Uses of Class

Packages that use Region 
Package Description
A very broad package containing random number generators, geometry tools, data structures, and noise functions.
  • Uses of Region in squidpony.squidmath

    Methods in squidpony.squidmath that return Region 
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    Region Region.randomSeparated​(int separation, IRNG rng)
    Takes this region and walks through its Coords in chunks with length equal to separation, creating a new Region where one randomly-chosen Coord in each chunk is kept and the others are discarded.
    Region Region.separated​(int separation)
    Takes this region and walks through its Coords in chunks with length equal to separation, creating a new Region where one Coord in each chunk is kept and the others are discarded.
    Constructors in squidpony.squidmath with parameters of type Region 
    Constructor Description
    Region​(Region other)
    A constructor that copies another Region so this Region will have the same contents.