Uses of Class

Packages that use EnumOrderedMap 
Package Description
Utilities that don't fit elsewhere in SquidLib; mostly text manipulation, compression, and helper code.
  • Uses of EnumOrderedMap in squidpony

    Methods in squidpony that return EnumOrderedMap 
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    static <K extends Enum<K>,​ V>
    Makes an empty EnumOrderedMap (EOM); needs key and value types to be specified in order to work.
    static <K extends Enum<?>,​ V>
    Maker.makeEOM​(K k0, V v0, Object... rest)
    Makes an EnumOrderedMap (EOM) with key and value types inferred from the types of k0 and v0, and considers all remaining parameters key-value pairs, casting the Objects at positions 0, 2, 4...