primary, got.allAssociatedStrings());
568        }
569        return keys;
570    }
571    /**
572     * Gets all unique Strings from the top level of this ObText as keys in a {@link HashMap}, with any Strings
573     * associated with those keys as their values (in a possibly-empty ArrayList of String for each value).
574     * The returned map won't be insertion-ordered or necessarily retain the same order the Strings were entered in; use
575     * {@link #basicOrderedMap()} if you want this. Changes to the returned Map won't be reflected in this ObText.
576     * @return a HashMap of unique String keys associated with ArrayList values containing associated Strings
577     */
578    public HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> shallowMap()
579    {
580        final int sz = size();
581        HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> keys = new HashMap<>(sz, 0.25f);
582        ObTextEntry got;
583        for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
584            got = get(i);
585            keys.put(got.primary, got.allAssociatedStrings());
586        }
587        return keys;
588    }
590    /**
591     * Can be used to help reading sequences of Strings with ObText-style quotation marking their boundaries.
592     * This returns a {@link ContentMatcher} object that you must call setTarget on before using it.
593     * The argument(s) to setTarget should be the text that might contain quotes, heredoc-style quotes, or just bare
594     * words. Calling {@link ContentMatcher#find()} will try to find the next String, returning false if there's nothing
595     * left or returning true and advancing the search if a String was found. The String might be a special term in some
596     * cases, like "[" and "]" without quotes being syntax in ObText that don't contain usable Strings. That's why,
597     * after a String was found with find(), you should check {@link ContentMatcher#hasMatch()} to verify that a match
598     * was successful, and if that's true, then you can call {@link ContentMatcher#getMatch()} to get the un-quoted
599     * contents of the next String in the target.
600     * @return a {@link ContentMatcher} that must have one of its setTarget() methods called before it can be used
601     */
602    public static ContentMatcher makeMatcher()
603    {
604        return new ContentMatcher();
605    }
606    /**
607     * Can be used to help reading sequences of Strings with ObText-style quotation marking their boundaries.
608     * This returns a {@link ContentMatcher} object that is already configured to read from {@code text}.
609     * The {@code text} should contain Strings that may be surrounded by quotes, heredoc-style quotes, or just bare
610     * words. Calling {@link ContentMatcher#find()} will try to find the next String, returning false if there's nothing
611     * left or returning true and advancing the search if a String was found. The String might be a special term in some
612     * cases, like "[" and "]" without quotes being syntax in ObText that don't contain usable Strings. That's why,
613     * after a String was found with find(), you should check {@link ContentMatcher#hasMatch()} to verify that a match
614     * was successful, and if that's true, then you can call {@link ContentMatcher#getMatch()} to get the un-quoted
615     * contents of the next String in the target.
616     * @param text the target String that should probably have at least one sub-string that might be quoted
617     * @return a {@link ContentMatcher} that can be used immediately by calling {@link ContentMatcher#find()}
618     */
619    public static ContentMatcher makeMatcher(CharSequence text)
620    {
621        return new ContentMatcher(text);
622    }
624    /**
625     * Can be used to help reading sequences of Strings with ObText-style quotation marking their boundaries, but no
626     * comments (which allows some additional characters to be used in bare words, like '#').
627     * This returns a {@link ContentMatcher} object that is already configured to read from {@code text}.
628     * The {@code text} should contain Strings that may be surrounded by quotes, heredoc-style quotes, or just bare
629     * words. Calling {@link ContentMatcher#find()} will try to find the next String, returning false if there's nothing
630     * left or returning true and advancing the search if a String was found. Unlike the ContentMatcher produced by
631     * {@link #makeMatcher(CharSequence)}, you can call {@link ContentMatcher#getMatch()} after any successful call to
632     * {@link ContentMatcher#find()}, which will get the un-quoted contents of the next String in the target.
633     * @param text the target String that should probably have at least one sub-string that might be quoted
634     * @return a {@link ContentMatcher} that can be used immediately by calling {@link ContentMatcher#find()}
635     */
636    public static ContentMatcher makeMatcherNoComments(CharSequence text)
637    {
638        return new ContentMatcher(text, patternRelaxed);
639    }
641    public static class ContentMatcher extends Matcher {
643        /**
644         * Constructs a ContentMatcher that will need to have its target set with {@link #setTarget(CharSequence)} or
645         * one of its overloads. The target should contain multiple substrings that may have quotation around them; this
646         * class is meant to skip the quotation in ObText's style.
647         */
648        public ContentMatcher()
649        {
650            super(pattern);
651        }
653        /**
654         * Constructs a ContentMatcher that already has its target set to {@code text}.
655         * @param text the CharSequence, such as a String, to find possibly-quoted Strings in.
656         */
657        public ContentMatcher(CharSequence text)
658        {
659            super(pattern, text);
660        }
661        /**
662         * Constructs a ContentMatcher that already has its target set to {@code text} and uses an alternate Pattern.
663         */
664        ContentMatcher(CharSequence text, Pattern altPattern)
665        {
666            super(altPattern, text);
667        }
670        /**
671         * Supplies a text to search in/match with.
672         * Resets current search position to zero.
673         *
674         * @param text - a data
675         * @see Matcher#setTarget(Matcher, int)
676         * @see Matcher#setTarget(CharSequence, int, int)
677         * @see Matcher#setTarget(char[], int, int)
678         * @see Matcher#setTarget(Reader, int)
679         */
680        @Override
681        public void setTarget(CharSequence text) {
682            super.setTarget(text);
683        }
685        /**
686         * Supplies a text to search in/match with, as a part of String.
687         * Resets current search position to zero.
688         *
689         * @param text  - a data source
690         * @param start - where the target starts
691         * @param len   - how long is the target
692         * @see Matcher#setTarget(Matcher, int)
693         * @see Matcher#setTarget(CharSequence)
694         * @see Matcher#setTarget(char[], int, int)
695         * @see Matcher#setTarget(Reader, int)
696         */
697        @Override
698        public void setTarget(CharSequence text, int start, int len) {
699            super.setTarget(text, start, len);
700        }
702        /**
703         * Supplies a text to search in/match with, as a part of char array.
704         * Resets current search position to zero.
705         *
706         * @param text  - a data source
707         * @param start - where the target starts
708         * @param len   - how long is the target
709         * @see Matcher#setTarget(Matcher, int)
710         * @see Matcher#setTarget(CharSequence)
711         * @see Matcher#setTarget(CharSequence, int, int)
712         * @see Matcher#setTarget(Reader, int)
713         */
714        @Override
715        public void setTarget(char[] text, int start, int len) {
716            super.setTarget(text, start, len);
717        }
719        /**
720         * Returns true if {@link #find()} has returned true and the found text is a usable String (not some syntax).
721         * If this returns true, you can reasonably get a (possibly empty) String using {@link #getMatch()}.
722         * @return true if there is a usable String found that can be obtained with {@link #getMatch()}
723         */
724        public boolean hasMatch()
725        {
726            return isCaptured(stringId);
727        }
729        /**
730         * Returns the contents of the latest String successfully found with {@link #find()}, without quotation.
731         * You should typically call {@link #hasMatch()} even if find() has returned true, to ensure there is a valid
732         * String that can be acquired (this will return an empty String if hasMatch() returns false, but an empty
733         * String is also potentially a valid result in a successful match, so it should be distinguished).
734         * @return the contents of the latest String successfully found with {@link #find()}
735         */
736        public String getMatch()
737        {
738            return group(stringId);
739        }
740    }