Uses of Class

Packages that use Thesaurus 
Package Description
Utilities that don't fit elsewhere in SquidLib; mostly text manipulation, compression, and helper code.
  • Uses of Thesaurus in squidpony

    Fields in squidpony declared as Thesaurus 
    Modifier and Type Field Description
    static Thesaurus Thesaurus.ORK
    Thesaurus preset that changes all text to sound like this speaker: "Desaurus preset dat changez all text to sound like dis speakah." You may be familiar with a certain sci-fi game that has orks who sound like this.
    Thesaurus ProceduralMessaging.thesaurus  
    Methods in squidpony that return Thesaurus 
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    Thesaurus Thesaurus.addArchivedCategories​(String archive)
    Given an archive String saved by archiveCategories() (probably from another version of SquidLib), this makes the Thesaurus class act like it did in that archive, assuming the rng is seeded the same.
    Thesaurus Thesaurus.addCategory​(String keyword, Collection<String> synonyms)
    Allows this Thesaurus to replace a specific keyword, typically containing multiple backtick characters (`) so it can't be confused with a "real word," with one of the words in synonyms (chosen in shuffled order).
    Thesaurus Thesaurus.addFakeWords()
    Adds a large list of words pre-generated by FakeLanguageGen and hand-picked for fitness, and makes them accessible with a keyword based on the language.
    Thesaurus Thesaurus.addKnownCategories()
    Adds several pre-made categories to this Thesaurus' known categories, but won't cause it to try to replace normal words with synonyms (only categories, which contain backticks in the name).
    Thesaurus Thesaurus.addReplacement​(CharSequence before, String after)  
    Constructors in squidpony with parameters of type Thesaurus 
    Constructor Description
    ProceduralMessaging​(Thesaurus existingThesaurus, NaturalLanguageCipher existingLanguage)